Abstract—In this paper, we introduce a home surveillance motion sensor, strong winds or animals may mistakenly trigger
system that utilizes computer vision techniques to recognize an alarm. Conversely, a surveillance system using only facial
intrusions and detailed threat information including classifying recognition application, intruders’ faces may not be detected
types of trespassers and specific weapons used. Process of accurately due to different head postures and other factors.
identifying intrusions is achieved by our Smart Intruder Detection
Therefore, for robust home surveillance, we introduce Smart
and Surveillance System (SIDSS) which involves 3 stages of
computer vision algorithms. 3-stage SIDSS includes an optimized Intruder Detection and Surveillance System (SIDSS), a 3-stage
convolutional neural network (CNN) for threat and intrusion computer vision system, to accurately identify intruders and
detections, cascading classifiers for locating any potential intruders monitor home environment. This 3-stage SIDSS involves
with correcting mechanism to overcome undetected threats from multiple layers of intrusion detection which firstly executes an
the previous stage, and principal component analysis (PCA) to optimized convolutional neural network (CNN) for threat and
efficiently train the facial recognizer to accurately differentiate intruder detections, secondly cascading classifiers for locating
passersby from potential intruders. Our system is scalable for potential trespassers that weren’t detected in the previous stage,
various surveillance events and can be expanded with additional and lastly principal component analysis (PCA) for facial
pre-processed datasets added to the SIDSS model to manage
greater surveillance areas. Through this enhanced configuration,
recognition for accurate identification.
the system can achieve enhanced accuracy of recognizing broad
range of weapons used and intruders. II. 3-STAGE SMART INTRUDER DETECTION AND
Home surveillance has been an important factor for years in
Input image
our daily activities. Traditional surveillance techniques have Greyscale image Face detection
transformation using cascading
either used wireless sensor networks [1] or closed-circuit Primary features
televisions (CCTV) [2] where they required individuals to extraction using
monitor live camera feeds. Recently, advances in surveillance Local Binary
systems were made by the Internet of Things (IoT) devices with Pattern encoding Face detected
intelligence and robustness that can be adopted to the home Trespassing
classification using
surveillance systems, which can be scalable by integrating u
CNN Intruder detection
spatially distributed sensors (e.g., temperature sensors, humidity using cascading Intruder
classifier recognition using
sensors, smoke detectors, cameras and more) to analyze PCA
collected data from the physical world for robust decisions. Trespassing events
Computer vision is a widely used method to analyze detected
Yes Yes
images/videos for automation applications. Advanced Yes Intruder detected Intruder identified
computing techniques such as k-nearest neighbors algorithm [3] Intruder detected
No No
and principal component analysis (PCA) [4] can be used in
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
many computer vision applications. Some common applications CNN Trespassing Cacading Intruder PCA Intruder
are facial recognition and scene recognition [4][5]. By Event Detection Detection Identification
distinguishing different objects using these techniques and Intruder detected
applications, machines can interact with their environment to No intruder No intruder
serve different needs. For instance, an embedded system with
computer vision can detect intruders using recordings from Figure 1. Three-Stage SIDSS Design Flow
surveillance cameras and warn users.
In this paper, we introduce a smart home surveillance system
that utilizes computer vision techniques to identify intruders, Our design flow of the 3-stage SIDSS is shown in Figure 1.
their weapons used and seek for any potential trespassers. In Stage 1, our trained CNN extracts primary features of
Common surveillance systems deploy motion sensor [6] or intrusions and threats from the surveillance camera to identify
facial detection system [7] based on the IoT scheme. These trespassing events. Compared with other machine learning
systems are prone to false alarms, for example, using only algorithms such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) [8], the
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CNN has higher detection accuracy once trained on large to avoid overfitting while maintaining important features of
datasets. In case if the Stage 1 was unable to detect any intruder, input images, enhancing the spatial invariance of our CNN.
our system utilizes cascading classifier to further detect any
potential intruders in Stage 2. At this stage, the algorithm
3X3 Convolutional Filter, 128
transforms images to greyscale and uses Local Binary Pattern
Input Image
(LBP) algorithm for fast identification. The cascading classifier Batch Normalization
is used to detect any undetected intruder from the previous stage.
If Stage 2 detected any intruder, trained cascading face detector 3X3 Convolutional Filter, 128
Block 3
and recognizer can identify intruders using principal component Batch Normalization
analysis (PCA) in Stage 3.
3X3 Convolutional Filter, 32 2X2 Max Pooling
DETECTION Batch Normalization
Block 1
In Stage 1 of SIDSS, we trained a multilayer convolutional 3X3 Max Pooling Flatten
neural network (CNN) with real surveillance images of large Batch
datasets to predict multiple suspicious objects. For training, we Dropout Fully Connected Layer, 1024
created new datasets for SIDSS by collecting approximately
Block 4
Batch Normalization
3,000 surveillance images for each category with size of 96x96 3X3 Convolutional Filter, 64
pixels. Per category of datasets include Handgun Dataset [9], Dropout
Knife Images Dataset [10] and INRIA Person Dataset [11]. Batch Normalization
Normalization Fully Connected Layer, 5
Datasets have been classified into 5 categories corresponding to Block 2
5 types of trespassing events. In order to fully utilize our new 3X3 Convolutional Filter, 64 Activation Function, Softmax
datasets, we applied 10-fold cross-validation [12] for training Batch Normalization
the dataset. Meanwhile, data augmentation method, such as
image rotation, image height or width shift, is used to enrich the 2X2 Max Pooling
datasets to avoid overfitting. Our trained CNN achieves 97.12%
detection accuracy for the testing dataset. The training is
implemented on an NVIDIA Quadro 4000 GPU processing in
parallel with 8 logical CPU cores for computation to increase Figure 2. Flow Chart of Trespasser Detection using CNN
the training speed. Specific structure of our proposed neural
network is shown in Figure 2. Lastly, dropout is used for our CNN with dropping rate of 0.25
Stage 1, using CNN, can predict 5 types of trespassing events: to further avoid overfitting. Similarly, in Block 2 and Block 3 of
an intruder with the gun, an intruder with the knife, an intruder our CNN, features from input images are extracted more
in the burglar mask, an intruder with no weapon, and no specifically using more convolutional filters and then optimized
suspicious trespassing activity. Each trespassing event is with batch normalization, max pooling and dropout. In Block 4,
predicted with scores of possibilities which indicate how feature maps from Block 3 are flattened into a high-dimensional
confident the neural network is about its predictions. If the vector as the input layer. Then, they are densely connected with
prediction score of a suspicious activity is above 50%, it the hidden layer of 1024 neurons. For the output layer, we use 5
indicates that our CNN determines the existence of the neurons as there are 5 classes in our datasets and use Softmax as
suspicious activity. Any suspicious subject or object detected the activation function [14]. Our CNN is trained with epoch of
with the top two highest scores are combined to predict a 75 and 30 batches for each epoch for the datasets. We use the
trespassing event, as shown in the output image of Figure 2. cross-entropy loss [15] and Adam optimizer to update weights,
Our CNN structure is composed of 4 blocks. Blocks from 1 which outperforms other stochastic optimization methods [16].
to 3 are convolutional layers and pooling layers to extract the By training our datasets with 96×96×3 images, CNN can
primary features of each input image. Block 4 is the hidden and extract features, such as eyes and faces, from each layer and
output layer to analyze the extracted features from Blocks 1 to detect trespassing objects in various conditions. Figure 3 shows
3 for final classifications. In Block 1 of our CNN, there are 32 the training loss, validation loss, training accuracy and
convolutional filters in size of 3x3 pixels. Each filter is the validation accuracy of the trained CNN, which are 5.92%,
feature detector to extract certain features, such as edges, from 8.68%, 97.73%, 97.12% respectively for the final epoch. The
the input image. Rectified Linear Units (ReLU) function is CNN is trained by datasets with 75 epochs and 30 batches for
applied to the convolutional layer to reduce the linearity, each epoch. The accuracy is measured by the number of correct
efficiently utilizing the non-linear structure of the neural predictions divided by the total number of predictions. The loss
network to extract image features [13]. Then, we further is measured by the cross-entropy loss function, which
optimize our neural network by using batch normalization, outperforms other error loss functions (e.g., mean square error)
which gives improvement by almost factor of 10 in our training for better performance [17]. Our trained CNN achieves higher
speed and reduces the covariate shift for the convolutional layer. accuracy of 97.12% to detect multiple trespassing objects,
With the normalized convolutional layer, we apply the max compared to 75% for Multi SVM algorithm and 90.64% for
pooling to greatly reduce the parameters that need to be trained LMKNCN algorithm [8].
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New detection
Figure 3. Training Loss and Accuracy of CNN
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the best weak classifiers in a cascading process into a strong V. PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS FOR INTRUDER
classifier, resulting detection accuracy enhancement. In IDENTIFICATION
passersby detection, within each detection window, there is In Stage 3 of SIDSS, we trained a facial recognizer to identify
countless background information that degrades the detection intruders for more detailed recognition. This facial recognizer is
process. To overcome this issue, the cascading process trains the at first trained with cascading algorithms as our cascading
strong classifier in many stages which each stage contains many intruder detector to locate faces, then trained with Principal
weak classifiers. The process by using cascading method for Component Analysis (PCA) to recognize intruders’ faces. MIT
detecting passersby is shown in Figure 5. CBCL Face Database [23] is used to train the cascading face
Figure 6 shows that our cascading classifier can detect detector and Facial Recognition Technology Database [24] is
passersby and their locations in different conditions, such as used to train facial recognizer with PCA. PCA can represent the
various views of the passersby and multiple passersby in high-dimensional samples with fewer dimensions, which are
complex backgrounds. We executed our trained detector on a called principal components. The principal components are
computer with the Intel Core i7-3537U CPU at 640x480 obtained by maximizing the variance of training data on each
resolution. The processing time for detecting every passerby component and minimizing the mean squared errors between
and one’s position was 8.3ms, which is approximately 18 times real and estimated values. The largest variance of data is
faster than the Intersection Kernel SVM passerby detector [22] contained in the first principal component and each succeeding
and approximately 96 times faster than the linear SVM passerby component in turn has the largest variance. Every principal
detector [8]. Meanwhile, our passersby detector achieves 93.47% component is orthogonal to each other, so that the variable on
detection accuracy which outperforms the linear SVM each component is uncorrelated. The processed face image has
passersby detector with accuracy of 87.46% [8]. 70×70 = 4900 pixel-values and each pixel-value represents a
feature of the image. Therefore, the processed face image is
represented by a column vector with 4,900 dimensions.
In our system, we use PCA to extract the first 100 principal
components by building a new coordinate system to represent
the processed face image. The dimensionality reduction lowers
calculation complexity and removes noises included in
irrelevant features. During the intruder identification,
homeowners’ faces have been collected as datasets in our
surveillance system for training the facial recognizer. If the
homeowner’s face is recognized, then the homeowner’s name is
shown on the image. Otherwise, the detected face is considered
as an intruder. Figure 7 shows the process of intruder
recognition with PCA.
Train PCA
New coordinate system
(100 principal components)
new face with reconstructed face,
difference < threshold?
No Yes
(Unknown face) Identify new face
Intruder with closest
match (Euclidian
Figure 6. Passersby Detection in Different Complex Backgrounds Figure 7. Flowchart of Intruder Recognition with PCA
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