Seminar Presentation
Seminar Presentation
Seminar Presentation
Human freedom is very prominent topic in the philosophy. Its significance is
identified many of the modern philosophers. Five of the brothers presented their Term
Papers on different topics but based on theme human freedom. Bro Jomal Paul
presented his paper on “Satre’s philosophy of existential freedom”. Bro Raymond
Kisku presented his paper on “Democracy Enhance Human Freedom.” Bro Kornelius
Marandi presented his paper on “Concept of Human person according to Teilhard
Chardin.” Bro Anit presented his paper on the topic “Concept of Karl Marx.” Bro
Sisira presented his paper on “Duty for Duty Sake: a Kantian Understanding of Ethics
and Freedom.”
4. Concept of Human Person According to Teilhard Chardin- by Bro
Teilhard has emphasized on Justice in his theory of relationship between individuals
and society. Justice is core for the realization of harmony in a shared life. Love
become the core vital element in relationship between individual and society. Teilhard
said that every humans aim is to reach the Omega Point i.e. God. One can reach
omega point only when he/she has justice and love towards the earth, society, science
and religion. He/she should be in communion with these all.
The Term papers presented by brothers enlightened me about the concept of human
freedom dealt in philosophy of different philosophers. I heard the name of Teilhard for
the first time. The understanding which I got through these term papers is that these
philosophers know the value of human beings in this world, thus they have tried to
search for the meaning of life through their philosophies.