1 s2.0 S095965262302485X Main
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1 s2.0 S095965262302485X Main
Handling Editor: Zhen Leng Industrial waste encompasses all types of waste generated from industrial, manufacturing, and mining activities.
To minimize adverse environmental impacts, industrial waste can be effectively managed through imple
Keywords: mentingsmart technologies. The present study aimed to identify the challenges of industrial waste management
industrial waste management challenges and propose smart solutions to effectively manage these challenges. The findings derived from a systematic
Smart industrial waste management
literature review indicate that the challenges of industrial waste management can be classified into five di
mensions within the STEEGO model. By evaluating the weights of each dimension using the HF-BWM method,
HF-DEMATEL the “organizational” dimension, with a weight of 0.27, was found to be the severest challenge, while the
HF-QFD “technological” dimension, with a weight of 0.347, was considered to be the most probable challenge.
Furthermore, the findings from conceptual modeling, using the TISM method, show that the primary challenges
in industrial waste management include: “a lack of culture for effective waste management”, “insufficient
training on legal waste drainage and proper waste digestion”, and “a lack of specific technical instructions for
refining and recycling." To overcome these challenges, smart solutions have been proposed. The result of the HF-
QFD method indicate that the most important solution is “constructing smart infrastructure for proper waste
management”, with a score of 0.27.
The novelty of this study lies in the theoretical development of the model for the challenges of industrial waste
management by applying the “organizational” dimension, considering both biological and physical aspects in the
“environmental” dimension, identifying smart solutions to overcome the challenges for cleaner industrial waste
systems, as well as using smart industrial waste management technologies in different industries.
Our results emphasize that, given the type of waste, industry managers should employ specific smart tech
nologies for disposing and recycling industrial waste. This approach can prevent the loss of raw materials and
protect the environment from various types of waste.
1. Introduction expanding all around the world, requiring massive amounts of various
resources (e.g., cement for construction, food, clean water, oil, elec
The global population growth and development of new technologies tricity). Because cities are thermodynamic systems, constant resource
have accelerated the production rates of many products; thereby stim consumption has led to irreparable outcomes such as waste generation,
ulating industrial activities. Such transformations have changed the contaminated water pools, and air pollution (Awasthi et al., 2021). Most
consumption patterns of many products in developing countries, where industries generate huge amounts of waste to respond to requirements of
consumer needs and demands are rapidly changing (Adar et al., 2022). technology development as well as consumer demands. These types of
Expanding manufacturing activities and establishing industrial units on waste are called industrial waste.
a global scale in different industries (e.g., petrochemical, food, oil, As cited in Schoeman et al. (2021a), industrial waste, an inevitable
steel), as well as diverse products with various applications, have byproduct of manufacturing processes, encompasses all types of waste
increased the volume of industrial hazardous waste (Shahbaz et al., resulting either from industrial and manufacturing operations or pro
2023). In 2016, global waste generation reached 2010 Tgy − 1 and is cesses. Industrial waste usually includes different types of waste such as
predicted to be 3400 Tgy − 1 by 2025 (Chaudhary et al., 2021). Cities are garbage produced in cities, wastewater, hazardous materials,
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Z. Khoshsepehr), [email protected] (S. Alinejad), [email protected] (M. Alimohammadlou).
Received 14 February 2023; Received in revised form 21 July 2023; Accepted 2 August 2023
Available online 4 August 2023
0959-6526/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
construction and demolition waste, slags, sewage sludge, and other daily basis, is extremely impractical and costly. Recycling bins have also
types of waste associated with non-flammable, workshop, and greasy proven to be widely ineffective (Shah et al., 2019).
substances/materials (Schoeman et al., 2021b). Industrial waste may Such observations underscore the urgent importance of using smart
include different forms of hazardous and non-hazardous components. technologies in industrial sectors. Recently, novel ways of waste man
Industrial activities, account for generating manufacturing, mining, and agement through Industry 4.0 (I4.0) smart technologies have come to
agriculture wastes. Hazardous industrial waste mostly contains sub the fore. Such technologies can serve such processes as reusing, recy
stances detrimental to human health and the environment such as sol cling, and repairing industrial waste (Wilts et al., 2021). Smart tech
vents, heavy metals, and chemicals (e.g. lead, mercury, chromium, nologies can help replace the traditional waste management systems
arsenic) (American Public Health Association, 2023). On the other hand, with new systems equipped with smart sensors, and to provide a
non-hazardous industrial waste include non-harmful but still problem real-time supervision mechanism and a more advanced management
atic materials (e.g. tires, electronics, and furniture), construction debris, structure (Sheng et al., 2020). Using smart technologies (either in
food waste (Environmental Protection Agency, 2023). In addition to combination or separately in some cases) in industrial waste manage
industrial waste, other forms of waste may include: ment can enhance disposal or recycling operations. However, if such
Sewage carrying disease-causing pathogens (wastewater originating technologies are implemented in organizations without specifically and
from homes and businesses such as food particles, human waste, soap, scientifically formulated plans and without considering types of waste,
detergent). Agricultural waste from farms and harvest, poultry houses, they will fail to be helpful and can even impose huge costs on organi
and slaughterhouses (a variety of materials that appear as a result of zations (Fatimah et al., 2020).
diverse agricultural processes) as well as fertilizer runoff, pesticides left Many studies have explored industrial waste and challenges to waste
in water, air and soil, drainage of salt and silt (Duodu et al., 2022); and management, although they have mostly focused on solid industrial
municipal solid waste or MSW generated in homes and businesses such waste (e.g. de Azevedo et al., 2022). However, industrial waste also
as furniture, glass, electronics, paper, plastic, metal and food scraps includes leachate and wastewater (e.g. Shahbaz et al., 2023), which are
(United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2022). Although usually poured into water bodies by organizations, and thus damage
various types of waste are generated worldwide, our focus in the present aquatic ecosystems. To the best of our knowledge, no study has ever
study is on industrial solid and liquid waste. explored all industrial wastes simultaneously or investigated their
The pollutants generated through industrial production processes challenges comprehensively. Similarly, no study has handled proper
appear in both liquid (industrial wastewater) and solid (industrial solid industrial waste management by focusing on indicators and solutions
waste) forms (Tian et al., 2022). Industries usually generate waste in offered by smart technologies. Probing into the challenges of industrial
solid forms. Industrial waste produced as a result of industrial produc waste management and selecting appropriate smart technologies to
tion is divided into two general types: solid waste and industrial solid respond to such challenges are activities that face a huge degree of un
waste (Zhao et al., 2022). Wastewater generated from industrial pro certainty, which has remained unaddressed in the literature.
cesses contains infectious pathogens, and is often oxidizing, corrosive, The purpose of this study is to identify the challenges of industrial
harmful, toxic, carcinogenic, and ecotoxic. For example, wastewater waste management by considering all types of industrial waste and to
containing pharmaceuticals, chemicals, or dyes is toxic to humans and propose solutions to such challenges based on a smart waste manage
other animals (Adar et al., 2022). Contaminations caused by industrial ment mechanism in a fuzzy environment. Firstly, the challenges of waste
waste lead to problems that are more complex than those arising from management are identified through a systematic literature review. Next,
other types of waste. Pollutants generated by industrial development the total interpretive structural modeling (TISM) method is used to
impose a huge amount of stress on the environment. Among these, in structure the relationships between the challenges. The hesitant fuzzy
dustrial wastewater involves complex pollution components and a high best-worst method (HF-BWM) identifies the most severe and most
pollution concentration, which will not only pollute water bodies but probable challenges, and the hesitant fuzzy decision-making trial and
also threaten human health and safety (Tian et al., 2022). evaluation (HF-DEMATEL) method determines the causal relationships
One of the most pressing challenges in the face of rapid industriali between the challenges identified. The hesitant fuzzy quality function
zation is environmental sustainability. Untreated or non-refined waste deployment (HF-QFD) method helps to prioritize smart solutions for
can emit toxic and hazardous materials to the environment, contributing waste management.
to the growth of pathogenic microorganisms (Sharma et al., 2022). The main contributions of this study can be summarized as follows:
Inadequate waste management or segregation can give rise to the gen (a) the development of theoretical concepts in smart waste management;
eration of hazardous materials that can impose major costs on organi (b) proposing the “STEEGO” model to handle the challenges of waste
zations (Chaudhary et al., 2021). One could argue that contamination management and offering smart solutions for the management of in
and massive amounts of unmanaged waste will represent one of the most dustrial waste; and (c) most notably, suggesting various decision-
serious threats facing humanity. It will be extremely important for so making methods in a hesitant fuzzy (HF) environment. The HF
cieties to implement effective waste management (Mukherjee et al., methods are applied in this study to address the uncertainty of expert
2021). Waste management involves a complex process that, besides opinions in relation to the most severe and probable challenges to waste
disposal activities, involves such mechanisms as collection, trans management as well as the most significant Smart solutions for indus
portation, temporary storage, processing, and dumping. This process is trial waste management.
concerned with properly managing and disposing waste or recycling and
reusing (Fatimah et al., 2020). 2. Literature review
In most middle-income or third-world countries, factory managers
often dump their waste, without any supervision, along roads or in open This section of the study explains such concepts as waste, waste
spaces so that it may be naturally disintegrated or incinerated. They may management, and smart industrial waste management by reviewing all
even leave waste in sea water (Adar et al., 2022). Such unjustifiable studies on waste management and highlighting the research gap.
actions can lead to serious health and safety issues, insanitary condi
tions, and contaminations. Insanitary conditions and poor management 2.1. Waste
can give rise to various problems such as a growing number of pests,
contaminated runoff water and leachate discharge, and social unrest due “Waste” is an abandoned mass or unwanted surplus volume of a
to disgusting landfill odors (Schoeman et al., 2021b). Also, collected substance generated by different anthropogenic and/or biological ac
wastecan pose major health issues to individuals. Waste disposal tivities. It can be divided into several types based on the source of
through the traditional waste management system, which operates on a generation, hazardous properties, disposal techniques, and degradation
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
properties (Srivastava, et al., 2023). Societies face two major challenges, managing industrial waste, such as sanitary disposal, incineration,
namely declining fossils fuel resources and increasing waste generation. thermal decomposition, and recycling, involve specific advantages and
Wastes are composed of different compounds, most of which are disadvantages (Naveen et al., 2017). I4.0 technologies can contribute to
economically valuable or contain energy. Wastes are divided into three this process. Waste management is one of the most important industrial
types: commercial and industrial waste, construction and demolition processes that can be enhanced by digital transformations, such as
waste, and municipal solid waste (Kabirifar et al., 2021). Abdel-Shafy sensors and software algorithms (e.g., IoT). Employing existing and
and Mansour (2018) state that organic products, produced by factories, real-time data captured through sensors can make it possible to cut costs,
workshops, and companies, are all types of industrial waste including increase productivity, improve quality, and use resources efficiently
fruits and vegetables, meat, sugar, poultry, dairy products, paper, pulp, (Vafeiadis et al., 2018). The proper management of waste is a critical
etc. Most of these wastes can be used as sources or supplements for the challenge that remains to be answered. Table 1 lists the studies inves
fermentation process that creates valuable products. tigating industrial waste management (Fig. 3 shows how these studies
were selected).
2.2. Waste management
2.4. Research gap
Waste management involves all activities necessary for supervising
waste from the time it is generated until it is collected, transported, and As Table 1 shows, over the years, researchers tried to identify the
positioned in its final destination (disposal, incineration, or recycling). challenges to waste management and propose methods that could
In recent years, the proper management of this process has proven to be properly manage different types of waste. Because the quality of urban
a global challenge (Pardini et al., 2020). Waste management involves waste is considerably different from that of industrial waste, no
three beneficiaries: the government, industries, and society. Schoeman researcher ever managed to propose a consistent and comprehensive
et al. (2021a) believe that although steel is the most recyclable entity in model for proper industrial waste management. One of the most
the world, the current approaches rely on operational practices and important studies was conducted by Iacovidou and Zorpas (2022), who
unstable waste management that result in environmental contamination identified six dimensions of challenges to waste management: economic,
over the lifespan of steel. If such biodegrading and indecomposable social, environmental, technological, legal, and political (the STEEGO
wastes are dumped into the ground, they can seriously threaten the model). Nonetheless, they identified a limited number of challenges in
environment and people (Nanda and Berruti, 2021). Shah et al. (2019) each dimension, failing to provide a comprehensive outline of the
also point out that collected waste could endanger human health and existing challenges in industrial waste management. The challenges
give rise to such diseases as malaria and cholera, although such waste is were left unassessed and no solution was proposed to overcome them. In
usually dumped into puddles, pools, rivers, and agricultural lands. response to these gaps, the present study seeks to develop a substantial
In the absence of an effective and efficient waste management plan, model by considering all challenges to industrial waste management. It
wastes generated as a result of municipal activities, whether industrial also tries to solve these obstacles by proposing smart solutions. Such
or residential, can lead to health risks and degrade the environment. contributions could further expand the theoretical domains of industrial
Aazam et al. (2016) mentioned that all of these risks occur due to a lack waste management in the light of smart technologies, offering practical
of standard operational procedures for waste management. It is neces solutions that organizations can adopt in the face of such impediments.
sary for countries worldwide to move toward smart waste management. Researchers in most of these studies relied on statistical methods to
identify, evaluate, and manage industrial waste. The only study that
2.3. Smart industrial waste management used multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods for industrial
waste management was conducted by Adar et al. (2022), who drew on
Smart technologies in waste management mostly concentrate on the AHP-COCOSO approach in a crisp environment. It must, however, be
positioning systems (e.g., GPS, GIS), data collection tools (e.g., sensors, noted that because the value of each challenge to industrial waste
imaging), identification systems (e.g., barcode, RFID), and data in management and that of each smart solution to the challenges involve a
general. Data transfer mechanisms (e.g., Bluetooth, WIFI, GSM) can be high degree of uncertainty, which is exasperated by the uncertainty in
highly effective (Esmaeilizadeh et al., 2020). According to the UN, expert opinions, this study employs various modern fuzzy logic tech
digital tools contribute to the efficiency of waste management. Smart niques to handle this uncertainty.
technologies can reduce CO2 emissions as much as 60% in cities. With
the emergence of a new paradigm called the Internet of Things (IoT), the 3. Research method
global industry has been undergoing massive transformations (Lenkie
wicz, 2016). IoT advancements can enhance the waste management This section consists of two parts: Hesitant Fuzzy Sets and Research
system. Installing sensors in dustbins, coupled with IoT connections, can Phases. Because the study conducted its analyses in a hesitant fuzzy
make real-time supervision possible. These technologies have not been environment, the concept of hesitant fuzzy sets is briefly explained
properly implemented in waste management systems yet. below, before explaining the research steps.
Employing these technologies can help gather data from such factors
as fill-level, humidity, temperature, and other related variables through
3.1. Hesitant fuzzy sets
sensors. Such data can then be transferred to the processing system for
storage and analysis. Through investigations of processed data, the
As an extension of fuzzy sets, an HFS performs the complex function
limitations of existing waste management systems can be revealed and
of determining the membership of an element in a set. This task can be
as a result the functionality of the system can be improved. Imple
specifically difficult when values show a degree of ambiguity (Xu,
menting IoT in dustbins represents one step toward having a smart city.
2014). Proposed by Torra (2010), the HFS displays hesitance in the face
Smart management, of course, requires a combination of unified smart
of an uncertain environment. An HFS provides an effective function in
technologies that together facilitate the waste management process
cases that the membership of an element to a set is complex because
(Sheng et al., 2020).
there is some doubt about the values assigned.
Shayesteh et al. (2020) observed that most industrial townships
faced waste management problems to select proper disposal practices. Definition 1. Consider X to be a fixed set.An HFS A on X is constructed
Although such townships consume large amounts of resources, they according to the function hA (x). If applied to X, this function returns a
generate a huge volume of solid waste that is responsible for many finite subset of [0, 1]. Offering a simplified version, Xia and Xu formu
pollutants, and irreparably damage the environment. Various ways of late HFS using a mathematical symbol (Xia and Xu, 2011):
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
specialized in industries and smart technologies as well as industry SEEGO model. Okoli and Schabram (2010) proposed a framework for
managers. The data were collected through interviews with six experts systematic literature reviews as described below (Okoli and Schabram,
(professors and industry managers) in such fields as industrial waste 2010).
management, smart technologies, and I4.0.
Phase 1. Modeling the challenges of industrial waste manage 1. Planning: Determining clearly expressed goals for the research.
ment (STEEGO model) 2. Selection: Finding publications indexed in authentic scientific data
This phase primarily identified the challenges of industrial waste bases based on the titles, abstracts, introduction sections, and
management and then used the TISM method to develop a conceptual conclusion sections.
model. 3. Extraction: Evaluating the quality of the publications and recording
Part 1. Identifying the challenges of industrial waste management the relevant information of each publication.
trough a systematic literature review. 4. Execution: Finding and categorizing the indictors, and finally pre
The study relied on the systematic literature review method to paring the research report.
identify the challenges of industrial waste management and design
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Part 2. Designing the conceptual model via TISM. 15. Computing the preferences: First, the preference of the best crite
As a soft operations research technique, the TISM method addresses rion over all the other criteria was decided using a number
problems involving complexity and vague structures. The method clar ranging from 1 to 9. AB = (aB1 , aB2 , …, aBn ) ultimately repre
ifies the relationships among a number of variables by putting them into sented the best-to-others vector value. Meanwhile, the preference
a structure. The steps of the TISM method are briefly mentioned below of all the criteria over the worst criterion was decided through a
(Sushil, 2012). number falling between 1 and 9; AW = (a1W , a2W , …, anW )T for
mulates the final others-to-worst values.
5. Identifying and specifying the elements: The elements were initially 16. Calculating the importance (severity) of challenges: A criterion’s
identified and determined and their interrelationships were optimal weight was established when wB /wj = aBj and wj /ww =
modeled. ajw for each pair of wB /wj and wj /ww . To realize these conditions
6. Defining contextual relationships: To construct the model, the for all js, a solution was needed that included the maximum ab
contextual relationships existing among the indicators were ⃒
solute differences ⃒wwBj − aBj ⃒ and ⃒wwj − ajW ⃒. As such, the BWM-
7. Interpreting the relationships: The classical vision of ISM seeks to based model was constructed according to the following
provide an interpretation how the factors in a model are associ equation:
ated with each other. Nonetheless, ISM cannot offer an explana min ξ (10)
tory scheme that could clarify the relationships and their
functions. TISM, however, offers a vivid interpretation of the s.t.
existing relationships. ⃒ ⃒
⃒w B ⃒
8. Using the interpretive logic of pairwise comparison: The study used ⃒ − aBj ⃒ ≤ ξ, for all js
⃒w ⃒
the “interpretive matrix” to apply the TISM method. The matrix j
tained from the digraph and from the interaction matrix. multiplicative consistency suggested that normalized hesitant fuzzy
evaluations, along with their corresponding hesitant fuzzy weights,
Phase 2. Evaluating the weights of challenges of industrial would have to satisfy the following formulation:
waste management.
Phase 2 primarily used HF-BWM to decide about the importance ω(1) ω(2) ω(l)
= h(1)
Bj , (2)
= h(2)
Bj , …, (l)
= h(l)
Bj (12)
(severity) and probability of the challenges identified. Then, it relied on
(1) (1) (2)
ω + ωj
B ωB + ωj ωB + ω(l)j
the HF-DEMATEL method to compute the relationships between the
Employing slack variables, one could compute the consistency of
challenges. As such, by aggregating the weights of the challenges and
criteria representing normalized hesitant fuzzy preferences:
relationships, the analysis in this phase adjusted weights of the severity
⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒
and probability measures of the challenges. ⃒ ω(1)
⃒ ⃒ ω(2) ⃒ ⃒ ω(l) ⃒
B (1) ⃒ 1 ⃒ B (2) ⃒ ⃒ j (l) ⃒
Part 3. Determining the important of challenges (HF-BWM)
⃒ (1) (1)
− hBj ⃒ ≤ ψ , ⃒ (2) (2)
− hBj ⃒ ≤ ψ , …, and⃒ (l) (l)
− hjw ⃒
⃒ωB + ωj ⃒ ⃒ωB + ωj ⃒ ⃒ωw + ωj ⃒
In this part, HF-BWM helped to evaluate the importance (severity) of
the challenges. The following steps explain the BWM (Rezaei, 2015). ≤ ψ (l)
14. Determining the most important and worst challenges: The most
The analysis mentioned above helped to create a normalization-
important and least important challenges were determined by the
based model that could decide the weights for computing the hesitant
experts. The decision-makers just determined the most important
fuzzy weights of criteria:
and least important challenges, although they did not make
comparisons here. Min ψ (l) (14)
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
s.t.: Table 2
The HF-DEMATEL linguistic terms.
⃒ ( ) ⃒
⃒ (l) (l) (l) (l) ⃒
⃒ωB − ωB + ωj ×hBj ⃒ ≤ ψ (l) linguistic terms Symbol HF number
No Influence NI [0,0]
⃒ ( ) ⃒
⃒ (l) (l) ⃒ Very Low Influence VLI [0.25,0.35]
⃒ωj − ω(l)
w + ωj × h(l)
jw ⃒ ≤ ψ
Low influence LI [0.45,0.55]
High Influence HI [0.65,0.75]
n Very High Influence VHI [0.85,0.95]
ωσj (1) + ωσt (l) ≤ 1 + ωσt (1)
2 m
23. Constructing the group direct-relation HF matrix: The membership ̃ =̃
T S⨁ ̃
S ⨁⋯⨁̃
degrees decided by the experts were integrated into a single HFE Meanwhile, the total-relation hesitant fuzzy matrices T L and T U ,
through the following interval-valued hesitant fuzzy weighted
which contained the lower and upper limits of T̃ were calculated as
averaging operator:
follows, respectively:
( )2 ( )m
T L = SL ⨁ SL ⨁⋯⨁ SL (22)
{[ ] }
( ) K (
∏ ( )L )Wk K (
∏ ( )U )Wk ⃒
k ⃒ 1 ̃1 1
̃ p
dij = ⨁k=1 wk ̃
hij = 1− 1 − ̃γ kij ,1− 1 − ̃γkij ⃒̃γij ∈ hij , …, ̃γij ∈ ̃
k=1 k=1
( )2 ( )m
L U T U = SU ⨁ SU ⨁⋯⨁ SU (23)
where (̃γkij ) and (̃γ kij ) represent the lower and upper limits of HFE (̃
γ kij )
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Eq. (25) represents a theorem that makes it possible to compute ̃
S by
calculating the mth power of the matrices SL and SU :
⎡ ⎤
(m) (m) (m)
S ̃
S … ̃
⎢ 11 12 1n ⎥
⎢ (m) ⎥
⎢ ̃ ̃ (m)
̃ (m) ⎥
⎢ S S … S2n ⎥ (25)
S = ⎢ 21 22
⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ (m) (m)
̃ (m)
Sn1 ̃ Sn2 … ̃ Snn
{[( (m) )L ( (m) )U ]} Fig. 2. The influence-dependence chart.
Sij = ̃
Sij , ̃
28. Calculating the “prominence” and “relation” values: Eqs. (30) and
In this formulation, (̃ Sij ) and (̃
Sij ) reflect the lower and upper
(m) (31) show how the “prominence” (PRp ) and “relation” (REp )
values were calculated:
limits of the elements of the mth power of ̃
S, respectively. These matrices
were constructed as follows: PRp = r + c (30)
⎡ ⎤
REp = r − c (31)
⎢ ( ̃sL )(m) ( ̃sL )(m) ( )(m) ⎥
⎢ 11 12 ⋯ ̃sL1n ⎥
⎢( ) ( L )(m) ⎥
( L )m ⎢ (m) ( L )(m) ⎥
⎢ ̃sL21
=⎢ ̃s 22 ⋯ ̃s2n ⎥
⎥ (27) 29. Determining influence-importance values: The influence-importance
⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
⎥ values were computed through the “prominence” and “relation”
⎢ ( L )(m) ( L )(m)
⎣ ̃s ⋯
( L )(m) ⎥ ⎦ values, according to the following equation:
n1 ̃sn2 ̃snn
FI ωj = PR2j + RE2j (32)
⎡ ⎤
The normalized influence-importance FIωj was obtained through:
⎢ ( ̃sU )(m) (
)(m) ( )(m) ⎥
⎢ 11 ⋯ ̃sU1n ⎥
⎢( ) ⎥ FI ωj
( U )m ⎢⎢ U
(m) (
)(m) ( U )(m) ⎥
⎥ FIWj = ∑ (33)
= ⎢ ̃s21 ⋯ ̃s2n (28)
S ⎥ FI ωj
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥ j=1
⎢ ( U )(m) ( )(m) ( )(m) ⎥
⎣ ̃s ̃sUn2 ⋯ ̃sUnn ⎦
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
database information about waste generation” (Ch29), “failure to locate (“organizational” dimension), “waste recycling without an economic
proper places for constructing waste management installations” (Ch27), plan” (Ch32) (“economic” dimension), “insufficient training in relation
and “insufficient training in relation to legal waste drainage and proper to legal waste drainage and proper waste digestion” (Ch44) (“social”
waste digestion” (Ch44). The most influential indicators were “a lack of dimension), “a tendency to incinerate wastes” (Ch53) (“environmental”
specific technical instructions regarding refining and recycling” dimension), and “inefficient collection systems” (Ch61) (“technological”
(Ch213), “mismatches between violations of standard waste disposal dimension).
procedures and related publishments” (Ch14), and “inefficient collec Phase 3. Providing Smart industrial waste management solu
tion systems” (Ch61). Meanwhile, the most critical indicator was “a lack tions and prioritizing the solutions.
of effective technologies processing different types of bio-waste” (Ch62), Finally, some solutions for industrial waste management were pro
whereas “dumping wastes in the soil without any standards or pouring posed based on the applications of smart technologies. The solutions
them into water” was the most dependent indicator (Ch52). were then prioritized and the most effective ones were highlighted. The
Part 6. Determining the adjusted weights of the most important whole procedure was accomplished through the following steps.
(the severest) challenges. Part 8. Identifying Smart industrial waste management
In this part, steps 25–27 were followed to compute the adjusted solutions.
weights of the challenges through the HF-DEMATEL and HF-BWM In this part of phase 3, all of the existing publications exploring smart
methods (for more details, see the supplementary file). Table 7 shows technologies employed by industrial waste management organizations
the adjusted weights of the most important indicators. were investigated. Six experts expressed their opinions about smart in
Part 7. Determining the adjusted weights of the most probable dustrial waste management solutions. Table 8 shows the extracted
challenges. findings.
To evaluate the weights of the most probable indicators, steps 28–30 Part 9. Prioritizing the solution based on the HF-QFD method.
(just like steps 25–27) were followed. Table 7 lists the normalized After the identification of smart industrial waste management solu
weights of the most probable challenges. tions, the score for each solution was computed as per steps 28–35 (for
Given the results obtained from weight calculations, one can observe more details, see the supplementary file). Table 9 lists the prioritization
that the severest indicators were “unspecified regulations and laws results of the solutions found.
regarding waste recycling and disposal” (Ch12) (“governmental” As Table 9 clarifies, the most prioritized solutions among the smart
dimension), “poor infrastructure” (Ch22) (“organizational” dimension), waste management solutions were: “constructing smart infrastructure
“waste recycling without an economic plan” (Ch32) (“economic” for proper waste management” (S32), “formulating smart planning to
dimension), “people’s unawareness of the benefits of using organiza properly dispose wastes” (S34), “training employees and developing
tional wastes” (Ch42) (“social” dimension), “disposing waste in small their skills in terms of smart systems and waste control/collection”
sites” (“environmental” dimension), and “the unavailability of func (S13), and “employing circular economy to reduce the exposure of the
tional refinery technologies” (Ch67) (“technological” dimension). The environment to waste” (S25).
most probable challenges were “waste recycling conducted by the
informal sector” (Ch11) (“organizational” dimension), “impractical
planning and accountability on the part of organizations” (Ch21)
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Table 4
Model for the challenges of industrial waste management.
Dimensions Codes Indicators Codes References
Governmental Ch1 Waste recycling conducted by the informal sector Ch11 Aleluia and Ferrão (2016); Ghosh and Di Maria (2018); Gold et al. (2018);
Unspecified regulations and laws regarding waste Ch12 Menegaki and Damigos (2018); Zorpas et al. (2018); Fatimah et al. (2020);
recycling and disposal Kazawadi et al. (2021); Kabirifar et al. (2021); Lim et al. (2021); Iacovidou
Unaccountability on the part of organizations, Ch13 and Zorpas (2022)
institutions, and ministries for non-standard
Mismatches between violations of standard waste Ch14
disposal procedures and related publishments
A lack of performance guarantees ensuring a proper Ch15
observation of the laws regarding waste management
The absence or a shortage of regulations inhibiting Ch16
waste generation or relevant incentive schemes
Poor systems dealing with the digestion of wastes Ch17
especially bio-wastes
A lack of government supervision over waste Ch18
recycling or disposal
Organizational Ch2 Impractical planning and accountability on the part Ch21 Bundhoo (2018); Van Tuan et al. (2018); Zorpas et al. (2018); Breitenmoser
of organizations et al. (2019); Demichelis et al. (2019); Slavík et al. (2019); Tiwary et al.
Poor infrastructure Ch22 (2019); Zeller et al. (2020); Loizia et al. (2021); Chaudhary et al. (2021);
Unqualified managerial and executive decision- Ch23 Lim et al. (2021); Morone et al. (2021); Friege and Eger (2022); Iacovidou
making in terms of waste management and Zorpas (2022); Walk et al. (2022)
Unscientific and unsystematic waste management Ch24
Unauthorized waste management activities Ch25
The absence of an efficient collection scheme Ch26
Failure to locate proper places for constructing waste Ch27
management installations
Failure to segregate wastes in the place of origin Ch28
Limited database information about waste Ch29
Inefficient bio-waste information tracking abilities Ch210
Uncodified standards and criteria in relation to Ch211
recycled materials
A lack of culture for effective waste management Ch212
A lack of specific technical instructions regarding Ch213
refining and recycling
Rare participation of organization staff in waste Ch214
Economic Ch3 A shortage of financial resources devoted to waste Ch31 Ghosh and Di Maria (2018); Menegaki and Damigos (2018); Breitenmoser
management et al. (2019); Tiwary et al. (2019); Matassa et al. (2020); Awasthi et al.
Waste recycling without an economic plan Ch32 (2021); Kabirifar et al. (2021); Kazawadi et al. (2021); Iacovidou and
High costs of implementation, supervision, Ch33 Zorpas (2022)
maintenance, and repairs in factories dealing with
anaerobic digestion
Expensive recycling technologies Ch34
Social Ch4 A lack of technical skills Ch41 Bundhoo (2018); Ghosh and Di Maria (2018); Fatimah et al. (2020);
People’s unawareness of the benefits of using Ch42 Kabirifar et al. (2021); Kazawadi et al. (2021); Lim et al. (2021); Friege and
organizational wastes Eger (2022); Iacovidou and Zorpas (2022);
Wrong approach of Beneficiaries toward waste Ch43
Insufficient training in relation to legal waste Ch44
drainage and proper waste digestion
Environmental Ch5 A lack of waste collection scheduling guided by Ch51 Bhatia et al. (2018); Breitenmoser et al. (2019); Demichelis et al. (2019);
(biological and weather and seasonal conditions Kazawadi et al. (2021); Lim et al. (2021); Friege and Eger (2022)
physical) Dumping wastes in the soil without any standards or Ch52
pouring them into water
A tendency to incinerate wastes Ch53
Disposing waste in small sites Ch54
Impurities existing in bio-wastes and segregation Ch55
Technological Ch6 Inefficient collection systems Ch61 Ghosh and Di Maria (2018); Gold et al. (2018); Breitenmoser et al. (2019);
A lack of effective technologies processing different Ch62 Tiwary et al. (2019); Fatimah et al. (2020); Matassa et al. (2020); Loizia
types of bio-waste et al. (2021); Kabirifar et al. (2021); Kazawadi et al. (2021); Friege and Eger
Failure to supervise, maintain, and repair waste Ch63 (2022); Iacovidou and Zorpas (2022);
digestion instruments
Currently unified waste management systems Ch64
The poor functionality of existing technologies and Ch65
deteriorating refinery machinery
Using substandard transportation methods Ch66
The unavailability of functional refinery Ch67
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Fig. 5. The Structural model for the challenges of industrial waste management.
can be improved it terms of processing time, accuracy, and efficiency. Following the “organizational” dimension, the “technological”,
Meanwhile, the critical state of the indicator “people’s unawareness of “governmental”, “environmental”, “social”, and “economic” dimensions
the benefits of using organizational wastes” revealed how organizations were severe, respectively.
and society at large had failed to train people and build a culture Once the severe challenges were identified, the study explored the
contributing to industrial waste management. most probable ones. Our results revealed that the “technological”
The present study also relied on HF-BWM to identify the most dimension was not the severest challenge; it was the most probable one.
important and probable indicators. As shown in Table 7, the “organi This observation can be explained by considering the fact that a lack of
zational” dimension was the most important dimension in the STEEGO smart technologies implemented in the collection stage, as the first stage
model. This could be explained due to a lack of practical planning and a of industrial waste management, could accordingly lead to the loss of a
strategically holistic outlook to industrial waste management, which huge amount of useful waste. Such types of waste cannot enter the
was a problem arising from the cultural approach to environmental recycling, digestion, and refining cycle (Mukherjee et al., 2021).
pollution as well as organizational managers’ failure to take future Meanwhile, collected waste can be lost, if ineffectively tracked, illegally
concerns into account. If decision-making organizations do not have any disposed, or informally used by people who do not have official au
specific technical instructions, do not pursue practical standards, and thority. Due to defects in waste refining systems, which are outdated,
fail to have active participation, they tend to make poor decisions, resort turning waste back to the natural cycle would face even more challenges
to unscientific and unsystematic industrial waste management practices, (Fatimah et al., 2020).
and ignore defects in the infrastructure (for instance, a lack of a Following an investigation of the challenges of industrial waste
comprehensive plan for waste collection) (Kabirifar et al., 2021). management, the study identified smart solutions for industrial waste
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Table 5 2017). To realize such goals, developing and training skilled human
Probability and severity of the challenges of industrial waste management. resources by means of updated knowledge about technology applica
Severity of Severity of Probability of Probability of tions could considerably contribute to a successful implementation of
industrial industrial industrial industrial smart industrial waste management (Tseng et al., 2020). In the light of
waste waste waste waste circular economy concepts and such technologies as blockchain and IoT,
management management management management
industrial waste management can facilitate the process of returning
challenges challenges challenges challenges
(local) (overall) (local) (overall) waste to the production cycle.
By installing vibration measuring devices in manufacturing factories,
Ch1 0.23 0.079
Ch11 0.196 0.032 0.207 0.035
a connection is established between the motors of a machine and IoT
Ch12 0.24 0.039 0.112 0.019 devices, which in turn provides the possibility of wireless transmission
Ch13 0.033 0.005 0.084 0.014 of data to decision support systems and data analytics tools. Advanced
Ch14 0.059 0.01 0.188 0.031 newely-developed sensors help monitor the level of contents in indus
Ch15 0.082 0.013 0.182 0.03
trial bins in order tolinks bins with supply chain management system
Ch16 0.098 0.016 0.151 0.025
Ch17 0.138 0.023 0.03 0.005 (Vafeiadis et al., 2018). Nowadays, more affordable solutions are sug
Ch18 0.154 0.025 0.046 0.0077 gested for machine monitoring due to the development of intelligent IoT
Ch2 0.27 0.248
systems and innovative sensor technologies (e.g.
Ch21 0.066 0.011 0.161 0.027 micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) sensors that have been
Ch22 0.172 0.028 0.149 0.025 extensively investigated to be used in condition-based maintenance
Ch23 0.049 0.008 0.125 0.021 applications). Also, certain smart decentralized data analytics ap
Ch24 0.031 0.005 0.031 0.005
proaches have been recently introduced that support low-cost MEMS
Ch25 0.059 0.01 0.085 0.014
Ch26 0.131 0.021 0.077 0.013 vibration sensors and classification techniques. To estimate the content,
Ch27 0.09 0.015 0.062 0.01 shape, area, height, and weight of objects, industrial waste management
Ch28 0.125 0.02 0.11 0.018 solutions has incorporated ultrasonic distance sensors, small cameras,
Ch29 0.028 0.004 0.01 0.002 and cost-effective strain gauge systems. An efficient and dynamic
Ch210 0.026 0.005 0.021 0.0035
Ch211 0.047 0.008 0.042 0.007
fill-level sensing system entails an automated system with real-time in
Ch212 0.081 0.013 0.053 0.009 formation on bin status using lid, waste level, and weight sensors
Ch213 0.042 0.007 0.025 0.0042 (Zonzini et al., 2020).
Ch214 0.053 0.009 0.049 0.0082 The increasing use of AI can be attributed to effectiveness in handling
Ch3 0.075 0.086 complex and noisy multidimensional data. AI has been widely applied in
Ch31 0.15 0.025 0.19 0.032 environmental engineering to address a variety of challenges, which
Ch32 0.42 0.069 0.39 0.065 mostly include solid waste management, air pollution, water and
Ch33 0.12 0.02 0.05 0.0083
Ch34 0.42 0.069 0.37 0.062
wastewater treatment, groundwater contamination, and soil remedia
tion, . In order to predict pollutant concentrations, waste generation
Ch4 0.076 0.113
patterns and particulate matter levels, AI-based risk management tools
Ch41 0.35 0.057 0.13 0.022
Ch42 0.49 0.08 0.39 0.065 (ANNs, MLPs, and ANFIS models) are applied. MLPs are efficient tools
Ch43 0.065 0.011 0.06 0.01 for predicting the levels of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.
Ch44 0.095 0.0155 0.42 0.07 ANFIS predicts and optimizes processes in water and wastewater treat
Ch5 0.095 0.13 ment plants (accurate prediction of methane and effluent volatile solids,
Ch51 0.1 0.0164 0.16 0.027 and optimization of coagulant dosages for removing turbidity). At pre
Ch52 0.22 0.036 0.23 0.038 sent, AI is extensively applied in industrial solid waste management to
Ch53 0.17 0.028 0.35 0.058
optimize waste collection truck routes, identify suitable locations for
Ch54 0.39 0.064 0.14 0.023
Ch55 0.12 0.02 0.12 0.02 industrial waste management facilities, and simulate waste conversion
processes (Abdallah et al., 2020).
Ch6 0.25 0.343
Ch61 0.121 0.02 0.37 0.062
To sum up, organizations can use smart technologies (like the ones
Ch62 0.162 0.027 0.22 0.037 used in the circular economy) to convert different types of waste into
Ch63 0.03 0.005 0.045 0.008 biomass or energy. This process can reduce both the consumption of raw
Ch64 0.101 0.017 0.033 0.0055 materials and fossil fuels, and the cost of slash waste disposal. They can
Ch65 0.181 0.03 0.075 0.013
also install smart sensors in recycling tanks to obtain waste-related in
Ch66 0.094 0.015 0.112 0.019
Ch67 0.311 0.051 0.145 0.024 formation online. By analyzing the information stored in big databases,
employees can improve their decision-making process. Making timely
*The weights were analyzed according to their normalized weights.
decisions on waste disposal or recycling may prevent waste accumula
tion, accelerate recycling, and reduce the costs of maintenance and
management through a literature review. The HF-QFD method helped transportation. As a result, organizations should take the responsibility
prioritize the solutions. As the data listed in Table 9 suggest, the tran to be less likely to dispose or incinerate waste, and finding it less
sition from the traditional industrial waste management system to a necessary to use raw materials or fuels. These changes will, in turn,
smart one would demand the construction of smart infrastructure, as a improve the economic performance of such organizations.
highly prioritized measure. Without paying attention to various aspects
of information technology, it would be extremely difficult to train 5. Conclusion, contributions, implications, limitations and
competent human resources who could properly apply technology, future research
create big data hubs, and overcome implementation obstacles. Other
wise, the transition would most definitely fail and lead to a huge loss of The purpose of this study was to propose solutions to the challenges
time and monetary resources (Chaudhary et al., 2021). of industrial waste management by focusing on the capacities of smart
Yet, if high-ranking managers in industries and organizations began technologies. In this study, the challenges of industrial waste manage
to rely on smart technologies for long-term industrial waste manage ment in the STEEGO model were divided intosix dimensions: govern
ment practices, such a measure would require less energy and cost, and mental, organizational, economic, social, biological and physical, and
could result in more sustainable outcomes (de Souza Melaré et al., technological. Among these dimensions, the organizational dimension,
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Table 6
The causal relationships.
Governmental (Ch1) C R nC nR
Organizational (Ch2) 0.920 0.998 0.881 0.996 0.494 0.813 0.437 0.775
Economic (Ch3) 0.911 0.998 0.898 0.997 0.166 0.373 0.157 0.353
Social (Ch4) 0.906 0.998 0.9 0.998 0.164 0.376 0.161 0.376
Biological and Physical Environment (Ch5) 0.903 0.998 0.918 0.998 0.199 0.446 0.211 0.446
Technological (Ch6) 0.916 0.998 0.914 0.998 0.462 0.789 0.458 0.789
with a weight of 0.27, showed the highest degree of importance, improving their organizational performance and reducing environ
although technological challenges, with a weight of 0.343, were more mental impacts (Schoeman et al., 202.
likely to occur in organizations. Therefore, organizations lacking the The circular economy is a system of production and exchange,
necessary infrastructure, an efficient collection scheme, and effective allowing increased efficiency and resource productivity and reduced
industrial waste refining/recycling technologies would not be able to environmental impacts in all stages of the product’s life cycle; thus, the
properly segregate wastes in the place of origin. This failure could lead circular economy is not limited to industrial waste management and
to the contamination of soil and agricultural products, while threatening recycling waste output of organizations. It also seeks to reduce waste in
aquatic animals and people (Hantoko et al., 2021). the design, production and recycling processes (Takacs et al., 2022).
In order to properly manage these wastes, 36 smart solutions were Therefore, the development of smart infrastructures and use of smart
presented (Table 9). The top-three solutions for smart waste manage circular economy can reduce manufacturing waste through source sep
ment, namely “constructing smart infrastructure for proper industrial aration of the waste and prevent cross-contamination in production line
waste management” (importance measure: 0.68), “formulating smart by smart planning in all stages of the product life cycle (Fatimah et al.,
planning to properly dispose industrial waste” (importance measure: 2020).
0.67), and “training employees and developing their skills in terms of This study contributes to research and practice, as it can be
smart systems and waste control/collection” (importance measure: encouraging organization managers to reduce the amount of generated
0.51). Organizations can identify their existing challenges, thus waste by properly recycling it and help to reduce waste disposal or
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
incineration. Such a measure can decrease environmental pollution, boundaries of, providing a profound vision to researchers and managers
reduce the consumption of natural resources, help to return waste to the concerned with waste managementso that they can trace such chal
production cycle, reduce production costs, and protect Earth from lenges in their organizational departments. The study proposed the
pollution. notion of smart industrial waste management, which involves solutions
Table 10 shows the waste generated by different industries and the that could undo the challenges and further develop the literature on
smart waste management technologies used. However, it should be waste management challenges. This approach sought to find ways to
noted that the waste materials under investigation in Table 10 include best manage industrial waste by employing Industry 4.0 technologies
both solid and liquid waste, and gas emissions have not been considered. and by returning waste to the production cycle to reduce disposal/
The major criterion considered for the selection of waste manage incineration activities.
ment technology and system configuration is the type of waste being Smart technologies are used to address waste management chal
processed. For example, the design of hazardous waste processing plants lenges because they can increase the speed of processing and accuracy of
differs from that of food waste processing plants. On the other hand, the waste collection and proper disposal, thereby enhancing organizational
plant location affects the transportation costs and the resource avail performance and reduce environmental impacts. To realize smart in
ability. For instance, transportation costs will be reduced if the plant is dustrial waste management goals, the study also tried to find out which
located near the waste generation sources. Moreover, managers should challenge could be resolved by which technology. Such a goal could
allocate available funds to meet the cost of the construction and oper expand the understanding of researchers and managers on the concepts
ation of a recycling facility. As we know, the more waste a factory explored and clarify which technologies can best respond to a specific
produces, the higher its waste disposal cost. Larger industries that problem.
generate more waste can save money by reducing the amount of waste
they produce. The present study can provide such industries with some
information on how to reduce waste generation, such as best practices 5.2. Managerial contributions
for waste reduction, the cost-effectiveness of various waste management
technologies, and government funding for waste management. By From a practical perspective, the present study can help industry
implementing the suggested solutions, larger industries can reduce their managers to conveniently identify waste management challenges and
waste generation, cut costs and improve their environmental perfor detect infrastructural issues affecting a proper waste management plan.
mance. Recycling can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills Knowledge of such challenges will encourage managers to codify rele
resulting in reduced disposal costs and environmental impacts of waste vant organizational laws of waste recycling and to enhance waste
disposal. On the other hand, industries can reduce methane emissions by recycling technologies (Aazam et al., 2016). Such changes can improve
organic waste composting. Methane, as a greenhouse gas and significant organizational culture of employees regarding proper waste recycling,
air pollutant, is 25 times as potent as CO2. Furthermore, energy recovery urge the organization to offer training to employees, and account for a
from waste contributes to industries reducing their reliance on fossil precise formulation of technical guidelines in waste management. Using
fuels, cutting energy costs and reducing the environmental impacts of smart technologies, the organization can control its waste, separate
energy production. waste in the place of origin, and recycle waste (which will prevent waste
incineration or disposal in the ground or water resources) (Bhatia et al.,
5.1. Theoretical contributions To actualize these goals, managers must have a clear understanding
of smart recycling technologies to find the most effective tool for waste
Theoretically, the present study built a compressive model for the recycling. If managers fail to identify waste management challenges or
challenges to waste management by considering governmental, orga properly analyze the technology dimention they need for waste recy
nizational, economic, social, biological and physical, and technological cling/disposal, they may neither be able to improve their performance
dimensions. Categorizing the challenges can expand the conceptual nor reduce organizational costs, besides contributing to environmental
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Table 7 Table 8
The adjusted weights of the challenges of industrial waste management. Smart industrial waste management solutions.
Challenges FIWj Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Smart solutions Symbol Reference
weights of final weights of final
Equipping traditional waste S1 Uhlmann et al. (2017); Vafeiadis
the severest weights of the most weights of
management systems with smart et al. (2018); Birkel et al. (2019);
challenges the severest probable the most
IoT sensors and AI Islam et al. (2020);
challenges challenges probable
Implementing real-time S2 Blömeke et al. (2020);
supervision and enhancing waste Phuyal et al. (2020);
(Ch1) 0.022 0.126 0.051 management Sheng et al. (2020);
Ch11 0.025 0.111 0.031 0.116 0.033 Using smart blockchain contracts S3 Sousa et al. (2020);
Ch12 0.025 0.132 0.037 0.068 0.019 in industrial waste management Ahmad et al. (2021);
Ch13 0.02 0.026 0.007 0.052 0.015 Constructing cybernetic S4 Chiarini (2021);
Ch14 0.016 0.038 0.011 0.102 0.029 infrastructure and I4.0 Sen Gupta et al. (2021);
Ch15 0.016 0.049 0.014 0.099 0.028 technologies to achieve Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz and
Ch16 0.023 0.06 0.017 0.087 0.025 sustainable development in Zdonek (2021);
Ch17 0.019 0.079 0.022 0.025 0.007 industrial waste management Vereycken et al. (2021);
Ch18 0.016 0.085 0.024 0.031 0.009 Employing GIS and GPS S5
technologies in locating proper
(Ch2) 0.029 0.15 0.139
dumping sites
Ch21 0.013 0.039 0.011 0.087 0.025
Utilizing data collection S6
Ch22 0.024 0.098 0.028 0.087 0.025
technologies (e.g., sensors,
Ch23 0.024 0.037 0.01 0.075 0.021
imaging) to extract information
Ch24 0.018 0.025 0.007 0.025 0.007
about waste
Ch25 0.022 0.04 0.011 0.053 0.015
Implementing smart sensors for S7
Ch26 0.024 0.077 0.022 0.05 0.014
data collection
Ch27 0.022 0.056 0.016 0.042 0.012
Using identification and data S8
Ch28 0.015 0.07 0.02 0.063 0.018
transfer technologies (e.g.,
Ch29 0.015 0.022 0.006 0.013 0.004
Bluetooth, WIFI, GSM, RFID) for
Ch210 0.015 0.021 0.006 0.018 0.005
information exchange
Ch211 0.02 0.033 0.009 0.031 0.009
Relying on big data analytics and S9
Ch212 0.023 0.052 0.015 0.038 0.011
cloud computing to process
Ch213 0.025 0.034 0.01 0.025 0.007
information about waste
Ch214 0.022 0.038 0.011 0.036 0.01
Installing smart sensors in S10
(Ch3) 0.026 0.051 0.056 industrial waste containers
Ch31 0.024 0.087 0.024 0.107 0.03 recycling bins to properly and
Ch32 0.026 0.223 0.063 0.208 0.059 timely segregate wastes,
Ch33 0.012 0.066 0.019 0.031 0.009 especially in steel, food, and
Ch34 0.024 0.222 0.063 0.197 0.056 chemical industries
Establishing remote S11
(Ch4) 0.026 0.052 0.069
communication as required by
Ch41 0.025 0.188 0.053 0.078 0.022
the industrial waste
Ch42 0.026 0.258 0.073 0.208 0.059
management system via smart
Ch43 0.023 0.044 0.012 0.041 0.012
Ch44 0.023 0.059 0.017 0.222 0.063
Using smart technologies to render S12
(Ch5) 0.024 0.06 0.077 industrial waste management
Ch51 0.017 0.058 0.016 0.088 0.025 more sustainable
Ch52 0.025 0.123 0.035 0.128 0.036 Training employees and S13
Ch53 0.026 0.098 0.025 0.188 0.053 developing their skills in terms of
Ch54 0.026 0.208 0.059 0.083 0.024 smart systems and waste
Ch55 0.024 0.072 0.02 0.072 0.02 control/collection
Making decisions based on big data S14
(Ch6) 0.028 0.139 0.186 and real-time information for
Ch61 0.026 0.074 0.021 0.198 0.056 waste collection and digestion
Ch62 0.027 0.094 0.026 0.123 0.035 Reducing waste management costs, S15
Ch63 0.024 0.027 0.008 0.035 0.01 increasing productivity, and
Ch64 0.024 0.062 0.017 0.028 0.008 optimizing resources through
Ch65 0.014 0.097 0.027 0.044 0.013 real-time data
Ch66 0.017 0.056 0.016 0.065 0.018 Offering automatically processed S16
Ch67 0.015 0.163 0.046 0.08 0.023 online information about the
state of wastes
Increasing waste tracking and S17
pollution (Ismail et al., 2019). management transparency in a
Plausibly, people must try to protect the environment and ecosys decentralized fashion through
tems for the future generations. Business owners, however, have to secure blockchain technologies
Using real-time tracking of wastes S18
protect the expectations of beneficiaries, transporters, and waste
through smart technologies
disposal employees. Although some disposal practices may not impose Constructing reliable channels and S19
large costs on organizations, such practices are unacceptable from the observing waste refining laws
viewpoint of sustainable development. Presumably, smart technologies through blockchain technologies
Protecting waste management S20
can help people to reduce detrimental environmental impacts (by using
documents on big databases
smart technologies such as blockchain or the IoT, they can reduce the Analyzing decentralized smart data S21
volume of (non)hazardous waste loads and prevent the illegal disposal of using vibration sensors in
wastes in the environment or in water bodies, rivers, or seas) (Ahmad microelectronic and mechanical
et al., 2021). Nonetheless, it is absolutely important to acknowledge that systems in the waste digestion
smart technologies and AI should not replace human thinking. In some
(continued on next page)
cases, technologies may challenge the ethical principles of industrial
waste management or endanger beneficiaries’ interests, although
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Z. Khoshsepehr et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 420 (2023) 138327
Tabel 10 Table 11
Different wastes in different industries. Notations list.
Industry wastes technology References symbol meaning
Iron and steel Sewage sludge, AI, IOT, machine Schoeman et al. hE (χ) Hesitant Fuzzy Sets
Oil drums, Oil learning, CE (2021a); Chiarini ⊕ The sum of two hesitant fuzzy sets
drums, Steel (2021); (Zhang et al. ⊗ Multiplication of two fuzzy sets
slimes (2013) ∪ Union of two hesitant fuzzy sets
Automotive Engine parts, 3D, IoT, big data, Lacerda et al. ∩ Intersection of two hesitant fuzzy sets
brake pads, cyber security, cloud (2016); Rzelewska γ Hesitant fuzzy element
Plastic, Metal, computing, cyber- and Regel-Rosocka λ Scalar number
Hazardous physical systems, (2018); de Mattos S(h) Score function
Materials, glass advanced robotics, Nascimento et al. wj Weight
virtual reality, (2022) k HF relation matrix
augmented reality,
̃ Direct-relation HF matrix
intelligence, Sij
̃ Normalized group direct-relation HF matrix
autonomous T
̃ Total-relation hesitant fuzzy matrix
vehicles, additive ̃ri Sum of rows
manufacturing (AM) ̃ci Sum of columns
and blockchain PRp Prominence
Paper and pulp Wood chips, IOT, AI, CE, Digital Zhang et al. (2020); REp Relation
bark, Twin Gupta and Shukla FIWj Normalized influence-importance
chemicals, (2020); Branco et al.
sludge (2018); Zhang et al.
(2020);Rapati et al. ample information from other domains in their studies. Moreover, the
Pharmaceutical Hazardous IOT, AI, CPS Ali et al. (2023); Ata
issue of which capacities of processing plants, technologies, and system
chemicals, et al. (2023); Joshi configurations are most justified for deployment requires further
solvents, and Patel (2023) research and will be addressed in later stages of the application when a
radioactive larger number of industries are considered.
plastics resins, solvents, AI, BLOCKCHAIN, Öncel et al. (2017);
pigments MULTI SENSORS Chidepatil et al. CRediT authorship contribution statement
Textile Dyes, solvents, Digital Twin, IIOT Behera et al. (2021); Zahra Khoshsepehr: Investigation, Formal analysis, Software,
acids Sivaram et al. Visualization, Writing – review & editing. Saeed Alinejad: writing,
(2019); Wu et al.
Investigation, Formal analysis, Visualization, Software, Writing – review
mining Rock, tailings, Digital Twin, IOT, Jamieson et al. & editing. Moslem Alimohammadlou: Writing – review & editing.
heavy metals, CPS (2015); Zhang et al.
acid mine (2020); El Bazi et al. Declaration of competing interest
drainage (2023)
Oil and gas drilling mud, AI Al-Hameedi et al.
wastewater (2020); Mazzoni The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
et al. (2017); interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Sharma et al. (2022) the work reported in this paper.
Electronic Batteries, IoT, Cloud Platform, Ghulam and
Plastic, Metal, GIS, RFID Abushammala
Data availability
Hazardous (2023); Ramesh
materials et al. (2023);
Madkhali et al. Data will be made available on request.
(2023)); Ramya
et al. (2023)
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