Stein and Stein - Altered States of Consciousness
Stein and Stein - Altered States of Consciousness
Stein and Stein - Altered States of Consciousness
Based on A. M. Ludwie..,Al
JofinWiley & Sons, t9-69),1
Consant exposure to n
patch is onll
between the
heels. Then a
wherever the
tendons . . .'
the iru muti
knapsack bit
Sooner or
experience o.
the outside (r
snuffed out l
There is a 'fr
tense, and nt
The biologicol
Participants in rc
an angel; they m
with the univerg
within the brain r
of consciousness.!
Figure 5.1 Mayan carving. Stone carvings from Temple 23,Yaxchildn, Mexico, commemorating a ritual Neurologist O
performed on October 28,709 ce, celebrating the birth of Bird-,Jaguar. (a) Lintel 24 shows migraines and rel
Lady Xoc pulling a roPe studded with thorns through her tongue as her husband, Shield- a fype of headacl
Jaguari holds a torch. (b) Lintel 25 shows Lady Xoc experiencing a hallucination of a ser.pent. symptoms. One s
Although auras a
experienced as the catalyst for strengthening the person's sense of self. Instead of being Culture plays a
isolating, the pain experience may reinforce the person's connections to both the social sufferer might ex
and supernatural worlds. Prime examples of changes in identiry that occur through ficult to function
pain experiences are possession and exorcism, both of which will be discussed in later for example, can
could be interpre
A pilgrimage illustrated by Hil
(see Chapter 4) often involves sacred pain that may be interpreted as
a sacrifice, an imitation of the suffering of a god, a penance, a test, and so on. Again,
Her descriptions
by migraine patir
such pain is related to an altered state of consciousness. One example comes from the
condition oq if tt
pilgrimage to Sabari Malai in South India. The pilgrimage follows the path of the god
Of course, mi1
Lord Ayyappan, son of Shiva, and his encounter with, and defeat of, a female demon.
states are. Resear
Pilgrims commit themselves to celibacy, moderate eating, walking with bare feet, and
affects certain 1n
sleeping on the ground. The pilgrimage is a forty-mile journey, walked barefoot over
being used, such
sharp stones and hot sand. The pain of this is seen as an essential part of the pilgrimage,
arousal system d
the goal of which is becoming one with Ayyappan. Following is a description by \
E. Valentine Daniel of the experience of pain on this pilgrimage:
certain areas of I
and on which tht
one tells oneself, "I shall walk on this side or that" or "Look! There's a patch of One area of tt
grass. Let me go walk on that. It will make my feet feel good, even though the brain known as t
lEql ur€Jq er{1 to uPd eqr $ silil 'alnpruls uollplJoss? uoDpluelJo eql se u^\ou>I UIEJq eqr q8noqr ue,
oql ur oJnlJnJls E sI PelElnullsJeao uaq^\ u1!\oP slnqs leql UIEJq eql Jo €eJe euo yo qcred ? s.eJ
'd1eu.rou uollrunJ or puedep daqr qcqr't uo Pue
elrof,eJ dleurrou Laqr reqr tndur p.rnau eql Sulruecar dols ulerq atll Jo sBeJB uIelJoJ
pue 'urra,op slnqs dla,rrpelas dlpuuassa ulBrg aqt 'sueddeq sqr ueql( 'PalqnuqsJe^o dg uortdursap
Sulurocaq dlarerurrp 's1ala1 raq8rq pue req8rq ol ue^IJP sI ulerq eqt 1o uatsds l?snore 'a8erurr8pd aqt
ro ruatsli cllaqledurr(s aqt 'Sunuep pue Sut3uts snoro8rl qll^{ sB qcns 'pasn Suleq Je^o looJeJBq
sr ruqfz(qr ls"J rllq^ir uI suon?nlls ur 'aldruexe Jod 'uIEJg eqt;o sUed uIElJef, spaue pue (tea; aJBq
Jorleqeg pozl1enllJ'clurqilgr A/roq uo PesnJot seq r(SolotqornJu uI IIJJ"eseU 'aJB selsls 'uolueP eT"tuet
parelle snor8rle.r ,(ueru se 6pacnput dlsnorosuoc lou arE surne ourerSlu JO po8 eqr;o qred
'aluartadxa pttlsdru e'Aem reql 1l slerdralur alnllnf, aql 1 'ro uoulPuof, egl uoJt saruoJ
e snql 'sluerled aurcr3rur dq ture8y 'uo os p
Ielrpotu € s? paf,uelJadxa aq deur ecuarradxa repcq:ed
iertte 1o suorldrrcsap dreroduratuoc 01 Jelruls ete s8urzrreJP Pue suotldtrcseP raH se palerdrelur
'6LIl ol 850I urory Pa^q oq^ f,Ilsdu PuE unu e'ua8urg 1o pre$epyg dg pelerrsnp
tDel uI 'uoISIA e se palerdralul aq
pue un\op ueDIJA\ eJeA\ suoIsIA to suoqdlJJsap PFol ralEl ur PJssnJsr
iouarradxe JBnsIA erups aq1 ('uolsr,t letuJou qlld\ alalJelur dlalerres ueo 'alduexa ro; qSnorqr rnf,Jo
,srq3q Suueog a^rJp ol'aldruExJ Jot-uolpunt 01 1]nJ9
Jo slsrsuof, lBr{l Emp uy) rec E IErf,os aql qroq
-JIp tr se>ltuI IBI{I uonlPuoc e 'prrSoloqred se eme IensIA B aruerradxe tq8lur raragns Surag 1o ppersuJ
iuier8rur ureporu V 'pJne uB slaldJelul luaqBd eqf uI aloJ to[etn e sdeld ernfln3
.sesues Jel{to
Jo suolUolslP ealo^ur oqe deru daql'pnsvr uaryo lsotu eJE seJne q8noqfly
..rotlertr.ri1"q eddr e (etrre uE sr saurpJSr-ur g1I1{\ palplJosse tuoldtuds aug 'suroldurds 'luodles e,o uoppu
-Plelqs'Pueqsnq J
porsdqd ,5qro pu" Eesneu qll^\ pererJosse osl? are saurerSrur tnq 'eqcepeaq;o ed,{.r e
s,roqs tZ leruq (e
rqtrcsjp ol pasn ,(geraua8 sr turpt&t* rrJJar aql'saluarradxa snor8rlar pue saurer8ru
;enr;.r e tugte.rourau
ujrmlaq drqsuonelar eqr 18 polool a^Eq sraglo pu, sIrBS Je^rIO tsr3o1orna51
isseusnorJsuoJ to
setEls parellE asagl Jot srseg pc€o1orq e eJer{l sI islEnPI^PuI eseql to ulErq eql uqll^\
Surrrncco sr l"tll\ lnfl 'saJuelJedxa punolord pue leet ete eseql 'asJellun al{l qll^{
euo euoJoq deur faqf fsarpoq Jleql ePISlno eaotu slnos Jleqf IeaJ deur daqf !1a8ue ue
dq patrsur ro lrrrds e dg passassod Surag Uodar deru spnltr sno€qer ur sluedlf,IUed
ssausno!)suor fo se1o1s Perelro lo spoq pz$o1og eq1
dpo eq1 sI uIEd ' ' ' eAIlBJBdtuoJ ou pue 'esual
IeuJala eql ol SulSuoleg uopesuas (ured
ou .lue3e ou sEq l€ql uorlssuos p sr lr lnq 'asmoJ Jo 1o ,,3u11ee1,, " sI eJeqJ
. . . lsuresE puEls Jo qrr^t
Jleslr lsEJtuot ol Surqlou seq 1r esnef,eq lno Paunus
Jo peJnJsgo sr o8a pue 'tua8e e^IlesnBf, e Sulteg sdols urcd 'arun 911116 ' ' ' lua8B
Sursneo-ured eql se (pues foq Pu" 6sauols 'slool s€ PelenueJaJtlpun) eptsfno eql
pue ,rurlcr,r aql s€ (o8a) Jlasouo to oJ€^AE dlatnce auo seIetu ured 1o aluarradxa
aqJ ' ' ' e8Jau ot ulSeq uled 1o SPUDI lueJettP eql IIE ':a.irarr'roq 'Jalel Jo Jauoos
'sJeplnoqs s(euo olul Surtrg >1oesdeul
aqr to sd?Jrs eqr urort Surlpser urcd aqt uroJt paqsmSuusrp eq uBf, tlnu4 nn oql
' ' ' suoPuel
to peol oql pue uns uoou eqr Jo reeq eql dq Pasner segrePeerl eql
pu" selJsnur JIeo poul€Jls tuort SuIsIJB ured aqt pue 'aq of ueddeq daqt rarrareqzrt
.sJelsrTq dq pesnec ured eql uae^ueg qsrnSuusrp ol elqs sr euo (urB8P ueql 'sleeq
s.euo uo esoql pue sll?ueol s.auo JePun slelslTq eqf fq PasnBJ ured eqt ueeA$aq
slenuereJtrP 01 alqe sI auo'eseqd slql 8urrnq,,'3uo1 leeJ aerql dpo sr qorud
sl I sseusnolJsuol,o sal€ls PaJollv
116 Ahr:|| cn df €o-i|rG
enables us to sense the boundaries of our body, to oralEs from 1[e world
around us, and to orient ourselves in space. These are
-*t* mrnalty take for
granted because our brains are functioning well, but the io"bility to perform these
In additioo tr>
task_s can cause huge difficulties for people who have susained damageio this part
of a p€rson pas d
the_brain. Imagine trying to sit down in a r hair if you could not tell
and the chair began or if you did not know exactly where your body was.
-h.r. you-ended are seen These a
walls. These irnaf
The orientation association structure becomes deprived of new information because
tural interpretatfo
of the selective shutdown response to overstimulation of the arousal system. The of these phenotrr
result of this is a softening of the boundaries between self and other. TLis may be are s 'll seenind
responsible for an altered mental state described by many religious systems in w-hich of people and an
the divisions between the self and the outside world disappeaiand one feels as being trances, an indivit
"one" with the universe or supernatural beings. This is riferred to as a unitary statel of the spirit-anint
Other research has focused on the emotional impact of repetitive motor behaviors,
Sources: D. J. Irwis-l
including what are referred to as marked actions or actions that are different from Consciousness in 6c
D.J. Lewis-Villiamq
& Hudson,2002).
the patient. Healing is facilitated, and in some cases even accomplished, through and daYdreaming
suggestibility, emotional catharsis, and feelings of rejuvenation. For example' when they fit the descril
possessed by a spirit, the healer may use the supernatural power of the spirit to temove chapter?
the cause of the illness, often by sucking the offending spirit out of the patient's body. 2. Many factors can
an illness is diagnosed as the loss of the soul, the healer sends his or her soul on most peoPle's live
a voyage to retrieve the lost soul of the patrent. 3. Tattooing, bodY I
The most common idea of religious altered states, though, is the idea of achieving a among some Peo
unitary state, a state in which the individual experiences a feeling of becoming one experience of Pait
with the supernatural, however this is conceived of by the community. For some, this with some PeoPle
is becoming one with God or a spirit; for others, it may be expressed as becoming one 4. Nexttimeyougo
.We could be labeled a
with a generalized supernatural force. saw an example of this in our discussion of
the Sabari Malai pilgrimage, the goal of which is a unitary state with the god Lord were the conditior
Ayyappan. church, temPle, ol
The idea of the unitary state is often one of the major components of a religious help to Produce a
ritual or even an entire religious system. A common religious theme is that humans
were once at one with the supernatural but somehow became separated. The goal Suggested readil
of many religious practices is to regain that unity. This theme can be seen in many
familiar religions. For Christians, Jesus provides the pathway back to God; for Ariel Glucklich, Sacred
Buddhists, following the teachings of Buddha allows an individual to affain oneness Oxford UniversitY Pn
with the universel for Muslims, reconciliation is possible through submission of the [Examines ideas about :
will to Allah. Richard Katz, Boiling )
In previous chapters we discussed symbols, narratives, and the importance of reli- MA: Harvard Univen
gious rituals. However, it is only with a discussion of altered states of consciousness
that a true appreciation of the power of rituals can be reached. Narratives provide a
AutoblogroPhles ol
basis for belief, but it is only with ritual that these ideas are turned into experiences.
A religious altered state in a way offers visceral proof of the existence of the super- Karen ArmstrotgrThra
natural. These experiences move the supernatural from the realm of abstract belief [fumstrong, who has w
into that of a lived reality. seven years ln a conv
['lueluoc e ur sread ua.las
turpnlcur ,e1l lenlrrrds u^{o rotl to sllel'srrdol snorStlar dueur uo ueulJ.ryr ser{ oq^{'SuorlsurVl terlaq perlsqE Jo u{Pa
:(SbOZ '1S :IroA zrre51) alag mouoN atlt q7no'tqa 'Suorlsrury uareltr -radns aql Jo af,ualsD(e
'rgJIrC ,,.rqt"14i
'sacuarradxa olur peuJru
saruelJedxa snolt1;a.l rouosred lnoqo sa;r;do'ttolgorny e apraord seauBJJPN '
sseusnobsuoJ to selsF
'(7951 (ssor4 dlrsra,run PrE^rEH :VI/{ -rIeJ Jo acueuodut aql
,e3prrqure3) tunSl uoqoloy aql Buoutv 3uqoa11 Kqunu,ulo3 :t8nug 3u4tog 6zle;tr pregctg
seopt saunuexg]
eql Jo uorssrulgns qSno:
['stxatuor snor8tler ur uted Jo sesn PuE lnoqe sseueuo ureus ol
'(Egg7 'ssar4 dltsrarrtun ProJxO IPnPF
ro; lpog ol loeg de,nr
:pueltug 'pro;xg) lnos aoll ]o a4vg aqt ,to] Kpog aqt Eutvng :utod pa'Dos 'qrlplrnl3 IeIrV
dueur ur ueas eq uBf, eIt
stu!P"or PalsettnS po8 aq1 'paleredas eu
sueunq lEql sr euJarp s
acnpord ol dlaq snor8qar e;o sluauodur
isseusnolf,suoJ Io alels PeJallE ue 6qr:ngo
f,rsnu Jo Suldeld aqr pup lsnalqo Fnilr Jo eluasard aql fanbsoru ro 'eldural prol po8 aqr qrr^^ ersr
aqr 1o inodel pcls.{qd aql oP /\AoH taf,ualradxa aqt ol Pel reql
suonlPuof, aql aJe/$'
oq Jo uorssnJsrP Jno ur srllf
r'rlrN 'ef,uelija"e tgr aglrf,sa( 'ssausnortsuof, Jo al'ls P-eJallE uP PJIagel PInoJ
ga51 'V auo Suluoceg se passard
t"gi9r".tndxa due ol .tott.t.U" asolc ded'aJtAJes snorSrlar E ol oB nod aury snn'auros rog dlmurur
'sarnpaco.rd asaql er
auo Sururocaq ;o 8ur1aa;
>lle1 or luer'r lgSrur no iaf,ualJedxa ptot e Surrrergce Eepr eqr sI
egl saoP /$oH 'sernPacord pluled are '€
pJror"Ja ttii"rqt dpog aqr ol suo 'Surcrard dp uo Inos J3q Jo srg sPuss
E lEr{lN's3^IT
'Z ',(pog qruarled agr;o rn
ur mf,f,o or dla4l aJB PuE ssausnolJs IB ol PPOI ueJ
alorueJ or rlJlds eql to Ja,
aql 19 deqr uaqn'alduexa JoC'uoT
srql uI uo,rt3 sl lEgl to alEN PararF uu 1o uoDduJSJP qSnorqr 'paqsqdurocce
op 1v\oH 'P€q a^EI{ elradxe qcns dur aqlrJse( 'sunuearpdeP PUE
pue releaq aqr qroq ro1
Suluearpseqtrnsslltu€JaPnIJuIsseusnolf,suo)'osarBlsPeJs}IV.I 'lul"a.I
suollsenb lPnrs aql qrr^. PelsrJossB ue
',(pog s,uosrad eqr ryal
sr sseusnorf,suof, Jo alsF
'slentrJ rusrJJoxe dg pan
FmqnJdgperuangurdlsuorlssraruarradxaaql.xaluorsnorSrlarBulq}I^\sJnf,Jo uorssassod teireruroll'uo
la^3^\ol{ 'saJuElsgns PernpBJnuEru Jo ueryo 'urrrou{un eql euu
aigor'occeqol Jo asn eql sB q3ns 'sluaSe tuql turds eql ro 'qeo8
oslB u?f, sseusnorf,suoJ to salBls PaJAIIV uEr IEnPr^rPuI uv 'uol
:lre al{l ut saSuegr elqe^Jesgo e1eeJf, srolJq sJelue 6sPo3 ro slrrrds;o
asaql 'uollBludap daals pue Sunse; dueduorce lBql esoql sE qsns dJlsruegr'(Poq orul IIEJ dyeraua8 sseust
agl aq ,(eru Surlaay a,rnm
arues l"ql terdralul tq8n
3ur1aa; ru(I pue 54uup ol
nu e,{q Pazr.retJercqf, aJB salels qlns 'arur
PJe^es 01 algPusruE sr
sJattp lEql elBls IElueu due sr ssausnolf,suoJ to elBls PalerF lrg mo uo Suruzaur seoeld
IElueIu letuJou 3 ruory
Itzruurng -snorJsuoJ Jo a14s PsrJr
gzl sseusnol)suof, ,o selPls PeJallv