DLP in Science Q1 W1 D1 June 04

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DLP in Science June 0, 2019 /Monday

I. Objective:
Identify the properties of materials used at home
II. A. Materials:
worksheets, KWL chart, pictures
B. References:
Curriculum Guide: S5MT-Ia-b-1
Science Works 5, Myla Corazon S. Casinillo, pp. 165-168
Cyber Science 5, Nicetas G. Valencia & Hayda M. Vilona, pp.2-3
C. Process Skills: observing, describing, identifying, communicating
D. Values Integration: Proper ways of handling materials

III. Learning Task:

A. Engagement
1. Motivation
Say: I have here pictures of things found at home. Name each
picture and drag it according to what are they made from
B. Exploration
Say: Now that you are familiar with the materials found at home, let
us describe each one of them.
1. Group the pupils into 4 and distribute the envelope containing the activity sheets and
the pictures.
2. Setting of standards.
3. Activity Proper (Group Activity)
Let’s Describe!
Problem: What are the properties of materials do we use at home?
Materials: pictures of objects made from glass, metal, wood, rubber and fabric.
1. Study each picture inside the envelope.
2. Write 3 words that describe the object.

Hard Transparent
Shiny Hard
Waterproof Durable
Elastic Flexible
Stretchable Absorbent
Waterproof Soft

3. Answer the guide questions that follow

Guide Questions:
1. Which materials can absorb water?
2. Which materials can be broken?
3. Which materials are hard? soft?
4. Which materials can be stretched?
5. Which materials allow heat to pass through?
C. Explanation
1. Group reporting and presentation.
2. Ask the pupils the following questions:
a. Why is towel used to dry up our body after bathing? (Towel is used to dry up our
body after bathing because it absorbs water.)
b. What do you call materials that do not absorb water?(Materials that do not absorb
water are waterproof.)
c. Why is glass used to make windows, bottles and eye glasses? (Glass is used to
make windows, bottles and eye glasses because it is transparent.)
d. Why do we need to take extra care in handling materials made of glass?(We
need to take extra careful in handling materials made of glass because they are brittle
and might cause us accident.)
e. Why are materials made of wood used to make tables, chairs and doors?
(Materials made of wood are used to make tables, chairs and doors because they are
stiff and hard. They can’t be bent easily.)
f. What do you call materials that can be bent easily?(Materials that can be bent
easily are elastic and flexible).
g. Why do we use casserole, pan and pots made of metal in cooking out food?
(We use casserole, pan and pots made of metal in cooking out food because they can
allow heat to pass through them. They conduct heat.)
D. Elaboration/Extension
1. What have you learned today? [Lead the pupils to form the concept]
Materials have different properties according to their uses.These properties are
hardness, softness, brittleness, absorbent,waterproof, flexibility, durability, transparent,
conductor of heat orelectricity and insulator of heat or electricity.
a. What if rain boots were made of paper?
-If rain boots were made of paper, our feet will get wet because paper is absorbent.
b. What if pans and pots were made of plastic?
-If pans and pots were made of plastic, we cannot cook our food because plastic will
melt if exposed to heat.
-If pans and pots were made of plastic, its material will combine with the ingredients
and we cannot eat thefood.
E. Evaluation
Identify the property of each material used at home. Choose the best answer
from the words inside the parenthesis.
1. Fabric (hard, brittle, absorbent)
2. Metal (soft, heat conductor, brittle)
3. Rubber (heat conductor, heat insulator, electric conductor)
4. Wood (brittle, waterproof, hard)
5. Ceramic (absorbent, brittle, soft)
IV. Assignment:
List down 5 materials which you can find on your way home. Identify the
property of each material. Reminder: Do not include examples used in
today’s lesson.

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