College English Finals Reviewer
College English Finals Reviewer
College English Finals Reviewer
Lebron threw the basketball before the buzzer.
Lebron shot the basketball from the free throw
Lebron scored three points.
The ball was thrown by Lebron.
The basket was shot by Lebron.
The score was made by Lebron.
BODY - Use variety of details (sensory, factual or There are 4 fixes for run-on sentences:
figurative), includes thoughts and feelings, and 1. Use a comma + a coordinating conjuction
arrange details in logical order. 2. Use a semicolon
3. Restructure the sentence
CONCLUSION - Reemphasize the dominant 4. Make the clauses into separate sentences
impression and summarized the material you
have discussed. COMMA SPLICES - A comma splice is a type of
run-on sentence. It is a grammatical error that
REDUNDANCY AND WORDINESS occurs when a comma is used to join two
independent clauses without a conjunction. An
independent clause can function as a standalone
REDUNDANCY - The state of being not or no sentence, because it has its own subject and
longer needed or useful verb.
SYNONYMS: Unnecessary, not required, A writer joins together two independent clauses,
inessential, unessential, needless, unneeded, using only a comma as punctuation between
uncalled for them.
Using more words than necessary within a There are four types of sentence fragments:
sentence, especially short, vague words that do 1. Missing Subject Fragments
not add much meaning. 2. Missing Verb Fragments
3. Missing a Subject and a Verb Fragments
AVOIDING WORDY SENTENCES 4. Dependent Clause Fragments
Format of doing a persuasive writing Creating arguments & thesis statement - A thesis
statement is one sentence at the end of your
introduction that states your opinion. It needs to
1. Pick a topic you're passionate about be strong.
2. Know your audience
3. Research both sides Three Supporting Paragraphs: Use each of the
4. Outline your argument main arguments you used in your introductory
5. Write your introduction paragraph and expand on each giving facts and
6. Include your body paragraphs (Topic Sentence, reasons.
Relevant Supporting/Evidences, and Closing
Sentences/Analysis) The Other Side of the Story - This is where you
7. Wrap it up with a strong conclusion should explain why your opposition believes
8. Proofread what they believe.
Do look for a “hook” to grab your reader’s Parallelism using than or as.
interest. Think about your audience. Wrong: I like swimming better than to dive.
Correct: I like swimming better than diving.
Do give incidents and examples.
Parallelism using correlative conjunctions.
Do organize your writing. Wrong: We were told to either make a parrol or
write a letter for santa.
DON’T S Correct: We were told to either make a parrol or
to write a letter for santa.
Don’t be negative.
Needed Words
Don’t threaten. Add needed words to complete compound
Use a strict either/or argument Wrong: Many Filipinos in various countries
continue to believe and practice Filipino
Don’t toss in a Red Herring. Christmas traditions.
Correct: Many Filipinos in various countries
Don’t use Bandwagon persuasion. continue to believe in and practice Filipino
Christmas traditions.
Don’t use vague terms.
Add the word if there is any danger in reading it
Strategies to use in grabbing your audience Wrong: Ana didn't discover her friend Jana; she
discovered that Jana's actions are different at
school and when she's at home.
Riddles, Strong Statement, Quotation ,
Correct: While Ana was still staying at Jana's
Interesting fact, Anecdote, Fact or Statistic,
house, she discovered how Jana was acting so
Question, and Outrageous Statement
differently at school than at home.
Add words needed to make comparisons logical Keep the verb tenses constant
and complete. Wrong: Mom arrives home with lots of
decorations that she bought from Waltermart.
Wrong: My father's menudo is still the best than
any dish for christmas noche buena. Correct: Mom arrived home with lots of
decorations that she bought from Waltermart.
Correct: My father's menudo is still the best than
Create verbs with consistent voice and mood
any other dish for christmas noche buena.
Wrong: She first prepares the food. Then she
PROBLEMS WITH MODIFIERS decorated the venue for the Christmas party.
Correct: She prepares the food and then
Put limiting modifiers (only, even, almost, decorates the venue for the Christmas party.
nearly, just) in front of the words they modify.
Avoid sudden changes in questions or
Wrong: Only my father gave me 500 pesos for quotations from indirect to direct.
Wrong: Flor said that Santa Claus will come over
Correct: My father gave me only 500 pesos for and I want to have a bear as a gift.
christmas. Correct: Flor said that Santa Clasu will come over
and tell him to have a bear as a gift.
Place phrases and clauses so that readers can
see at a glance what they modify. Mixed Construction
Wrong: The teacher gave Christmas cookies to A Untangle the grammatical structure
the children wrapped in aluminium foil.
Wrong: Although we feel sleepy waiting for
Christmas, but the food in front of us will make
Correct: The teacher gave Christmas cookies
us feel alive.
wrapped in aluminium foil to the children.
Correct: Although we feel sleepy waiting for
Christmas, the food in front of us will make us
Dangling Modifiers feel alive
Wrong: Walking home at night, the road is Make the logical connections evident.
already full of snow.
Wrong: In the bowl of names, the kid, who
Correct: As Rensy was walking home at night, the received more than 3 gifts, will be disqualified.
road was already full of snow. Correct: In the bowl of names, the kid, more than
3 gifts will be disqualified.
Avoid... is where and reason... is
Consistently use the same person and number because constructions.
of points of view.
Wrong: The reason why I felt sad during the
Wrong: We were talking recently about Christmas event is because I forgot to bring my
Christmas and the problems I personally have as camera.
fur parents.
Correct: I felt sad during the Christmas event
because I forgot to bring my camera.
Correct: We were talking recently about
Christmas and the problems we personally have
as fur parents
Narrative Writing
Your story needs a strong beginning. You can
COORDINATION - Use coordination to join to achieve this using one of the following
ideas together that are equal in value. methods:
Dialogue (Conversation)
A Question
SUBORDINATION - Use subordination to join two
A Vivid Description
sentences together when one idea is less
An Interesting Fact
important (subordinate) to the other.
Sound Effects
A Combine choppy sentences Number 2 - Paragraphs
They tell when you're switching time, place, topic
Choppy - Mark is the one who gave me the gift. or speaker, and they help break the page up so it
He is my nephew. is not just a solid block of writing.
Improved - Mark, the one who gave me the gift, How Do I Know When To Start a New
is my nephew. Paragraph?
Avoid ineffective coordination There are a few standard times to make a new
Ineffective - Santa Claus and his reindeer deliver When you start in on a new topic
gifts to children, and they are waiting at the When you skip to a new time
chimney to see them. When you skip to a new place
When a new person begins to speak
Improved - Because Santa Claus and his reindeer When you want to produce a dramatic effect
deliver gifts to children, they are waiting at the
chimney to see them. Number 3 - Capitalization & Punctuation
Beginnings of Sentences
Do not subordinate major ideas
Proper Nouns
Ineffective - I was eating cake at a Christmas End Marks (question mark, period,
party, getting full because of lots of food, when it exclamation End Marks (question mark, period,
suddenly rained heavily. exclamation
Improved - As I was eating cake at a Christmas Commas when joining two sentences with a
party, getting full because of lots of food, it Commas when joining two sentences with a
suddenly rained heavily. conjunction, addressing a person, with
quotations, conjunction, addressing a person,
Do not subordinate excessively with quotations, etc.
Use a little figurative language to add interest to Parallel structure (also called parallelism) - is
the repetition of a chosen grammatical form
your story. within a sentence. By making each compared
Simile - comparison between two unlike item or idea in your sentence follow the same
things that have something in common using like grammatical pattern, you create a parallel
or as construction.
Metaphor - comparison between two unlike
things that have something in common without Example:
using like or as
Alliteration - repetition of usually initial Not Parallel:
consonant sounds in two or more neighboring Ellen likes hiking, the rodeo, and to take
words or syllables afternoon naps.
Onomatopoeia - the imitation of natural Parallel:
sounds in word form. These words help us form Ellen likes hiking, attending the rodeo, and taking
mental pictures about the things, people, or afternoon naps.
places that are described
Not Parallel:
My best friend took me dancing and to a show.
My best friend took me to a dance and a show
Not Parallel:
My dog not only likes to play fetch, but also chase cars.
My dog not only likes to play fetch, but he also likes to chase cars.
Not Parallel:
I would rather pay for my education than financial aid.
I would rather pay for my education than receive financial aid.
With Lists
When yo u are comparing items in a list, use parallel structure.
Not Parallel:
John Taylor Gatto criticizes public schools because they are compulsory, funded
by the government, and destroy students' humanity.
John Taylor Gatto criticizes public schools because they are compulsory, government-
funded, and normalizing.