DLP in Science Q1 W1 D1 June 04
DLP in Science Q1 W1 D1 June 04
DLP in Science Q1 W1 D1 June 04
I. Objective:
Identify the properties of materials used at home
II. A. Materials:
worksheets, KWL chart, pictures
B. References:
Curriculum Guide: S5MT-Ia-b-1
Science Works 5, Myla Corazon S. Casinillo, pp. 165-168
Cyber Science 5, Nicetas G. Valencia & Hayda M. Vilona, pp.2-3
C. Process Skills: observing, describing, identifying, communicating
D. Values Integration: Proper ways of handling materials
Hard Transparent
Shiny Hard
Waterproof Durable
Elastic Flexible
Stretchable Absorbent
Waterproof Soft