Torts and Damages
Torts and Damages
Torts and Damages
Tort - tort is an unlawful violation of private 1. Plaintiffs - Persons entitled for damages
right, not created by contract or any previous 2. Defendants - Persons who may be liable
existing lawful relation, and which gives rise to
an action for damages.
Philippine Tort Law
1. Compensatory - action for damages
Sources: 2. Preventive - Prayer for injunction or
temporary restraining order
1. The New Civil Code is the primary statute
that governs torts in the Philippines. ALTERNATIVE COMPENSATION SCHEMES
1. To provide a peaceful means for adjusting Article 1173. The fault or negligence of the
the rights of parties who might otherwise take obligor consists in the omission of that
the law into their own hands; diligence which is required by the nature of the
2. Deter wrongful conduct; obligation and corresponds with the
3. To encourage socially responsible circumstances of the persons, of the time and
behaviour; of the place. When negligence shows bad
4. To restore injured parties to their original faith, the provisions of articles 1171 and 2201,
condition, insofar as the law can do this, by paragraph 2, shall apply.
compensating them for their injury.
Short Definition
Fundamental Principles
Failure of one to observe reasonable care or
1. Equity and Justice - this principle demands diligence required by law which a prudent and
that persons who may have been damaged by reasonable man would do.
wrongful or negligent acts of another are
has some reason of his own for such conduct
Did the defendant in doing the alleged (referred to as the collateral object);
negligent act use that reasonable care and
caution which an ordinarily prudent person 4. The probability that the collateral object will
would have used in the same situation? be attained by the conduct which involves risk
to the principal (the utility of the risk);
Note: Forseeability in negligence requires that 5. The probability that the collateral object will
the risk or danger is apparent. be attained without taking the risk (the
necessity of the risk).
(NUFR) Example
- Diligence of a good father of a family. However, the rule is different if the defect is not
a mere weakness but one amounting to real
What should be determined in negligence disability. The Constitution recognizes the
cases is what is foreseeable to a good father of rights of disabled persons. In fact, it mandates
a family. A good father of a family is likewise the creation of a “special agency for disabled
referred to as the reasonable man, man of persons for their rehabilitation, self-
ordinary intelligence and prudence, or ordinary development and self-reliance, and their
reasonable prudent man. integration in the mainstream of the society.”
(Section 13, Article XIII, 1987 Constitution).
(c) the fear that an insanity defense would lead OTHER FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN
to false claims of insanity to avoid liability. DETERMINING NEGLIGENCE
(Breunig vs. American Family Insurance Co., 1. Violation of rules and statutes
173 N.W. 2d 619 [1970]). 2. Practice and custom
3. Compliance with rules and statutes
There is no question that when it comes to Not recognized in some jurisdictions. The word
physical features, there is a distinction “gross” is of no significance.
between man and woman. A man is generally
In Philippines, the presence of GROSS character of accident and circumstances
NEGLIGENCE is statutorily recognized. Art. attending it lead reasonably to belief that in
2231 of the Civil Code provides that “(i)n absence of negligence it would not have
quasidelicts exemplary damages may be occurred and that thing which caused injury is
granted if the defendant acted with gross shown to have been under management and
negligence.” control of alleged wrongdoer.
Res ipsa loquitur. The thing speaks for itself Other causes in the unbroken sequence other
Rebuttable presumption or inference that than proximate cause.
defendant was negligent, which arises upon
proof that instrumentality causing injury was in
defendant's exclusive control, and that the IMPUTED CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE
accident was one which ordinarily does not
happen in absence of negligence. Res ipsa Negligence is imputed if the actor is different
loquitur is rule of evidence whereby negligence from the person who is being made liable. As
of alleged wrongdoer may be inferred from applied to contributory negligence, the
mere fact that accident happened provided defendant will be subject to mitigated liability
even if the plaintiff was not himself personally
negligent but because the negligence of
another is imputed to the plaintiff.