Stein and Stein - Altered States of Consciousness

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Altered states of consciousness

W 5.1 Charei
/&mirrsh dtfiy.
mpair€d to y"ryiE (
tlsa.|rbed tine sense r

=andstill dre accder

t'<s $ d
pcsession sates dp
Avtge in ennM e
rnay become detadre
Bdy imoge dronge: di:
bqrndaries betrleen r
Crrunken, enlarge4 di
&ziness, blurring of r
brqwol distoraonr h
gensory experience
Clrcnge in meoning t s
perceptiveness and ins
on indescrifub
Sense of
rE undergone a simib
ftefings of rejuvenotkn:
person comes to rey r
nconsistencies, and ini
accepted as concrete ,f

Based on A. M. Ludwie..,Al
JofinWiley & Sons, t9-69),1

Toble 5.2 Factors brirgi

Ptduaion of oltered stoa

The nature of altered states Reduction of external

of consciousness motor activity

Consant exposure to n

Increase of external stim

overload) and/or strenu<
Increased alertness or m
sustained over time
Decreased alertness; pas
reduction in goal_directa
Entering on okered stote
of consciousness
Alterations in body chem
numbe ol nervous system
of these
r in
Based on A. M. Ludwig,,Aher
JohnWiley & Sons, t969), pp
'ZZ-6'dd'(696 |'suog 6 lel111 uqof
'6 'V uo paseg ur JnJro sJolJBJ esaqr.
qJo ssausnoosuo2Jo sarDls Pa/31V'u-4'J ul ,,'ssausnolf,suoJ Jo sarns PaJarlv,,'Brnpnl
^€N) lsrll suonEnlls to Jaql
saluslsqns l€lltolol€uuPqd
p? {seJnzles oqol leJodure} 'pcrSolorsdqd;o raqut
'uo!}€l P^UdaP daa;s'uoPerP{qeP
'(t leur qrrq,v.) eluer,{todlg no 1o lsrqd .ro t rrsluraqr dfi 'ii i,l"?rti;
(3u;gequns Jo rele aql uo
^ tu;1u1g peDe.rlP-;eot ul uollf,nPeJ
8u;reo;1 allq,r,r "t'a) uollex?loJ J€lnJsnu pue e,1r;utor
'turuea.rplep'uoltsllPeu, qtnorqr Paulsne selurs :puru,r,o alas a,rlssed :sseuuelE Pos?aJJac
eql Jo uoulPuof, Islualt
lss) aull JaAo Peulslsns tacuerradxa eql
Jo uelr
e uq uotld.rosqe lslueul asualu! 'eruelrttr petuolo't4 lueua^lo^u! l?lu9ul JO SSaUUOIE POSeeJf,ul rolJeJ ar{l Jo emlEu e
af,u?Jl )llslsJe Al,\De ;errslqd snonuarls Jo/Pue (PEolro^o dlrsualur aqr PUE Peil
'sete1s uolssassod lrltds'slpJe} aeJtaP-PJ!t11 ,Oosuas) uotlelnuips leuJalxa Jo as?or)ul
-Jereqs leql saeuarradr
(seqs1ruap tu1;r1qm "t'e) gueula'rout sePnlJur lEtp auo a^uf
o)u?P e^!l!]ede; .ro Suluurnlp pa8uo;o't6 uoltqnullls a^plledal ol elnsodxe luslsuo]
tulurealp 'dn tu;1en
ro dea;se tu11;e1 e11qm solets PoJeq? 'uolle^lJdaP Al,rlpe;ototu
snlnuills pue lelJos pa8uolo.rd luouleuguol &er11o5 JolPuE uolt?lnuills lEuJeUa ro uolDnPeu
salduor? ssausnoosuorJo ews pate4o Jo uounPord
sB eJnllnJ eqr iq Para
'slxaluof, snoISIIeJuou
sseusnol)suo) ]o elels Paraqe ue rnoqe tulBuuq srolJeJ Z'9 eEDl eu
peJalle sacuarradxa
uort ruare;Flp Sutag se
'ZZ-6'dd' (6961'suog 6 la1r11 uqo[ -qns eq UEJ lElp selqs
u! ,,'ssausnollsuoo 'y
,o sersls PeJ3llV,,'3;rvrpnl '4 uo paseg sar.uos lPqr SuleeJ aqr^,r,ra1) sseusnoosuo2 Jo serDls Pal3ly'u?l'J
Aglea.r ate.nuor se Parderre IEnpr^IpuI aqr dq pez
uE tasues lsalduns srr
lr1;oqrne qll^ Pe^ oPue uo
'srqnoP'suollJ!PPrluoJ :Jeu
ar{r q)lq^ ul'lrluqFsatilnsre uI sluauela luPuodlm
fuoueu P!]n| € saull}otllos :elsauue }o seelSap tul,Qea :')ueuadxa Je||ur!s ? auotlepun 1ou dlnua lernleuJadns E
seq oq^ euoeutos ol aruauadxa eqr elerlunu,uor or al;lqeu; :e>uaua4xa en'qDsePu! uoJo esue5 ur ef,uelredxe PunoJox
tqBlsul Pue sseue,rpdarlad uror; eEuer suoDolue
tulueau Pesparf,u! ttrtuqe:a>umll'ttts to Swuoaw u1 e8uoq2 lseJlueru dagr larrnrat
;o stul;ee1 :seruelredxa ot aruerglutls lo
punosturlaallotuleesu!sPq]ns.[rjJo}Jeq}oolu!Pale|sueJlslerualledxafuosues sP qJns 'saJuatladxa
,.ir"qrr"urtr :Arateurl paseeJ)u! :suollEullnlleq :suoFJolslP pm4ate4
,o l,sJo, euo qlrq^ ,i l?nsll 'p1rom lerueuradns
uolslA ro tuprnlq 'ssaulzzlP
uaaalag dtqsuotlelar
1o se:uel.radxe snoaueluods
lpoq eqr 1o rue
;ee1 .ro .reedde
,o uollnlosslP :Pulul PUE lPoq
lpnpl^lpul :saureJxa l?uolloule 1o
sleldqp par:
loJtuo) saqsrnbullel uosled eql satsls uolssessod
J?4, :lolluo)Jo sso'l
lurds ur :sseusse;d1eq 1o stul;aal :lolluo)-,las pue lr;;ea.r uo dr.rt tu1so1 1o
gul|l ,o tulllo;s Jo Uo!}eJo|oJ)? eqr :|||lsPusts
uoqs ,{;etulser|uuu| Jo tuo; {elugul se ueas
:esues aura PegJnrslo
e ot tulu.ror eq.tll :ssoussolerup 1o sBu;1ea1 :lto;ouo.rqr Pue aull ,o asuos PeJell€
paJJnlq }raJre Pue asner uael laq uolllullslP lsee.rtep€u1Lre'r ol pelledul
,fuouau ;uolilaDe 'uollerlue)uo) u! sa)u?qJnlslP 8u14u1ql ut suonDreuv
tupsar lrlpa.r :lueutpnl pue
sseusnol)suof, Palerle lo sf,llsuap€J€qJ l'9 enDt ss
lo salsls
|| | ssausno!csuof lo selels PeJollv
fir-g s,gtr/l-
Fdfubthe acdabcainingfioEcztiqgfoodild ffiingligids (trer a period of AhE€dgrcdcr
time. The concpr of fasning may also inctude orhrr pmhitttims such as fi21 against rdfircrre&ir-ht
sexual intercourse and smoking. There is great variation in the n2nrre of a fast. In some fonhd&eninPainl
societies the fast includes all food and drink; in some the drinking of water is permitted. the Ffindu @ns€qu
In still other societies a fast refers to abstaining from a particular food such as meat. asc€tics and monks wl
Fasting leads to an alteration in body chemistry. In response to the absence of food int
rofln€nt of the soul
intake over an extended period of time, the body turns to alternative means of as with Christ's bade
providing glucose to run the body. Initially fat stores in the liver and elsewhere are a source of suPernatu
metabolized. On depletion of the fat stores, the body begins to break down proteins. Cerrain levels of Pa
The feeling of hunger normally disappears after a few days. your lip before givingl
Changes in body chemistry accelerate with intense, prolonged fasting, and the fasting on something hard)- P
individual will show the clinical features of starvation. Severe symptoms of starvation, don of natural oPiate
including death, have occurred in religious fasting; this is a rarc, maladaptiye outcome. The voluntary ordeal
Because most religious fasts last only a day or rwo, or involve some intake of food dur- mav be related to di
ing the fasting period, the features of starvation seldom develop. In intense fasting, the Western body modific
psychological features that are seen include an increase in impulsive and aggressive piercing their skin).
behavior, a decrease in competence, and hallucinations. Characteristics associated In our societY we u
with dehydration include fatigue, lethargS confusion, and dizziness. Thus fasting can experience. Howeveq
lead to the development of an altered state. vicarious. Chdstianit!
People express many reactions to fasting in a religious context. Of course, in addi- ing, including the sao
tion to physiological and psychological features, the cultural expectations play a major executions of witches
role. Fasting is often seen as a sacrifice to a deity and frequently accompanies religious in areas of the bodY t
rituals. It can be an important element in the training of religious specialists in which these are seen as marl
it is seen as a form of discipline. Fasting also accompanies rituals of atonement as an Many rituals use F
act of cleansing. some funeral rituals il
There are many instances of fasting in both the Old and New Testaments. For inflicted pain is also e
example, Moses fasted for forty days and forty nights while he was on the mountain very focusedr conc€n
with God. Jesus also fasted for forty days and forty nights while in the wilderness. purification before th
The Jewish calendar contains a number of fast days. The best known is Yom Kippur, Among the ancienr
the Day of Atonement and the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. On that day, Jews the foreskin of their
fast from sunset to sunset the next day. Fasting includes abstinence from all food strings, often studde
and drink, including water, as well as other prohibitions such as that against sexual would fall onto striP
intercourse and bathing. Fasting is a part of the process of achieving atonement. paper then would be
Fasting is found in some Christian denominations and absent in others. Fasting bring about visions t
accompanies Holy Communion in the Catholic and Orthodox churches. Here the presence of the n
fasting often means abstaining from certain, but not all, foods. Fasting customs vary In Chapter 4 we ex
gready in Protestant churches and often accompany a personal spiritual experience rituals often include t
rather than being a part of a ritual. Fasting is found in some Buddhist sects, and it is ations are quite Painl
an important element of Hindu ritual. in these rituals. The s
Fasting during the month of Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, of undergoing such P
is one of the Pillars of Islam. Fasting includes abstention from food and water from it possible to withsta
sunup to sundown, as well as abstention from sex and smoking. This act is seen as Pain is also closelY
moving the individual closer to God by abandoning those things that are enjoyable. practice, Pain is ofte
As the community fasts together, people are brought together with a heightened sense and sense of self, isc
of community. pain can also be exPt
asuas peuelq8raq e
'elgedolue eff lerp
sB uaes sI 1f,8 SrqI
ruoJt rele^\ Pu" P
'repualec tIruEIsI a
srlr pue 'slf,es ls.rql
aluerredxa pntrrr
drB,r sruolsnc Suqsl
eJaH 'saqJJnqJ x
Surlseg 'sJeqlo ur
'tueruauolB 3
Ienxes tsule8e te
PooJ II€ ruoJt af,rr:
smef 1(ep l"r{r uO
trnddty tuo1 sr rlt\
'sssuJePlr^\ egl
urelunotu eql uo s
Jo{ 'slueluPlsel ,i
uB se luerueuol" J
qJlqa ur stsrlercad:
snorSrlar sarueduro
roferu e deld suou
-lppe ul 6asmoc;
uec Suuse; snql's
PelErf,OSs€ SJrlsual
ezrrssarSSe Pu? aax
aql'8unse; asualrn
-rnP poot to alsrul
'atuoJlno aarrdepq
'uouell?ls Jo sluol
Suusey agl pue'8ul
'suralord u/lrop {
eJE eJer{^\esl3 Pue
to suEelu aAIIEUJ:
PooJ Jo aruesq? a
'1E3ru sB r{Jns Po
'pal1rrurad sI Ja13r1a
etuos uI 'lwJ e to
lsure8e leqt sB gJ
;o porrad P Jaao sF
El I sseusno!)suo) ro selPls PeJerlv
I l4 Altered states of consciousness

patch is onll
between the
heels. Then a
wherever the
tendons . . .'
the iru muti
knapsack bit
Sooner or
experience o.
the outside (r

snuffed out l
There is a 'fr
tense, and nt

The biologicol
Participants in rc
an angel; they m
with the univerg
within the brain r
of consciousness.!
Figure 5.1 Mayan carving. Stone carvings from Temple 23,Yaxchildn, Mexico, commemorating a ritual Neurologist O
performed on October 28,709 ce, celebrating the birth of Bird-,Jaguar. (a) Lintel 24 shows migraines and rel
Lady Xoc pulling a roPe studded with thorns through her tongue as her husband, Shield- a fype of headacl
Jaguari holds a torch. (b) Lintel 25 shows Lady Xoc experiencing a hallucination of a ser.pent. symptoms. One s
Although auras a
experienced as the catalyst for strengthening the person's sense of self. Instead of being Culture plays a
isolating, the pain experience may reinforce the person's connections to both the social sufferer might ex
and supernatural worlds. Prime examples of changes in identiry that occur through ficult to function
pain experiences are possession and exorcism, both of which will be discussed in later for example, can
could be interpre
A pilgrimage illustrated by Hil
(see Chapter 4) often involves sacred pain that may be interpreted as
a sacrifice, an imitation of the suffering of a god, a penance, a test, and so on. Again,
Her descriptions
by migraine patir
such pain is related to an altered state of consciousness. One example comes from the
condition oq if tt
pilgrimage to Sabari Malai in South India. The pilgrimage follows the path of the god
Of course, mi1
Lord Ayyappan, son of Shiva, and his encounter with, and defeat of, a female demon.
states are. Resear
Pilgrims commit themselves to celibacy, moderate eating, walking with bare feet, and
affects certain 1n
sleeping on the ground. The pilgrimage is a forty-mile journey, walked barefoot over
being used, such
sharp stones and hot sand. The pain of this is seen as an essential part of the pilgrimage,
arousal system d
the goal of which is becoming one with Ayyappan. Following is a description by \
E. Valentine Daniel of the experience of pain on this pilgrimage:
certain areas of I
and on which tht
one tells oneself, "I shall walk on this side or that" or "Look! There's a patch of One area of tt
grass. Let me go walk on that. It will make my feet feel good, even though the brain known as t
lEql ur€Jq er{1 to uPd eqr $ silil 'alnpruls uollplJoss? uoDpluelJo eql se u^\ou>I UIEJq eqr q8noqr ue,
oql ur oJnlJnJls E sI PelElnullsJeao uaq^\ u1!\oP slnqs leql UIEJq eql Jo €eJe euo yo qcred ? s.eJ
'd1eu.rou uollrunJ or puedep daqr qcqr't uo Pue
elrof,eJ dleurrou Laqr reqr tndur p.rnau eql Sulruecar dols ulerq atll Jo sBeJB uIelJoJ
pue 'urra,op slnqs dla,rrpelas dlpuuassa ulBrg aqt 'sueddeq sqr ueql( 'PalqnuqsJe^o dg uortdursap
Sulurocaq dlarerurrp 's1ala1 raq8rq pue req8rq ol ue^IJP sI ulerq eqt 1o uatsds l?snore 'a8erurr8pd aqt
ro ruatsli cllaqledurr(s aqt 'Sunuep pue Sut3uts snoro8rl qll^{ sB qcns 'pasn Suleq Je^o looJeJBq
sr ruqfz(qr ls"J rllq^ir uI suon?nlls ur 'aldruexe Jod 'uIEJg eqt;o sUed uIElJef, spaue pue (tea; aJBq
Jorleqeg pozl1enllJ'clurqilgr A/roq uo PesnJot seq r(SolotqornJu uI IIJJ"eseU 'aJB selsls 'uolueP eT"tuet
parelle snor8rle.r ,(ueru se 6pacnput dlsnorosuoc lou arE surne ourerSlu JO po8 eqr;o qred
'aluartadxa pttlsdru e'Aem reql 1l slerdralur alnllnf, aql 1 'ro uoulPuof, egl uoJt saruoJ
e snql 'sluerled aurcr3rur dq ture8y 'uo os p
Ielrpotu € s? paf,uelJadxa aq deur ecuarradxa repcq:ed
iertte 1o suorldrrcsap dreroduratuoc 01 Jelruls ete s8urzrreJP Pue suotldtrcseP raH se palerdrelur
'6LIl ol 850I urory Pa^q oq^ f,Ilsdu PuE unu e'ua8urg 1o pre$epyg dg pelerrsnp
tDel uI 'uoISIA e se palerdralul aq
pue un\op ueDIJA\ eJeA\ suoIsIA to suoqdlJJsap PFol ralEl ur PJssnJsr
iouarradxe JBnsIA erups aq1 ('uolsr,t letuJou qlld\ alalJelur dlalerres ueo 'alduexa ro; qSnorqr rnf,Jo
,srq3q Suueog a^rJp ol'aldruExJ Jot-uolpunt 01 1]nJ9
Jo slsrsuof, lBr{l Emp uy) rec E IErf,os aql qroq
-JIp tr se>ltuI IBI{I uonlPuoc e 'prrSoloqred se eme IensIA B aruerradxe tq8lur raragns Surag 1o ppersuJ
iuier8rur ureporu V 'pJne uB slaldJelul luaqBd eqf uI aloJ to[etn e sdeld ernfln3
.sesues Jel{to
Jo suolUolslP ealo^ur oqe deru daql'pnsvr uaryo lsotu eJE seJne q8noqfly
..rotlertr.ri1"q eddr e (etrre uE sr saurpJSr-ur g1I1{\ palplJosse tuoldtuds aug 'suroldurds 'luodles e,o uoppu
-Plelqs'Pueqsnq J
porsdqd ,5qro pu" Eesneu qll^\ pererJosse osl? are saurerSrur tnq 'eqcepeaq;o ed,{.r e
s,roqs tZ leruq (e
rqtrcsjp ol pasn ,(geraua8 sr turpt&t* rrJJar aql'saluarradxa snor8rlar pue saurer8ru
;enr;.r e tugte.rourau
ujrmlaq drqsuonelar eqr 18 polool a^Eq sraglo pu, sIrBS Je^rIO tsr3o1orna51
isseusnorJsuoJ to
setEls parellE asagl Jot srseg pc€o1orq e eJer{l sI islEnPI^PuI eseql to ulErq eql uqll^\
Surrrncco sr l"tll\ lnfl 'saJuelJedxa punolord pue leet ete eseql 'asJellun al{l qll^{
euo euoJoq deur faqf fsarpoq Jleql ePISlno eaotu slnos Jleqf IeaJ deur daqf !1a8ue ue
dq patrsur ro lrrrds e dg passassod Surag Uodar deru spnltr sno€qer ur sluedlf,IUed
ssausno!)suor fo se1o1s Perelro lo spoq pz$o1og eq1
dpo eq1 sI uIEd ' ' ' eAIlBJBdtuoJ ou pue 'esual
IeuJala eql ol SulSuoleg uopesuas (ured
ou .lue3e ou sEq l€ql uorlssuos p sr lr lnq 'asmoJ Jo 1o ,,3u11ee1,, " sI eJeqJ
. . . lsuresE puEls Jo qrr^t
Jleslr lsEJtuot ol Surqlou seq 1r esnef,eq lno Paunus
Jo peJnJsgo sr o8a pue 'tua8e e^IlesnBf, e Sulteg sdols urcd 'arun 911116 ' ' ' lua8B
Sursneo-ured eql se (pues foq Pu" 6sauols 'slool s€ PelenueJaJtlpun) eptsfno eql
pue ,rurlcr,r aql s€ (o8a) Jlasouo to oJ€^AE dlatnce auo seIetu ured 1o aluarradxa
aqJ ' ' ' e8Jau ot ulSeq uled 1o SPUDI lueJettP eql IIE ':a.irarr'roq 'Jalel Jo Jauoos
'sJeplnoqs s(euo olul Surtrg >1oesdeul
aqr to sd?Jrs eqr urort Surlpser urcd aqt uroJt paqsmSuusrp eq uBf, tlnu4 nn oql
' ' ' suoPuel
to peol oql pue uns uoou eqr Jo reeq eql dq Pasner segrePeerl eql
pu" selJsnur JIeo poul€Jls tuort SuIsIJB ured aqt pue 'aq of ueddeq daqt rarrareqzrt
.sJelsrTq dq pesnec ured eql uae^ueg qsrnSuusrp ol elqs sr euo (urB8P ueql 'sleeq
s.euo uo esoql pue sll?ueol s.auo JePun slelslTq eqf fq PasnBJ ured eqt ueeA$aq
slenuereJtrP 01 alqe sI auo'eseqd slql 8urrnq,,'3uo1 leeJ aerql dpo sr qorud
sl I sseusnolJsuol,o sal€ls PaJollv
116 Ahr:|| cn df €o-i|rG
enables us to sense the boundaries of our body, to oralEs from 1[e world
around us, and to orient ourselves in space. These are
-*t* mrnalty take for
granted because our brains are functioning well, but the io"bility to perform these
In additioo tr>
task_s can cause huge difficulties for people who have susained damageio this part
of a p€rson pas d
the_brain. Imagine trying to sit down in a r hair if you could not tell
and the chair began or if you did not know exactly where your body was.
-h.r. you-ended are seen These a
walls. These irnaf
The orientation association structure becomes deprived of new information because
tural interpretatfo
of the selective shutdown response to overstimulation of the arousal system. The of these phenotrr
result of this is a softening of the boundaries between self and other. TLis may be are s 'll seenind
responsible for an altered mental state described by many religious systems in w-hich of people and an
the divisions between the self and the outside world disappeaiand one feels as being trances, an indivit
"one" with the universe or supernatural beings. This is riferred to as a unitary statel of the spirit-anint
Other research has focused on the emotional impact of repetitive motor behaviors,
Sources: D. J. Irwis-l
including what are referred to as marked actions or actions that are different from Consciousness in 6c
D.J. Lewis-Villiamq
& Hudson,2002).

Box 5.1 Altered states in Upper paleolithic art

normal ordinary mc
impact of smell, sr
these studies have fo
with ritual behavior
merging of beliefs ar
Over the decades, archaeologists and art historians have wrestled with inter-
Ethnographic e:
Altered states of con:
the believer to e4)€t
following section wl
examining specific a

Son heoling rituolt

The lKung are a su!
Desert in southern I
experience lkia,whi<
energy knownasn/u
As an individual ent
rises in the spine to
enters an altered stat
In a large lKung c
held several times a
fire and begin to sinl
and the singing becor
women, begin to dan
more energetic they
start to stagger and
dq Suqeaq rraql ur8aq ot4i peralua Sulrreg dpualon e)Fqs pup raSSets ot uels
^aql SurlBorrts urSeq pue ruJe,r\ aruoJaq degr crleSlaue arour
ueql sJaJu"p egl 'z(1esryord 'ePrs raqlo egl
pue eJotu setuof,oq Surcuep agr sV 'sraturs;o elJJrJ aql punor? aJuep ol ur8eg 'ueruozrr otur ureqt 3u-rpu
e pue 6ueu eql Jo auos uoog 'c4e8raua aJoru pue Jepnol seuoJoq 8u€urs aqr pue pue sFafqo eu
eJg eqt punoJe aprrc tq8rl B ur ruaql urol uoos ueruol\{ raqlg '3urs ol urSaq pue eJg aql uo PIro^\ r
a3nl e punoJe ulrn.op lrs uaruol\t IeJaAes 's1e1 tq8ru sV 'qluou ? seurll l"ra^as pleq -tlrlds aqt asn p
are seouep 'p;pue1d q poot uaqrrr rea,( to erun eqt Suunp 'druec Sunyi a3re1 e u1 slPnlrJ PauJotJ
'alBls PeJellP uE sJelue ag ol readde s
Ienpr^rpu agl lurod reql tV 'iln>ls eqr to oseq eql rpeu lutod e o1 ourds aql uI saslJ oql to amlPeJ
ueqr grrr{fi\ 'roderr E ol uJnl Pue loq ot surSaq Ltntlu eqt'ot41 sntue IEnPrArPu uP sv
'aurds eqt;o aseq eql lB seprsar 'spo3 aqr dq 3uny1 aqt ol uaa€ 'tun1u se u^tonl z(3reue plrom dep&eae
ue '3uny1 agl ol SurprorJv 'sseusnorJsuof, Jo eluls peJelle uE sI qJIg^{ 'ot4i atuauadxa ..'PIJO \JePIm f
3un;1 eql spntrr Suqeaq rreql uI ,'(eere erntTnr uesroq;) Ellrtv ureqlnos ur lrase6l agl saldoe
rrEqEIE) aqr;o eldoad Surragre8 pue 3urrynq e 'ue5 aqt 1o dnor8qns B ere 3un;; eq1 ^\ps
PIJolr JaqlouB
txalrol B olu-r u
ryrcnp! tulloeq uog
aqr 1o dSolorq a
aruos eJe aJeql
'soldurexa crqderSouqla ogrcads Suruluexe
dq pnrrr ur sseusnorf,suoJ to solels peJelp to aloJ eql ees ilI^\ e^/r uollJes 3urmo11o; ue;o 1no Srmu<
eqt u1 'deu, IeJef,srl 'alerperuurr Alet e ur leJnlBuJedns agr acuarradxe ol relelTaq eql
Jo selPls PaJarrE
alquua pue seJuerJodxa snor8qar [ueur;o eJoJ aql 1p aJ? sseusnorf,suoJ Jo sel"ls peJellv snor8rlar p to tr
sseusnolrsuo) Jo selels peJelle Jo soldul€xa elqde.ltouq13 reddn eqr;o a;
-rerq qll \ PeFsr
'palergce sr peJJo IInJ eqr teqt srorleqeq pu" sJeITeq yo Sur8reru af,uerC ur dpreur
aqt qtl^\ .{po sl fl'r-erc rg8rr eqr Sunelnurrls dlecruraqc dg rsnf ror^eqeq lenlrJ qll^ snolu?t lsotu egl
uees aJe s" sloaJte arues loexe egr ra3 or algtssod lou sr tI lerp punot e^"9 selPnls esaql a\au
(leurs pBdurr to aunl B sB,
tpql sr atou ol tuetrodurr sI leq/Xt 'JsuaJuI Surumg to reqr s? qJns ;o egl ueq^\ surl a
(slusuleitout dreutpro
aqr re pe>lool e^"q serPnls Jerpo ilog ^.r\ols ? sB qf,ns IBruJou
seueqr :uopuolltty Jo sutut.rg aqt ptte sseusatopsuoJ:ane) aup u, putw ac!r.s*!i?'?'fi:lt:i3|ti.f;
:17-91 'dd'(86611 6'ssausnoDsuoC jo f8olodottltuy raddn aqr ul sseusnolrsuoJ luort lueroJJrP erc
prrarlv :purl l rql ur e^pC eql-a^?J ar{t ut purl J eql" 'sauol3 '[ pue surerllrrltr-slyr{ 'f 'C isptnos (srorleqag
Joloru e
'sadorqlueueqr pall"J ere su?rueqs perrrJoJsuerl yo se8erul 'pumre-ltrtds egl Jo 'aluls drelrun e se
rarrrod aql seJEqs puB lBurru" ue olur patuuqJ Iaat uauo ilr \ pnPWPuI u? 'soJu?ll Surag se qeet Juo p
daep esagr uI 'plro^ lrrrds aqt 1o ued s? uaas arc teqt sleturu? pue aldoed ;o qJlqrt\ ur sualsds sn
se8erur f,ruoJr qlp aurgruoJ daql 'aoue:1 daap ro 'a8ets prrgt eql ur uaas ilDs ore aq deu sql raqro
sa8eurr crldolua aseql 'suJel l"Jnrlnf, u-r ureql slardratur pue €ueuoueqd asegl 1o eq; 'uratsds l?snon
esues e>leru ol stdruaDe IBnpI^pq aqt 'aseqd puof,as aqt uI 'uoB"lerdralur 1ern1 esneJeq uorlEruJoJr
-lnJ ol uado are Iaqr rnq 'seueuos ge ut saldoed t(g uaas are sa8eurr eseql 'slle1'rr 'sem,(po,
aAEJ eqt uo palured surJoJ aqr aJB pu€ euaurouarid Jlldolue oJp eseql 'uoas eJe papua nod eJaq { il
se8eurr IEnsrA Jrrletuoe8'e8els rsrg eqr u1'se8els aarqr q8norql sessed uosrad e 1oued slqr or aSewc
telels acueD B olur Surloru uI'sllel4, eaeJ aql uo samSg crrlatuoe8 paluled suerunq eseql uJoJJad or ,b
JrqlrToeled reddn .sleurrue se qJns 'sa8etur l€uolleluesarder ol uoqlppe uI JoJeIBl dleurrou er
PIJo^\ Jgr uort se^Iaf
Lll sseusnor)suof ,o setels PaJerlv
I l8 Altered states of consciousness

the Cheyenne. In respr

beautiful q'ife of a trik
the mountain, thev n-er
dance the world would
The ceremon;r is ple<
natural beings. This pk
himself may be sick and
avert danger in rryar or
pledge until the end of
ences the myth in r*'hid
he emerged from the Sa
The Sun Dance takes
the dance lodge. The ce
acts with the tree as a w
the lodge by chiefs. -Var
raising of the pole. Dur
which symbolizes the I
symbolic of earth renerr
The last four days arc
Sun Dance Lodge. The 1

down on their toes whil

bone whistles. The danc
While there may be bri
The most dramatic pr
Figure 5.2 San healing ceremony. Healing ritual of the /Gwi band, a subgroup of the San, southern
Africa,ThJmen begin to dance around the women, who are singing around a fire. by most other Plains gr
central pole." A man dc
the same sacrifice in the
going around the fire and laying their hands on each individual. The lKung believe that reach just to the chest c
itt".rt is shot into people by the ancestors. By laying hands on a person' they pull out skewers are passed thror
the sickness and throw it into the darkness (Figure 5.2). The man dances, fastene
About half of the men and about 10 percent of the women become healers' In so by morning, the shan
addition to pulling out illness, a person in an altered state of consciousness can see Dancers who make th
the inside of a person and travel to the home of the gods. They experience intense supernatural beings and
emotions and a iense of ascending and flying which is interpreted as traveling into the with public approval an<
heavens. an altered state of cons
visions during the ritual.

The Sun Donce of the CheYenne

The Holiness Churchc
The Sun Dance is a major communal religious ritual practiced by many tribal groups
in the North American Plains culture area, including the Arapaho, Blackfeet, Crow, The Holiness Churches i
Kiowa, Sioux, and Cheyenne. Each group has its own particular variations, but there in Appalachia, most pre
are certain elements common across the different cultures. The Sun Dance takes place was once highly dependr
near the summer solstice and represents the theme of renewal. depressed area. Althoug
The Cheyenne's name for the Sun Dance, oxhelteom, means "New Life Lodge" or and life is improving. Ma:
"Lodge of the Generator." The ritual is closely tied to the creation of the earth and yet individuals will freqt
p"rr"g.r from the Cheyenne origin story. One myth tells of a famine that was afflicting follow a set pattern, alth
E /'\ollot SuDrrDIe se/v\ lerp
aJuenbes aqr pue 'leuorlrprll {HSU eJE slueuele [ueur q8noqrle 'uraDed les
.rlor'eri rgr.ri r.qcrtqJ spnpr,lrpur rad PUE ques aqr Jo
lou op s]pntrr .q1 IEreAas ttsr,r z(puenbery-U${
rnqC ssaulToll duery '3ur'rordur sl et1 P-uE ro ,,a8po1 aJIT,s
sI srgl Jo eruos g8nogl[V 'eare passerdep
ot uo luePuadaP dlq8tq eruo sE1$ areld se>1el aJu"C
ueunuoPard lsoru'erqoeleddY ut lnq
Pur Jo selJas P aJB seqJJnqc
sseulloH aql ?ra,or3 'raa;1ce1g
sdnorS pqrrr duu
seqrJn{2 sseulroH aql
'lBnlIJ aqr SutmP suoIsIA
Snsard IPIsos PUE I eql olur Suqaaert
apre^,\er Sutag pue asuelur ecuerradxa
alslu oq'ry\ sJsJuECl ees u?J sseusnorJs
eaq rurq slnJ uetuetls eql
t8uurour dq os uI 'srolEerl eruof,l
ueur oql
auop lou seq er{ JI 'aary >leerq or 3urftr rq8ru 1e 'a1od eqt ol PauelseJ 'seouup
'sJe1r\e)s el{l or PeglEi"'rt" ador eqr Io sPus aery eql pue 'qSnorqt pessed eJE sJelv\els 1no 1nd deql 'uos
'uetu aqr Jo lsago agl ol lsn[ qrear leql a^al1eq 3*)i
'tseqJ s,ueru er{l to uDIs aql uI lnf, aJE seloq o/v[
11t^ i"gr alod priuac
aqt or edor E su_else ueluegs aq1 'rsed eql uI eJglrf,Ps etues 3q1
eperu s€q Jlesurnr oq^\ ueluetls e 1o dleq aqr qll^ IJP srgl-saoP uEIu V ,,'e1od IEJluaJ 'aJu e Puno
aql urory'eulSue{,, ," ,r^ot4 eJUIJJ"s-tles Jo pe ue sr 'sdnor8 suIPId Jaglo lsour uJeqlnos 'u€s al+ ro
prrnt"tA lo., t,tt-r1t uE PuE'arueq un5 auuadaqf, elp to lrBd crleuurP Notu t:*^
ro pooJ lnoqllA dlereldulol ere sraJuPP aql'spotrad rseJ JeIJq aq deu areql alq4t
'porred f,ep-nol erlue eql roy dlsnonurluor_lsotule eqJ
durm-e13ee uo ,{eq} asu /agr sy 'aoe1d auo ur seol
^{olq I el{l uI s 'aBP
pue dn astr pue afod reluat eql
aqr ur areld sal4 qJIr{^,\ 'ecuep
spe duew 'aJuep eql PauJBel IsAIstuoI eJe
rdrl auol eql uI PaFnPuol osle aJE sailJ
3q1 qrr^/r PslElcossE ara elod aql ot sSurrago PuE slf,E pnrrr due1n1 'sJalqf, dg a3po1 aqr
ol pauodsuerl dlpnlrr sI lI Pue z(tuaua ue
-Jelur oq^r uetu ? dg u.vrop tno sl e8pol ac
Surpynq ruads sl.ep rnot lsru eql qltrrr 'urr
JeqE lrlun uoruBduroo sq qll^\ xes e^Eg 01 P3sryal IsAIstuoI qlg^\ ur qilur
aql saJua
-rajar'ure3e siq; drr,rnce l?nxas uo nq't p sI alaql'lenltr aqt Io Pue oql IEun a3pald
(eur ro r?/r\ ur ra8uep lre're
sII{ sal?tu uBlu eql aIIIll agl luor{ 'IIIeerP B uo PesBq aq
oi rpr- eq deu ao^ eql 'srelof,al eq I arwP eql oP 01 '{ro^A Pu-E >lrls eq, feu Jlasurill
's8ulaq I€rnluu
ueru e ro iauo pe^ol e F,tq"tq yo sadoq uI aPeru eq z(eru a8pald sg1
-redns ol luarulruruof, e Sur4eut sr otfv\ IPnPr^rPut ue '(q pa8pald sl duouaral
'Pe^.\euer eq PFo^\ PIro^ eql af,ueP
agt Sulurro;rad dq reqr plol eJe^\ PuE af,u?c uns aql rq3ne1 arem dagl 'ulElunolu
aprsul 'ulelunoy{ Parf,es aqt ol daurno( e uo ruq qll^\ }enll IEqIrl E to eJI^'\ F Ilneaq
'auuadaq3 oqr
,i1i 4o"r (suro11 lrarg) tsltsurol PeIuEu oraq ernllnr B 'asuodser u1
6l I ssgusno!fsuo) Jo selels PeJollv
of acivities b detrmined largst-e by thc ddcrr d ft d lob-rlrelsialrddi
practices are based on a specific portion of 6c lliblc rng dnry-indrd aftErcd
s€cutar dnrg use, Ehkh is
And he llesusl said unto them, Go ye into all the wul4 and Fcact tre gospel to ro manf personal atrd sci
every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shell be save4 but he that and generallv adaptive.
believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow 1f,sm that believe; In The problems associau
my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall not s€en r*'hen the rsage fu
take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they only at certain times and i
shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. The ritud setting channe!
(Mark 15: 15-L8) The importance of this
recognized in the inside/s
During the service, several members of the congregation enter an altered state of the role sf ths 5tramen Dot
consciousness through intense concentration in prayer and with loud music with a them back. They long for
repetitive beat. Individuals dance energetically and even enter trancelike states. might not be able to retrr
In some Holiness Churches participants in an altered state will pick up poisonous use peyote as a sacranrenq
snakes and drink poison. Entrance into an altered state is a highly desired religious context.
experience and is interpreted as being filled by the Holy Ghost. This is an example of
a unitary state.
Individuals may also "speak in tongues" which is an unknown "language" that is Hallucinogenic snuff ol
interpreted the voice of God speaking through the person. Also known as glossolalia,
Various substances are ust
the language uses the sound, rhythms, and accents of the speaker's native language. The of consciousness. Here u
sounds are broken up into syllables that are put together unsystematically into units that peyote, and marijuana in t
resemble words and sentences but are not.
The use of drugs is ubiqr
plants, both wild and do
Drug-induced altered states of consciousness exploited by traditio'''l s
describes the use of hallrr
The use of drugs to induce an altered state of consciousness is practiced by many
The most commonlY us
societies. Table 5.3 lists various categories of drugs that produce an altered state of
inner bark of a particula
After the mixture is care
As with any altered state of consciousness, this can have both adaptive and mala-
piece of broken pottert'.
daptive expressions. For example, a drug addict may be unable to maintain a home, a
and used on a daily basis
hollow tube into the noso
Toble 5,3 Drugs that produce an altered state of consciousness the powder with a powerf
of the drug can be immt
Cotegory Fs<omples Eflecr
coughs; his eyes water; al
Euphoria Morphine Reduces mental activity and induces a sense of has difficulty walking anr
well-being of light.
Phantastica Marijuana, peyote Causes visions, illusions, hallucinations, delirium The Yanomamci provic
lnebriantia Alcohol Produces a state of intoxication; brings about an They see the world as pop
initial phase of cerebral excitation followed by a supernatural power deper
state of depression is visualized as a world
Hypnotica Xanax Sedatives or sleep producers; may cause insensibility ebena they report seeing
to Dain
decorated their bodies to r
Excitania Analeptics, coffee, tobacco Mental stimulants
to entice the spirits into d
Tranquilizer Librium, Thorazine,Valium Reduces anxiety and mental tension; produces a
work with the shaman in
state of mental calm
to his viflage's enemies.
'seltueua S(aSEIIIA Sfl{ o}
qrEep PuE ssaull esnef, 01 se ile^\ sE SuITEeq lnogE SuISuIJg uI ueuBqs aq1 qll/lr >lro1v\ e ss)npoJd :uolsue] FilFut
'slsellf, JIaI{1 olul silJlds eql sJllue ol
III^\ slrJrds aql uI PeFles e^Eq om4aq eql ef,uo
s8uos Surs ueru eql'slrrrds eql ol e^IlceJDe selPoq Jlaql el"ru 01 selPoq Jleql PalBJoJeP
3une11 .surelunoru aql ruo{ ulrop Surloru slrJlds Dm4aq Sureas lrodeJ 'laqt auaqa lr;;;qqsuasur asnel leur :sJexlpo
to af,uangur eqf JePun 'slsaJoJ Pu? 'sJeAu Jo PIJoA\ e sE PezIIEnsrA sI
,lseqc srq otur otn4aq eql ef,Ilue or ,b{rqe slq uo spuadap remod lernleuradns e lq pe,r,ro;;o1 uotlrct)€ lt
ue lnoqP stuuq :uorlecx@r
s(ueusqs y .o,m4aolpelvt slurds alrTuEr.unq 1(un dq parqndod s3 Plro.ry\ aqr aas daql
'suorlEurJnlleq ]Ensr^ eseql to uortEtaldJelur IBJnllnf, e aprrrord or.uEruouE eql uintJtleP .suott€ut)nllPr,l sr
'lqBII Jo
sqnlq ,(luleur 6suoDeunn113q IEnsI^ acuorradxa ol sulSeq pue 3un11errt drpog;lp seq Jo asuas e sarnpur pue 1
aH .slrJlsou eql ruory drrp sncnur uaar8 ;o sPueJls 3uo1 pue lralem sefe sq lsqtnoc
pu" se>lor{r 8n.rp aqt 3ul4e1 I"nPWPuI aql 'uaes dlarelparuur eq uPf, Snrp eqr 1o
speue oq1 rauUed srg 1o dtuec IPsBu aql olul rIB Jo tlnd plraarod B IIILI\ rep.lrrod aqt
sa\olq aq 'pua auo ut raprrrod Jo {q € 3urce14 reqloue Jo Ilrlsou 3ql olul eqnt a\olloq
'3uo1 e lJesu IIIIt upru eu6 'a3e1y,t aql Jo sueueqs aql dq stseq {pep e uo Pesn PUE E 'a(uoq B urBluretu or elgs
peJntJeJnueru sr ctapmod uea.r8 aug e 'tonpord pug eql 'dlarrod ua>loJq 1o aretd
-BIEru pue anqdepe qtoq J
pateeg e uo Japlr/\od eug e o1 punor8 sI 1I PePEau4 ,(1p;erec sI aJnlxllu aqr JeryV
'se^pel pue saqse >lJug qrIA\ raqtaSot punor8 sI PuE aeJl JPInf,IlJed e 1o >lleq Jeuul
Jo ele$ peJalle ue acnpord
aql urory epelu sI lI'puaqa Pellef, sI gnus cruaSoulJnlpq pasn d;uoururoJ lsoru eql dueur dq pecrperd sr sseusl
,'Elanzeua1 uI suetuetls olueluoue1 dq suaSoutcnil?q Jo asn aql saglJf,seP
uou8eq3 uoa1ode51 'slEnlIJ snor8ryar uI Pasn Pu" saIlJIJos IBuoIIIPBJI ,(g pafroldxa s
aJE lpql sNoJoJ lecldort eqt uI PunoJ eq uEf, 'palerrlsauloP PuE PIII\'\ qrog 'sruuld
rueurrear'v.senerf, osreuorlrperluEf, rle."iiln:::i:lr"#tJl:iilHlfi
:l.'rH,u lerp slrun orul dllBrlleuars,i
.ooteqol ,gnus cuaSoulf,nlFg
Jo 3sn agt aroldxe IIIAI\ a.&\ aJeH 'sseusnol3suoJ Jo aq1 'aBenBuEI alneu s.JaTE
selpls peJell" tnoge 8ur.rq ol JepJo ur slxatuof, snor8qar ur pesn ale saJuelsqns snoIJEA 'eqelossolE sE u.ry\ou{ os[V -
gutotuouo1 tuouto ttnus 4uetouontloH sr leql
,,a8en8ue1,, u.{\ou:[u
'lxaluoc ;o eldruexa ue sr sql .tsoqr
(lualuuJces snot3rler parrsep dlq8rq e sl
snor8rTar e 1nq Surqldu? ur alolad Sursn lsurB8e uoIlnEJ osle P s? alodad asn snouosrod dn 4crd ilr \ al
oqzvr 'qcrnq3 uErIJeuV aAnEN aqr to sraquew 'rl tuory uJnler or elge aq lou lq8lu 'salPls a{rlaJuEJl Jalue ue.
daqt drrom osle lnq acuatradxa snoISIIar snlt Jo dselsce egl roJ 3uo1 daql 'I3Eq uleqr E qll.t\ Jlsnu pnol qtl/v\ puE
peel or osp lnq 'a8eunr8yd arorbd aql uo tuegl PEal ol rsnl lou ueluerls eql Jo elor aql
(aldulexe Jod 'llelvr se elrlladsrad s,raprsur eql ut pazuSoear JO EIP1S PAJE1IP UE JAIUJ U
azrsegdura IogJInH aql
uauo eJE asn Snrp ;o sra8uep alqrssod eqt PuE emlJnJls sqr to arueuodrul eg1 (sr-st :9I {r3IAI)
'sfB1A lueuodrur ut aJualJadxe Jql slauuerlf, SuIDes IEnTIJ ar{I
.sturod pua pue SuluurSaq paugeP qll.ry\ 6slxaluof, uIzUaJ uI
PUE salull uIElJeJ re dpo dagr lruaqr ilnq lou leqs lr
areld sa4et asn Snrp snor8qaa 'lxeluoJ snorSqar E ur suoP sr e8esn eql uaq,^a uees lou laqs deqr lsan8uol /r\eu qlrlf
(uortf,rppe sp grns
dleraua8 ere 'asn snrp Ieuolleerf,er.{1t^ P.1".:rn?l:ilffir1::jJf"" u1 laaarlsq leqr rueqt
reqr eq rng lpares eq ^\olJot
pollo4uot dUSt.{ sI qJIr{^.\'asn Snrp Fntlr Pue 'sualqord IPIros Pue puotita dueru ol ol ladso8 aqr qceard pue p
spuel pue'rusrdecsa Jot pesn'a,lr1depepq1 {lauranxe uaqo sI ql1{,t\'esn Snrp rPInJes
uaarAteg af,ueJeJJlp aq1 aztuSocar ol luelrodrul sI 1l'salBls PeJall" paenpur-3nrp 8ur
-ssnJsrp uI .uoqtlppe Jeq Jo slq Jo aJuanbasuof, E sE sdlqsuonelar IEIJos leuJou ro'qol asar{I zgrunruruof, rlJmqJ
lzl sseusno!)suo) Jo salels PaJallv
E dSdA-i-dfrtrr= acftYddqs-tEl
drqr ac' h' airir llry dilr- rris tG fi btld."r* ;="-fi.F--
\rembcrs of ficltrirl
Vinbcrt, whor rtr frcniry o fic us fu Sd A'rpi:m sirics, ako
of 6c srperne
touches on tre use of o6er mbctars- In ihcse shies a drug b oftm used in
combination with a variety of zubstances, both collecred and cuhivated.s
The firstNativeArric
by others. The reacions t
The use of tobacco, often mixed with o$er subsanceg is common in South American
some situations it was E
societies. The substances are made into several different forms, and many delivery
using a banned subcfiam
systems have developed. Of course, traditional societies do not have the option of
Religious Freedom Actm
injection, so the problem is how to get the drug into the bloodstream, where it will
Church rituals.
move rapidly to the brain.
Substances are efficiently absorbed in parts of the body that are lined with epithelial
tissue that contain a high density of blood capillaries. These include the lining of lungs, Morijuono omong thc
mouth, throat, digestive system, rectum, nose, and eyes. Tobacco can be smoked,
Rastafarians are memh
sucked (as in chewing tobacco), or drunk. Some tribes produce a processed form
Christianity but venerao
of tobacco with the consistency of a jelly, which is then rubbed on the teeth and gums.
messiah. Rastafarians bel
Tobacco can be dried and ground into a powder and blown up the nose.
nated and generally focrx
Drugs also can be introduced into the rectum by some type of enema device. The
coming repatriation of t
advantages of this technique are that it will not irritate the stomach and that the drug
example of a revitalizatio
will not be lost if the individual vomits. Sometimes the enema device is a simple tube.
and economic deprivatio
The drug is then blown into the rectum. Another device makes use of a bulb that can
adopting new religious I
be made from rubber or the bladder of an animal. A painting on a pottery vessel found
grown to encomPass nd
in a Mayan site solved the mystery of a particul ar type of pottery vessel that appeared
out from its place of orfu
to have no obvious function. The painting shows it being used, with a rubber bulb, as
Jamaican people and reg
an enema syringe.
The Rastafarians stres
'Western consumerism an
Peyote in the Notlye Americon Church eating food that is grwr
addition to vegetarianism
The late nineteenth century was a difficult time for the Native American population Rastafarian religious prar
of the United States. The tribes were losing land, their traditional lifestyles were times referred to as the '
disappearing, disease had decimated many natiye communities, and the offrcialpolicy sacrament and a way to 1
of the U.S. government was to destroy Native American culture and to assimilate the Rastafarians trace the
populations into the general culture. Religion became one method of coping with following: "thou shalt q
this stress, and out of the chaos developed a series of religious movements known the land" (Exodus 10:12',
by anthropologists as nativistic movements. (These movements will be discussed in ox and hatred therewith'
detail in Chapter 11.) Many of these movements combined both native and Christian
elements, an example of syncretism.
Some of these early movements involved the use of the hallucinogenic cactus peyote. Conclusion
Peyote grows in northern Mexico and southern Texas and has a long history of use in In Chapter 1 we listed tht
religious ritual, as among the Huichol. The ritual use of peyote slowly moved into the of these was the experie
Native American populations and is referred to as peyotism. Some of these groups beyond ordinary experiet
stress Native American beliefs and rituals; others combine Native American elements range from a generalized
with those of Christianity that were introduced by missionaries. They also tend to be states that differ from or
pan-Indian in that they incorporate elements and draw membership from many They define religious e4
different tribes. Familiar elements of ritual include meditation, revelation, prayer, and phenomena and powers
the use of native plant materials-for example, tobacco and sage. of lived experience.
'olualradxe Pe^l] Jo_
srusrp lselluEru sJe,tod PUE Eueluoueqd puv'n(etd 6uorlela
I sr { 'ecualJadxe snoISIIeJ eugsP daql dueu uror; drqsre
JOU salEls aq 01 pual osp da
8uI eSuer sluauale uEf,IJeruv
eU' uoieq sdnor8 eseqt Jo eItr
tuotsualulp pnuetradxe 3q1 SE"IA asaql to aql olul pa,rou d1,
sr l€qt dlr1eer palJes E qlral Jelunoous uE
e^{ I rardeqJ uI ur esn to drolsrq'8u,
,,rg ,rr-5 uBI.uIN rq glioy les se uotSrlar Jo suorsuaulP xls 3gl PalsIT
'atoded snlcer rruaf
uErtsrJqc Pue a^trs
'(ttrSt sqraaor4) c.tlll'4aereql Pell€q Pue xo ur Pessnf,srP aq IIId
rauag,, pue '(71:91 snpoxg) GPUEI eql u1r\ou{ sluetue^orD
I Jo qJeq aql 13e ]leqs noql" :8uvrro11o; qtmr Surdoc to Po
ot p&upB Jo esn agl eJeJl suPIJetelsEU aql el€lrurssE ol P
NJePun rnau ure8 ol derrr e PUE ]uatu€JJes dcrlod IerlUJo aqr p
o e aA\'" erarrt saldtsalrl IBU(
6 P
"0.',tl;#ilffiif #fi uoneFdod uef,IJe
pue IusIuEIJEpbarr ot uoDrPPB
lrm unor8 st tE{} Poo; Sunee
' il"#
'Jlsntu oe33ar pue aldoad uerrcuef se 'qpq reqqnr Pr
qtog to peerds luuorlsuJelur aqr q8norgr paruadde teql Iessa
puno1 lesse^ draDo
uBr lEql gFq € Jo
'eqnl aldurrs E sI et
Snrp aqr teqr pue
uB ate suErJEI€ls€u eql 'EcIJtV 01 s"JIr aql'err^eP Bruaue
eql uI sI sJeITeq ,b1 rteqr to euo 'suoIlBIeJ 'asou
'qelsseru 'srun8 puu qraet er
BJsI eql ere luaf,saP u"lIJFV 1o aldoad leql a^ellaq SUEIJEJEISBU
eS aIIEH 'erdorqtg 1o tottd*a rauJoJ eql saleJeua'r lng
dlruetlslJqJ ruJoJ pesseJord e
seq reql uor8qar ueaqqIJEJ-oJlV uE Jo sJagruetu aJE SUEIJEJEISEU tpa>1otus aq ueJ o
's8un1 ;o SururT agt
suoltolorsou eqr tuowo ouon{Yog1
pqeqrrda rpl.ry\ Peu-r
'spnrri qrrngJ (tuea
ill1r\ 1l arag,tr
uJoPaeJ{ sno€qag
uEJrJaurv a^rl?N ur ]ueruerJss e sB ato{ad to esn al{l aa1eaa1ol lcv ;o uondo eqt a^Eg
'eJuulsqns Peuuuq e Sutsn
uerpq uuf,rraurv agr PePueu" sser8uo3 ''8L6T q'AilEuI{ dralqap dueru pue
u"PeIJteJe^/\sIsnPI^IPuIsJaglourlpatera1olsB1\{lIsuollEnllsaluos uBJrJeuvqlnosIIII
aaeg atodad;o
jsn aqr ol selels snoIrEA eql Jo suollJ€al eI{I 'srarpo dq
eI{J s'PelEA
uI EtuoqBPIO ur palerodroJul s€^A qf,Jnrl3 uEf,IJeuV a^I13N lsJg ur pasn uaryo sr 3
lernleuradns erlr Jo acuerradxe osle'sarlarcos uEJu
parrp E aABI{ ol ueq} selqeue sq}_leql des qcrnq3 u€f,Ireurv earlsN egr Jo sregura1/g sauueqof dq peum
rarrtod aql ulBluor ol ur sdezn pa
:a.ryrod s.poC qrosq, oi ,, orodjd agl lsa8ul ol Pue PoC Jo qrlqr
prnrq.q'r, aloiad eql'ssEW ue-llslrtl3 aql Jo auI^A Pue Pearq lelueururf,es ro{ Jo
azITIln tegt sdnor3 ewos
leql ol r'Irr.srs ,1o, " s7e1O riofra.sluJruala u'Ilslrq)
€zl ssousno!)suoJ,o salEls PaJarlv
l}f Afpcdrudmirrc
Iuterpreting the changes in mental state when one b in an rhaql rrn of onscious- SummarT
ness is largely influenced by culture. In other words, cuhure ptecEs 'raning on our An altered sate of com
experiences. A buzz from drinking several alcoholic drinls is amenable to several
state. Such sates are d
interpretations. Some are secular: "I've had a little too much to drink, and I'm feeling in Patterns
tipsy." Some people, experiencing the identical reaction, might interpret that same expression, distortion i
feeling as "I feel as if a spirit has entered my body." The objective feeling may be the
through a number of s
same, but the subjective interpretation may be very different.
of external stimulation
The religious interpretations of altered states of consciousness generally fall into
in body chemistrY sucl
two categories. First, supernatural power, usually in the form of spirits or gods, enters
factors create obserial
the person's body, a phenomenon that we call spirit possession. An individual can Altered states of cor
control the spirit within his or her body to accomplish certain goals, or the spirit that
agents, such as the us
possesses a human body can use that body to heal or to divine the unknown, often
of manufactured subsc
without the knowledge or the memory of the possessed person. However, possession occurs within a religit
by an unwanted spirit can bring about illness that may be cured by exorcism rituals.
The second common religious interpretation of an altered state of consciousness is
that a person has entered a trance state because the soul has left the person's body.
The experience of the individual in the altered state is then associated with the Study questions
experiences of the soul, which is operating in a supernatural realm.
Altered states frequently play an important role in healing, for both the healer and 1,. Altered states of '

the patient. Healing is facilitated, and in some cases even accomplished, through and daYdreaming
suggestibility, emotional catharsis, and feelings of rejuvenation. For example' when they fit the descril
possessed by a spirit, the healer may use the supernatural power of the spirit to temove chapter?
the cause of the illness, often by sucking the offending spirit out of the patient's body. 2. Many factors can
an illness is diagnosed as the loss of the soul, the healer sends his or her soul on most peoPle's live
a voyage to retrieve the lost soul of the patrent. 3. Tattooing, bodY I
The most common idea of religious altered states, though, is the idea of achieving a among some Peo
unitary state, a state in which the individual experiences a feeling of becoming one experience of Pait
with the supernatural, however this is conceived of by the community. For some, this with some PeoPle
is becoming one with God or a spirit; for others, it may be expressed as becoming one 4. Nexttimeyougo
.We could be labeled a
with a generalized supernatural force. saw an example of this in our discussion of
the Sabari Malai pilgrimage, the goal of which is a unitary state with the god Lord were the conditior
Ayyappan. church, temPle, ol
The idea of the unitary state is often one of the major components of a religious help to Produce a
ritual or even an entire religious system. A common religious theme is that humans
were once at one with the supernatural but somehow became separated. The goal Suggested readil
of many religious practices is to regain that unity. This theme can be seen in many
familiar religions. For Christians, Jesus provides the pathway back to God; for Ariel Glucklich, Sacred
Buddhists, following the teachings of Buddha allows an individual to affain oneness Oxford UniversitY Pn
with the universel for Muslims, reconciliation is possible through submission of the [Examines ideas about :
will to Allah. Richard Katz, Boiling )
In previous chapters we discussed symbols, narratives, and the importance of reli- MA: Harvard Univen
gious rituals. However, it is only with a discussion of altered states of consciousness
that a true appreciation of the power of rituals can be reached. Narratives provide a
AutoblogroPhles ol
basis for belief, but it is only with ritual that these ideas are turned into experiences.
A religious altered state in a way offers visceral proof of the existence of the super- Karen ArmstrotgrThra
natural. These experiences move the supernatural from the realm of abstract belief [fumstrong, who has w
into that of a lived reality. seven years ln a conv
['lueluoc e ur sread ua.las
turpnlcur ,e1l lenlrrrds u^{o rotl to sllel'srrdol snorStlar dueur uo ueulJ.ryr ser{ oq^{'SuorlsurVl terlaq perlsqE Jo u{Pa
:(SbOZ '1S :IroA zrre51) alag mouoN atlt q7no'tqa 'Suorlsrury uareltr -radns aql Jo af,ualsD(e
'rgJIrC ,,.rqt"14i
'sacuarradxa olur peuJru
saruelJedxa snolt1;a.l rouosred lnoqo sa;r;do'ttolgorny e apraord seauBJJPN '
sseusnobsuoJ to selsF
'(7951 (ssor4 dlrsra,run PrE^rEH :VI/{ -rIeJ Jo acueuodut aql
,e3prrqure3) tunSl uoqoloy aql Buoutv 3uqoa11 Kqunu,ulo3 :t8nug 3u4tog 6zle;tr pregctg
seopt saunuexg]
eql Jo uorssrulgns qSno:
['stxatuor snor8tler ur uted Jo sesn PuE lnoqe sseueuo ureus ol
'(Egg7 'ssar4 dltsrarrtun ProJxO IPnPF
ro; lpog ol loeg de,nr
:pueltug 'pro;xg) lnos aoll ]o a4vg aqt ,to] Kpog aqt Eutvng :utod pa'Dos 'qrlplrnl3 IeIrV
dueur ur ueas eq uBf, eIt
stu!P"or PalsettnS po8 aq1 'paleredas eu
sueunq lEql sr euJarp s
acnpord ol dlaq snor8qar e;o sluauodur
isseusnolf,suoJ Io alels PeJallE ue 6qr:ngo
f,rsnu Jo Suldeld aqr pup lsnalqo Fnilr Jo eluasard aql fanbsoru ro 'eldural prol po8 aqr qrr^^ ersr
aqr 1o inodel pcls.{qd aql oP /\AoH taf,ualradxa aqt ol Pel reql
suonlPuof, aql aJe/$'
oq Jo uorssnJsrP Jno ur srllf
r'rlrN 'ef,uelija"e tgr aglrf,sa( 'ssausnortsuof, Jo al'ls P-eJallE uP PJIagel PInoJ
ga51 'V auo Suluoceg se passard
t"gi9r".tndxa due ol .tott.t.U" asolc ded'aJtAJes snorSrlar E ol oB nod aury snn'auros rog dlmurur
'sarnpaco.rd asaql er
auo Sururocaq ;o 8ur1aa;
>lle1 or luer'r lgSrur no iaf,ualJedxa ptot e Surrrergce Eepr eqr sI
egl saoP /$oH 'sernPacord pluled are '€
pJror"Ja ttii"rqt dpog aqr ol suo 'Surcrard dp uo Inos J3q Jo srg sPuss
E lEr{lN's3^IT
'Z ',(pog qruarled agr;o rn
ur mf,f,o or dla4l aJB PuE ssausnolJs IB ol PPOI ueJ
alorueJ or rlJlds eql to Ja,
aql 19 deqr uaqn'alduexa JoC'uoT
srql uI uo,rt3 sl lEgl to alEN PararF uu 1o uoDduJSJP qSnorqr 'paqsqdurocce
op 1v\oH 'P€q a^EI{ elradxe qcns dur aqlrJse( 'sunuearpdeP PUE
pue releaq aqr qroq ro1
Suluearpseqtrnsslltu€JaPnIJuIsseusnolf,suo)'osarBlsPeJs}IV.I 'lul"a.I
suollsenb lPnrs aql qrr^. PelsrJossB ue
',(pog s,uosrad eqr ryal
sr sseusnorf,suof, Jo alsF
'slentrJ rusrJJoxe dg pan
FmqnJdgperuangurdlsuorlssraruarradxaaql.xaluorsnorSrlarBulq}I^\sJnf,Jo uorssassod teireruroll'uo
la^3^\ol{ 'saJuElsgns PernpBJnuEru Jo ueryo 'urrrou{un eql euu
aigor'occeqol Jo asn eql sB q3ns 'sluaSe tuql turds eql ro 'qeo8
oslB u?f, sseusnorf,suoJ to salBls PaJAIIV uEr IEnPr^rPuI uv 'uol
:lre al{l ut saSuegr elqe^Jesgo e1eeJf, srolJq sJelue 6sPo3 ro slrrrds;o
asaql 'uollBludap daals pue Sunse; dueduorce lBql esoql sE qsns dJlsruegr'(Poq orul IIEJ dyeraua8 sseust
agl aq ,(eru Surlaay a,rnm
arues l"ql terdralul tq8n
3ur1aa; ru(I pue 54uup ol
nu e,{q Pazr.retJercqf, aJB salels qlns 'arur
PJe^es 01 algPusruE sr
sJattp lEql elBls IElueu due sr ssausnolf,suoJ to elBls PalerF lrg mo uo Suruzaur seoeld
IElueIu letuJou 3 ruory
Itzruurng -snorJsuoJ Jo a14s PsrJr
gzl sseusnol)suof, ,o selPls PeJallv

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