Shum, Pilpel V'shemen Zayit: See Ad On Page 18
Shum, Pilpel V'shemen Zayit: See Ad On Page 18
Shum, Pilpel V'shemen Zayit: See Ad On Page 18
See ad on page 18
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went to Yerushalayim to pack food for the needy at Yad Eliezer was the best. I have to
Dana Cyviak
say I didn’t see that coming. After all the money I spent trying to show them a good Design & Layout
time they had the nerve to say the most fun they had was volunteering! Considering 054-635-8580
that the day was really work and not play and didn’t really involve anything particularly
Judy Simon
exciting, why did it rank so high? Their response taught me a few things: it proved to Ad Graphics
me that children experience the same gratifying feeling that results from doing a good 052-840-6366
deed, perhaps even more so if involves hard work. It taught me never to underestimate
Ilana Epstein
our children’s desire to help others, no matter how young or how old. It reminded me Marketing Assistant
that we can and we should help those in need in other ways besides monetarily. It also 054-308-6968
reinforced what I already knew – that these meaningful experiences are often more
[email protected]
powerful and memorable to our children than the glitzy, pricey ones. Unfortunately, we
are all aware of the devastating statistics of poverty in this country. Our children may
not know the numbers but they understand the need and it is our job to give them
Printing by Dfus Ayalon
the opportunities to do their part.
ModiInfo is an independently owned, advertiser supported publication distributed monthly to Modiin and the surrounding neighborhoods. ModiInfo welcomes
all articles and ads but reserves the right to edit or reject submissions. The views expressed by writers and contributors are not necessarily those of ModiInfo.
ModiInfo is not responsible for facts or claims made by ads or authors, nor for any typographical errors. Work produced by ModiInfo is the property of ModiInfo
and may not be reproduced without consent.
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and this cause pressure that irritate the nerve fibers. The
irritation to the nerve fibers leads to pain, numbness, pins
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Today there is a new way to treat sciatica which is
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Australia. It has been trialed and tested successfully in one
of the major hospitals in Israel and has been shown to Call us for free estimate!
be a very effective method to ease the leg symptoms
When someone hears you live in Buchman, they assume In all honesty, the majority of BuchmanTsafon is made up
that you are American, Dati and live in a big house. of du-mishpachti houses. However, there are apartments
The truth is, however, that Buchman Tsafon is not so in Buchman (really, there are!) The buildings are low,
monolithic – for one, it has a truly mixed population. Our and the apartments are generally large (4-5 bedroom)
neighbors are Dati, Masorati, Chiloni, native-born Israeli, and have a garden or large porch. The neighborhood
American, British, Australian, South African and Russian. consequently has the feel of a suburb. This, of course, has
From what I have observed, the interactions between its advantages and disadvantages. The area is quieter, with
these populations has been positive, warm and friendly. big homes and gardens, but you really need a car to get
The Dati population of Buchman Tsafon still lacks anywhere. When I lived in the suburbs in America, I also
a proper shul, however we do have a nice choice of had to get into a car simply to buy bread and milk. This
Shabbat minyanim to join. The first minyan here was is a good thing for me to keep in mind when I complain
Kehillat Shivtei Yisrael, currently in Gan Tavor. They have a about the lack of amenities in Buchman Tsafon. We did
plot of land beside the Gan and expect to begin building finally get a small shopping center on Rechov Yissachar
a shul soon. There is a vibrant Nusach Ashkenaz minyan which contains a makolet, hair dresser and cafe. Yay!
located in Masuot Nerya. They are very organized, with We have a beautiful park on Yitzchak Rabin, which we
different committees and a great Rabbi and Rebbetzin. share with Givat C. It’s one of the only parks in Modiin
This minyan is very warm and welcoming, and is a big with built-in pergolas to provide some shade. It has
draw for Americans and Olim chadashim. In the Maon many slides and swings, and a large grassy area on which
next to Gan Tavor there is a mixed Sephardi (Eidot the children can play. There are also other small parks
Mizrach) and Ashkenazi minyan. The Yeshiva Tichonit scattered throughout the neighborhood, and a couple
houses a new minyan which is quickly becoming popular more are planned.
with Israelis and Anglos alike. Last but not least, is our Buchman Tsafon has a few really good schools, both
kehilla, Adir Bamarom. We daven in Gan Adir, and plan Mamlachti and Mamad. The schools are within walking
to build our shul on top of the gan and adjacent ganim. distance of almost any home in the neighborhood. Also
Warm and friendly, the minyan is mostly Israeli, but we do within walking distance is our new Ulam Sport. Many
] 12 [ have a small minority of Anglos.
chugim for children and adults take place there every day. are often more choices available.
We love to watch the mini ballerinas and martial artists That is what we did – we bought a place in Buchman
parading around the neighborhood. In fact, the uniformed Darom.Two years later we moved in. We basically moved
“ninjas” are so ubiquitous that my husband jokes that he into a “hard hat area” – no sidewalks, lots of really large
often feels like he lives in Shaolin, in one of those cheesy trucks, tons of nails and other construction debris (yes,
Kung-Fu movies where everybody walks around in a gi. we did go through several tires) and dust that fell so
In short, Modiin is a wonderful city with a varied quickly you could not sweep fast enough. Now, a year
population. We are all lucky to live in such a special city later, there is still much infrastructure missing – we do
on this historic land. Buchman Tsafon is a wonderful not have a makolet, no schools, there is a great park, oh
neighborhood within that city. The quality of the people
- Israeli and Anglo, Dati and Chiloni - is second to none.
The view from where Beit Knesset Ahkenaz will soon stand
We wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. ß
South Buchman (Darom) By: Chani Turk
yeah, you can’t play in it – there is no insurance, and only that because this is such a brand new area and there is
some sidewalks are finished. However, many more of the so much yet to be finished the main point to bring home
housing projects are finished and there is no shortage of about Buchman Darom is that feeling of friendliness.There
people to meet. is a comfort in seeing a group of people gathered around
Walking down the street you inevitably run into a the slide on Miriam Hachashmonit street, everyone
familiar face to stop and chat with. It can make getting chatting, kids playing. There is a warmth that is felt when
somewhere on time a bit challenging but it is worth it you are walking down the street on a Friday night and
to have so many friendly people around. And because hear the songs of Kabbalat Shabbat coming from one of
everyone is new people tend to make great efforts to the neighborhood yards.
get out there and say hello – even to “strangers”. I think These are feelings that you get from people, not from
things. And I guess that is the important part of what
makes up a neighborhood. For as nice as it will be to have
a grocery store and gannim and maybe even a restaurant
close by, what really makes a neighborhood are the
neighbors. So for that yishuv feel in a big city, Buchman
Darom is a great place to live. ß
This aritcle is part of a series featuring different neiborhoods in Modiin.
P L A N Y O U R N E X T S I M C H A W I T H H A KO L B ’ S E D E R
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cohesive. When something exciting or significant is Noar with opportunities that they create themselves
going on in the Yishuv or in the country, you can count to contribute to the community in different areas and
on our Noar to come out in numbers and be not only ways. Plans are well under way for the next exciting
involved but at the front of whatever is happening. Our project that will embody these same goals.
Bnei Akiva branch is very active, and during Chodesh For me, the ultimate proof of the success of this first
Irgun one can see just how much energy, talent and project – the Hanukah party for adults – was that at
effort they are capable of. Many of us, both parents and the end of a very long evening, even the clean up was
teens, have noticed a feeling of letdown when Chodesh done by parents and kids together. The musicians kept
Irgun comes to an end. With that in mind, the concept on playing, everyone was having a blast and people of
of “Noar Movil Kehilla” was born. The idea is to create a all ages just lingered, not wanting to go home and end
continuous project to help the Noar channel this energy the evening, in spite of the late hour. A surprise Ben and
and give back to the community through their time and Jerry’s celebration was provided for the Noar following
effort. Hopefully, the Hanukah party was the first of many the cleanup – a well-deserved dessert.
exciting projects that the Noar will plan and carry out. As one parent said to me the next day when discussing
The goals of their projects will continue to be how many hours their kids had put in to the party, “When
threefold: to unify the different communities within your kids go out to hang out with friends, that’s OK
the Yishuv from different cultures and with varying sometimes, but when they go out to hang out with their
customs, to bridge the gap between the Noar and the friends and you know they are doing great things for the
adults by actually working together, and to provide the kehila (community) all you can say is Kol Hakavod!” ß
‡ Continued from page 21
These components of the tree symbolize aspects of
our personalities. The roots represent faith, the spiritual
quality which connects man to G‑d, the source of his
nourishment. As a person develops spiritually, he learns
to rely on his strong foundations of faith for support.
The trunk, branches and leaves represent our study of
Torah, observance of the mitzvot, and the expression of
Jewish values in our daily conduct. These enable a person
to develop himself and they generate an inner beauty
which makes him attractive to others.
The ultimate fulfillment of a person, however, is his
fruits. These are his involvements – first with his own
family, the seeds he has planted, but also with the people
around him. Through his efforts to become involved
with others, one tree can bring another into being. For
example, a person might inspire a colleague to emulate
his example and establish a foundation of faith, grow in
the study of Torah and the observance of mitzvot, and
ultimately take his turn at reaching out to others with
] 16 [ sincere concern. ß
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Maintenance Corner By: Shimon Zack
Welcome back to the Home Maintenance both stay up, start putting up the other breakers one by
Corner. In this issue we will give you a few one, until usually one will cause the ground fault to jump
reminders on how to maintain your house again. Leave that one down, pick up the ground fault and
and some trouble shooting solutions during continue putting up the remainder of the circuit breakers.
the winter months. This should solve the problem and now you should know
Let’s start with our electrical system. If you get a black which breaker caused the problem. If this does not work
out – usually during a rainfall – don’t panic, just follow you will have to call your electrician.
these steps. If your Ground Fault Breaker falls you should One can try preventing electrical problems caused by
try picking it up to reset it. (This is the breaker which is water by checking a few things. Check all outside light
bigger than the others and also has a T button on it. Every fixtures to see that they are properly sealed and have
six months you should push it in to see if the breaker is in covers, also check the sockets. Make sure there are no
working order.) This breaker is very important as it saves exposed electrical wires anywhere. I strongly suggest that
us and our family from getting electrocuted. After lifting you have your electrician come and check your electrical
it, it should reset itself. If it does not, you should put down boards to see that that all the wires are tightly screwed
all the circuit breakers in the board including your main and that there are no loose connections. Remember
circuit breaker which is either a single one or three joined loose electrical connections lead to fires. I suggest this be
together located next to your ground fault breaker. Then
pick up your main breaker, then the ground fault. If they Continues on page 19
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Olim tiyulim
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Candle Lighting
Jan 4/26 Tevet Jan 11/4 Shevat Jan 18/11 Shevat Jan 25/18 Shevat
Parshat Vaera Parshat Bo Parshat Beshalach Parshat Yitro
Shabbat Mevarchin Candle lighting: 16:34 Shabbat Shira Candle lighting: 16:46
Candle lighting: 16:28 Shabbat ends: 17:33 Candle lighting: 16:40 Shabbat ends: 17:45
Shabbat ends: 17:28 Shabbat ends: 17:39
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