Characterization and Manufacturing of A Paraffin
Characterization and Manufacturing of A Paraffin
Characterization and Manufacturing of A Paraffin
KEYWORDS Abstract The hybrid propulsion performed with paraffin waxes exhibits most attractive
capabilities compared to solid or liquid engines, e.g., throttleability and re-ignition, alongside
Paraffin wax;
Hybrid rockets; higher regression rates compared to the conventional hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene
Manufacturing; (HTPB) hybrid fuel. This is because the paraffin wax forms a thin and hydro-dynamically
SASOLs 0907; unstable liquid layer, and then enhances the regression rate with the entrainment of droplets
Regression rate from the liquid-gas interface. Nevertheless, some critical open points on the manufacturing of
the paraffin fuel grains still persist, because the paraffin wax exhibits high shrinkage during the
solidification phase, leading to the formation of cavities, cracks and internal rips, which may be
detrimental to the mechanical properties and the structural integrity of the fuel grain. In this
context, this paper deals with a wide calorimetric, thermo-mechanical and physical character-
ization of the paraffin wax selected to manufacture the hybrid rocket engines (HRE) fuel grain,
in order to gain a thorough knowledge of the material necessary to avoid the formation of
critical defects. Several manufacturing methods were investigated, and it was found that only
laboratory scale processes, based on the use of a heated circular mould-piston apparatus, are
able to avoid the formation of critical defects, with the application of both high temperature
and pressure.
& 2018 National Laboratory for Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Piscitelli).
Peer review under responsibility of National Laboratory for Aeronautics and Astronautics, China.
2212-540X & 2018 National Laboratory for Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
Characterization and manufacturing of a paraffin wax 219
Figure 3 Molecular weight distribution of linear and branched alkanes in SASOLs 0907 paraffin wax.
Figure 4 Molecular weight distribution (higher than the 10 wt% vs the maximum abundance) as Carbon number in linear (n) and branched (iso)
reported. Moreover, the distribution of their molecular distribution of the SASOLs 0907 branched alkanes is
weights is centred on different values, as shown in centred on the highest value.
Figure 4, where percentages higher than the 10% by weight The high fraction of branched iso-alkanes in SASOLs
of the maximum abundance is reported as a function of the 0907 may be more advantageous to form microcrystals,
carbon number, for both linear and branched fractions. which allows higher fracture toughness and thus a better
Table 1 shows the wax properties cited by the manu- workability during the manufacturing of the fuel grain in
facturer SASOLs in terms of melting and congealing comparison with the linear paraffin waxes. Moreover,
points, penetration and viscosity. It appears that the H1 paraffin solid wax is an intrinsically fragile material at least
formulation consists predominantly of linear alkanes having at the investigated operating conditions. For this reason and
a large distribution of the molecular weights, i.e., ranging according to Griffith theory, higher values of fracture
between C32 and C97 centered at C65. SASOLs 6003 has an toughness increase the tolerance of surface or internal
abundance of linear alkane chains with respect to the micro-cracks and other microstructural defects of increased
branched alkanes, but both linear and branched molecular radius, keeping constant, at the same time the applied
weight distributions are centered on the same value. Unlike thermo-mechanical stress level during operations.
the other paraffins, the formulation SASOLs 0907 is For all these reasons, the SASOLs 0907 was selected to
predominantly composed of branched alkanes, whose con- manufacture the fuel grains for the HYPROB-NEW HRE
tent is also the highest. Additionally, the molecular weight technology demonstrator.
222 F. Piscitelli et al.
S and intercept γ P 2
S .
To assess the surface free energy of SASOLs 0907
Figure 5 DSC thermograms at different heating rates paraffin wax, measurements of contact angle using liquids
(endothermic down). with different polarities, i.e., water, formamide, and
Characterization and manufacturing of a paraffin wax 223
Figure 8 Thermogravimetric analysis in nitrogen atmosphere. Figure 9 Thermogravimetric analysis in air atmosphere.
Figure 11 The three different shapes of the liquid droplets ((a) distilled water, (b) formamide, and (c) diiodomethane) in contact with the paraffin
Figure 15 CAD of paraffin wax solid fuel grain sample configuration. (a) Cross section, (b) longitudinal section, and (c) whole shape of the
paraffin grain.
Configuration Height H/mm External diameter De/mm Internal diameter Di/mm Aspect ratio
become significant reaching the value of 0.1 wt%. This is energy is expressed in [J/m2], which is equal to [Nm/m2],
evidence that volatile elements are almost absent at whereas the surface tension is measured in [N/m], conse-
temperatures involved in the production process of the fuel quently the two performance indexes can be compared. In
grain, so the process should be considered completely safe. order to obtain the surface tension value at high temperature,
The thermo-gravimetric analysis performed in a nitrogen i.e., corresponding to the liquid state of SASOLs 0907
atmosphere (see Figure 8) shows a narrow and well-defined paraffin wax, a measure at 20 ℃ of the surface tension of
thermal event, which corresponds to the boiling point of the the solid paraffin wax was carried out, giving in output a value
paraffin wax occurring at about 430 ℃. In addition, the of 34.78 mN/m. This value is in good agreement with the
analysis performed in an air atmosphere (Figure 9) high- corresponding value of 33.8 mN/m obtained by linearly
lights that, after the main oxidative degradation at about extrapolating (see Figure 10) the surface tension values
300 ℃, there is a significant residual, ascribed to the measured by Kobald et al. [26,27], meaning that the value
formation of ashes, which are difficult to oxidize further of 27.5 mN/m at 110 ℃ can be used.
at temperatures below 550 ℃. The formation of these ashes The results in Figure 11 show the shape of liquid droplets
could affect the re-ignition process of the fuel grain during on the paraffin wax surface. All results were processed and
the firing test. the performance indexes are summarized in Table 3.
It is worth noting that water droplet on the SASOLs
3.3. Surface tension measurements 0907 paraffin wax surface describes a partially hydrophobic
behavior. This was confirmed also by analyzing the contact
The surface free energy was measured on solid paraffin angle measurements on formamide, partially polar liquid
pellets of SASOLs 0907, by putting them in a silicone mold with respect to the water. Whereas the paraffin wax high-
and melting then at 110 ℃. The paraffin wax sample was lights a hydrophilic behavior with diiodomethane due to its
solidified very slowly in order to avoid the formation of apolar nature.
possible macro and micro-cracks due to the liquid-solid
transition [26]. Through this procedure, it is possible to realize 3.4. Rheological and viscosity measurements
a paraffin sample with a very smooth surface, where the
measured surface free energy will depend only on the physical The storage modulus and complex viscosity of paraffin
state of the paraffin, and not on its morphology. In fact, during wax in the solid state are shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13,
the melting process, it is evident that a very smooth layer of respectively. In particular, Figure 12 shows the comparison
melted paraffin pellets is obtained due to the surface tension of between the heat flow during the DSC heating scan at
the liquid paraffin. It is worth noting, that the surface tension is 10 ℃/min and the storage modulus, highlighting that
correlated to the liquid paraffin wax, whereas the surface free paraffin wax has a storage modulus of 1.7 106 Pa, in
energy is related to the solid paraffin wax. The surface free the solid state, up to the first melting peak at about 70 ℃,
226 F. Piscitelli et al.
Figure 25 Paraffin wax solid grain manufactured with the die casting
Figure 23 Optical microscope images obtained in bright field using a third configuration, the central co-axial port was realized,
magnification of 550x of paraffin wax solid grain samples manufac- after solidification, by means of mechanical machining.
tured with the laboratory method at 110 ℃ as peak temperature. In order to highlight the presence of voids and cracks, the
paraffin fuel grains, once divided into two parts, were
viscosity was assessed at the temperature of 280 ℃, inspected and fractographically analyzed.
assumed as the initial temperature of the combustion Initially, basic laboratory procedures were used for the
chamber, which is the average temperature between the first preliminary manufacturing tests of the solid fuel grains.
melting and the boiling (i.e., about 450 ℃) points of the This method consisted in weighing the required amount of
paraffin wax. In particular, a melting point equal to 110 ℃ paraffin wax pellets, inserting the material into a suitable
(see Figure 5) was considered to ensure that all crystals mould, heating to a predetermined temperature, stirring the
were molten. As reference temperature, the highest avail- molten liquid and finally slowly cooling it down to room
able experimental value, i.e., 200 ℃ was used. The value of temperature.
viscosity at 280 ℃, calculated using the ABC method, is The first experiments were performed using an aluminum
equal to 0.3747 10-3 Pa s. cylindrical vessel of the size and shape corresponding to
configuration 1 in Table 4. Pellets were heated to 80 ℃
using an electric oven under high vacuum conditions, in
3.5. Grain manufacturing order to eventually de-gas any entrapped air. This tempera-
ture was selected by the DSC scan (see Figure 5) corre-
Several configurations of solid paraffin wax grains were sponding to the temperature at which the majority of
fabricated having a cylindrical shape with a coaxial central hydrocarbon chains melt. The liquid paraffin wax was
port, as indicated in the technical drawing shown in slowly cooled down at about 1 ℃/min to room temperature.
Figure 15. The low cooling rate should have reduced the formation of
Samples of different sizes and aspect ratios were manu- internal and surface cracks, and voids during solidification.
factured. The height, external diameter and internal port In this first experiment, no external device for applying a
diameter of every configuration are listed in Table 4. For the mechanical pressure on the molten wax during transition
228 F. Piscitelli et al.
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