4 MUP03a CE 2014 Final M - 2

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Majmaah University

Deanship of Quality and

Skills Development
College: Engineering Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Program: Civil Engineering
Code MUP03a

Mission, Goals and Objectives

1) Program Mission Statement (insert).

To provide excellent engineering education conducive to talent and creativity based on

scientific knowledge, state of the art research and expertise to serve the community in a
professional and ethical manner.

2) List Program Goals (eg. long term, broad based initiatives for the program, if any)

 Critical thinking and problem solving based on a fundamental knowledge of civil

and environmental engineering areas.
 Serving the engineering profession, industry, and University, the Kingdom, and
society with valuable leadership, participation, and knowledge.
 To provide a solid foundation for the students who wish to pursue higher studies.
 Preparing graduates to become leaders with effective communication in the civil
and environmental engineering profession.

3) List major objectives of the program within to help achieve the mission. For each measurable
objective, describe the measurable performance indicators to be followed and list the major strategies taken
to achieve the objectives.
Measurable Objectives Measurable Performance Indicators Major Strategies
1) To provide latest 1. Increment in the number of 1. Developing a strong study
engineering education and students wishing to join the plan in CEE.
state of the art research to program, year after year. 2. Provide sufficient and
solve important civil 2. Feedback from labor market modern laboratories and
engineering problems and about the quality and teaching facilities.
address technological performance of the graduates. 3. Concentrate on applied
challenges of the future. 3. Benchmarking other civil and design in civil
engineering programs (locally engineering subjects.
and internationally). 4. Provide up-to date- civil
engineering textbooks
and Ensure high level of
teaching staff and
maintain F/S ratio to
2) To produce graduates to 1. Results of analyzing the 1. Developing professional
demonstrate commitment feedback from the industry and lifelong learning
to lifelong learning and about the trained students and skills in the teaching
professional development graduates. process.
Majmaah University
Deanship of Quality and
Skills Development
through seeking 2. Number of graduates wishing 2. Organize workshops,
professional licensure, to continue conducting high training courses;
pursuing higher studies, studies. cooperate with the
and participating in 3. Number of graduates industry and society to
certified continuing employed successfully in short upgrade graduates skills.
education activities. time after graduation. 3. Encouraging graduates to
be involved in continue
self-learning even after
3) To produce graduates of 1. Number of graduates obtained 1. To establish research labs
high quality engineering membership in the professional to support the research
skills of ethical and engineering societies. activities.
professional standards to 2. Encourage faculty to give
2. Requests from companies to
develop safe, efficient and chance to the students to
environment friendly civil recruit or contact with our participate in applied
engineering projects and students before their graduation. researches.
designs. 3. To increase the scientific
cooperation between MU
and other high ranked
4. Opening postgraduate
programs : Master and
4) To educate students to take 1. Percentage of graduates from 1. Organizing seminars to
leadership roles in undergraduate program leaving inform and explain the
identifying emerging their works due to professional rules, standards and
issues of the community issues. ethical issues that lead to
and to develop innovative 2. Employee satisfaction. Number good leaders.
solutions to the of graduates who promoted to 2. Close the gabs between
engineering challenges. get senior management the labor market needs
positions. and the graduate’s quality
level by providing
additional courses in
computer, communication
skills, and language.
3. Follow up the graduates
through site visits and
Alumni association.
5) Encourage graduates in 1. Number of graduates accepted 1. Organizing workshops,
private and public to participate in department's seminars, training
activities to achieve activities such as workshops, courses, conferences, and
consolidated progression courses, seminars and invite and encourage the
in their careers by researches are increased. graduates to take places.
participating in skilled 2. Participation of graduates in 2. Strength the University/
continuing education conferences, and research industry linkage.
activities. exhibitions.

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