Effect of Chelating Agents On Hds and Aromatic Hydrogenation Over Como-And Niw/Ai20 3
Effect of Chelating Agents On Hds and Aromatic Hydrogenation Over Como-And Niw/Ai20 3
Effect of Chelating Agents On Hds and Aromatic Hydrogenation Over Como-And Niw/Ai20 3
Hydrotreatment catalysts (CoMo-, NiMo- and NiW/A1203) were prepared by an
impregnation method with solutions containing a chelating agent (nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA),
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) or cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid (CyDTA)),
and were subjected to some test reactions: hydrodesulfurization (HDS) ofbenzothiophene and
dibenzothiophene, and hydrogenation (HGN) of o-xylene and 1-methylnaphthalene.
Chelating agent modified CoMo- and NiW/A1203 showed higher activities in both HDS
and HGN than the catalysts without the modification. The chelating agents had little effect on
the activity of NiMo/A1203. CyDTA was the most effective for HDS activity of CoMo/A1203
and HGN activity of NiW/A1203. The chelating agents had no effect on the activity of each
component catalysts (i.e., Co-, Ni-, Mo-, and W/A1203). The activity of the CyDTA-modified
catalysts depended strongly on sulfiding temperature. CyDTA exhibited the improving effect
at higher sulfiding temperatures, while working as an inhibitor at lower temperatures. Our
previous study had indicated that the pre-formation of the MoS2-1ike structure was necessary
to induce the intrinsic promoting effect of Co on the activity of Mo/A1203. The chelating
agent, forming Co complex which decomposes at a rate depending on sulfiding temperature,
was considered to adjust timing when Co ions interact with the MoS2-1ike structure.
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
2. E X P E R I M E N T A L
3.1. H D S R e a c t i o n s
In HDS reaction of BT, ethylbenzene (EB) and a little amount of
dihydrobenzothiophene (DHBT) were produced. In order to compare the catalyst activities
easier, the conversion level of BT was controlled below 30-40% by adjusting the catalyst
biph~yl cyclohexylbenzene,,,1
~ ] ,6 (a)
CoMo CoMo
Commercial CoMo Commercial CoMo
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
EB Yield/metal/%/gmol BP and CHB Yields/metal/%/gmol
CyDTA-NiMo ~ (c)
in the reactor. The EB yield was used as an index of HDS activity of the catalysts. The
catalyst activities thus obtained, were compared based on the %EB yield/mol-metal. The
activities of both CoMo and NiW were improved by the addition of the chelating agents in the
following order: C y D T A > E D T A > N T A > none (Figures 1(a) and 1(b)).
CyDTA-CoMo and C y D T A - N i W attained about 70% and 65% higher HDS
activities than the corresponding unmodified catalysts, respectively. On the other hand,
activity of NiMo was not affected by the chelating agents (Figure 1(c)).
Effects of these chelating agents on the catalyst activity were further examined in
HDS of DBT. In this reaction, biphenyl (BP) was mainly produced and cyclohexylbenzene
(CHB) was also produced. The sum of BP and CHB yields was regarded as HDS activity of
each catalyst. The activities of CoMo and NiW were also improved by the addition of the
chelating agents in the following order: CyDTA > EDTA > NTA, none (Figures 2(a) and
2(b)). The activity of CoMo was increased ca. 25% by the addition of CyDTA, but remained
unchanged by NTA. Van Veen et al. have reported negative results for HDS of DBT on
NTA-modified CoMo/A1203 [6]. Reasons for this contradiction are not yet clear. HDS
activity for DBT was much more promoted in NiW catalyst than in CoMo catalyst by the
addition of the chelating agent. HDS activity of the NiW catalyst might be more susceptible
to the preparation method than that of the CoMo catalyst.
5-methyltetralin 1-methyltetralin
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0 5 10 15 20 HGN Yield/metal/%/gmol
HGN Yield/metal/%/mmol
Figure 3. HGN activity of CyDTA-modified Figure 4. HGN activities of chelating agent-
CoMo- and NiW/A1203 for o-xylene. modified NiW/A1203 for 1-methylnaphthalene.
Reaction conditions 9573 K, 5.1 MPa. Reaction conditions" 603 K, 5.1 MPa.
1-MN was also hydrogenated to examine the effect of the chelating agents on the
HGN activity of the catalysts. 1-methyltetralin and 5-methyltetralin were mainly produced.
The sum of the yields of 1-methyltetralin and 5-methyltetralin was used as an index of HGN
activity. HGN activity of NiW was improved about 40% by the addition of CyDTA (Figure
The activity of each component system, i.e., Co-, Mo-, Ni- or W/A1203 was not
improved by the addition of the chelating agents. The chelating agents are considered to
improve synergy between Co and Mo or between Ni and W, leading to induce the intrinsic
promoting effects of Co for CoMo and Ni for NiW. The chelating agents may have a role to
improve the formation of specific active phase.
Table 1
Complex formation constants of literature 10)
Co Ni Mo W
Van Veen reported that the improving effect of NTA on the activity of C o M o / S i O 2
(or CoMo/active-C) is due to its ability to form complex with Mo and Co at the same time. In
the present work, we have examined van Veen's proposition under different conditions. Table
1 shows literature values of complex formation constant of the chelating agents with the
related metal ions. NTA forms complexes with all the metal ions. CyDTA, the most
effective chelating agent, however, forms complexes with Co or Ni ions, but not with Mo or
W ions. Considering CyDTA was more effective than NTA, the ability to make a complex of
chelating agent and promoter (e.g., Co, Ni) is rather important to improve the synergy
between promoter and Mo or W ions.
1.2 ~20
(a) (b)
CyDTA-CoMo -~15 - CyDTA-NiWO
~0.8 O
~0.6 m
9 0 ~10 -
-8 o o 0
_$ CoMo N5 -i~
0 :=0
450 550 650 750 450 550 650 750
Sulfiding temperature/K Sulfiding temperature/K
Figure 5. The sulfiding temperature dependence of catalytic activities of modified and
unmodified catalysts.
(a) Benzothiophene HDS Reaction : 543 K, 5.1 MPa.
(b) o-Xylene HGN Reaction : 573 K, 5.1 MPa.
3.5. R o l e of C h e l a t i n g A g e n t s
The sulfiding temperature dependency of the effect of CyDTA is considered to be
caused by the strong interaction between CyDTA and Co (or Ni) ion as shown in Table 1. At
relatively lower sulfiding temperatures, CyDTA interacts strongly with Co (or Ni) ion,
resulting in inhibiting Co (or Ni) ion from interacting with Mo (or W) or A1203. At higher
sulfiding temperatures, however, the complex between CyDTA and Co (or Ni) ion
decomposes, resulting in the interaction between Co and Mo (or Ni and W). Our concept is
depicted in Figure 6.
In the preceding paper [11], we reported the effects of various pretreatments
(including sulfiding and reducing) on the activity and structure of CoMo/A1203. In the report,
the intrinsic high activity of CoMo was found to be induced by proper sulfiding pretreatment.
From the results of activity test and Mo K-edge EXAFS analysis, it was concluded that the
appearance of the intrinsic promoting effect of Co was closely connected with the formation
of MoSz-like structure by proper sulfiding pretreatment. The pre-formation of the MoSz-like
structure was necessary to induce the intrinsic promoting effect of Co on the activity of
Mo/AI203. That is, the intrinsic promoting effect of Co was induced on the surface of the
MoS2-1ike structure.
4. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T
A part of this work has been carried out as a research project of the Japan Petroleum
Institute commissioned by the Petroleum Energy Center with the subsidy of the Ministry of
International Trade and Industry.
5. R E F E R E N C E S