Nginx Monitoring in Prometheus

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Nginx Monitoring in Prometheus

Olivier Spiesser

Following my two previous blogs about monitoring, I will now focus on Nginx. Nginx Inc provides
an exporter with it’s code:

As Nginx cannot run a web application as WebLogic or WildFly can, exporter will be another

Nginx Configuration

To enable metrics for Nginx, we must use stub_status directive in a server or location context
of the configuration.

Before that, we must check that stub module is enabled. A simple command will do:

1 nginx -V 2>&1 | grep --color "with-http_stub_status_module"

Then, we must extend the existing configuration to enable stub module by adding following lines
inside a server context:

1 location /nginx_status {
2 stub_status on;
deny all;

To validate configuration, we can run following command to reload configuration:

A curl command (curl https://localhost:443/nginx_status) will check that metrics are


1 Active connections: 1
2 server accepts handled requests
14 14 14
Reading: 0 Writing: 1 Waiting: 0

As the format is not Prometheus compliant, we need the exporter to do the reformatting for us.

Nginx Exporter

We could run exporter as a binary or as a container. I am choosing the second option.

1 docker run\
2 -p 9113:9113\
-e SSL_VERIFY=false\

Here is a quick explanation of the parameters:

Line 2 is the port exposed to get metrics.

Line 3 is to disable SSL verification as my certificate is not signed by a certification authority.

Line 4 is the image name.

Line 5 is the stub URL.

Output of docker command looks like this:

1 NGINX Prometheus Exporter version=0.11.0 commit=e4a6810d4f0b776f7fde37fea1d84e4c7284b72a

date=2022-09-07T21:09:51Z, dirty=false, arch=linux/amd64, go=go1.19
2023/03/27 10:41:11 Starting...
3 2023/03/27 10:41:11 Listening on :9113
4 2023/03/27 10:41:11 NGINX Prometheus Exporter has successfully started

Further, I can also test the URL where metrics are now properly formatted for Prometheus
ingestion (i.e. http://localhost:9113/metrics):
1 # HELP nginx_connections_accepted Accepted client connections

2 # TYPE nginx_connections_accepted counter

nginx_connections_accepted 27
# HELP nginx_connections_active Active client connections
# TYPE nginx_connections_active gauge
nginx_connections_active 2
# HELP nginx_connections_handled Handled client connections
7 # TYPE nginx_connections_handled counter
8 nginx_connections_handled 27
9 # HELP nginx_connections_reading Connections where NGINX is reading the request header

10 # TYPE nginx_connections_reading gauge

11 nginx_connections_reading 0
12 # HELP nginx_connections_waiting Idle client connections
# TYPE nginx_connections_waiting gauge
nginx_connections_waiting 1

Prometheus Integration

In scrape_configs section, I am adding the following job:

1 - job_name: "Nginx"
2 metrics_path: /metrics

3 static_configs:

4 - targets: ['']

After a reload of the configuration, I check if the Target State is up:

Prometheus Targets


I will use the dashboard provided in the github repository (grafana/dashboard.json) and point it to
Prometheus datasource:

Grafana Dashboard Import

Result looks simple but nice:

Nginx Dashboard
Nginx Plus provides much more metrics as documented here.

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