Entrep PT
Entrep PT
Entrep PT
I. Subject: Entrepreneurship
II. Grade Level: Grade 12-All Strands
III. Title: Business Proposal
IV. Performance Task: #1 – 1st Quarter
V. Specific Objectives:
a. To know how to make a business proposal
b. To understand how to create a product and business from concept to execution.
VI. Rationale:
This task will exercise the knowledge of the students in writing business proposal and
make their ideas into reality. It will also allow them to understand the procedure on creating a
product and business from scratch.
VII. Procedure:
X. Schedule of Practice:
Group meetings will be held during our class for monitoring and guidance.
XI. Rubrics/Scorecard:
Criteria Score
Logical organization, detailed description,
accuracy and relevance of works. Shows complete
and comprehensive content of the paper
Exhibit uniqueness, innovation or development in 25%
product that is competitive to the market
Total 100%
Senior High School Department
Antipolo City Campus
X. Guideline
Content guideline:
a. Cover page
-Include your business name, group members, section and subject teacher
b. Executive summary
-It is the summary of all sections of your business proposal. You can start
writing the executive summary once you are done to all parts of the proposal,
however, it should be put at the beginning of your paper. This section usually
written one to two pages only.
e. Product Description
-Describe the different features of your product in terms of size, design, and
other necessary information. Highlight its benefits to your target market.
f. Target Market
-Identify and explain to whom you are going sell your product in terms of
their demographic profile (age, gender, location, income, occupation)
h. Procedure
-Write the step-by-step process on how you make your product
Prepared by:
Approved by:
Noted by: