CR - PC - SYNOPSIS (Nitendra Singh)

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Information to Police

Info. In Non Cognizable

→ Complaint

Information Cognizable
offencedefined u/s 2c Offencedefined u/s2(l) Subject to provisions under
U/s 154 k/a F.I.R. U/s 155 k/a N.C.R. chapter 13 i.e. Jurisdiction

Ch.15 Complaint to Magistrate

Statement will be recorded u/s 200

No action taken by police
officer then application can be
made to S.P. u/s 156(3) Procedure by magistrate not
competent to take cognizance of
Order for Investigation the case u/s 201
Subject to s.190
Inquiry u/s 202(2)
Magistrate may take
evidence on oath
Investigation by officer incharge of police
station(Proceeding given u/chapter12)
U/s 203 U/s 204
After Investigation Dismissal of Issue of process if
complaint prima facie case

Charge Sheet Closer Report Summons case then If Warrant case then
(Report u/s 173) summons will issued court my issue
Protest Petition against summons or warrant
Cognizance by Magistrate u/s Closer Report
190&193,198,198A & B
(r/w Jurisdiction of trial and Inquries Or
Chapter 13) After compliaance of s. Note. U/s
Further Investigation May treated as 204(2) process to compel 210 where
Complaint appearance under cha. 6
there is
Ch.6 Process to compel appearence complaint
case &
Accused appear in the Court for Appearence of accuse investigation
in respect of
trial (Bail Provisions Ch 33) bail (ch.33 s.436-450) the same
S.207 will Complied by

Compliance of s.209 Trial by Magistrate Attendance of person confined or detained in
If offence is triable Cha- 19 prison
by Court of session 266- Definition of “detained” & “Prison”
a/c Ist schedule 267- For answering to a charge /for
proceeding against him/ for ends of justice to
examine such detained person- Court may
Trial by Magistrate of Trial by Magistrate of make an order to produce such person
warrant casesdefined u/s2x summons casesdefined u/s2(w) (2) order passed by II class
Ch-20 magistrate required to counter signed by
270- Prisoner to be brought to court in
Institution on Police Other than Police Report 251-substance of acusation to be custody subject to provision of 269
Report (k/a Charge sheet) (Complaint case) stated(will not be framed charge a/c 271- Power to issue commission for
S.238-243,248<325360,250 S.244-247,248<325360,249,250 warraned & Summones trial)k/a बररान ममुणल्जम examination of witnesses in prison.
252- Conviction on plea of guilty
R/w s.210-Complaint case and 254-Procedure when accused not plead guilty
police investigation in respect of * Evidence for prosecution
238- Compliance with 207 same case Ch 23 (272-299)
* Statement u/s 313 (1)(b)
239-When accused shall be 244-Evidence for prosecution * Evidence for defence (if any) Evidence in Inquiries and Trials
discharged 245-When accused shall be 255- Acquital/conviction r/w 325&360 A- Mode of taking and recording evidence
256-Absence of Comnplainant 272-283
240- Framing of Charge discharged 257-Withdrawal of complain
(Chapter17, Charge 211-224) 246(1)- Framing of Charge B- Commission for the examination of
241-Conviction on plea of (Chapter17, Charge 211-224) Summary trial Ch21 (260-265) witnesses 284-299
guilty 246(2)-Conviction on plea of Summary trial procedure is same as of 275- सराक्ष्र मधजस्टट ने ट दराररा स्वरय ररा बकोलकर
guilty Summon trial is but Judgment would be
242-Evidence for prosecution
313(1)(b)-statement will be 246(5)-Cross examination of
different धलखवराररा जराएगिरा। ववृत राण्त कने ततौर पर धलखरा
recorded by court witnesses produced u/s244 जराएगिरा ररा प्रश्नकोत्तर कने रूप मम धलखरा जरा सकनेगिरा।
243-Evidence for defence 313(1)(b)-statement will be
314(1)- Oral argument of recorded by court 278- सराक्ष्र पपूर रा हकोनने पर समुन राररा जराएगिरा तमुग ट हकोनने
parties 247-Evidence for defence
314(1)- Oral argument of पर सहध गकररा जराएगिरा। शमुद्ध तरा सने इन्करार गकररा
248 r/w 325&360 parties जरातरा हहै तको आपधत्त करा जरापन धलखरा जराएगिरा।
* 325-Procedure when magistrate can 248-Acquital/conviction
not pass sentence sufficiently severe 248 r/w 325&360 280-remarks respecting demeanour (भिराव
* 360-Order to release on probation of * 325-Procedure when magistrate can
good conduct/after admonition not pass sentence sufficiently severe भिय ग गिमरा ) of witness (if he thinks material)
250- Compensation for * 360-Order to release on probation of
294- No formal proof of certain documents
accusation without reasonable good conduct/after admonition
250- Compensation for (Admission of genuineness)
accusation without reasonable 299- Record of evidence in absence of
cause accused (If it proved that accused is

CH 24 (300-327) General provisions as to Inquiries & Trials

300- Person one convicted or acquitted not to be tried for same offence
301- Appearance by Public Prosecutor
(2) A private person may assist to public prosecutor and after court permission may file written arguments.
306- Tender of pardon to accomplice(सह अपरराधध )
309- कराररार्याब राहध कको ममुल् तवध ररा स्थगगित करनने ककी शगक
(2) Proviso-अगभिरमु क अगभिरकरा मम हहै सराक्ष्र ककी करारर्या वराहध स्थगगित ककी जरातध हहै तको अगभिरमु क अगभिरकरा मम 15 गदिन सने अधधक नहहीं रखरा जरा एगिरा।
Proviso- वककील अन्र न्रराररालर मम व्रस्त हहै स्थगिन करा आधरार नहहीं हहै
- पक दराररा ररा उसकने अधधवकरा दराररा Examine नहहीं गकररा जरा रहरा हहै तको न्रराररालर स्वरय बररान अगभिधलधखत कर सकतरा हहै और सराकध कको अगभिममुग क प्रदिरान कर ककोई
भिध आदिने श पराररत कर सकतरा हहै ।
310- Local inspection
313- Power to examine accused
314- Oral arguments and memorandum pf argument
315- Accused person to be competent witness
320- Compounding of offences.
321- Withdrawal of prosecution.
325- Procedure when magistrate can not pass sufficient severe (मधजस्टट ने ट पररार्याप्त दिण्ड नहहीं दिने सकतरा तको प्रगक्रिररा )

CH-25 (328-339) Provisions as to accused persons of unsound mind

CH-26 (340-352) न्ररार प्रशरासन पर प्रभिराव डरालनने वरालने अपरराध

✗ 340- धराररा 145 मम वगरर्या त मरामललों मम प्रगक्रिररा
✗ 344- गमथ्ररा सराक्ष्र दिने नने पर गवचरारर कने धलए सय ग कप्त प्रगक्रिररा
✗ 345- अवमरान कने कमु छ मरामललों मम प्रगक्रिररा
✗ 346- जहराहाँ न्रराररालर करा गवचरार हहै गक मरामलने मम धराररा 345 कने अधधन करारर्या वराहध नहहीं ककी जरानध चरागहए , वहराहाँ प्रगक्रिररा
✗ 348- मराहाँफ की मरायगि नने पर अपरराधध करा उन्मकोचन
✗ 349- उत्तर दिने नने ररा दिस्तरावने ज पने श करनने सने इन्करार करनने वरालने व्रगक करा कराररावरास ररा उसककी समुप मुदिर्या गि ध
✗ 350- समन कने परालन मम सराकध कने हराधजर न हकोनने पर उसने दिणण्डत करनने कने धलए सय ग कप्त प्रगक्रिररा

CH-33 (436-450)- Bail and Bonds

CH-34 (451-459)- Disposal of properties
CH-35 (460-466)- Irregular proceedings
CH-36 (467-473)-Limitation for taking cognizane

Prepared by ASHUTOSH
Civil Judge Sant Kabir Nagar
Dated 21.04.2017

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