M-12 Mechanical
M-12 Mechanical
M-12 Mechanical
Station ______________ M12 Half Yearly Sch Mechanical Page No.: 1/5
Engine FOP in Engine LOP in Kg/cm2 at Radiator Fan Engine BAP in Kg/cm2
Kg/cm2 operation Turbo type BAP
8th Notch Alco 350 C 1.0 – 1.3
Idle Alco 720 1.3 – 1.6
Idle 8 Notch
Std. Value 3.0 ± 0.5 [2.5 ± 0.2 5.5 ± 0.5 6.0 ± 0.5 ABB VTC 304 1.4 – 1.8
4.0± 0.5 3.5± 0.5
with LO cleaner] [WDS6/WDM2] [WDG3A] ABB VTC 304-13 1.6 – 2.2
GE 7S 1716 1.8 – 2.4
Driver Book
Coolant Water Fuel Oil Lubricating Oil Radiator Air Maize Oil Level Cyclonic filter
Glow Sample Sample Sample Fan Rt. Rt. Lt. Lt.
Level Level Vacuum
Rod Report Report Report Operation Top Bot Top Bot
Std. Incoming Min. L.M & Between Add and 18” Water
Full Clear Suitable Suitable Suitable Outgoing High mark (max) Normal
Val. High Mark column (max)
Check & attend during
Cleaning Monsoon season only Look out
Speedometer Fire Extinguisher Cabin
of loco Sander Sand Wiper Glass
Operation filling Operation
Std. Values Cleaned Working Full Working Clear Working Sealed Good
1. Check Working of Auto Flasher light
2. Check Working of Signal Overshoot device and corresponding Application of Brakes
SN Detail of Work/ Inspection Name of Technician Sign/ Remarks
1. Carry out Blow Bye Test and record.
2. Carry out CC Examination and fit overhauled explosion
3. Renew filter element & gasket of long life primary &
Write defects noticed and action taken against below in Non-Schedule repair table, Put () mark on the check box
(CB) against each item if the same has been checked.
SN Description CB
1 Loose, missing and broken component
2 Clamping condition and their welding
3 Colour of smoke TSC exhaust/ CCE Motor
4 Abnormal sound
5 Leakage in Exhaust Gas Passages
6 Overheated components
7 Condition and working of all pressure and vacuum gauges
8 Working of all brake valves
9 Leakage of air (MR)/ Vacuum
10 Condition of cyclonic filter indicator (if found red filters should be changed).
11 Working of Engine by
a) Checking firing of each injector
b) Hearing for rhythmic sound
12 Leakage of Fuel, Lube Oil, Water system
13 Gauges, securing of driver cabin
Date Remarks Name of Supervisor Sign
Record all Non-schedule repairs in the following table [If required add extra sheet(s)]
No. of sheet(s) added____
SN Work Done Name of TCN Work Balance Sup’s Sign
1. Checklist are common for WDM 2/ WDG3A/ WDS6 locos. Individual MGR workshop may prepare checklist for the loco
available with them on the basis of above checklist.
2. For standard values, refer enclosed data sheet of standard values (Mechanical) based on IR standards.