Applsci 11 04149 v2
Applsci 11 04149 v2
Applsci 11 04149 v2
Analysis of the Frequency Interaction of the Turbine Block in
the Stand for the Magnitude of the Error in Measuring the
Turbine’s Power
Anton Petrochenkov 1, * , Aleksey Sal’nikov 1 , Sergey Bochkarev 1 and Pavel Ilyushin 2
1 Electrical Engineering Faculty, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 614990 Perm, Russia;
[email protected] (A.S.); [email protected] (S.B.)
2 Research and Educational Center for Geology, Oil and Gaz Fields Development, 614990 Perm, Russia;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +7-3422391821
Abstract: An algorithm for constructing a dynamic analysis during the formation of a wave field of
stand for testing turbines and the effect of the frequency interaction of the stand’s elements on the
measurement of its magnitude is described. The research algorithm involves the use of theoretical
solutions of nonlinear wave processes using linear oscillations, refined by experiments. The diagnostic
model can determine the technical condition of the stand’s elements and also determine the causes of
the discrepancies between the calculated and measured turbine power values. To clarify the stiffness
coefficients between the stand’s elements, a modal analysis was used to obtain the range of their
changes depending on the external dynamic load, which made it possible to assess the impact of
changes in the frequency interaction conditions on the turbine power measurement at different test
modes. The conditions for amplifying the amplitude of oscillations at their eigenfrequencies are
Citation: Petrochenkov, A.; Sal’nikov,
obtained, and the value of the possible deviation of the expected power value at its measurement for
A.; Bochkarev, S.; Ilyushin, P. Analysis specific modes of the turbine is calculated. The algorithm allows to estimate the dynamic state of the
of the Frequency Interaction of the stand-in different research modes of turbines and give recommendations for reducing the level of
Turbine Block in the Stand for the frequency interaction.
Magnitude of the Error in Measuring
the Turbine’s Power. Appl. Sci. 2021, Keywords: non-destructive testing; technical diagnostics; eigenfrequency; amplitude-frequency
11, 4149. characteristic; wave field; frequency analysis
1. Introduction
Received: 31 March 2021
Accepted: 21 April 2021
The stringent requirements that are imposed on the quality of generated energy neces-
Published: 1 May 2021
sitate making significant fundamental modifications to existing turbine plant prototypes.
The conditions of a test stand offer the possibility of combining the stages of computer-
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
aided tests, i.e., simulation of the automatic control system, and hardware-in-the loop-tests,
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
i.e., tests of mockups and experimental and pilot prototypes, also using a computer model
published maps and institutional affil- of the power system [1]. During the experimental testing of new and modernized products,
iations. it is important to take into account the influence of external factors, in particular, frequency
interactions with the stand elements caused by vibrations and their influence on the receipt
of measurement information from measuring devices built into the stand equipment. In
addition, vibration processes can cause damage to the stand and measuring devices.
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
To control vibration parameters, various methods and devices are offered. For ex-
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
ample, in work [2], the prediction of bearing failure based on the results of vibration
This article is an open access article
monitoring of bearing assemblies based on the damage accumulation model is considered.
distributed under the terms and In work [3], a model of optimal frequency control of vibration by a formative active exci-
conditions of the Creative Commons tation of indefinite flexible mechanical systems with constant excitation is presented. In
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// work [4], a model of studies of nonlinear analysis of the frequency response of hydrody- namic plain bearings with external disturbances according to the results of monitoring of
4.0/). bearing assemblies is presented.
In work [5], the results of an experimental determination of the dynamic force co-
efficients of a flexible shaft in bearing assemblies are presented. In work [6], the results
of experimental vibration tests of a turbo compressor of a high-speed diesel engine are
presented. In work [7], questions of the influence of nonlinearity in the dynamic analysis of
the machines’ operations are considered; also, the examples of the behavior of their struc-
tures are shown. Work [8] described a micro turbocharger with airfoil bearings for a 100 W
micro-electric power station, and dynamic analysis to improve the dynamic characteristics
of the rotor is given. In work [9], the results of a study of the effect of rotor imbalance in
response (vibration) on its stability in hybrid airfoil bearings are presented.
In paper [10], the technical problems of using the Markov process for managing and
planning the operation of equipment using a servicing strategy relevant to the technical
state are considered. In paper [11], the authors considered the problem of torque pulsation
and its stabilization by means of control for switched reluctance drives. The authors
introduced the method of model predictive control with reduced integration step size in
order to implement precise torque stabilization using pulse width modulation.
The paper [12] presents the experimental results of the combustion diagnosis in the
cylinders of heavy diesel engines with direct injection. In work [13], devices are consid-
ered to improve the accuracy of parameter measurement: For the vibrational movement
of elements of electronic equipment, a three-component measurement method is used.
Additionally, modal impedance curves calculated using the linear perturbation method are
used to predict rotor-dynamic characteristics of the rotor.
The scheme of the information model of provision of multi-aspect diagnostics of
the condition of the electrotechnical complex elements in the standard IDEFlx is given in
paper [14].
In this regard, attention should be paid to transients and the restructuring of the
“product-stand” self-oscillating system; for example, when the power (number of rotations
and other parameters) of the product in the measuring devices of the stand’s modes.
Receiving and studying the correct measurement data is the actual task.
To understand the physical aspects of the dynamic behavior of products, experimental
complexes are developed based on which issues of the product and stand’s dynamic
interaction are investigated. In addition, it is necessary to simultaneously solve the problem
of not only obtaining actual results but also to assess the impact of transients during
the receiving of a new self-oscillating “product-stand” mode. This is a multi-parameter
problem wherein various methods are used to solve, including reducing the dynamic effect
of rotation elements (rotors) [15,16] or due to the think selection of turbine block blades [17]
or integrated approaches [18,19].
However, insufficient attention is being paid to the influence of frequency interactions
with measurement elements embedded in the stand’s equipment since frequency interac-
tion can lead to incorrect results of measuring the output parameters of the equipment
under test at the stand. In this case, it is necessary to study the eigenfrequencies and forced
frequencies of the elements of the stand’s equipment, both with the tested product and
without it. To control the vibration parameters, various means and devices and various
methods for processing vibration signals are offered.
Equally important is the identification of the causes leading to a change in the error of
the attorney measuring devices during stand tests of various mechanical systems [9,20].
This is especially important for units that provide a minimum dispersion of traction
characteristics of various power plants; therefore, strict requirements are imposed on them
to meet the specified power characteristics. Therefore, measuring the actual power of the
turbine of a turbopump unit depending on the speed (number of rotations) of the turbine
allows us to build processes for regulating the operation of the power plant; thereby,
minimizing losses (an increase in the error in measuring the power of the turbine is the
additional mass of fuel for the gas generator to work).
There are quite a lot of works on the actual change in the error when changing the
number of rotations [21], which allows us to take into account when developing the power
thereby, minimizing losses (an increase in the error in measuring the power of the turbine
is the additional mass of fuel for the gas generator to work).
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4149
There are quite a lot of works on the actual change in the error when changing the 3 of 16
number of rotations [21], which allows us to take into account when developing the
power unit operation algorithm both when entering the mode and in control problems
during stand testsunitof the turbine.algorithm both when entering the mode and in control problems during
Stand tests ofstand
testsusually have an electric drive part, which provides loading of
of the turbine.
Stand tests of turbines
the turbine during its tests as part of the stand. usually have an electric
Typically, this is adrive part, which
generator with provides
a speed loading of
the turbine during its tests as part of the stand. Typically,
reduction system (multiplier), which is mounted on the same frame with elements for this is a generator with a speed
reduction system (multiplier), which is mounted on the same frame with elements for
measuring the speed of the turbine and its torque. Consequently, the presence of certain
measuring the speed of the turbine and its torque. Consequently, the presence of certain
structural elements can be based on the works [5,7]. It can be assumed that these elements
structural elements can be based on the works [5,7]. It can be assumed that these elements
of the stand will affect
of the the
standdynamic behavior
will affect of thebehavior
the dynamic stand during turbine
of the stand tests.
during Figure
turbine 1 Figure 1
shows a part of the installation of the stand with a generator and a multiplier, indicating
shows a part of the installation of the stand with a generator and a multiplier, indicating
the points of measurement of measurement
the points of the level of vibration
of the levelduring testing
of vibration and the
during study
testing andofthethe
study of the
modal characteristicsmodalof characteristics
these elements of mounted on a mounted
these elements commonon frame of theframe
a common stand.of the stand.
Figure 1. General
Figure 1.view of the
General installation
view generator
of the installation and frame
generator with with
and frame measuring points.
measuring points.
2. Research Methods
To study the modal frequencies of the test stand and measure the level of vibration,
we used the tuning measuring and vibration analyzer Kamerton [22] with a set of VK 310A
vibration sensors that comply with ISO 8042:1988 [23]. The characteristics of the measuring
device are shown in Table 1.
The eigenfrequencies (modal frequencies) and vibrations of the stand were measured
at the same points (bearing units, mounting units of the stand elements, on the frame and
foundation), which made it possible to conduct a frequency analysis and build a model
of the frequency interaction of the stand elements of the measuring elements (springs)
with the excitation frequencies initiated by the operation of the turbine installed for stand
testing. As an example, to estimate the eigenfrequencies, Table 2 shows the values of the
excitation and response frequencies by which the computational algorithm below was
tested (the selected points No. 10–No. 14 are the key points at which the amplitude-
frequency values of the oscillations at the turbine power measurement unit were obtained
during the experiment).
In the framework of this task, a mathematical model and an automated computational
algorithm for studying the dynamic behavior of a turbine as a part of a stand during
turbine testing were developed, taking into account the frequency interactions of elements
and nodes modal vibrations with the turbine’s rotational frequencies when changing its
operating modes when working on the stand [24,25].
Based on the analysis of the stand’s elements, a range of initial and boundary condi-
tions was selected for the process of mathematical modeling of dynamic changes in the
turbine power during its operation, taking into account the interaction with the stand’s
elements [1,26]. Changes in the dynamics of the stand’s structural elements’ behaviors are
also taken into consideration. The conditions for the occurrence of increased dynamic loads
acting on the stand’s measurement elements are modeled and determined, taking into
account the frequency interactions when changing the turbine speed and measuring power
under the conditions of wave interactions of the stand’s elements and power measurement
unit. Thus, the general task of research is to determine the modal frequencies of the stand,
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4149 5 of 16
their changes when exposed to a load (power load, temperature) within the range of the
measured power, and temperature changes of the gas medium used during the operation
of the turbine (compressed air is used on the stand).
Table 2. Studies of the modal frequencies of the measuring base of the stand “spacers” (points No. 10–No. 14 on the stand).
Table 2. Cont.
In addition, the rotation of the turbine and the power measurement system creates a
certain dynamic effect in the stand’s elements and the stand’s measuring system with a
certain frequency and amplitude, i.e., a number of frequency harmonics, which lead to the
formation of the wave field of the stand when testing the turbine.
The algorithm for determining the eigenfrequencies of the stand’s elements is based
on a mathematical model as a system of discrete masses with elastic-dissipative bonds.
11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 17
A generalization of the design scheme is the introduction of elastic-dissipative bonds
between the non-adjacent masses of the chain [27,28]. Figure 2 shows the stand system
in the form of discrete masses with elastic-dissipative bonds. The following values are
indicated in Figure 2: x1 , . . . , x6 —directions of the possible movement (3 directions are
of longitudinal and torsional vibrations in the horizontal plane to the axis of rotation of
considered); R1 , . . . , R6 —viscosity forces between bodies; G1 , . . . , G6 —inertia forces of
the turbine. bodies; C1 , . . . , C6 —body stiffness forces; ζ (t)—exposure time.
Figure 2. Stand model in the form of six discrete masses with elastic-dissipative bonds: 1—Turbine; 2—Spacer;
Figure 2. Stand model in the form of six discrete masses with elastic-dissipative bonds: 1—Turbine;
3—Measurement system; 4—Multiplier; 5—Generator; 6—Frame with foundation.
2—Spacer; 3—Measurement system; 4—Multiplier; 5—Generator; 6—Frame with foundation.
To determine the eigenfrequencies of the oscillations of the stand’s elements with the
The differential equation
turbine, ofas
as well free
theoscillations in matrix
eigenfrequency form will
of the system have
itself, it isthe form: to obtain matrix
+ Сq = 0 ,
Аq (2)
The modal (free) frequency f of longitudinal vibrations of any element of the stand,
in any direction, as an elastic system is written:
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4149 7 of 16
where T and U are the kinetic and potential vibrational energies in the system; A is the
matrix of inertial coefficients; C is the matrix of quasielastic coefficients; q = (ξ, η, ζ, α, β,
and γ) is the vector characterizing the movement of the body during oscillations in the
directions: ξ and η, which are the indices of longitudinal and torsional vibrations along the
axis of rotation of the turbine; ζ, α are the indices of longitudinal and torsional vibrations
in the vertical plane to the axis of rotation of the turbine; β, γ, and α are the indices of
longitudinal and torsional vibrations in the horizontal plane to the axis of rotation of
the turbine.
The differential equation of free oscillations in matrix form will have the form:
Aq + Cq = 0, (2)
The modal (free) frequency f of longitudinal vibrations of any element of the stand, in
any direction, as an elastic system is written:
c 1/2 1
ω= = , (3)
a ( a f )1/2
where f = s−1 is the unit compliance corresponding to the quasi-elastic coefficient c; a is the
size of the element in the direction of propagation of the elastic wave.
For the stand considered as a system of discrete masses of its elements connected in
a series with a common frame with a foundation (shown in Figure 2), the equations of
eigenfrequencies will be determined by the following matrix:
n n n
2 2 2
1 − ω ∑ 1k k1
f A − ω ∑ 1k k2
f A . . . − ω ∑ 1k k6
f A
k =1 k =1 k =1
n n n
−ω2 ∑ f 2k Ak1 1 − ω2 ∑ f 2k Ak2 . . . −ω2 ∑ f 2k Ak6
k =1 k =1 k =1
. . . . . . . . . . . .
n n n
−ω2 ∑ f 6k Ak1 −ω2 ∑ f 6k Ak2 . . . 1 − ω2 ∑ f 6k Ak6
k =1 k =1 k =1
where k is the number of the body in the stand scheme (according to Figure 2); n is the
number of stand elements.
The general solution of the equation of free (modal) oscillations with the eigenfre-
quency ωa and the natural form va can be written in the form:
q(t) = ∑ va (Ca cos ωa t + Da sin ωa t), (5)
a =1
where Ca and Da are the oscillation amplitudes upon expansion in a Fourier series.
The solution to the differential equation of free oscillations is the expression:
where v is a vector (column matrix) that characterizes the relationship between the general-
ized coordinates, and these are also eigenmodes. χ is the phase angle of the shift between
them, while ω and v must satisfy the matrix expression:
(C − ω2 A)v = 0. (7)
The solution of the differential equation of free vibrations has the form:
C11 − ω2 A C12 − ω2 A12 C13 − ω2 A13 C14 − ω2 A14 C15 − ω2 A15 C16 − ω2 A16
C21 − ω2 A21 C22 − ω2 A22 C23 − ω2 A23 C24 − ω2 A24 C25 − ω2 A251 C26 − ω2 A26
C31 − ω2 A31 C32 − ω2 A32 C33 − ω2 A33 C34 − ω2 A34 C35 − ω2 A35 C36 − ω2 A36
C41 − ω2 A41 C42 − ω2 A42 C43 − ω2 A43 C44 − ω2 A44 C45 − ω2 A45 C46 − ω2 A46
C51 − ω2 A51 C52 − ω2 A52 C53 − ω2 A53 C54 − ω2 A54 C55 − ω2 A55 C56 − ω2 A56
C61 − ω2 A61 C62 − ω2 A62 C63 − ω2 A63 C64 − ω2 A64 C65 − ω2 A65 C66 − ω2 A66
where the serial number of matrix elements corresponds to the number of stand
elements, according to Figure 2.
To simplify the solution of this complex system of equations, it is necessary to divide
it into six subsystems (partial systems). For example, Formula (9) considers only one
coordinate of the stand’s wave processes formation and makes it possible to determine the
eigenfrequencies of the stand’s elements in a given direction. For this, it is necessary to
find the partial frequencies of each element of the system. These frequencies will coincide
with the eigenfrequencies of the stand’s elements system at: A12 = A21 = 0; C12 = C21 = 0:
ωI = A
11 1/2
ωII = A
ωIII = C33
33 1/2 (9)
ωIV = A
C 55
ω V = A
ω = C66 1/2
VI A66
where ωI , ωII , ωIII , ωIV , ωV , and ωVI are the partial frequencies of the components of the
stand’s element base, respectively. Using this method, an algorithm was developed to
find the eigenfrequencies of the stand’s elements by analyzing the four subsystems and
approximating the change in stiffness from the action of the twist torque of the measuring
spring. That allows us to relate the obtained results of the vibration level and frequency
implementations with the conditions of the dynamic interaction of the element base of
the stand with the results of measuring the turbine power when changing the range of
its rotations.
The Equations (1)–(8) show an example of a specific implementation of the theory of
linear vibrations as applied to a real design of the stand for a one-dimensional model in
order to determine the eigenfrequencies of the elements of a coupled system. The whole
algorithm for calculating the eigenfrequencies assumes their determination in two more
directions, which form their own model of the stand for a specific direction with discrete
masses, as in the example, but with different elastic-dissipative bonds. The calculation
algorithm is formed based on generalized coordinates of the three-dimensional model of
the stand, which requires taking the nonlinear spatial-correlation relationships into account,
therefore, a new calculation method.
The conditions for the dynamic interaction of the turbine block with the elements of the
measuring system (the spacer where the spring is installed to measure the realized torque
of the turbine) were identified. The main emphasis in calculating the eigenfrequencies
according to this algorithm was associated with the analysis of their changes when the
directions, which form their own model of the stand for a specific direction with discrete
masses, as in the example, but with different elastic-dissipative bonds. The calculation
algorithm is formed based on generalized coordinates of the three-dimensional model of
the stand, which requires taking the nonlinear spatial-correlation relationships into ac-
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4149
count, therefore, a new calculation method. 9 of 16
The conditions for the dynamic interaction of the turbine block with the elements of
the measuring system (the spacer where the spring is installed to measure the realized
torque of the turbine) were identified. The main emphasis in calculating the eigenfre-
quencies load
external according to this
changes. algorithmthe
Therefore, was associated
stress changes with the analysis
in the connectingof their
nodes changes
of the stand’s
when the external load changes. Therefore, the stress changes in the connecting nodes of
elements, which leads to a change in the stiffness of their joints and the eigenfrequency
the stand’s elements, which leads to a change in the stiffness of their joints and the ei-
(modal frequency) of the structure under consideration and partial frequencies.
genfrequency (modal frequency) of the structure under consideration and partial fre-
With an increase in the external load from the turbine, the partial frequencies also
changeWith previously
an increaselinearly
in the with increasing
external load from stresses in thethe
the turbine, connecting elements.also
partial frequencies In this case,
the algorithm for linearly
calculating − 1
change previously with step supply
increasing (s ) will
stresses in thebeconnecting
determined from Hooke’s
elements. In this linear
case, connecting
the algorithm strains and stresses
for calculating step through
supply (sthe elastic
−1) will modulus of
be determined theHooke’s
from material of the
connecting elements,strains
linear law, connecting whichandcan significantly
stresses through simplify
the elasticthe algorithm
modulus of the for calculating
material of the
modal frequencies
the connecting of each
elements, of the
which can stand elements,
significantly according
simplify to Figure
the algorithm for 2, for any range of
the modalinfrequencies
changes the number of each of the stand
of rotations elements,
of the turbine, according to Figure 2, for
and, consequently, its any range
of changes in the number of rotations of the turbine, and, consequently, its power.
3. Results
3. Results
The results of the frequency analysis of the modal characteristics of the stand were
verified results of the frequency
to the results analysis of theanalysis
of the modal modal characteristics
performed on ofthe
stand were
For example,
verified according to the results of the modal analysis performed on the stand. For ex-
Figure 3 shows a general view of the multiplier with measuring points; Figures 4 and 5
ample, Figure 3 shows a general view of the multiplier with measuring points; Figures 4
show the spacer of the stand (element No. 2, according to Figure 2) with measuring points
and 5 show the spacer of the stand (element No. 2, according to Figure 2) with measuring
(structural elements for installing the turbine power measurement unit).
points (structural elements for installing the turbine power measurement unit).
Figure 4.
Figure 4. General
General view
view of the spacer
of the spacer with
with measuring
measuring points.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4149 10 of 16
Figure 5.
5. General
General view
view of
of the
the spacer
spacer with
with frame.
A comparison of of the
the results
analysisofof the
the unloaded
unloaded stand
stand conducted
conducted on
its element
on its elementbasebase
(Figure 2) and
(Figure 2) fitting the above
and fitting algorithm
the above to the experimental
algorithm frequencies
to the experimental fre-
made it possible
quencies made ittopossible
refine the to matrix of quasielastic
refine the coefficients C
matrix of quasielastic at zero load
coefficients C (unit compli-
at zero load
ance compliance
(unit was determined from the tightening
was determined from the conditions
tightening of the mounting
conditions of the bolts of thebolts
mounting spacer
the the turbine
with the block and unit
turbine blockof the
unit of torque measurement
the turbine system). Thissystem).
torque measurement made it
This made to itpredict a change
possible in the
to predict matrix of
a change in quasielastic
the matrix of elements depending
quasielastic elementson depend-
the load
ing on theonload
the stand’s
realized loading
on thedevice
stand’sfrom the generator
loading through
device from the multiplier,
the generator directly
through the
on the measuring spring used as a turbine power sensor.
multiplier, directly on the measuring spring used as a turbine power sensor.
Knowing the range of the percentage change in the spring stiffness coefficient (the
eigenfrequencies of the spring grow almost linearly from the value of the applied torque
since the stress, and the value of the spring angle of the spring increase linearly because the
measuring element operates in the elastic zone of deformation—twisting, and, therefore,
its torsional eigenfrequencies, i.e., oscillations, occur in the elastic strain zone), it can be
assumed that the eigenfrequencies of the stand’s elements change with the same linear
dependence, according to the realized turbine power (Hooke’s linear law).
Then, this algorithm allows us to connect the changing eigenfrequencies of the spring
with the harmonic frequencies when the turbine rotates, and its speed and torque are
realized by the turbine through the loading device, taking into account measurements of
the vibration level on non-rotating stand elements (stator) through the transfer function
from the spring to the vibration measurement point on the housing of the stand’s elements.
Consequently, it becomes possible to clarify the actual power of the turbine due
to the frequency interaction of the changing modal frequencies of the spring with the
rotational frequencies of the turbine, which forms distinctive indications of the power
of the turbine during the turbine research with the calculated ones. The magnitude of
the discrepancy in the measurement of the torque when determining the power of the
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4149 11 of 16
turbine will be determined through the coefficient of dynamism in the frequency interaction
of eigenfrequencies and forced frequencies (frequencies associated with the number of
rotations of the turbine):
η = s , (10)
2 2 ω 2
1− ω + 4ξk ω2k
h h
where ωk is the spring eigenfrequency; ωh is the reverse (harmonic) frequency of the gas
of rotation of the turbine; ξk is the coefficient determining losses in the spring material. In
this case, it is necessary to find frequencies close to each other in the frequency domain:
ωk n
0.85 ≥ ≤ 1.15, (11)
ωh m
where n and m are integers from 1 to 8 (eighth mode). Sorting frequencies above 8 harmonics
does not make sense since the energy of the frequency interaction at high frequencies is
insignificant; however, even if the frequency difference is more than 15%, the effect on the
error of the frequency interaction also gives a slight error.
Figure 6. Vibration accelerations spectrum in the vertical direction on the bearing assembly of the turbine torque measure-
Figure 6. Vibration accelerations spectrum in the vertical direction on the bearing assembly of the
ment system’s spring at a speed of 8500 rpm.
turbine torque measurement system’s spring at a speed of 8500 rpm.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4149 12 of 16
Figure 6. Vibration accelerations spectrum in the vertical direction on the bearing assembly of the
turbine torque measurement system’s spring at a speed of 8500 rpm.
accelerations spectrum
spectrum inin the vertical direction
the vertical direction on
urement system’s
ment system’s spring
spring at at a speed
a speed of of 12,000
12,000 rpm.
example,the theeigenfrequency
frequency is 141.6
141.6 Hz
Hz(at (atturbine
turbine speed
speed of 8500
of 8500 rpm),rpm), which
which is close
is close to theto the
harmonic harmonic
of the of the external
external influence influence on the(4th
on the spring spring (4th harmonic
harmonic is 566.5 Hz).is 566.5 Hz).
taking into taking intothe
account account the possibility
possibility of frequency of frequency
interaction interaction
the torsiontheeigenfre-
eigenfrequencies of theand
quencies of the spring spring
the and the rotating
rotating frequencies,frequencies, the amplitude
the amplitude of the
of the partial partial
at the measuring point (bearing) 2 . The amplitude
frequency at the measuring point on the spacer
(bearing) on theincreases
4.378 µm/sto 4.378 μm/s2. The
square value
amplitude (ASV)
square is 3.67
value mm/s.
(ASV) is 3.67 mm/s.
Increasing theturbine
speedtoto12,00012,000rpm rpm(Figure
(Figure7), 7),which
correspondstotoa afre-fre-
quency of dynamic action
actionofof200200Hz, Hz,thetheconditions
conditions for the
for frequency
the frequencyinteraction of spring
interaction of
vibrations change. It leads to a decrease in the amplitude of vibration
spring vibrations change. It leads to a decrease in the amplitude of vibration acceleration acceleration on
the spacer bearing at a frequency that is
on the spacer bearing at a frequency that is a multiple a multiple of the eigenfrequency of the
eigenfrequency of the spring spring
µm/s 2 . If the amplitude of oscillations in vibration velocity
bending 2. If the amplitude of oscillations in vibration velocity
atata afrequency
rotations ofof 8500
8500 rpmrpmwaswas 0.163
0.163 mm/s.
mm/s. With With an increase
an increase in
in the number of rotations to 12,000 rpm, causing an increase in turbine power at a fre-
quency of 200 Hz, the amplitude in vibration velocity increased to 0.323 mm/s. The ASV is
4.65 mm/s.
Consequently, the energy of oscillatory processes in the stand has grown, but the
frequency palette of its wave field has changed. This confirms the wave restructuring of the
oscillatory processes of the stand’s elements, i.e., the amplitude-frequency characteristics
change in the process of changing the turbine operation parameters (visual proof when
comparing the vibration acceleration spectra shown in Figures 6 and 7). Such changes in
the frequency-amplitude field of the stand are characteristic for all directions of vibration
measurement (measurement was carried out in the horizontal and vertical planes and the
axial direction). Simultaneous processing of the vibration signal in three directions in time
allows us to get the trajectory of the precession of the axis of rotation of the spring when
measuring the torque and power of the turbine when changing its speed. Therefore, by
analyzing one of the components of the vibration field, it is possible to qualitatively assess
the change in other parameters of the manifestation of vibrations, including the change
in torsional vibrations of the spring, which form the torque measurement at this moment
in time.
A comparison of the frequency spectra when the turbine rotational speed changes on
the spacer’s bearing units shows that the stand’s structural elements change the energy of
the spacer vibrations quite significantly; therefore, the dynamic interaction between the
measuring system of the stand and the spring vibrations, which can significantly affect
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4149 13 of 16
the accuracy of measuring the turbine power, not only during transients but also in the
steady-state during the formation of a new level of self-oscillation mode of the turbine’s
torsional vibrations and changing the spring’s modal vibrations.
If the discrepancy between the results of measuring the turbine power at 8500 rpm
was 18%, then taking into account the frequency interaction according to Formula (10) for
this mode, it is 4.3%, respectively. The discrepancy between the measured turbine power at
12,000 rpm and its calculated value is 15% for these speeds, respectively, and taking into
account the conversion of 5.6%. Thus, the influence of frequency interaction as applied to a
particular stand design allows one to take into account its influence on the results of the
actual value of the measured turbine power.
When using the algorithm for calculating the eigenvibrations of an element of this
stand with a change in the mass-rigid characteristics of its elements (in particular, changes
in the design of the measuring unit (spacers) cause an increase in the mass of the bearing
units by 10%), the calculated value of the measured torque, taking into account the influence
of frequency interaction, decreased to 3%.
Appl. Sci.
Sci. 2021,
2021, 11,
11, xx FOR
REVIEW The results of evaluating the frequency indicators of the installation
14 of
of 17
17 elements based
on the measurement data at the corresponding points are shown in Figures 8–11.
Figure 8. Change in the forced frequency on the electric motor, depending on the frequency of
Figure 8.
8. Change
Change in
in the
the forced
forced frequency
frequency on
on the
the electric
electric motor,
motor, depending
depending on
on the
the frequency
frequency of
of ro-
tation of
of the
of the turbine
the turbine
turbine (measuring
(measuring point
point No.
point No. 1).
No. 1).
Figure 9. Change in the forced frequency on the spacer depending on the speed of the turbine
Figure 9.
9. Change
Change in
in the
the forced
forced frequency
frequency on
on the
the spacer
spacer depending
depending on
on the
the speed
speed of
of the
the turbine
(measuring points
(measuring points
points No.
No. 11
11 and
and No.
No. 13).
No. 13).
The spacer
spacer frame
frame inin the
the vertical
vertical direction
direction slightly
slightly reduces
reduces the
the level
level of
of vibration.
vibration. At
13,700 rpm,
rpm, the
the measurement
measurement cutscuts off
off due
due to
to the
the high
high level
level of
of vibration
vibration at
at the
the measure-
ment point
point (Figure
(Figure 11).
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 17
Appl. Sci.2021, 11,x 4149
2021,11, FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 17 14 of 16
Figure 10. 10. Change
Change in theinforced
the forced frequency
frequency on the on the depending
spacer spacer depending on the
on the speed speed
of the of the turbine
Figure 10. Change
(measuringpoint inNo.
point the
17). frequency on the spacer depending on the speed of the turbine
(measuring point No. 17).
Figure 11. Change in the forced frequency on the spacer frame depending on the speed of the turbine
Figure 11. Change in the forced frequency on the spacer frame depending on the speed of the tur-
Figure point
11. Change inNo.
the 28). frequency on the spacer frame depending on the speed of the tur-
bine (measuring point No.forced
bine (measuring point No. 28).
An analysis of the data in Figure 8 shows that the axial component in frequency
5. Discussion
5. increases
Discussion with the increasing speed of the turbine. Significant damping by the stand system
The conducted
is observed in thefrequency analysis,
range of shell taking into
frequencies fromaccount
14,000 the
to change
16,000 in the eigenfre-
The of
quencies conducted
the frequency
structural analysis,
elements of the taking
stand, into account
evaluates thethe change
actual value in the
meas-a rigid
quencies Atofa the
structural of elements
8000 to 11,000of the rpm,
stand, the frame structure
evaluates the actual does
value not provide
when meas-
uring the
fixation power
of the of of the tested
multiplier. turbine
A in
significant a certain
increaserange of
in of working
frequency frequencies.
at rotations of Addi-
12,000 to
tionally,the power
the analysis the tested
evaluates turbine
the in a
structure certain
of the range
dynamic working frequencies.
interaction of the Addi-
15,000 rpm
tionally, the is associated
analysis with
evaluates the the conditions
structure of for the dynamic
the dynamic interaction
interaction of the coupling
of the stand’s
joints ofand,
the having
multiplier determined
with the the
spacerpossible frequency
measuring ranges
element of the
(shaft interaction
eigenfrequencies of ei-
lie in the
elements and, having
genfrequencies and workingdetermined the possible
frequencies with the frequency ranges upgrades,
help of certain of the interaction of ei-
range of
genfrequencies rotating frequencies).
and working frequencies with thepower
help of certain upgrades, significantly
reduces the discrepancy between the measured and the actual (calculated) one;
reduces Onthethe spacer at measuring
discrepancy between thepoints
measured No. power
11, No.and 13,the
No. 17, the sameone;
(calculated) dynamic
thereby, solving the problem of controlling the operation of the turbine as part of a power
thereby, of the
solving theshaft
problemwithofthe measuring
controlling thesystem
operationis noted
of the(Figures
turbine as 9 and
part 10).
of a power
The spacer frame in the vertical direction slightly reduces the level of vibration. At
13,700 rpm, the measurement cuts off due to the high level of vibration at the measurement
point (Figure 11).
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4149 15 of 16
5. Discussion
The conducted frequency analysis, taking into account the change in the eigenfrequen-
cies of the structural elements of the stand, evaluates the actual value when measuring
the power of the tested turbine in a certain range of working frequencies. Additionally,
the analysis evaluates the structure of the dynamic interaction of the stand’s elements and,
having determined the possible frequency ranges of the interaction of eigenfrequencies
and working frequencies with the help of certain upgrades, significantly reduces the dis-
crepancy between the measured power and the actual (calculated) one; thereby, solving the
problem of controlling the operation of the turbine as part of a power plant. In addition,
the frequency analysis allows us to solve the problem of increasing the reliability and
increasing the resource of using stand equipment.
6. Conclusions
A mathematical apparatus based on point masses has been developed for a stand to
verify the operability of turbines of various powers in power plants. Using the procedure for
studying the modal characteristics of stand equipment, we obtained the correct quasielastic
coefficients for calculating the eigenfrequencies of the nodes and stand’s elements and
determined their variation in the load value acting on the structure when testing the
turbine in various modes without taking into account the influence of temperature changes
during testing.
The conditions for amplifying the amplitude of oscillations at eigenfrequencies are
obtained, and the value of the possible discrepancy between the measured power results
and the calculated (expected) results when measuring power for specific modes (cycles) of
turbine operation is calculated. It is shown that taking into account the frequency inter-
action between the eigenfrequencies and rotating frequencies of the power measurement
elements reduces the difference in the power measurement from 15% in the entire range of
the studied turbine rotations to an acceptable maximum value of 3%.
The developed mathematical algorithm makes it possible to assess the dynamic state
of the stand at different turbine research modes and give recommendations for reducing
the level of frequency interaction; therefore, reducing dynamic loads on the stand base,
increasing the reliability of the stand and, as a result, increasing the duration of its use
without attracting additional material costs.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.P. and A.S.; methodology, A.S.; software, A.S.; vali-
dation, S.B. and P.I.; formal analysis, A.P., S.B. and A.S.; writing—original draft preparation, A.P.;
writing—review and editing, A.P. and A.S.; visualization, S.B.; supervision, A.P. and A.S. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was carried out with financial support from the Russian Ministry of Educa-
tion and Science in the framework of scientific projects carried out by teams of research centers and
scientific laboratories of educational institutions of higher education, subordinate to the Ministry of
Education and Science of Russia (project 8.4157.2017/4.6/3305 “Development, design and manufac-
ture of a prototype universal stand for model tests of a turbine of promising engines”). This research
also was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
of the Russian Federation in the framework of the program of activities of the Perm Scientific and
Educational Center “Rational Subsoil Use.”
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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