MTU Engine

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lneofl_J MTU RUS_16V4000C11 Technical Specification and Scope of Supply DIESEL ENGINE 16V4000C11 Engine Description Engine Model Application Group lneoll_J Power as per MTU Sales Program omer par engine (ISO 3046) Engine speed Intake air temperature Coolant temperature Altitude On-site Power Power per engine (ISO 3048) Engine speed Intake ai temperature Coolant temperature Altitude Requirements Frequency | L 2745 mm (108, bin) ‘ev4oodct1 DIESEL ENGINE {5A - Continuous operation, unrestricted 1715 1.900 % 2 100 4718 1900 2% a 400 oz W 1590 mm (62.6 in) (78.4 in) H 1990 mm kW pm “c c KW ‘om c 1. Quantities Total of 2object(s) * engine(s) per abject Engine assignment 1 engine 1 2 engine 1 i) item appears only once per objoct Selection Criteria for the Scope of Supply Criteria Application group ‘Scope of Supply Production location Veil type oad profle /TB0 Senice altitude Speed Exhaust emissions regulations Acoeptance Testing Components fr Remote Services Starting method Flywheel housing Publications Spare parts and tols Painting Packing Shipment Emission cart. authority Country of operation Selection {5A continuous power Complete engine ‘ken Truck Standard Up to 3200 meters above sea level 1900 rpm EPA Nonraad Tt Comp (40CFR8Q) Factory acceptance ‘without Componens for Remote Services Compressed ait Flywheel housing dry ‘Standard pubtcatons English Not included in scope of supply Yello (Terex Yelow) ‘Tcradle Cimate-Packaging FCA manufacturing facity 99 not relevant (000 sti not known N Scope of Supply ENGINE CONFIGURATION Engine System Denomination ENGINE- 164000011 SUBTYPESPEC. VALUE-16V4000C11 INSPECT PORT COVER #/12/16V4000 CRANKCASE EQUIPMENT RACK Flywneel Housing “dry” ‘SAE617 No. 00. in “wet” applications. Grey-castiron flywheel housing wih openings for venting (not ol tigh). Customer iferace according Hint: Flywheel equipped with single lip sealing ring on crankshaft. Not recommended for use Denomination END HOUSING, WAIN AND AUK PTO END Feel wth integrated dlaphragm coupling (lexplate) ~Fywhea vith integrated daphagm coupling (tlt) ~ nonnsiaod fexplte — See option drawing 08K 11154 Denomination FLYWHEEL [CYLINDER HEAD FOR 16V VALVE GEAR WITH PRESS.OIL LUBR (CYLINDER HEAD GOVER FOR 16V [ENGINE MOUNTING-8/12716/20/4000 Crankshaft transportation locking device of finee! housing ‘Aciual design depends on selected flywheel option. Crankshaft ansportation lacking device to attach to the sides of the flywheel housing or from backside Denomination [TRANSPORTATION LOCK a/12/T6V40006 vate train 42 12, 12, 12 13 PLACARD POS. EXPL: HAZARD [TYPE PLATEUSA ENGLISH PLACARD Grounding device GGrouncing device (grounding brush) installed at flywheel housing, shaft vtage limits and curent ints" avaiable on the Business Porta, Please observe the Applicaton & Installation Manval“Alemator and generator requirements - Rotor Denomination [CARBON BRUSH ON FLYWHEEL HSNG MAIN BEARING. 1674000 ‘CRANKSHAFT 16V4000.07 NH STOOK ‘CONROD WIBEARING PISTON CRANKSHAFT REAR HUB DDEC IND 8V/12Vi16V PTO FLANGE AUX PTO END (KGS) 8/12/16V4000 Vibration damper with guard ‘The vibration demper is equipped wih a quad Denomination RADIAL-LIP SHET SEAL FOR FREE END-BRAQOO [VIBRATION DAMPER WITH GUARD FOR PTO PUSHROD ASM 164000 54-010.0111070 [CAMSHAFT (CAMSHAFT DRIVETHRUST BEARING DDEC SRSS INSTALLATION DRAWING Starting Single sir starter ~ ited on rit ite (sid) of engine ~ starr wth fet = ToITio0v ~ start pressue: 8-10 observe option drawing X52617300008 Denomination STARTER FOR COMPRESSED AIR il System Denomination 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, PISTON COOLNG: Basic Equipment = Lubec pump with safety valve = Forced fed lubrication Piston cooling via ol spray nozzles Denamination LUBE Ol PUNE. Ol fer nock with ol dipstick (short version) Denomination OIL PAN OILFILLERNECK WOIL DIPSTICK, RGH CCrankcase ventilation open = Open crankcase ventiaton without return to combustion ai system Denomination (CRANKCASE BREATHER Lube oll heat exchanger Engine mounted — Inegrated in engine's cooing cruit(HTC) [Denomination OL HEAT EXCHANGER 6/f2/T6V4000 Contrfugal ol iter = tx 2iter [Denomination FILTER OIL 2 UTER CENTRIFUGAL SPINNER Electrical pre-lubrcation pump = Etectcal prelubrcation pump mounted on engine complete with electial and ol connections. Activation integrated in automatic staring process 12, 12, 12, 12, 14 Denomination ENGINE CABLING — FOR ONVENGINE SENSO-T6VAD000X1 ‘STARTING-PRELUBE ‘CONNECTING FLANGE FOR OIL PAN TICHARGER OIL SUPPLY-BR4000 PRESS REGULATE VALVE Lube ol fiter with safety element 12, 4 vertical, sin-on ol fiters Denomination (OILFILTER Oil fiter restriction switch (OFRS) 12, Oil fiterrestcton monitored wth difrential pressure switch by ECU Denomination DIFF-PRESS MONITORING [SCHEMATIC FOR LUBE OIL SYSTEW-T2/T6v40006 Fuel System 12, [Denomination FUEL PUMP LOW PRESSURE FUEL LINE LOW PRESSURE Standard Efficioncy Fue! Fiters 12, ~ Engin insted main (sconday fel ites ed optional ited ul tr (ima fit) wth standard efcioncy iter media Fuol filters 42, = Engine installed main (secondary) fuel fits — Intermediate fue iter (primary fie) notinciuded in scope of supply Denomination FUEL FILTER ON ENGINE HP PUNE High pressure fuel lines 12, Double walled high pressure fuel Ines from HP pump to common rails Double walled high pressure ful lin from common also injectors Common ris without shielding 15 16 47 18 Denomination FUEL LINES DBL WALL Hi PRESS + RAILS IND. INS-VALVEINJECTOR SCHEMATIC FORFUEL Cooling System Denomination ‘COOLANT DISTRIB SG THERMOSTAT HOUSING LT ORCUTT PUMP WAT LOW TEMP CIRCUIT 8/1 2/16VA000 1 THERMOSTAT HOUSING HIGH- TEMP CIRCUIT END COVER FOR COOLANT PUMP ENG WAT HI TEMP CLG CIRCUIT 12/16Vé COOLANT DUCTING HiGH-TEMP CIRCUTT [COVER FOR COOLANT. ‘SU-COOLANT SYSTEM SCHEMATIC. Combustion Air System Denomination AIR PIPING INTERCOOLER [CHARGE-AIR MANIFOLD 16V4000 Exhaust System Exhaust manifolds painted = On-engine exhaust manifolds wil be painted during painting of engin afer factory acceptance test Denomination EXHAUST LINE BEFORE TURBOCHARGER: Turbochargers = 4 exhaust turbochargers wth 2 vertical exhaust outlets. Refer to drawing 5270080009, positon AS ‘and BS [Denomination EXHAUST TURBOCHARGER, — Exhaust bellows not included in scope of supply. Observe and fofow the instructions inthe corresponding Applicaton & Instalation manual chapter “Exhaust systom’, sections *Pipework’ and “Flexible Fitings" Engine Mounting 12, 12, 402, 42, 12, 19 1.40 Three point mounting — Trunnion engine mount with elastically supported pivotal point et engine's free end, ~ Customer supped rear mounts (main PTO side of engine) Denomination MOUNTING BRACKET Power Transmission ‘Shim kit (2x 0,127 mm | 2x 0,254 mm) — for mounting of alternator housing to fywheelhousing Denomination [ADJUSTING WASHER FOR FITTING GENER Shim kt (2x 0,127 mm 20,24 mm) = for mounting of atrnator shat to Rexpate flywheel Denomination ADJUSTING WASHER FORFITTING GENER Auxiliary PTO Alternator — Alternator (260A; 28VDC; 2-pole) instal locat. B-side with manually adjusted tension and wih belt uard Denomination [ALTERNATOR RIGHT SIDE Ai compressor — Bendix Tu-Flo 550 Air Comprossor (13:2 CFM) ‘Without compressor mounted air pressure governor — Engine mounted, A bank (lt) Denomination [AIR COMPRESSOR 12, 12, 12, 12, 11 ‘Auxiliary PTO for air conditioning compressor = with double V-bet pulley Denomination DRIVE, Fan Drive $270 with ply-V-bel ply, fan div ebo= (and fan oight= (2) i= 055 Denomination FAN DRIVE BELT PULLEY. \V.BELT FOR FANDRVE Without fan spacer Fan spacer not included in scope of supply Denmination (COVER BR4OOD Engine Management System DDEC IV Vehicle Interface Hamess (Vl) = length: 4040 mm Denomination ENGINE CABLING RETAINER _F, WIRING HARNESS RETAINER __F, WIRING HARNESS DDEC IV Coolant Level Sensor (CLS) = Bin, NPT with connector pats fr sensor Wiring from sensor to ECM not included in MTU scope of supply Deneminaion | 42, 12, 12, 42, 42, 42, Governor Configuration 12 (06N0461706 APPL DDEC Cal $4000 COLD CLIMATE ELECTRIC DRIVE MINE TRUCK 12, [DDEC configuration fr cold climate. Special settings for fan and shutter contol [COOLANT LEVEL SENSOR 1.12 [Denomination [APPL DDEC Gx1 COLD CLIMATE ELE TRUCK [CALIB 0000/0000/2300HP@1S00RPM 16V4000 [2300HP@ 1S00RPM 5338 02-02 16V4000 IND. 2 ADDITIONAL BELAZ PARTS 12, 24 Additional Parts 12, [Denomination HOSE CONNECTION, 22 Russian Documentation 12, Denomination FLUIDSILUBRIGANTS RUSSIAN. [OPERATION MANUAL RUSSIAN, 5 MISCELLANEOUS 12, 54 Documentation 12, ‘1x Engine Operation Manual in English language MS150049/XXE 12, ‘1x Engine Maintenance Schedule in English language MS5O095/XXE Denomination [OPERATION MANUAL ENGLISH ‘1x Fluids end Lubricants Specification in English language AOO10612XXE 12, [Denominalion FLUIDSILUBRICANTS _ENGLISH-ALLE MTU-MOTOREN ‘1x Assembly instructions in English language MO60770(KXE 12, Denomination INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH MTU Value Care Flyer in English-Language 12, Denomination MTU VALUECARE FLYER ENGLISH 52 53 54 Painting Color "Yellow" (Terex Yellow) Denomination PAINTING-BR&000 PAINT TEREX YELLOW 164000 Packing Denomination [BAG SHIP ENG (2//6VINDIMAR WIO DIR MT GR ‘CONTAINER TRESTLE TRANSPORT BOX. GAP FOR ENGINE SHIPPING PACKAGING MATERIAL ENG PRES 1 YEAR Additional Options engines must nat operaed in the US Expor is compulsory ‘The expor label is assigned to all engines, which are not cated as per EPA. Therefore, these Denomination DATASHEET ENMVEPA Gel AND GENS ENGINE-ALLE MTU MOTOREN [ARRANGEMENT DRAWING EMILABEL FOR US EXPORT FUNCTIONAL TESTING Acceptance Testing ‘ocardance wih DINVISO with Acceptance Test Record. After complet iis not required Engine test under load on the dynamometer, followed by MTU's sees acceptance testing in ion ofthe factory testing, engine ‘operation in accordance with the technical specication s possible without restriction. On-site runing- Denomination [TEST RUN Engine standard factory acceptance testing 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 42, 12,

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