CY - Godnet
CY - Godnet
CY - Godnet
is connected to the GodNet, at least to a degree. And
almost all devices have electronics. As members of
La Résistance say, "Votre grille-pain vous écoute," or
"Your toaster is listening."
The GodNet feels bright, and shiny, and good.
It’s a place to gather together to work, worship,
and in those brief periods of downtime, to relax.
Many people access the GodNet via TempTrodes,
but those with sufficiently high Piety Scores are
granted the blessing of a neural jack. Those who
"commune" directly truly experience the GodNet
in all its glory. They experience the virtual reality
with a clarity they simply cannot experience in the
Flesh, and it feels like a religious experience every
time they log in. In fact, sanctioned neural jacks
activate the pleasure centers of the brain in exactly
the same manner. Accessing the GodNet through
sanctioned jacks means it’s literally addicting, and
it doesn’t take much exposure for people to feel
withdrawal when they haven’t logged in.
The GodNet is the primary source of a layperson’s
knowledge of the world, as people rely on the Truth
as told by the Church. However, the Truth is not
as the masses believe. Knowledge, once gathered
in the GodNet cannot be erased, but is instead
locked up in Reliquaries, and the Resistance, the
Delphi Council, and independent hackers believe
it is crucial that information be set free, and this
is the way Malraux and the Church can finally be
The age of the GodNet is three score and ten.
Only a small portion of the masses remember the
Cyberpapacy before the GodNet arrived, and even
most of those people have convinced themselves
the GodNet has existed almost since the Cyberpope
was elected. Computers and cybernetics existed,
but computer networks were basic and reliant
on otherwise primitive technology, including Then one day, the famous decker, Crashdown,
hardlines. Bandwidth was low. "High speed" didn’t broke into a Reliquary and discovered the truth
exist as a concept. Nor were electronic devices about Malraux: that he had allied with something
interconnected in the slightest. Then, according to called a "Darkness Device," and the decker revealed
the Malraux Bible, the Cyberpope miraculously that fact to the entire cosm, transmitting it through
created the GodNet. everyone’s neural jack or TempTrodes.
Nodder groups slowly developed and flourished
FAMOUS DECKERS over the past 20 years, but the age of the solo
decker was over. Security in the GodNet is too
Aleena: Aleena was a decker who rose quick and too powerful for lone deckers to attempt
quickly to prominence, and then her light was to hack into Reliquaries and other constructs by
extinguished all too early. She based her avatar themselves.
on an Ayslish, mace-wielding cleric, but soon
after arriving on the scene, she was killed by an
infamous warlock by the name of [[CENSORED
BY THE CYBERCHURCH]]. Current status:
Deceased. Although it appears to be no different than "real
Crashdown: Revealed that Malraux was a life" the GodNet actually consists of a variety of
"High Lord" who had allied himself with an digital structures.
evil power called a "Darkness Device." Current
status: Missing. SECTORS
Santiago: Santiago had conducted, along with The base GodNet region is called a sector. Sectors
his nodding group, many raids on Reliquaries in the Promised Land roughly correspond to
and other Church targets when he was finally physical locations in the Flesh, while those on
caught and interrogated by Inquisitors. the Mountain are entirely virtual. Sectors can
Although he was killed during interrogation, vary in size, from small villages to metropolitan
a group of Storm Knights rescued his soul and neighborhoods. The Mountain and the Sphere of
prevented it from entering Purgatory. Now Heaven are always visible from all sectors. The
he appears occasionally in the GodNet when Land of Nod is effectively a giant sector, but only
most needed, and even occasionally goes holo. because there isn’t a better way to categorize it.
Current status: AngelBait. Sectors that correspond to physical locations have
Switch: This genderfluid decker was a former a similar appearance, and in fact this appearance in
movie star and was most known for appearing the GodNet is transmitted to the Flesh as holograms,
as whatever gender they were on that particular covering up their true appearance. Structures in
run. Switch has not been seen in several months, the GodNet have their religious iconography and
but there is no indication they were killed architecture amped up to 11.
or captured by the Church. Current Status: Every sector contains at least one Holy Exchange,
Missing. represented by a cathedral or church, which is the
sanctioned entrance and exit node.
The "exterior" of a sector is called the boulevard,
Even though the GodNet allowed the Cyberpapacy and constructs are connected to the boulevard
to clench their fist of control harder, one important through nodes.
property of the GodNet allowed resistance cells
to squeeze through their fingers: communication. DATAPATHS
The network provided an opportunity for people Datapaths connect the various sectors and act as
to coordinate over long distances, even among the connection between the Holy Exchanges and
strangers. Although the Law of Suspicion makes access points in the Flesh. Avatars travel along
it difficult for individuals or cells to trust each them by accessing transfer nodes or entrance and
other, the ability to communicate and coordinate exit nodes (see page 62) when jacking in or out.
virtually, over large distances, meant people could Datapaths go directly from sector to sector, but a
do so with more anonymity—and greater safety— person only materializes within a sector Exchange
than in the Flesh. if that is their final destination.
Map of the GodNet
Passage between sectors takes only a few seconds, that are shut down maintain their presence and
but on occasion agents of the Church (or other appearance both within the GodNet and the Flesh.
powerful malevolent entities) can pursue the Every construct consists of one or more nodes,
nodder into the datapath (see page 131). which may be secured or unsecured. The first
of these nodes connects the local sector to the
CONSTRUCTS construct.
Constructs are the "buildings" of the GodNet. They
are literally represented as structures within the CELLS
GodNet. Every sector has many constructs, and Cells are "rooms" located within constructs. These
most of these are sanctioned by the Church and act can have a variety of appearances from simple
as gathering places and markets. boxes to elaborate rooms to massive vaults within
Sanctioned constructs are more transient than cathedrals. Cells are connected to other cells or the
those run by the Church. Often the locations are construct’s sector by nodes.
repurposed at different times by different people,
and the sudden disappearance of sanctioned SYSTEMS
constructs is not viewed as unusual (though often
these constructs are shut down or repurposed Systems are any object that interfaces with the
because those who "own" them have been GodNet or stores data. Examples include terminals,
disappeared by the Church). Sanctioned constructs storage cells, and security systems.
further beyond any villages, but wayside shrines
MANIPULATING THE are fairly common.
All of these access points connect to the local Holy
ENVIRONMENT Exchange, which is almost always located within
the local church or cathedral. From here a person
The GodNet, excluding the Land of Nod, is
can travel anywhere within the GodNet—subject
the domain of Ebenuscrux and the Church,
to authorization or Piety Score (see page 13).
and they are fully capable of manipulating
the environment. However, they are not
omnipotent or omniscient, and while the NODES
surveillance capabilities in the GodNet are even Nodes are access points that connect sectors,
more extensive than in the Flesh, there are still constructs, and cells. Nodes are physically
a limited number of eyes that can watch the represented in the GodNet by either an object or a
incoming reports. Even then Ebenuscrux usually passageway.
has its attention elsewhere, monitoring the stelae
Access Node: A secured or unsecured node that
network rather than the GodNet. Still, once the
acts as the interface between the sector and a
eyes of the Church are on a particular sector,
the danger to nodders increases exponentially,
and once heretics are located, jackpriests, Host, Entrance Nodes: These are locations within the
and worse, Babel Monitors, are directed into GodNet and allow a person’s consciousness and
that sector. Unless the nodders flee, they will soul to enter the network. Sanctioned entrance nodes
soon be captured or worse. If Ebenuscrux itself materialize the character in the Holy Exchange, but
becomes interested, it is entirely willing to lend deckers can create temporary entrance nodes in
its skills to reality-rated Church agents pursuing areas outside the Church’s constant surveillance,
the Storm Knights (see Darkness Devices in within and near Digital Churches. Deckers can
Torg Eternity). also create an entrance node in a specific location,
though this may cause a blip (see page 65). Jacking
into a construct is only possible if the decker jacks
in from the location in the Flesh that the construct
ACCESS POINTS corresponds to. This is frequently a very dangerous
To commune or jack into the GodNet requires action, but is the only way to access Reliquaries
a Wi-Fi or hardline access point. Access points (see page 69).
are ubiquitous throughout the Flesh, and it’s Exit Nodes: These are locations within the GodNet
highly unusual for a location to not have at least that allow a person to return to the Flesh. The only
a wireless access point. Even homes where none sanctioned exit nodes are located within Holy
of the inhabitants have neural jacks have direct Exchanges and are represented by the kneelers
access points. Wireless access points have a short in front of the church altar. If all the kneelers are
range, usually only within a particular room. In a currently in use, the supplicant must wait for one
church that range can encompass anywhere within to become free (unless they are Blessed which
chancel at the front of the church where services allows them to ‘jump the queue’), which can take
are conducted, or the nave where the pews are some time as worshipers can spend some time
located. Direct access points are frequently located in prayer. Alternately, deckers can create an exit
within altars, prayer desks, or the back of pews, node from the wayside and garden shrines that
though there is no Church law that requires this. are fairly common in sectors outside of constructs.
The Church wants its flock to access the GodNet This requires a cyberdeck program. Cyberwitches
easily. That is, except for those cases where secrets can create an exit node out of nearly any object by
are meant to be kept. casting a spell.
Access points are more widely distributed in Secured Nodes: Secured nodes are basic nodes that
the wilderness. Wi-Fi signals rarely extend much need some sort of code, requirement, or hacking in
order to pass through. Unlike unsecured nodes, signal and have the information relayed directly to
secured ones feature an inky blackness suspended the brain (though this still seems like the Word of
at the point of transfer (such as a doorway). Often God—you "hear" it in your mind).
secured nodes are locked and require a computers Accessing constructs or sectors within the
test to pass (see page 67). Some secured nodes have GodNet, or transmitting your image remotely
high levels of security and require a Dramatic Skill via a hologram, requires directly jacking in or
Resolution to pass them if the nodder is pressed communing with the GodNet. This requires either
for time. TempTrodes or a neural jack and an access point.
Transfer Nodes: Transfer nodes allow the person Entering the GodNet without the Church being
to transfer their consciousness from one sector to aware, and going on a "nodderung," requires at
another. These are often represented by wayside least one member of the nodder group to use a
shrine, and they are activated by a prayer to be cyberdeck. A decker does not absolutely require
transferred to the desired location. A beam of the Custom Cyberdeck Perk but can purchase a
white light shoots from the sky and the supplicant First Seal cyberdeck which provides basic decking
dematerializes and reappears in the new sector, functions.
hearing an audible "whoosh" sound.
Cyberwitches can temporarily enchant any large
object to act as a transfer node by casting create
TempTrodes are fragile looking devices which rest
node. Like exit nodes, creating a transfer node takes
on a user’s head, and circular electrodes gently
grip the temples. TempTrodes allow access to the
Unsecured Nodes: These nodes allow free GodNet without requiring a neural jack, either
movement through them, and a person in one through a sanctioned login or a cyberdeck. Signals
cell can see into the adjacent cell. Passing through are transferred via Wi-Fi. Logging into the GodNet
unsecured nodes does not cause a blip. If the requires close proximity to a wireless access point
surveillance level in the sector has been raised to or a connected cyberdeck.
Alert (see page 65), unsecured nodes may become
Simple data transfer through the GodNet, such as
secured without warning.
making information inquiries, contacting others,
doesn’t require as close a proximity. Being within
NODDING one kilometer of a settlement or structure suffices.
It’s only really going into the wilderness that truly
Nodding is a term created by Cyberpapal deckers cuts one off from the GodNet.
to describe hacking runs within the GodNet. It was
Although flockers use sanctioned TempTrodes
coined based on the biblical Land of Nod which
to commune into the GodNet, those who become
lay outside the Garden of Eden. Nodders include
Blessed nearly always accept the gift of a neural
not only the decker heading the mission but also
jack, in order to fully experience the grandeur of
her companions, who are often as important to the
the system.
success of the mission as the decker is.
Nodders cheat and instead can create an entrance
TRANSGENDER node using a cyberdeck. The Law of Suspicion
limits widespread cooperation between deckers,
AVATARS but catalogues of safe locations to create entrance
nodes are maintained and can be acquired, though
Transgender individuals who jack into the
it can be difficult to find a trusted source.
GodNet do not necessarily appear as they do in
the Flesh. Entering the GodNet undetected is a basic
function of a cyberdeck, and a test is unnecessary.
When someone who is transgender transcends
The nodders simply appear in a random hidden
and becomes reality-rated they transform to
location. However, if nodders want to appear
the best example of themselves, matching their
in a specific location in a sector, a computers test
residual self image. Thus they appear the same
must also be made against the sector surveillance
in the GodNet.
level (see page 65). Those who choose not to risk
Transgender Ords and those who are agender triggering a blip and do not create their own
or non-binary appear according to their residual entrance node appear in the Holy Exchange (see
self-image, which could change over time for page 60).
those who are genderfluid.
Jacking into a construct directly (a.k.a
"crackerjacking") is possible only when the
character is physically in the Flesh in the structure
the construct represents, and involves hacking the
riDealongS construct’s access node (see page 62).
Most nodders "ridealong" with a decker when The GodNet is a Cyberpapacy Pure Zone no
going on a nodderrung. Jacking in this way allows matter what location the nodders have jacked in
a nodder to act without penalty, but they are not from.
strictly tethered to their decker. Ridealongs still
need to use exit and transfer nodes individually,
and if their decker is turned into AngelBait, they AVATARS
can still try to escape themselves. A person’s soul literally transfers to the GodNet
when they log in, leaving their body (or "deadhead")
DeaDheaDS behind. A person’s representation in the GodNet
While jacked into the GodNet, a person’s body, is their avatar, its appearance is who he believes
or deadhead, is inert, as if asleep, but cannot be he is deep inside (their "residual self-image"), not
woken until her consciousness returns to her necessarily who they wish to be. Logging into the
body. Nodders who expect they will be going on GodNet reveals your soul to the world.
an extended run (generally 8 hours or more) take
precautions such as hooking up IV drips and Most people do appear essentially identical to
catheters to deal with "bodily functions." how they look in the Flesh—scars and everything.
If they’re strong in the Flesh, they’re strong in the
If a nodder’s deadhead is killed while her soul is GodNet. Their clothing and any equipment is
in the GodNet, her soul remains there, unable to that with which they logged in. More bizarrely, if
jack out. consumables, such as ammunition or potions, are
used, or objects are lost in the GodNet, that fact
JACKING IN is reflected in the Flesh as well. Exactly how this
Nodders find logging into the GodNet in areas works is a mystery—miraculous even.
that are surveilled inconvenient at best, dangerous Weapons, armor, and other equipment appear
at worst. No matter where they want to go in the as they do in the Flesh. However some deckers
GodNet, flockers are forced to log into the local are capable of 'reskinning' weapons and armor to
Holy Exchange, which is heavily surveilled. appear to be other types, but still function normally.
Except with respect to Reliquaries (see page 96),
any items acquired within the GodNet do not ALERT LEVEL
manifest in the Flesh.
Those who achieve Blessed or Anointed status When a sector’s surveillance level rises to Alert
can select slight alterations to their avatar, such as the following events occur:
removing blemishes or making their gray hair its • The scene becomes Dramatic.
original color. • The sector is locked down. Nodders can
only jack out or transfer to another sector
DiSguiSeS by going through a Holy Exchange (which
Logging into the GodNet washes mundane involves fighting through Church forces)
deceptions (self-inflicted or intentional) away. Even or by creating a node with a program or
a disguise artist will only log in with their clothes... spell at an access point. This requires a
but not any cosmetic changes they’ve made. If they Dramatic Skill Resolution.
wish to disguise themselves, they’ll need to do so • Church agents are sent to deal with the
within the GodNet itself. Image inducers (see page interlopers.
74) don’t function at all in the GodNet.
However, this revealing effect has limits. Deckers
with the proper programs, as well as spellcasters
with the disguise spell, can change their avatar’s Each Blip raises the sector surveillance level by
appearance while within the GodNet. Additionally, one.
supernatural beings from Orrorsh or Aysle, who
are tainted by Corruption or Darkness, who jack SurVeillance leVelS
into the GodNet still keep their dark secrets hidden. Each sector has its own surveillance level, but
if nodders flee into another sector and Church
SECTOR SURVEILLANCE agents are able to pursue, the new sector’s level is
automatically set at Alert.
Those jacked into the GodNet observe there are
aren’t as many security cameras as some would The sector surveillance DN varies depending on
think. That’s because the Church doesn’t need what level of vigilance jackpriests are undertaking:
them, since every flocker connected to the GodNet • Baseline (DN 10): Surveillance is never reduced
through sanctioned hardware is part of the below a standard baseline, even in areas the
surveillance system. Their eyes are the Church’s Church considers safe. Just because you’re a
eyes. The Church hears everything through their member of the Church doesn’t mean someone
ears. isn’t watching.
Whenever a nodder attempts to do something • Guarded (DN 12): When a blip is detected,
sneaky, without attracting the attention of the automatic monitors surveill the location more
Church, he must make a stealth if the nodder is closely.
physically trying to sneak, or computers if she is • Elevated (DN 14): Additional resources are
trying to access a system without tipping off the tasked for automatic monitoring.
Church. The result depends on the Success Level:
• High (DN 16): An incursion is confirmed, but
• Mishap: Triggers two blips and the next test the location is unknown. Jackpriests augment
against sector surveillance is Disfavored. the search.
• Fail: Triggers two blips. • Alert (contest): The nodders are identified and
• Standard Success: Triggers one blip. their location within the GodNet is pinpointed
• Good Success: No blips are triggered. (see sidebar).
• Outstanding Success: The sector surveillance If a nodder encounters Church forces and
level is decreased one step. combat erupts, and if the Church forces are able to
HACKING DIFFICULTY time in the goDnet
The passage of time within the GodNet takes
DN Target place at exactly the same rate as in the Flesh.
8 Private cell Although computers are capable of computations
10 Standard cell, or transfer to Land of Nod. at immense speeds, there is a physical limit to how
12 Hologram emitter fast a computer chip can compute before the heat
generated by those computations degrades the
14 High security cell, hard hologram emitter
physical substance of the chip. This limit is hit at
16 Reliquary or Babel Central cell Tech 23.
18 High security cell in Babel Central
Further advancements of computer technology
20 Reliquary Vault, Host hologram emitter focus on parallel computation, sensory processing,
and interfacing with organic minds. As such, even
communicate with Babel Central, the surveillance for artificial intelligences, the speed of thought
level is automatically raised to Alert. has a limit, and that limit is what has already been
Once nodders have escaped the clutches of achieved by the development of the brains of the
the Church agents in the GodNet, the sector various species.
surveillance level of the sectors the nodders passed
through reduces by one level every 24 hours. traVelling to other SectorS
Generally transfer nodes are unsecured, and it
lockDown only takes an action to activate one to travel to a
When the surveillance level of a sector or construct sector of the nodder's choice.
has risen to Alert, the Church usually locks the Travelling to the Mountain is almost as trivial.
sector or construct down. This has the following However, access to the different terraces of the
effects: Mountain is restricted to those who work for the
• All secure nodes in a construct that have been Church, and according to Piety Score. Those who
hacked in a construct become re-secured are authorized to enter Babel Central may directly
(unless the hacker got an Oustanding Success access the 5th and 6th Terraces from any sector
on the test). in the Promised Land. Otherwise people must
• It becomes impossible for those who aren't transfer to Humility, the 1st Terrace, and then
jacked in via a cyberdeck to jack out of the transfer to other levels from there.
GodNet in the locked down sector or use a Travelling to the Land of Nod requires connection
transfer node to travel to another sector. through a cyberdeck (most flockers don't even
• Nodders wishing to jack out from the sector know it exists), but otherwise travelling to the Land
must 'bug out' (see page 70). of Nod is the same as going to any other sector.
• Transfer nodes leading to other sectors However, directly travelling to the entrance of a
become secured,, with a computers DN of Hard construct in the Land of Nod requires the nodder
(DN 14) or harder. However, transfering to to actually know the location (either by memory
the Land of Nod is easier (DN 10). or stored in the cyberdeck). Otherwise the nodder
and any companions transfer to a random location
While in the GodNet, characters make skill tests No matter where a nodder goes in the Land of
just as if they were in the Flesh. If a nodder is being Nod, when they transfer back to the Promised
sneaky, it’s a stealth test. If they’re analyzing data, Land, they appear in the sector that they left.
it’s evidence analysis. Combat and interactions are If a sector is locked down by the Church, all
also done in a similar fashion—it’s just that the transfer nodes become secured (see Lockdown
environment is different. above). Fleeing a locked down sector to the Land
Action Test
Jack in into a dead zone No test required with a cyberdeck or create node spell
Jack in to a specific location Computers test vs. Sector Surveillance. Cannot directly enter a
in sector without detection construct.
Jack directly into a construct Must be at corresponding Flesh location. Computers test vs. construct
(a.k.a. "crackerjacking") security level (see page 65)
Sneaking past surveillance. Stealth test vs. Sector Surveillance (automated) or target’s find
(individual characters)
Hacking a secured node Computers test vs. node’s security level (see page 66)
Downloading data quickly Computers test or Dramatic Skill Resolution
Note: If the character is "nodding naked", all tests are Disfavored.
of Nod rather than jacking out to the Flesh is called The results of the hack depend on the Success
'nodding out'. Level:
Travelling to a locked down sector is usually not • Mishap: Two blips are generated.
restricted. • Failure: One blip is generated.
hacking noDeS anD SyStemS • Standard: The secure node becomes unsecured.
A nodderung almost always involves hacking • Good: As Standard and hacking the node again
secure nodes or systems (e.g. computers, storage, if it becomes secured is Up.
Vaults, or security) quickly and without being
detected by the Church. Hacking a node or system • Outstanding: The node will not return to
requires a computers test. In a pinch, lockpicking can secured, even if the sector goes on Alert.
be used to hack a secured node, but with a Hard
(-4) penalty. The open lock spell (see Torg Eternity) DownloaDing Data
can also open secured nodes, but does not affect One of the most common reasons to go on a run
computer systesm. is to acquire information, and unless someone is
blessed with an eidetic memory, the downloading
The DN varies according to the strength of the of data is necessary. As long as any security systems
security protecting the node, system, or construct have been cracked, the data is not significantly
(see the Hacking Difficulty sidebar). Most of the encrypted, and time is not of an essence, this
time the cell and construct have the same security download takes place without effort or a test. The
level, but occasionally secure nodes have a higher data is wirelessly saved through a cyberdeck or
security level than the rest of the construct. TempTrodes to a nearby datacrystal in the Flesh,
When a secure node has been hacked, as long or just displayed in the GodNet.
as the sector or construct is not locked down, the However, "ample time" is not usually the way
hacker can pass through effortlessly and without of life for nodders. In these circumstances, the
notice. However, when a lockdown is in effect, all downloading of data involves either a simple test
hacked secure nodes have their security reset, and or contest, where the question is whether or not
tests are required to pass through. the data is downloaded or decrypted before the
nodders are attacked. In the event there is limited
hacking Difficulty time, a Dramatic Skill Resolution with multiple
The DN needed to hack a node or system depends computers tests is appropriate.
on how secure it is (see Hacking Difficulty table).
hacking reliquary VaultS
Hacking is very difficult, but the most difficult feat
of all is hacking the very core of a Reliquary—the
NODDER SLANG Vault—and surviving the consequences.
Whatever the Reliquary contains, it is held inside
the Vault. It is impossible to hack a Vault without
the Church becoming aware—the only question is
whether the hacker is skilled enough to complete
AngelBait: A nodder whose body has been
the hack before it’s too late to safely get out.
killed or otherwise severed from their soul,
Furthermore, the Vault is protected by powerful
trapping them in the GodNet.
seals and cannot be simply overcome through the
Blip: Detection of a nodder. Usually results use of the open locks spell.
from a failed computers test.
First, Reliquaries are almost always isolated
Bugging Out: Fleeing a sector under pressure from the rest of the GodNet (except for a datapath
either with Church agents in hot pursuit or connecting to Babel Central, the 5th and 6th terraces
about to arrive. of the Mountain) and access to the Reliquary must
Crackerjack: Jacking into a construct directly be initiated at its physical location (commonly
instead of into a Holy Exchange or sector, inside a monastery). Since this is often a high
leaving deadheads in a vulnerable location security area in the Flesh, nodders’ deadheads
almost always will require protection.
Deadhead: An individual’s inert body when
jacking into the GodNet. The nodders must penetrate the Reliquary
construct to get to the Vault, bypassing or defeating
Decker: An individual leading a group of whatever security measures are active.
nodders and operates the cyberdeck.
Hacking a Reliquary Vault while not under
Drone Jockey: A person who specializes in attack is a Nearly Impossible (DN 20) computers
operating hardlight drones test. Storm Knight hackers will eventually break
Flocker: Condescending slang for someone the lock—the results only determine how bad the
logged into the GodNet through sanctioned followup Dramatic Skill Resolution is:
devices. • Mishap: The hacker is soulslammed and one
Jack In/Jack Out: Nodder logging in or out of Wound is inflicted, which may be Soaked as
the GodNet. The Church refers to being within normal.
the GodNet as "communing." • Failure: Feedback inflicts 1 Non-Lethal Wound
Going Holo: Manifesting in the Flesh remotely which may be Soaked as normal.
via the GodNet, either as a normal or hardlight • Standard: The reliquary is unlocked and the
hologram. desired information is acquired (or a random
Nod off!: "Colorful" language instructing a one is acquired if the nodders are just on a
person to [[censored by the CyberChurch]] fishing expedition).
Nod out: Escape to the Land of Nod instead • Good: As Standard but an additional random
of jacking out. secret is acquired.
Nodder: Someone who hacks into the GodNet • Outstanding: As Standard and two additional
or accompanies a decker. random secrets are acquired.
Nodderrung: a mission undertaken by If the Storm Knights are being attacked, the Vault
nodders usually (but not exclusively) in hack should be done as a Dramatic Skill Resolution
the GodNet. Derived from the German for instead, with computers tests of DN 12, 14, 16, and
18 for Steps A through D. Additional secrets can
be acquired with Good or Outstanding results on
Step D.
Defeat constructs in the Land of Nod do allow this, but it
If the hero is KO’ed she falls unconscious but is rare, and those constructs are highly valued.
remains in the GodNet.
bugging out
As long as the sector or construct has not been However, when the Church becomes aware of
locked down (see page 66), a Defeated character is nodder activities and locks down the sector, leaving
ripped out (see page 71). the GodNet is much more difficult (see page 66).
If the sector or construct is locked, or a nodder is The Church can allocate resources in a sector to
affected by the net damnation miracle, a Defeated an overwhelming level, and often the only choice
character becomes AngelBait—her soul is violently for nodders is to flee to another sector, the Land of
severed from her avatar, which collapses. A target Nod, or back to the Flesh. The nodders flee tor the
of net damnation finds her soul shunted to Purgatory nearest shrine though sometimes the closest access
(see page 96). Otherwise the soul is ejected into the point is actually the sector Holy Exchange, and it
wastes of the Land of Nod. may be worth fighting through Holy Exchange
An AngelBait’s deadhead goes into a coma and Guard (see page 97).
eventually dies unless the body has a SpiritChip Jacking out of a locked sector is called 'bugging out'.
installed or if the body is attended to. It is This usually requires a Dramatic Skill Resolution
possible to reconnect an AngelBait’s soul with her or, if Church agents are already present, a Chase.
deadhead, but this requires either finding it in the
The steps are normally a mix of Dexterity and
Land of Nod, or retrieving it from Purgatory (or
Strength tests as the nodder flees through the
occasionally a Reliquary).
system, along with one or two steps involving
computers tests to overcome obstacles such as
emP effectS secure nodes. If more than one secure node blocks
Since the GodNet hypothetically is entirely made
the nodders’ path, additional Multi-Targeting
of electronics, it should be particularly vulnerable
penalties are applied for each one that needs to
to EMP attacks. However, this isn’t the case due
be circumvented in that Step. Completing Step D
to the GodNet’s connection with Ebenuscrux and
creates the exit node and the nodders nodders all
EMPs do not have any effect in the GodNet.
jack out at once.
In the event that the Dramatic Skill Resolution
JACKING OUT fails, the heroes have two choices:
Returning to the Flesh is relatively straightforward • All but one of the nodders escape, and
as long as the Church is unaware. The person the players must decide who is Defeated,
simply goes to the sector’s Holy Exchange, passes their soul banished to the Land of Nod or
into the nave, takes her place at a kneeler, makes a imprisoned in Purgatory, depending on
prayer, and then jacks out. what precautions the Church has made.
• The nodders "nod out"and escape to the Land
Most nodders jack out by creating exit nodes with
of Nod, but this delays them long enough to
a cyberdeck or by casting create node in the sector’s
cause a significant setback (e.g. tougher or
boulevard. These exit nodes can be easily created if
more numerous opposition later, the villain
the sector or construct isn’t locked.
gets the McGuffin, etc.).
Generally, a nodder cannot jack out directly from
the Land of Nod. They must leave the Land of Chloe, Viola, and Astre have obtained
Nod first, transfering the nodder to the sector they information within a Reliquary, but the
originally entered Nod from. Church detected their intrusion. A cohort of
jackpriests or worse are quickly approaching
Nodders can only jack out from inside a construct
their position. They need to quickly exit the
if the nodders’ deadheads are also present in
GodNet but must do so at a roadside shrine
the Flesh in the corresponding structure. Some
outside the Reliquary.
Viola and Chloe flee in Humility, the first level of the Mountain.
Step A: Race to the secure node as a Standard GodNet makes a nodder’s hand feel numb in the
(DN 10) Dexterity test. Flesh).
Step B: Hack the secure node (which due to Physically disconnecting the cyberdeck by literally
surveillance hitting Alert, has been resecured). pulling the plug from the access point, switching
This is a Very Hard (DN 16) computers test. off the power, or disrupting the cyberdeck with an
Step C: Flee to the nearest shrine. Challenging EMP also initiates a rip out. In this circumstance
(DN 12) Dexterity test. all ridealongs also rip out. This is a much more
Step D: Create the exit node and log out. dangerous action and requires an immediate Hard
Hard (DN 14) computers test. (DN 14) Defeat test. If the sector is locked down
riPPing out (see page 66), the difficulty is instead Nearly
Being forced to jack out of the GodNet is known as Impossible (DN 20). If a character takes an Injury,
"ripping out". If a nodder is Defeated (but not killed) it is automatically applied to Mind. If a character’s
in the GodNet, the decker’s avatar dematerializes, Mind goes below 5, she enters a vegetative state.
and her soul is violently ripped back to her body. Generally a rip out cannot be initiated by a decker
Instead of making a Defeat test, she takes a Wound, from inside the GodNet, and someone with the
which may not be Soaked. This Wound represents deadheads must perform the act. However, some
the numbing a character feels from the virtual skilled deckers have developed software that
damage her avatar took (e.g. losing a hand in the enables this.