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Larry Hoing, CMRP, CMRT


Bob Argyle, Chief Customer Officer,

Tommy Northcott, PE, CMRP,
Senior Power Engineer, Jacobs
Mike Johnston, CMRP, Senior Consultant,
T.A. Cook Consultants, Inc.









Larry Hoing, CMRP, CMRT
Wells Enterprises, Inc.
[email protected]
CONTRIBUTORS 712-540-6511

Bob Argyle is Leading2Lean’s Chief Customer Officer (CCO), Vice Chair

and builds partnerships with manufacturers where best Howard Penrose, CMRP
practices and technology can be leveraged to help them MotorDoc, LLC
achieve greater and greater success. Leading2Lean is the [email protected]
only manufacturing Lean Execution System. Bob has over 630-310-4568
20 years of manufacturing experience that includes over
15 years in lean manufacturing. Before becoming the CCO
Vlad Bacalu, CMRP, CMRT, CAMA
at Leading2Lean, Bob spent time as a maintenance and
operations manager and supervisor at Autoliv.
[email protected]

Tommy Northcutt, PE, CMRP earned a bachelor’s of Gina Hutto-Kittle, CMRP
science in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in Dower The Timken Company
Systems from Tennessee Technological University. He is a [email protected]
professional engineer licensed in the state of Tennessee and 330-471-7465
a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP).
Tommy has well over a decade of experience working with Immediate Past Chair
one of the largest electric utility systems in Tennessee as a Bob Kazar, CMRP, PMP
systems engineer, arc flash project manager, operations and The Wonderful Company
maintenance manager, and reliability engineering manager. [email protected]
Currently, Tommy is a Senior Power Engineer with Jacobs 661-432-4951
Technology Inc.
Certification Director
Bruce Hawkins, CMRP, CAMA
Emerson Process Management
[email protected]
Michael R. Johnston, CMRP, Senior Consultant, T.A. Cook
Consultants, Inc. With over 30 years of professional consulting
experience across North America and the United Kingdom, Body of Knowledge Director
Mike is an expert in delivering maintenance excellence Paul Casto, CMRP
solutions to clients in asset-heavy industries. Following a GE Digital
number of engineering roles at HBS Reliability Technologies/ [email protected]
ABB as Senior Continuous Improvement Analyst, he joined
T.A. Cook in 2009 as a Senior Consultant. Currently, Mike Education Director
provides strategic turnaround, maintenance work process Christopher Mears, CMRP
and uptime improvement advice to businesses in the oil and National Aerospace Solutions/AEDC
gas, petrochemical and chemical industries in North America. [email protected]

Member Services Director

Jeff Shiver, CMRP
People & Processes
[email protected]

Outreach Director
Carl Schultz, CMRP
Advanced Technology Solutions, Inc.
[email protected]



Expansion and Growth is Great.

Reliability is Even Better
For those of us in the northern hemisphere,
summer is in full swing. Many of us will
vacation and spend time with family and
friends. I personally will be going on a
weeklong bicycling ride with the Register's
Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa.
With that kind of trip, preparation, along with

having dedicated support team, are the keys
to success. Without the proper preparation
and dedicated support, the trip wouldn’t be
successful (or comfortable).

I mention this because most of our

companies have built or are working on an
existing plan to ensure reliability success. As a part of our long-term strategy this year,
It’s up to us to suppor t those reliability SMRP is working with several organizations,
programs to ensure the right care is given including the IAM and the Plant Engineering
to our assets. The right level of support is and Maintenance Association of Canada
necessary for our assets’ sustainability and (PEMAC), to create mutual agreements and
ability to have a positive return on net assets partnerships that provide more opportunities
(RONA). The member-submitted articles in for members. Each agreement enlarges
this issue focus on practical applications the scope of opportunity for members to
of best practices that provide the path to receive additional value out of their SMRP
success. Adhering to and supporting best membership, as well as to provide a more
practices is one of the best ways to support robust and global perspective to those
your reliability program and gain buy-in from learnings. These will serve as a catalyst
other departments and managers. for members of all three organizations to
broaden learning opportunities, increase
In a recent op-ed article, Chicago’s mayor net working and provide access to new
talks about his focus on improving the city’s practices and knowledge.
mass transit system through maintaining the
existing rail system rather than expanding it. Speaking of best practices and increasing
This is a great example of how supporting a knowledge and networking, the 25th Annual
reliability program can yield positive results SMRP Conference is fast approaching.
for your assets and your customers while Registration is open; it’s now time to book
not necessarily “wowing” anyone through your travel and choose your workshops,
growth. While in Manchester, England, for tours and track sessions. A s Benjamin
the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) Franklin said, “failing to prepare is preparing
Conference, I listened to a speech by Dr. to fail.” Be proactive. Prepare to succeed by
Jon Lamonte from Transport for Greater registering today. Supporting your reliability
Manchester. He advocated for the same program starts with you. And don’t forget,
type of focus on maintaining current assets t here is anot her way to ad vance t hat
at a high level rather than replacing them knowledge: Bring a college with you. I hope
with new assets and/or expanding beyond to see you and your colleagues in Kansas
the means of our ability to properly support City this October!
and maintain. Both are great examples of
how supporting a good reliability program
for your assets is important not only to the
sustainability of company assets but also to
our customers and consumers.
Larry Hoing, CMRP, CMRT,
SMRP Chair


Do Factories Still Need

‘Maintenance’ Departments?
By Bob Argyle, Chief Customer Officer at Leading2Lean

We hear a lot of talk about “lean maintenance.” This talk Maintenance as an Engine of Continuous
ignores a different conversation that could be taking place. Improvement
This new conversation starts with the question: Why does the
maintenance department even exist? Sure, there will always be people who complete the functions of
repairing equipment, but in the future, their department will be
The term maintenance implies maintaining things the way called something else because they’ll be tasked with doing less
they’ve been, sometimes for decades. In today’s competitive maintaining and more improving of activities. Some people refer
marketplace, only maintaining inevitably leads to a company’s to it as “lean maintenance.” “Lean manufacturing” is a better
demise. Why then should we have a department dedicated to description because in reality, maintenance and production
just maintaining machines and processes? are inseparable.

In my experience, 90 percent of factories operate with systems In factories that have a true lean culture, maintenance sees itself
and methods that are outdated. Antiquated, actually. These are as an engine of continuous improvement, and management
systems that do not support continuous improvement and are empowers them to do so.
in fact wasteful and don’t add value. For the people on the plant
floor, these systems are viewed as more of a task than a valuable Think of the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, or
tool. For manufactures to stay competitive in the rapidly changing NASCAR for those of you unfamiliar with it. The uniformed pit
marketplace, they need to let go of these outdated methods and crew is front-and-center near the track. They are part of the race,
embrace the future. and their job is to coordinate as a team to help the driver finish
the race as fast as possible. To do so, they take into account
Imagine factory workers utilizing mobile technology to instantly mileage, tire wear and a host of other factors to work as little
share ideas and have visibility of current conditions and past and as fast as possible when they need to – all while making
history. What if maintenance technicians were wearing Google decisions on the fly by constantly monitoring information.
Glass while troubleshooting problems? We live in a time when
cars are starting to drive themselves, yet plants are still using What if factories treated their maintenance people the same
pen and paper and solutions that were developed more than 20 way? By putting the maintenance team font-and-center and
years ago to track activities. empowering technicians to immediately suggest improvements
based on real-time data, velocity and productivity will increase.



By putting the maintenance team The factory maintenance supervisor said, “I finally got my
life back.” He no longer spent every day—plus nights and
font-and-center and empowering weekends—receiving calls and texts about problems.
technicians to immediately Not only did the factory enhance bottom-line results and make
suggest improvements based things easier for managers, maintenance technicians were
empowered to improve things rather than to make the same
on real-time data, velocity and adjustments and repairs to machines. No doubt technicians
productivity will increase. were going home to their families and saying, “I solved a
problem at work today,” and “they’re not just asking me to fix
something over and over every day, they’re actually asking me
Unfortunately, in most factories the maintenance department
to use my mind. They’re open to my suggestions, and they’ve
is tucked away in the back. It’s dirty and oily, and the manager
implemented my ideas.” This makes people feel more valuable
doesn’t feel like they are a part of the operations team. Morning
and motivates them to want to solve more problems and
meetings usually become a finger-pointing exercise – with the
improve more processes.
finger usually pointed at maintenance.
Sadly, a lot of companies overlook the value of ideas from
If this is to change, the mentality around maintenance must evolve.
employees on the factory floor.

“Moneyball” on the Factory Floor Continuous Improvement Brings More Work

Technology is allowing more manufacturers to see data in real- and Adds Jobs
time in a way that identifies the biggest problems. Not having
The way to keep factories from shrinking, having to move
real-time data is a lot like coaching a baseball game without
operations or even closing is to show that those factories are
being present. You just can’t gather enough information to see
keeping up with the global economy and that they’re more
a clear picture and make adjustments in the moment.
effective today than they were yesterday. Real-time data with
Analysis of real-time data helps guide further improvement technology is leading to improved bottom-line results and
after the fact. Think “Moneyball” on the factory floor. Just as takes emotion and territorial disagreements out of discussions
Billy Beane, general manager of the Oakland Athletics, used on improvement.
analytics to more accurately identify good traits in previously
Some people fear the loss of jobs with onboarding new
undervalued baseball players, real-time data on the factory floor
technology. In my experience, it’s been the opposite. You
gives technicians and engineers immediate feedback on what
save jobs because you ensure the plant will continue to exist.
needs to be changed or fixed. This empowers maintenance
By incorporating continuous improvement across the entire
departments to be one of the main drivers of improvement.
factory, I’ve seen plants become more efficient. With more
I personally observed a government contractor on the East work coming to the plant, it actually led to hiring people. I’ve
Coast implement a technology system that allowed everyone— also seen companies refuse to reduce technician headcount
floor workers and executives—to see tracking data, align because they could see that they were driving improvement,
goals between departments and identify repetitive downtime resulting in bottom-line savings for the company.
issues. A few months later the maintenance technicians were
A technology-based tool provides instant access to information
presenting solutions they had developed for problems no one
about what’s going on, what’s happened in the past and what
even previously knew existed, or even worse, were viewed as
they need to do to solve the problem. It also creates a more
normal, to the vice president of operations. One machine was
cohesive community environment where employees can easily
eating up nearly half an hour of downtime each day with needed
share information and ideas on how to fix problems.
repairs. Data allowed maintenance technicians to discover they
could decrease needed repairs down to half an hour a month. I’m looking forward to the day when the term “maintenance”
doesn’t exist in a manufacturing facility.
Over the longer term, this access to useful, real-time data
empowered workers on the plant floor to continue to drive Essentially, that day is here—in successful factories.
improvements. After one year, the factory was able to produce
20 percent more product with significantly fewer resources. if factory owners keep on maintaining things and ignore the
Additionally, over the following three years they increased use of technology—which is improving systems in all kinds of
operational availability by 15 percent, improved preventative industries—and remain complacent, they will be challenged by
maintenance compliance with the government from 65 more agile competitors.
percent to 100 percent, and reduced equipment downtime by
50 percent.


Reliability Centered
A Cornerstone to Electrical Safety
By Tommy Northcott, PE, CMRP, Senior Power Engineer with Jacobs



As the probability
of equipment failure
increases, the probability
of injury or death of
electrical workers
associated with that
equipment failure
increases proportionally.
Electrical work tasks share many of the common hazards found
in most industrial trades. These include slips, trips, falls, pinch
points, mechanical forces and high temperatures, among
others.  However, there are some hazards that are unique
to electrical systems. The three general hazards associated
specifically with electrical energy are shock, fire ignition, and
arc flash and blast. These three hazards have the potential to
be life-threatening for electrical workers as well as non-electrical
workers. Thankfully, there are mitigation techniques that can
be incorporated to prevent death or even injury from these
electrical hazards. A mature reliability centered maintenance
(RCM) program greatly reduces the probability of these hazards
being present to employees and will contain aspects that protect
employees that are exposed to such hazards.

Statistically, there is a small percentage of non-electrical worker

injuries and fatalities related to electrical hazards. However,
the majority of electrical-related injuries and fatalities result
from electrical workers operating and maintaining electrical
equipment. With little exception, the statistical data can be
combined into two broad categories – equipment failure and
unsafe maintenance practices. As the probability of equipment
failure increases, the probability of injury or death of electrical
workers associated with that equipment failure increases
proportionally. Measures taken to decrease the probability
of equipment failure will also decrease the probability of
personnel injury or death. Therefore, taking care to maintain
electrical equipment in good health is an important part of
caring for the safety of the personnel who work on or around
that same equipment.


cost of repairs and downtime over the operational life of the

equipment are examples of direct benefits that can be easily
measured and in most cases are given a calculated economic
value. Indirect benefits are not as explicitly obvious and are
often times difficult to quantify. An example of this is a reduced
probability of significant arc flash events. Arc flash energy is
dependent upon the available fault current and the time it takes
to clear the fault. Overcurrent protective devices (OCPD) and
breakers determine the time it takes to clear a fault. Therefore,
if these devices are not properly maintained and are unable to
clear the fault as designed, the arc fault duration increases. This
allows the fault energy magnitude to increase, resulting to an
increased probability for injury or death during a fault condition.
If a site’s electrical Keeping these devices properly maintained is an example of an
indirect benefit to the safety of the employees who depend on
equipment does not correct arc flash energy calculations to determine appropriate
operate as quickly as personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep them protected.
designed, the arc flash The most common method for calculating the incident energy
analysis will be invalid level in order to determine the necessary level of arc flash
PPE is to use one of the software products on the market that
and it can render the performs the calculations based on system data input. The data
best electrical safety input into the software comes from walk-down evaluations and
system documentation that in essence recreate the electrical
program, training and system as a model in the software. This allows it to calculate
PPE useless. incident energy and enables the printing of warning labels with
PPE requirements. Typically, these software programs assume
proper operation of all devices in the system and do not consider
maintenance frequency, procedures or methodology. When
The second law of thermodynamics tells us that the an OCPD is not properly maintained and opens slower than
instant electrical equipment is put into service it begins to designed, the result is an increased incident energy at the point
deteriorate. Deterioration is normal and equipment failure of the fault. If the equipment is not properly maintained, it is
is inevitable. Every piece of electrical equipment, if left to reasonable to assume that the calculations from these software
operate indefinitely, will eventually fail in some fashion. Outside packages will be inaccurate and will typically result in requiring
influences, like environmental conditions, overloading, duty lower levels of arc flash PPE than what would really be needed
cycles, human interaction and configuration changes in the when the upstream protective device does not operate as
connected circuit can expedite this normal deterioration. quickly as designed. If a site’s electrical equipment does not
Equipment failure can be delayed through the application of operate as quickly as designed, the arc flash analysis will be
an Effective Electrical Equipment Maintenance Program (E3MP). invalid and it can render the best electrical safety program,
Without an E3MP, the owner of the equipment assumes a greater training and PPE useless. It quickly becomes clear that there is
risk of a serious electrical failure and any additional hazards no way to completely meet the Occupational Safety and Health
associated with such a failure. A growing understanding of this Administration (OSHA)’s requirement for providing a safe work
risk and associated hazard is a main driver to the National Fire place without having an E3MP.
Protection Association (NFPA) 70E committee continuing to
incorporate maintenance considerations into its standard for There are two primary categories that one can group
electrical safety in the workplace. maintenance into – reactive maintenance and proactive
maintenance. Reactive maintenance methodology is one of
E3MP and its Effects using a system until a part fails and then performing corrective
maintenance to restore it to its intended functionality. Reactive
When performed correctly, an E3MP will increase the life of the
maintenance is simple to implement because an organization
electrical equipment, reduce the overall equipment life cycle
simply waits until a failure occurs and then responds to the failure
cost, minimize unplanned outages and reduce the probability
appropriately. However, if this failure occurs on a critical system
of personnel injury related to the operation and maintenance
it could result in costly downtime and repairs. Even worse, if it
of the associated equipment. The benefits of an E3MP are both
fails on an electrical system and results in an arc flash, it could
direct (measurable, such as reduced downtime) and indirect
cause injury or death as well as collateral damage to nearby
(less measurable, such as improved safety).  Reducing the
equipment. While reactive maintenance is not be a preferred



approach for critical equipment or equipment that contains high techniques that prevent or identify failure modes before a part
energy sources, it may still be a reasonable approach for less fails. The RCM process then uses this data to determine the
critical equipment that does not pose a safety hazard. appropriate maintenance strategy to deploy on the system. A
system can be designed to be extremely dependable. However,
Proactive maintenance is a completely different approach if that system is not properly maintained, over time it will lose
that has many different options within its broad category its dependability due to the Second Law of Thermodynamics
of maintenance. In general, this approach utilizes different as previously mentioned. It is the objective of an effective RCM
techniques with the objective of performing maintenance program to find the correct balance of preventive maintenance
before any failures occur in order to keep the system healthy (PM) tasks that will detect when the dependability begins to
and fully functional. This approach has the clear benefit of decrease and then plan appropriate steps to maintain the
decreasing the probability of unplanned outages that are inherent reliability of the system’s functionality.
a result of part failures. RCM practices include a proactive
maintenance approach that is distinctly focused on ensuring the When it comes to electrical equipment, reliable operation of the
system functions as designed within the operating environment equipment is directly related to electrical safety. For electrical
to which it’s exposed. It should be noted that an RCM analysis operation and maintenance personnel, the two main electrical
may result in choosing a reactive maintenance approach hazards are shock and arc flash. For electrical operations,
when determined to be appropriate based on the equipment’s it’s assumed that equipment is operated with all conductors
criticality and function. enclosed or insulated – and not exposed to the worker. In this
case, the shock hazard is eliminated and arc flash becomes
RCM and Electrical Safety the only potential electrical hazard. For operational tasks, an
arc flash would only occur if the electrical equipment has a
RCM is an approach to equipment maintenance that determines
failure resulting in a phase-phase and/or phase-ground fault.
the most technically correct and cost effective method for
If the RCM process correctly identifies and mitigates the failure
maintaining a maximum functionality life of a system or
modes for the equipment, the result is a lower probability for an
equipment. In general, the RCM process includes evaluating
arc flash event to occur and a safer operating environment for
system criticality, failure modes, failure mode impact and
the electrical worker.
severity, and then determining appropriate maintenance

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Electrical maintenance tasks have a significant impact on

personnel safety. One of the most common causes of electrical
injuries and fatalities is some level of human error. It stands
to reason that simply minimizing human interaction with a Understanding an
piece of electrical equipment will decrease the probability of
personnel injury during the electrical equipment’s operational electrical equipment’s
life. Utilizing RCM techniques in the overall E3MP will result
in minimizing PM tasks that require human interaction with role in a system is
equipment.  Traditionally, electrical distribution equipment
has been removed from service, disassembled, cleaned, vital to determining
inspected, re-assembled and returned to service on some
calendar frequency per manufacturer or industry standard, the appropriate
regardless of whether or not the dependability of that device
is decreasing at any rate. Many people do not realize that the maintenance strategy.
act of disassembling and re-assembling any device effectively
resets the failure curve for that equipment and puts it back at
risk of infant mortality. For electrical equipment, this equates
to increasing the probability of injury or death as a result
of safety hazards related to electrical system failures. This be used, the proactive maintenance program must then be
traditional approach to electrical maintenance also induces the evaluated or developed. Over the last several decades, industry
risk of personnel being exposed to hazards from unexpected has collected copious amounts of data related to electrical
back feeds, arc flash events caused from improper enclosure equipment failures. An important aspect of developing the
removal, inadvertently leaving tools or protective grounds on maintenance program is first understanding the probable
conductors and a myriad of other human errors that pose a failure modes of the equipment. The maintenance steps must
hazard to equipment and personnel. A properly developed RCM address these failure modes in a manner that it does not add
program utilizes PM technologies such as infrared scanning, unnecessary potential for inducing a failure through human
ultrasound monitoring, electrical testing, partial discharge interaction. PdM technologies should be utilized whenever
trending, oil analysis and other appropriate options to trend the possible in order to minimize personnel exposure to hazards
health of the equipment in order to only execute PM when the and determine when additional maintenance is required based
data indicates it’s needed. The E3MP also includes an evaluation on equipment health.
of PM tasks to ensure personnel are only performing steps that
will prevent likely failure modes. These actions minimize the Conclusion
frequency of personnel involvement in predictive maintenance
Imagine a reality where there was no need for direct human
(PdM) process as well as eliminate steps not addressing any
interaction with electrical equipment and all electrical
likely failure mode that may return the device to the infant
equipment was designed such that it was impossible for there
mortality area of the bathtub curve.
to be a failure. Would there be any electrical hazards? While this
Two key aspects of developing an E3MP while incorporating is a seemingly unrealistic scenario, it brings out a very important
RCM methods are performing equipment criticality analysis point. The two basic scenarios that put personnel at risk of injury
along with optimizing the proactive maintenance program such or death due to electrical hazards is direct interaction with the
that each step addresses the prevention or early detection of a equipment and equipment failure. If we can develop a reliability-
likely failure mod. Understanding an electrical equipment’s role centered E3MP that minimizes the probability of failure and
in a system is vital to determining the appropriate maintenance reduces the frequency of direct human interaction, we have
strategy.  This understanding is commonly referred to as effectively increased the safety of our workforce. An ineffective
determining the equipment criticality. There are several factors electrical maintenance program not only increases the potential
to consider when determining equipment criticality. These for equipment failures and arc flash events, it may also render
include redundancy, mean time to repair, spare parts inventory, several aspects of your electrical safety program ineffective.
collateral damage related to the failure and any number of other Electrical safety in your workplace must include an E3MP that
variables that are important to the facility. The criticality score will has RCM at its core.
be the driving factor that determines which broad maintenance
strategy to utilize, run to failure, time-directed maintenance
procedures, and condition-directed maintenance procedures,
among others. When it comes to electrical equipment, potential
hazards for personnel should be considered and heavily
weighed when determining the criticality. Once the criticality
has indicated that proactive maintenance is the strategy to



Check our online
calendar for updated
information on SMRP
on the Road, Exams,
and Events.


Formal Work
Prioritization By Mike Johnston, CMRP,
Senior Consultant T.A.
Cook Consultants, Inc.

Everyone has a different idea when it comes to what constitutes How then do we review and summarize the content and
a work priority. To arrange all tasks in order of their relative relevant actions needed to implement, or perhaps enhance,
importance is difficult to do without letting personal opinions a formal prioritization process throughout a site and across all
get in the way. In maintenance, a priority must be delineated and departments and disciplines?
assigned vis-a-vis a defined protocol, not based on an individual
desire, designation or assumption. At too many manufacturing The Work Request
sites, the task of work prioritization is left to those who request a
Work request generation procedures vary greatly from site
specific corrective action be undertaken to address a particular
to site. At some, anyone can initiate a work request. Other
deficiency. Routinely, these are based on an emotional priority
facilities stipulate that requests must be channeled through the
rather than an objective judgement because the site may not
operations or maintenance department. Once the request has
have a formal process in place to ensure all prioritization utilizes
been generated and submitted, it is reviewed and approved.
the same evaluation criteria. That, or the enforcement is lax.
Yet again, each facility may have its own protocol for approval.
When it comes to determining one task’s urgency over another,
It may be passed to the lead planner or routed to a maintenance
is it really all relative? Hardly.
coordinator; they may be directed to the maintenance



superintendent or the operations manager. In whatever manner priority level. Many requestors believe that the problems
or means these requests find their way into the system, they affecting them or their area should take precedence over all
need to be measured and weighed against a common set of other tasks, regardless of the backlog. At the morning meetings,
criteria and be consistently applied. Establishing a checkpoint the priority level should be reviewed, determined, altered (if
or prioritization gate will help weed out personal opinions and needed) and agreed upon by the stakeholders. The content
increase consistency. of the notification and description of the requested work is
examined to ensure adequate understanding and explanation
Initially, the best way to review and approve work requests is of what needs to be done. Deficient and vague descriptions,
through short, daily morning meetings with all stakeholders. such as “pump is not working properly” or “gauge doesn’t read
In this setting, management can evaluate the proposals right,” are insufficient to determine the severity or complexity
on a 24-hour cycle based on factors they deem applicable of the issue.
and distinguish between the indispensable and the merely
desirable. Substandard requests must be returned to the Finally, the work notification is either converted into a work order
employee from whom it came until they are able to provide the (WO) or dismissed. If processed, it enters the backlog, according
appropriate details for work definition. Stakeholders should to the assigned priority, to await planning and scheduling. A
never alter the work description themselves or contact the meeting agenda should lay out the objectives and steps for a
requestor for additional information or they will reinforce the daily notification review meeting, as seen in Figure 1. Initially,
process of sloppy documentation. the meeting may consume more than the allotted 15 minutes,
but once the participants become familiar with their roles and
What constitutes proper notifications criteria should be expectations, it will become easier and eventually unnecessary.
documented, known site-wide and rigorously enforced. When The review meeting is an interim activity, albeit an absolutely
submitted, each request should already include a suggested

Figure 1

Daily Morning Notification Review Meeting

Frequency Daily Attendees

Day Mon. - Fri. • Operations Manager

• Maintenance Manager
Time 7:30
• Operations Superintendents
Location Maint. Conf Rm
• I&E Superintendents
Duration 15 minutes • Maintenance Superintendent

Objectives Agenda Minutes

• Set and agree the Priority for new notifications Review all new notifications: 5
• Ensure the quality of new notifications
• Ensure the notifications describes the work 5
• Turn notification into work order with proper adequately
planning revisions code. 5
• Review the priority set on the notification agree
or adjust as required Total
• Change to work order and assign revision code 15
for planning.

Meeting support documents Meeting Outputs

• SAP variant which displays notifications • Well defined work orders with correct
priority and revision code


essential one when a site tries to train or establish compliance Priority 1 – Emergency/Break-in
to an existing priority system. After time, when everyone knows,
Priority 1 jobs are designated as those that must start
understands and complies with the established WO priority
immediately, without prior planning or scheduling, and continue
system, there is no need for the meetings to continue.
until the emergency situation is resolved, or the equipment is
online and operational. Break-in level tasks pose either an
Sample Prioritization Codes immediate threat to personal health and/or safety or could result
Many sites already employ tools to assist in prioritization, such as in major damage to buildings, equipment or other property. In
the matrix in Figure 2. This mechanism assists in determining the this situation, overtime would be approved as required. The
importance of work and removes any conflicting opinions that may following are a few examples of work that would be classified
have been expressed in the daily review meeting. It doesn’t matter as Priority 1:
if a site decides to label their priority codes as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5,
or as A, B, C, D and E, or some other configuration—what does • A safety hazard exists and temporary precautions cannot
matter is consistency in their understanding, enforcement and be taken or would be ineffective.
application. The prioritization system should not be overly complex • An environmental or EPA-reportable exceedance has
or over-simplified. Typically, they consist of five levels, with 1 as the occurred, or is highly probable, and cannot be controlled
highest classification. Once the likelihood and consequences have within limits.
been confirmed and agreed upon, the appropriate priority can be
• A production unit is down or serious production
assigned. Although there is a myriad of different types of work
interruptions are eminent and quality could be hindered.
requests, many sites deal with similar issues. The follow examples
provide a reference for proper planning, scheduling and execution • Safety Critical Equipment requires attention.
at the appropriate time:

L6 L5 L4 L3 L2
Minor injuries Injuries Injuries Injury or Fatality
or discomfort. or illness or illness illness
No medical requiring requiring resulting in
treatment or medical hospital permanent
measurable treatment. admission. impairment.
physical Temporary
effects. impairment.
Figure 2. Minor Moderate Major Severe
Expected to occur
regularly under Medium High Very High Very High Very High
normal circumstances

Expected to occur at
Likely Medium High High Very High Very High
some time

May occur at some

Possible Low Medium High high Very High

Not likely to occur in

Unlikely Low Low Medium Medium HIgh
normal circumstances

Could happen, but

Rare Low Low Low Low Medium
probably never will



Despite a requestor’s fervent belief that their need is paramount,

most work notifications cannot be classified as Priority 1. Spared
or redundant equipment should seldom, if ever, be assigned
this emergency classification. Unfortunately, sometimes the
requestor may only think in terms of a specific area and fail to
prioritize from the perspective of the entire site. Another case
of incorrect Priority 1 classification would be if an operator
Failure to mitigate
assigns the highest priority to a request because a unit was
operating on one of two pumps. Although the spare pump, in
a potential
this case, was functioning properly and at design capacity, the
operator felt this was an emergency because the unit was down
environmental issue
to one pump, with no spare. In this case, the request should
be reassigned to Priority 3 (see below). Simply assigning the
may escalate into
highest priority in a bid to get the work accomplished quickly
without evidence to substantiate the claim is unacceptable and
an incident that
the task must be reassigned.
further impacts
Priority 2 – Urgent/Critical the facility and
Priority 2 jobs should be planned, scheduled and ready
to execute within a week. A definitive end-date should be surrounding area.
included in the work notification. Depending on the severity of
the situation, parts may be expedited and overtime could be
authorized. Incidents that would qualify as urgent include:

• A safety hazard exists and temporary precautions have

been taken.
• An environmental exceedance has occurred, or is highly
probable, but can be temporarily controlled within limits. Priority 4 – Routine Preventive and
Corrective Work
• There is a possible loss of production or potential
equipment breakdown. Routine jobs should be planned, scheduled and ready within
two to four weeks. This includes normal preventive maintenance
• A unit is operating on spare equipment where the backup
(PM) and routine repair activities such as:
is not functioning at a satisfactory capacity to meet
production demands. • A deficiency with minimal or no safety risks and no
These are issues that, if left unaddressed, can quickly escalate precautions are needed to mitigate.
into emergency situations or equipment malfunction. Failure to • No environmental condition exists.
mitigate a potential environmental issue may escalate into an
• Although the equipment may or may not be critical to
incident that further impacts the facility and surrounding area.
production, the spare reliability is very high.

Priority 3 - High These are the ordinary, planned repair work tasks and scheduled
PM activities that include standard cleaning, lubrication routes
Priority 3 jobs should be planned, scheduled and ready to be
and predictive/condition-based maintenance (CBM) functions.
carried out within 14 days. Examples of a “high” work request
Ideally, this is where at least 65 percent of maintenance pursuits
classification include:
are directed. These are the actions performed to ensure the
• The safety risk is minimal and appropriate precautions can, Priorities 1, 2 and 3 are minimized to a nuisance level.
or have been, taken.
Priority 5 – Project/Shutdown
• An environmental condition could exist but does not
currently exceed tolerable limits. Priority 5 jobs are planned and scheduled as resources allow.
Shutdowns, (MOCs) and capital/project work would fall into
• A condition exists that could eventually result in an
this category. In many facilities, project and shutdown work is
adverse effect to production or quality.
planned, scheduled and executed by a separate, third-party
• A case in which a unit is running on spare equipment and workforce. This work is usually not considered for day-to-day
the spare is functioning properly at design levels. site maintenance activities.


Implementation Knowing what work to do and when is a fundamental aspect of

maintenance. Setting the proper work prioritization is the first
Changes cannot be conducted in a vacuum. If a site has no
step to creating an accurate and ideal work flow. Prioritization
formal prioritization process in place and institutes one, or
feeds all other subsequent activities of planning, proper
even if there are just updates and alterations to the existing
resource allocation, parts and material acquisition, scheduling,
procedures, staff will require training on the classifications,
execution and backlog management. Without such a system,
expectations, rules and enforcement. To help with the training
a site will stagger from crisis to crisis and never have the
process, physical handouts, electronic training aids and
wherewithal to get out from under an overwhelming workload
classroom sessions with an emphasis on what constitutes
and a bloated backlog. The potential for a catastrophic incident
proper work request descriptions will help stress the
involving negative local or national media exposure is real.
importance of following the prioritization classifications criteria
and creating clear work requests. So – what’s your priority?

Follow-up practices will also help make sure all the new
procedures are followed. Reviewing the existing backlog will
help determine if any work should be reclassified or done
more regularly. Maintaining a clean and up-to-date backlog
is imperative; regularly scheduled assessments of aging work
should also be part of the site’s meeting cadence. The daily
notification review meeting is the quickest and most efficient
way to ascertain the staff’s adherence to work descriptions and
prioritization classification rules. If such a meeting isn’t already
established at a site, it should be implemented as soon as the
training is conducted.

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The 25th SMRP Annual Conference promises to be an exciting event this October. As part of the
educational offerings at the conference, SMRP’s government relations team will host several advanced
learning and panel sessions that highlight the key issues affecting maintenance, reliability and physical
asset management practitioners and professionals today. See below for information about each session
and be sure to register for the conference so you don’t miss them!

• Panel Session Examining the Skilled Trades Gap, • Advanced Learning Session Heat Exchangers:
Workforce Development and the Economy Nirvana of Efficiency and Reliability
This panel discussion, moderated by SMRP Chair Larry Hoing, James Neale, CMRP, of the Engineering Energy Research Center
focuses on the industry’s reliance on the ability for the U.S. to at the University of Waikato, explores how heat exchangers are
produce highly-skilled workers. As the country and the globe employed in industrial applications. The presentation includes
have experienced changes in technology, globalization and real-world case studies to highlight the do’s and don’ts to
educational focus that are in direct contradiction to building achieving engineering nirvana of reliable and efficient heat
technical skills, there is now a shortage of skilled workers. This exchanger performance.
panel will address how prioritizing career, technical and higher
education will create the needed pipeline of skilled trades to • Advanced Learning Session Effective Measurement
feed the economy with a more sustainable standard of living and
of Manufacturing Process Variables: Finding the Signal
a more forward-thinking economy.
Amongst the Noise!
Panelists include: Christer Idhammar, Founder and CEO, IDCON, James Neale, CMRP, looks at specific strategies to capture
Inc.; Wayne A Pilliner, CMRP, Manager of Maintenance Services, missing data sets, including appropriate metering technologies
Mosaic; Mary Owens, Program Manager, Polk State College; Robert and application methods. He provides detailed case studies
H. Chalker, Chief Executive Officer, NACE International Institute from a range of industries will be used to highlight the benefits of
proper process system measurements and analysis and how this
• Panel Session Marking Smart Things Less Dumb: links to improved efficiency and reliability.
IoT Security and Policy
In this panel discussion, Dr. Allan Friedman, director of Cybersecurity
at National Telecommunications and Information Administration at the
U.S. Department of Commerce.

Be sure to attend these sessions while you’re at the

25th SMRP Annual Conference in Kansas City!



IDCON INC Approved Provider Spotlight

IDCON INC is a reliability and maintenance management consulting and training company. We
work worldwide with processing and manufacturing plants, mines and mills. Our focus is on the
implementation of improvements to all elements of holistic reliability and maintenance management
processes for our clients. Our mission is to improve overall reliability and lower manufacturing and
maintenance costs for our clients.

One of our core series is to provide onsite and off site training and on the job coaching to improve best
practices of reliability and maintenance management. The training and coaching was developed
through our 45+ years experience working with clients to implement best practices at their sites.

Why become an Approved Provider?

When SMRP announced their Approved Provider program, we felt our training aligned well with the Body of Knowledge and
would assist professionals pursuing the CMRP designation. But it goes further than that for us; we want professionals to
understand what best practices are and how to implement them at their organizations.

Course Title SMRP BoK Pillar Course Hours

Work Management: Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Work Management 12
Materials & Spare Parts Management Work Management 12
Develop and Manage Preventive Maintenance Equipment Reliability 12
Preventive Maintenance: Essential Care and Inspections Techniques Equipment Reliability 12
Root Cause Problem Elimination™ Equipment Reliability 12
Shutdown/Turnaround Optimization Program Work Management 12

EuroMaTech Training & Management Consultancy

The ability to Learn and translate the learning into Action consultants. EuroMaTech’s courses are carefully selected to
rapidly is the ultimate Competitive Advantage! develop and enhance participants’ skills and knowledge of
topics and subjects that are indispensable to Maintenance and
EuroMaTech’s highly interactive training courses are intended Reliability Engineering professionals.
to provide the participants with new ideas and knowledge
for improving their skills, and to integrate these skills, on a We invite you to visit EuroMaTech website www.euromatech.
structured basis, to fast-track their development of competence. com to view a list of SMRP approved training courses. Please
also feel free contact us @ [email protected] or +971-
EuroMaTech is recognized by the Society for Maintenance 4-4571827 if you would like to register or receive additional
& Reliability Professionals (SMRP) as an Approved Provider. information on any of our Maintenance & Reliability Engineering
The SMRP Approved Provider status allows EuroMaTech to training courses listed.
host a number of Maintenance & Reliability related continuing
education trainings, and issue applicable Continuing Education
Course Hours (CECHs) towards recertification of CMRP, CMRT
or CAMA credentials.

EuroMaTech is able to offer a diverse mix of Maintenance &

Reliability Engineering training courses due to our excellent
resources and a network of highly experienced international


SRNS Avalem Ltd.
Johnny Anderson Andrew Jones
3M Avara Pharmaceutical Services
Brien Clark Anurag Agarwal
Advance Mech. Eng. AVT Reliability
Mohammed Aldeeb Mohammed P.J. Cloete
Air Liquide Canada AZIMA DLI
Steve Coourchesne Nicholas Cook
ALBA Barrick Gold
Ahmed Abdulghaffar Francisco Zenteno
Fadhel Alafoo BDB Solutions
Ahmed Alawadhi Blake Baca
Yusuf Aljamri
Majeed Ashoor Bemis North America
Mohamed Buhmaid Brad Markert
Ahmed Janahi Black & Veatch
Taleb Mohamed Bryan Dickerson
Salman Mohammed
Booz Allen Hamilton
Ammar Salman
Andrew Weaver
Nader Salman
Alberta-Pacific Forest
Root Guidoop’t
Gord Bertin
BP Exploration Alaska
Richard Bjjornson
Andrew Harrison
Ken Hall Brookhaven National Laboratory
Joseph Kuhn Edward Wililliams
AMCL Bunge
Ralph Godau Pawel Lecinski
Amprion GmbH Cameco
Michael Kippen Muhammad Paracha
AMS Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Fabian Montontealegre Kellen Dupras
Aramco Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Hamoud Alzammam Shawn McMahon
Imran Shah Cargill
ArcelorMittal Mark Schwieterman
David Pearson Antonio Di Felice
Elias Abboud Robert Sundlie
Henry Cuevas Richard Clark
Olivier Martel Justin Couch
Zoli Rakonjac Julia Kramer
Kyle Setzkorn Thomas McGrew
Ronald Thomas Michael O’Diam
Michael Touhey Michael Price
Matthew Yeung Randy Rhodes
Edwin Stern
ATCO Electric
Chad Shrahler
Robert Youngberg
Shawn Toloday
Troy Wright



Carlisle Construction Materials DIAGEO

Cavin Schmedoke Mazen El-Khoury
Caterpillar Global Paving Dubai Electricity & Water Authority
Andrew Haberle Ashvin Gabani
CCHellenic-Nigeria Eco Services Operations
Ibrahim Lawal Warren Bowling
CEMEX Ecopetrol S.A.
David Boggs Beltrain la Pez
Cenovus Energy Inc. EMCOR
Heberth Moronta Bryan Shelby
Krunal Rathod EMCOR UK
Chemours Raymond Jones
Gregory Frantz Emerson
Chemours Canada Richard Barnes
Lanny Murphy Sathish Sundarakumar
Chevron Global Upstream ESCO Corporation
Cesar Malpica Thomas Barnett
Chiyoda Corporation Essar Steel Algoma
John James Michael Pierman
CNL Fleming Gulf
Adam Lariviere Selcuk Arici
Coal Valley Resources Fluke Corporation
Cory Michener John Bernet
Coca-Cola Fluor Enterprises
Prasad Hegde Robert Holcombe
Colas Limited GCRTA
Ibinabo Alasia Christopher Smith
Columbus Water Works GE DIGITAL
Mark Ballard Juan Carolos Mejia Cardona
Martin Lyles GenOn Energy
Confipetrol S.A.S Bryan Powell
Carlos Trujillo Georgia Pacific Gypsum
Constellium Darren Billings
Joel Even Georgia-Pacific
Coupling Corporation of America AJ Robertson
James Anderson GHD
Dana Mert Muftugil
Alex Forbes Grande Cache Coal LP
Datum Storage Solutions William Ricketts
Luis Rivera Graphic Packaging International
Dayton Power and Light Val Rachistskiy
Branden Short Hartmann
DCP Midstream Boris Toibenshlak
Jay Behrens Het Facilitair Bedrijf
Lester Caldwell Gert Potoms
Denver Water
John Feldhauser


Honda of Canadan MFG Mainsaver Software

James Mirrlees David Shlager
Kevin Joos Rafael Ferrucho
Allison Ledoux Massimo Zanetti Beverage USA
Hupp Electric Motors James Kirsh
Ray Ratcliff Chuck Morrison
Husky Energy McCain Foods Canada
Raymond Douville Jake Kok
Jason Williams Meridium
IBNRUSHD Martin Moran
Mohammed Abbas Michelin North America
IDCON Robert Whitt
JD Brower MillerCoors
Inblic Technologies Joseph Schochoultheis
Marcelo Martinez Mondelez
Indorama Synthetics India Limited Garvit Rawat
Ankur Tripathi Monroe Truck Equipment
Ingredion Kenneth Thruman
Randall Klinger NASA
Shannon Kanyuh Ngoc Nguyen
JACOBS ENGINEERING National Petrochemical Industrial Co.
Douglas Betts Mujibir Najumudeen
Stephen Cooper Emad Aloufi
Kansas City Board of Public Utilities Khalid Alharbi
Bryan Baughman Nestle Canada
KBR Christropher Bagshaw
Satish Singh Stephen Price
Arunbabu Subhash Net Results Group, LLC
Kennecott Utah Copper Lance Gilbert
Joshua Brown Network Rail
Kerry Grove Craig Green
Bill Mountjoy Newport News Shipbuilding
L&T Technology Services Kevin Conlin
Pankit Shah Niagara Bottling LLC
Liberty Machinery Testing Benjamin Lascelles
Sigmond Bush Nissan North America
LLNL Corey Ready
Barbara Macchioni Brett Dyess
Maaden North Vernon Industry Corp.
Abdulaziz Alarfaj Neil Lisee
Khalid Alhunbus Novaspect
Ibrahim Alkhudier John Robbins
Abdullah Almassar Sbdullah
Magna Shane Begoske
Paul DeMars



Novo Nordisk Region of Waterloo

Matthew Baldwin Charles Allen
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Rehrig Pacific Co.
Michael Anderson William Abernathy
Nucor Reliance Industries Ltd India
David Rousseau Gyanendra Yadav
Oman Oil Marketing Company Rio Tinto
Samih Abdalazeez Kirk Dittmar
OMIA Colombia SAS John Grant
Pedro Mora Rio Tinto/Kennecott Utah Copper
Owens Corning Mark Giles
Aristidis Delopoulos Rousselot, Inc.
Bruce Gramling Allen Welter
Particular Ruetgers
Flores Jorge Villalva Sergio Bollito
PBF Energy - Chalmette Refining LLC Sabic
Thivanka Rodrigo Mohammed Alahmadi
Pemex Mohammad Alam Nazre
Eduardo Melo Flores Hamad Alothman
Eduardo Olivares Adbulmajeed Alshehri
Mohammed Alwadei
People and Processes, Inc. Abdualaziz Alzahrani
Tammi Pickett Mineshkuma Patel
PGASO Mohammed Hawsah
Cesar Moreno Ayala Sabic Innovative Plastics
Phoenix Park Gas Processors Saud Alshahrani
Shushilla Bhagwandeen Gavin Linderman
Pinnacle Foods Group LLC SADARA Chemical Co
Guy Savoie Gilbert Aguado
Fawzi Alghamdi
Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan
Nawaf Alhajri
Kevin Vick
Ammar Alharbi
Power Producer/Distributor Ahmed Alrashed
Damion Ali-Khan Saif Alshamrani
Brian Goodridge Abdulrahman Alzahrani
Hemant Narain Mohammed Alzahrani
Powergen Rajesh Buch
Raffie Musaib-Ali Abdullah Dakhaikh
Rakesh Desai
Prairie Mines Royality Priyeshkumar Gohel
Robert Conger Pradeep Gupta
Progressive Maintenance Consultants Farhat Khan
James Kinberger Hemant Modi
Prophetic Designs Ashraaf Mohd
Marva Bledsoe Raza Shahzad Muhammad
Paul Ord
Quantic Engineering and Logistics Corporation Milind Patwardhan
Michael Kolesar Obadah Sharief
RasGas Company Ltd Abduraheem Waheed
Mohammed Al-Kaisi Adeyemi Bamidele
Ameen Neyaz


Sankyu Sayres & Associates Corp

Ziyad Alhazmi Dennis Barry
Chris Cameron Richard Cherney
Saudi Aramco Shaw Industries
Ammar Abuassonoon Rick Peterson
Majed Abughabin Ronnie Crabtree
Abdulsalam Ali Charles Wade
Suliman Aladhyani Shell
Maher Al-Ahmadi Justin Chiasson
Khalifa Alammari
Yousef Alamoudi Shell Canada
Madhi Alanazi Louis Catellier
Rayan Alassaf Erin McLean
Ahmed Alayed Aaron Skinner
Ibrahim Aldawaa SPL
Mohammed Al-Dossary Daniel O’Connor
Mohammed Alenzi
Abdulrhman Alghanmi
Deepanfaj R.
Osamah Alghethami
Ghanem Alghuwainem SunCoke Energy
Mohammed Alhammadi Jeff Luehmann
Mir Ali Tahoe Canada
Kahlid Aljahdaly Marc Sauve
Mohammed Aljawi
Mohammed Aljohani Tasnee
Adbullatif Aljohar Sultan Alhazmi
Abdullah Alkaibari Tatweer Petroleum
Mohammed Alkhaldi Abdulla Alaaidi
Hamzah Almeghrabi Hadi Albalooshi
Ahmad Almehmadi The Mundy Companies
Mohammed Alminqash Mitch Johnson
Mahdi Alqahtani Randy Brister
Abdulrahman Al-Rabiah
Ahmed Alrasheedi TRONOX
Yasser Alrehaili Michael Healy
Mohammed Alsaber Turner Industries Group LLC
Fayez Alshaghdali Andrew McCracken
Sattam Alshammari
University of Central Florida
Fares Alshehri
Jason Wyckoff
Fahad Alzahrani
Mohammed Askar US Army Corps of Engineers
Mohammed Basindowh Eric Kelly
Hameed Faizal Value Realization Consulting
Bandar Gahtani Rory Bell
Hamzah Harsani
Mustafa Jifri Ventura Foods
Jose Leal Vargas Johny Snider
Khalid Qahtani Weyerhaeuser Company
Hisham Shah Ahmad William Staton
Richard Sneddon Brian Battersby
Hussain Almohsen Whitaker Technical
Shane Slough




SMRP offers a host of advertising opportunities
for companies desiring to reach maintenance and We look forward
reliability professionals committed to the practice of
promoting excellence in physical asset management. to working with
Contact Randy Spoon ([email protected]) or
visit for more information. you in 2017!


Windalco Dawoud Al-Qatari

Randy Kerr Saeed Al-Qhtani
Woodgroup Colombia Ahmad Al-Qurashie
Daniel Uribe Mohammed Yasser Alsalem II
Meshari Al-Shammari
YANSAB - Sabic Redha Al-Shammari
Wesam Taiyar Joseph Altura
YASREF John Alvarado
Omar Alqurashi Ruben Amaya
Majed Alrefai James Andrews
Frederick Appoh
Zachry Contruction Co.
Carlos Arenas
Kevin Bordelon
Muhammad Arslan
Scott Anderson
Jorge Asiain
Teresa Bauer
Jose Atencio
Michael Becker
Omar Badissy
Jeffrey Burgwinkel
Brian Bahrs
Mary Jo Cherney
Rajasekar Balakrishnan
Lawrence Chew
Shadi Barrnawi
Lance Denny
Steve Bashbford
Joseph DiPietra
Mary Jo Bimbo
Lee Emms
Jamie Borley
Jimmie Gupton
Ross Brian
Camden Harp
Jason Burt
Rey Anthony Herrera
Malcolm Butler
Jaideep Karmakar
Anthony Byrne
Alissa Macino
Jeff Call
Aleksi Mäki
Simon Calles
Mohamed Mostafa Ramadan
Emily Castro
Chad Pennings
Katie Chesterton
Justin Reynolds
Basil Chew
Andrew Warren
John Cooper
Chad Wiseman
Eider Cordero
Antonio Abril
Stephen Curran
Michael Agars
Rajesh Darji
Manish Agrawal
Kamran Ahmad Zachry Contruction Co. (Paris)
Ayaz Ahmed Bikram Das
Tofan Alam Chris De Jesus
Salem Albargan Mark Degeer
Fahad Aldawsari Amandeep Dhillon
Fahad Al-Dossary Teneil Dollarhide
David Alexander Dan Doucet
Falah Alghafli Damien Douglas
Osama Ali Esam Milton Dussan
Abdulaziz Al-Jafari Mark Ellis
Raed Aljelwah Clay Erickson
Ahmed Alkadhem Jesus Equival
Leon Allen Tammy Falconer
Ahmad Almahdy Mike Faulkner
Muhammed Al-Mubarak Luis Fernandez
Khalid Almutairi Raul Fernandez
Naif Alnefaie Oliver Foerster
Ahmad Alowaiyed Mark Frazier
Sultan Salamah Al-Qahtani III Tim Fulton
Shodayed Saeed Al-Qahtani George Galambos



Steven Galliera Paul McCormack

Dowell Garrison Tony McGrail
Bernard Gaudreault Anthony McKay
Leonard Gavett Freddy Melo
G Gervais Hernan Menichetti
Scott Gibson Alan Millin
Douglas Goetz Oratile More
Billy Goldman Scott Morrison
Daniel Goode Marlon Mosquera
Joseph Green Miguel Mosquera
Titus Griffin Talha Mustafa
Mario Grosso John Natarelli
Duminda Gunawardena Nomaphelo Ndzundzu
Niki Hamilton Pui Ng Chi
Ian Hardy Kadir Niyazimbetov
Richard Helinski Christopher Nunes
Milan Heninger Kunle Oguntunde
Wilfred Higham Ian Sean O’Leary
Crystal Hinterweger Elijah Olose
Darren Hollifield Craig Omundsen
Susan Horn Kleiber Ortega
Jenny Hughes Mahmoud Ossman
Roger Hull Niklas Ottovordemgentschenfelde
Andrew Iammatteo Keith Paintin
Ivan Ibanez Srinivasa Para
John Iley Grahame Pasquet
Bruce Innis Chris Patterson
Ahmad Jaradat Luz Pedraza
Ahmed Jelwah Brian Peeler
Michael Jones Brian Pendergrass
Francois Joubert Domingo Perez
Ken Keith John Perry
Brendan Kelly Rodriguez Pinilla
Salil Kharkar Juan Polania
Zoe Kimpel Lee Posey
Mark Kingkade Kent Potter
Jeremy Koch Michael Provost
Andrew Lane William Pursell Jr.
Duncan Lawson Leo Quinn
Adam Lea-bischinger Dale Ramlakhan
Daniel Lee Khalil Ramul
Ronald Lee Wayne Reed
James Lovick Claudia Restrepo
Alexandre Loyola Kaci Richardson
Philip Lucas Elizabeth Rigstad
Chris Lumb Eric Robinson
David Lyons Pat Roche
Joseph Maciejczyk Carolos Rodriguez
Mike MacMillan James Rose
Padmanaban Mani Connie Royval
David Marett Lisa Saavedra
Fabio Martinez Jonril Saballa
Keith Martiny Prasanta Sahu
Laurie Mather David Salisbury
James McCool Daniel Scott


Karolyn Scott Ben Whitaker

Nancy Scott Barry Wilson
Mohammed Shakir James Wilson
David Sheffler Jeffrey Winterton
Edward Singer Bryce Wood
Ravi Singh Christopher Wright
Georgia Smart Gavin Wright
Norman Smith Jason Wright
Cindy Snedden Shailendra Yadav
Gabor Somogyi Faizal Yusoff
Frederick Stanek Roger Zavagnin
Francois St-Arnault Omar Abulubdeh
Jeffrey Steen Maxwell Alimo
Stephen Stephens Geoffrey Angevine
Stanley Sterline Christopher Arreola
Donald Stiger Richard Fohn
John Swanepoel Hans Fust
Shui Tam Alejandro Goycoolea
Seth Tate Tomas Marzullo
James Terrell Jason Massey
Min Than Olutosin Olajide
Anil Thomas Tom O’Rourke
Steven Tuttle Daniel Palacio
Terry Tyler Sucasaca Quispe
Paul Ukpabio Boun Sananikone
Isaac Vargas Fredy Sarmiento
Maksim Vasiliev Basvaraj Shere
Christopher Venemore Thomas Sutliff
Jacobus Vermaak Franklin Tellez
Harold Vides Gene Thompson
Richard Waine Zachary Trotter
Kendall Waldock Dale Whitten
Gary Walker Wojciech Wlochowicz
Michael Walker Wayne Wright
Evan Wang Zhizhong Zhao
Travis Westphal


Practitioners look for quality education and
training. SMRP’s Approved Provider Education
Program provides credible third-party
validation for your company’s offerings.



BP Products Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Jarrod Streets Consolidated
C&W Services PSG Adebayo Makinde
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited Brett Clarence
(GASCO) Kent Houston
Timothy Clark
Krishnamoorthi Vembu mani California Water Service Co. Kevin Flinkingshelt
Advance Mech. Eng. Stephen Harrison Austin Rhudy
MYASSR ALDEEB Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Steve Rowley
Kellen Dupras Kristine Ward
Ahmed Abdulghaffar Shawn McMahon Cummins Inc.
Fadhel Alafoo Care 4 Maintenance Andrew Piwowarski
Ahmed Alawadhi Bjorn Neven Jeremy Greer
Taleb Mohamed Dayton Power and Light
Cargill, Inc.
Salman Mohammed Branden Short
Chris Padua
Ammar Salman
Michael Wilcox Eastman Chemical Co.
Alberta-Pacific Forest Andrew Gillott Juan Moya
Gord Bertin Kyle Maack
Richard Clark Enbridge Pipelines
Aleris Warren Lawrence
Randall Nichols Justin Couch
Nathaniel Sisson Thomas McGrew ENMAX Shepard Energy Centre
David Williams Michael Melesky Stephen Farrell
Michael Price Essar Steel Algoma
Aleris Aluminum Randy Rhodes
Koen Libbrecht Michael Pierman
Edwin Stern
Aleris International Shawn Toloday ETS
Brian Melson Myles Floyd Syed Muhammad Abbas Rizvi
Dylan Grant Flowserve
Aleris Rolled Products
Jesse Ouse Kevin Fruge
Christopher Hughes
Carlisle Construction Materials Fluid Life
Ansa Mcal
Cavin Schmedoke James Hunting
Earl Mitchell
Ray Congdon Neeraj Pandey
Ali Al-Ammari
CEGO Genzyme
Hamoud Alzammam
Mohammad Abu Gaith Kurt Budnik
Arcelormittal Zeydoun Alrefai
Elias Abboud GHD
CH2M John Helwig
Olivier Martel
Mohammed Salam Mert Muftugil
Kyle Setzkorn
Ronald Thomas Chempro Supplies GPStrategies
Michael Touhey Joseph Green Roberto Barrera
Areva Resources Canada Chevron Guardian Industries
Bryn Christopher Katie Bramhall Roddy Greig
Atlantic Lng Cia Minera Yanacocha Gwinnett County Water
Randy O'Rosco Hery Sanchez Vital Masson
Automation Service CNL Hartmann
Jerry Butz Adam Lariviere Boris Toibenshlak
Avalem Ltd. Coal Valley Resources Honda of Canadan MFG
Andrew Jones Cory Michener James Mirrlees
Bemis North America Coca-Cola Honeywell International
Brad Markert Prasad Hegde Olaseni Olaleye
BP Hormel Foods
Larry Gonzalez Allen Kellar


Jay Burke Mujibir Najumudeen Mohammed Hawsah

Adam Falteisek NATPET Sabic Innovative Plastics
IBNRUSHD Emad Aloufi Saud Alshahrani
MOHAMMED ABBAS Khalid Alharbi Sadara Chemical Company
Inter Pipeline Nestle Canada Inderpal Yadav
Jesse Stephenson Christopher Bagshaw Sakhalin Energy, Ltd.
Iste Guvenlik Ltd. Stephen Price Ilia Kasatin
Kemal Ucuncu Nissan North American SAMREF
Jordan Bromine Co. Manufacturing Ameen Neyaz
Khaled Mustafa Mike Wersonske
Sarasota County Public Utilities
Zaid Salhi NOVA Chemicals Mike Mylett
KBR Ahmed Hassan
Saudi Aramco
Arunbabu Subhash Novelis, Inc. Ali Mousa
Javeed Ahamed Mulla Blake Adkins Abdulsalam Al Ali
Donald Brown Abdullah Al Essa
Keeter Sutherland LLC Timothy Fishel
Shriya Rampersad Suliman Aladhyani
Myles Floyd Khalifa Alammari
Keurig Green Mountain Russell Fredericks Madhi Alanazi
Keith Crouch Scott Mehaffy Rayan Alassaf
Jacob Miller Mohammed Alenzi
Land O'Lakes, Inc.
Eric Reeves Ghanem Alghuwainem
Nick Steiner
Owens Corning Mohammed Alhammadi
Thomas Alamillo Hani Alhazmi
Roberto Rosales
Pabod Breweries Ltd-SABMiller Mohammed Aljawi
LifeNet Health Abdullatif Aljohar
Gerard Laing Abdullah Alkhaibari
Adebayo Makinde
Longview Power Mohammed Alkhaldi
Perdue Foods Hamzah Almeghrabi
Darrell Perkins
Emmanuel Caraballo Mohammed Alminqash
Lukoil Mid-East Mahdi Alqahtani
Artem Semenov Ahmed Alrasheedi
Imran Waheed Khan
Maaden Mohammed Alsaber
Pinnacle Foods Group LLC
Abdulaziz Alarfaj Ahmad Alsalamin
Guy Savoie
Khalid Alhunbus Sattam Alshammari
Ibrahim Alkhudier Potash Corporation of Fares Alshehri
Sultan Almassar Saskatchewan Mohammed Askar
Abdulrahma Alnassar James Hersey Yahya Hamdi
Clark Knaus Tariq Nadeem
Layton Ness Khalid Qahtani
Paul DeMars
Douglas Stretton Abdul Waheed
McCain Foods Canada Kevin Vick Ammar Abuassonoon
Jake Kok Yousef Alamoudi
Qatar Fertiliser Company (Qafco)
Michelin North America Muhammad sohaib Majeed Ibrahim Aldawaa
Harold Bennett Abdulrhman Alghanmi
Rashpetco (Shell JV) Khalid Aljahdaly
Mondelez Aly Fathy Omar Aljehani
Garvit Rawat
Ruetgers Mohammed Aljohani
Monroe Truck Equipment Sergio Bollito Ahmad Almehmadi
Kenneth Thruman Yasser Alrehaili
National Petrochemical Hamad Alothman Fayez Alshaghdali
Industrial Co. Abdualaziz Alzahrani Fahad Alzahrani
Mohammad Alam Mohammed Basindowh
Mohammed Alwadei Hameed Faizal
Mineshkuma Patel Bandar Gahtani



Hamzah Harsani Kenneth Jones

Jose Leal Vargas
Ahmad Shah
Puja Singh
Paul Yang
Richard Sneddon Michael Swilley Advanced Technology Services, Inc.
Alaa Zahid Joshua Barto Ismaldo Ramos
Ahmad Asiri Cosmin Caprarium Autoform Tool & Manufacturing
Hussain Almohsen Kris DeHaes Josh McKnight
George Loizou Jan Eskens
BWX Technologies
Shell Canada Patrick Hughes
Clayton Baldwin
Louis Catellier John Titus
Steven Tuttle CH2M
Erin McLean
Mike Wu Danny Caraballo
Aaron Skinner
Ed Flint Sean Ellison
Sherritt International Billy Floyd Michael Mercer
Dervon Parchment Robert Macarthur David Danko
SKF Canada Michael Marlatt CJ Automotive
Gurvinder Gill Michael Shenigo Zach Fraley
Muhammad Bashir
Smithfield Foods DeKalb Molded Plastics
Mark DeGeer
Steve Baumgartner Wade Jimison
Amanda Nurse
Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde Pat Kitwattana Delta Air Lines
Felipe Ordono Vinod Kumar Jermey Williams
Solvay Neha Rane Austin Bates
Karl Burnett Sumeet Sanbhi Abdul Beyah
Waheed Zaman Shane Goddard
Sonoco Andrew Klenner Sherman Southern
Kevin Daniel Rafiu Abatan Hector Palacios
SPL Joseph Adegoke Brian Clark
Daniel O'Connor Bolarinwa Adeleke Gus Mashburn
Jeffrey Choate Ronald Weaver
Stepan Company
Ernest Newmes Peter Fayehun EMF Corporation
Kasimir Ikuenobe Mark White
Tatweer Petroleum Ojevwe Ikuenobe
Hadi Albalooshi Oluwaseun Moradeyo Eva/lution
Stephen Oshagbami Dan Powers
Rishi Ramdath Richard Sobilo International Paper
Devin Ramjattan Mohammed Assiri Barry Stone
Michael Raffield
Tucker Energy Services NIsco
Sabry Aly Ahmed
Farraz Ali Jerry Mosley
Troy Ballard
UE Systems Edward Jennings T. Frederick Electric Motor
Christopher Hallum Joseph Green Patrick Ittner
Erick Hernandez Abdulelah AlSabbah T.I. Automotive
Vebes O&M Co. Scott Anderson Kelly Keuneke-Marts
Albert Damo Stephen Weber Michael Rathburn
Mohammed Alsalem, II Clayton Steller
Votorantim Metais Graig Scott
Erick Pachas Independent
Eyas Alawaji
Donald Steele
YANSAB - Sabic Sawak Maraj
Mark Stevens
WESAM TAIYAR Talha Mustafa
Brett Helmkamp
YASREF Nomaphelo Ndzundzu
Ago Kajtezovic
Kyle Thomas
Bander Rayzah
Independent Robert Waikel
Rob Devilee
Karthik Ganesan Roy Smithson
Greg Madsen
Jennifer Lopez
Aymen Ahmed


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ANSI-accredited maintenance,
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Accenture Delta Airlines Mosaic
Advanced Technology Dupont Nissan North America
Eli Lilly & Company Nova Chemicals Inc.
Emerson Process NTN Bearing Corporation of
AEDC Management LLLP America
Agrium Eruditio, LLC Nucor Steel Gallatin
Air Liquide Large Industries Hormel Foods Owens Corning
Alcoa Jacobs Technology – JSOG, Pfizer, Inc.
Allied Reliability Group The Dow Chemical Company
Ascend Performance Turner Industries
Materials Kaiser Aluminum
UE Systems
BEMAS Koch Industries, Inc.
Wells Enterprises Inc.
Bentley Systems Life Cycle Engineering
Wyle Laboratories
Braskem Louis Dreyfus Commodities
Bristol-Myers Squibb Mead Johnson
Cargill, Inc. Meridium, Inc.

3200 Windy Hill Road SE
Suite 600W
Atlanta, GA 30339 USA

Solutions Editorial Department

Dan Anderson Erin Erickson Randy Spoon /smrp
Chair, Editorial Committee Executive Director Communications Director
Life Cycle Engineering 720-881-6118 678-303-3017 /smrpkco
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