Bulk Sale Advance Notice To Creditors
Bulk Sale Advance Notice To Creditors
Bulk Sale Advance Notice To Creditors
So far as is known to the BUYER, the SELLER has not used any business name and address
other than the above for the last three years, except for:
The debts of the SELLER are not to be paid in full as they come due, or it is unknown whether
the debts of the SELLER will be paid as due.
Dated: ________________________________________
For ________________
To All Creditors, Advanced Notice of Bulk Sale
Review List
This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its
preparation. This notice is written to give prior notice of a bulk transfer; the other notice
appearing is for an after the fact notification. This notice is required by law in one form or the
other. The difference in the forms relates to the timing of the notification.
1. Make multiple copies. Send one to each party. Faxing is ideal since you can get a
receipt from your fax machine.