EN-ESAIR - Errata-Document-V1.0 (19-Dec-2022)

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Errata v.1.

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With each printing, we strive to update and correct any This is version 1.0 of the Adventures in Rokugan
issues with our products that have become apparent. errata, released in December 19th, 2022.
This document collects all corrections that have been
made since the first printing of each book. More recent
printings of each book may have had some of these
changes made in their text.

Adventures in Rokugan Core Rulebook

The following are corrections made to the Adventures Page 58: The duelist is missing the Focus Points class
in Rokugan core rulebook, organized by chapter. feature (which is identical to that which appears on
page 48 of the bushi class, but exchanges any ref-
Page 40: In the True Form (Bat) section of the Bat
erences to “bushi” with “duelist”). It has also been
(Kōmori) entry, the final sentence should be rewritten
reprinted here for convenience.
to say: “You cannot wield weapons in this form, and
your unarmed strike profile becomes a bite that deals
1d4 piercing damage.” Focus Points
Page 46: In Table 2–1: The Bushi, all instances of By understanding the rhythm of battle, you can
“Martial Archetype” and “Martial Archetype Feature” find the exact right moment to begin pressing an
should be replaced with “Bushi Archetype” and “Bushi attack, defend, or launch a finishing strike. This
Archetype Feature.” clarity in combat grants you access to the focus
points that fuel your martial techniques. Your duel-
Page 50: In the Bushi Archetype section, the final sen- ist level determines the maximum amount of focus
tence should be rewritten to include the 10th level as points you can have, as shown in the Focus Maxi-
one of the levels where your archetype grants your mum column of the Duelist table. Additionally:
character features.
$ You start each encounter with 0 focus points.
Page 50: In the Ability Score Improvement entry, the
first sentence should be rewritten to say: “When you $ You gain 1 focus point at the end of each of
reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th your turns.
level, you can increase one ability score of your choice $ When you unlock combat stances at 2nd level,
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores by 1.” you accrue additional focus points at the end
of your turn based on your combat stance
Page 53: In the Effect section of the Coiling Serpent
(see page 59).
Grasp sidebar, the sentence “You can’t sue this technique
on weapons that are part of a creature’s body” should be $ At the end of an encounter, unspent focus
rewritten to say: “You can't use this technique on weap- points are lost.
ons that are part of a creature's body, and you must have $ You can’t gain focus points while unconscious.
enough free hands (or immediately drop whatever you
are carrying) to wield this weapon properly."
Page 60: In the Duelist Archetype section, the last
Page 56: In Table 2–2: The Duelist, remove the text sentence should be rewritten to say: “The archetype
“Ability Score Improvement” from row 10, column 3 grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 5th, 7th,
in the table. 11th, 15th, and 18th level.”

Page 66: Replace Table 2–3: The Courtier with the

new version of that table found here.


Table 2–3: The Courtier


Intrigue Dice, Rhetorical Flourishes,

1st +2 2 d6 1
Strategic Opening

2nd +2 Additional Rhetorical Flourishes 2 d6 3

Courtier Archetype, Additional

3rd +2 3 d6 4
Flourish (by Archetype)

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 d6 4

5th +3 Intrigue Dice (Improved) 3 d8 4

Additional Courtier Archetype Feature,

6th +3 Extra Reaction (two reactions), 4 d8 5
Additional Rhetorical Flourishes

7th +3 — 4 d8 5

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 d8 5

Additional Courtier Archetype Feature,

9th +4 5 d8 6
Additional Rhetorical Flourishes

10th +4 Intrigue Dice (Improved) 5 d10 6

11th +4 Rhetorical Mastery 5 d10 6

Ability Score Improvement,

12th +4 5 d10 7
Additional Rhetorical Flourishes

13th +5 Strategic Opening (Improved) 6 d10 7

14th +5 Additional Courtier Archetype Feature 6 d10 7

Extra Reaction (three reactions),

15th +5 6 d10 8
Additional Rhetorical Flourishes

Practiced Presence,
16th +5 6 d10 8
Ability Score Improvement

17th +6 Additional Courtier Archetype Feature 7 d10 8

Additional Rhetorical Flourishes,

18th +6 7 d10 9
Rhetorical Mastery (Improved)

19th +6 Intrigue Dice (Improved) 7 d12 9

Ability Score Improvement,

20th +6 8 d12 10
Additional Rhetorical Flourishes


Page 72: In the Tactical Assessment (support, free Page 99: Replace Table 2–6: The Pilgrim with the new
action) section, the second sentence should be rewrit- version of that table found on page 4.
ten to say: “After you roll initiative, you can spend one
Page 100-111: In some instances in the Pilgrim class,
or more intrigue dice, up to your proficiency bonus.”
there may be references to energy being “centered or
Page 72: In the Courtier Archetype entry, the last sen- balanced.” Any such references should be rewritten to
tence should be rewritten to say: “The archetype you say “balanced.”
choose grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 6th,
Page 102: The header “Cosmic Path” on this page
9th, 14th, and 17th level.”
should be changed to “Pilgrim Archetypes.” In this
Page 75: In the Analytical Approach entry, the second section, the second sentence refers to granting your
sentence should be rewritten to say: “You add double character features at “2nd level.” This should be rewrit-
your proficiency bonus to Intelligence saving throws ten to say “3rd level.”
instead of your normal proficiency bonus.”
Page 110: In the New Externalizations entry, the third
Page 78: In Table 2–4: The Shinobi, the Merciless Strike sentence refers to “a required Yin.” This should be
column in the eighth row, “6d5” should be “6d6.” rewritten to say “a required Yang.”
Page 83: In the Saboteur entry, add the following sen- Page 115: In the Acolyte Archetypes entry, the final
tence after the first paragraph: “The saboteur does not sentence should be rewritten to include the 2nd level
gain a new archetype feature at 13th level.” as one of the levels where you gain archetype features.
Page 88: In Table 2–5: The Ritualist, all instances of Page 117: In the Body and Mind entry, add “At level 1,”
“Ritualist Tradition” and “Ritualist Tradition Feature” to the beginning of the first sentence in the entry.
should be replaced with “Ritualist Archetype” and
“Ritualist Archetype Feature.” Additionally, remove Page 117: In the Inherited Power entry, the last sen-
the text from the third column, row 17, and leave this tence of the entry should be rewritten to say: “Once you
space blank. use this feature on a tattoo, you can’t use it again on the
same tattoo until you complete a short or long rest.”
Page 91: In the Ritualist Tradition entry, the last sen-
tence should be rewritten to say: “The tradition you Page 122: In the Brand of Division entry, the follow-
choose grants you features at 2nd level, and again at ing sentences should be added to the second-to-last
5th, 9th, 13th, and 20th level.” paragraph in the entry: “The close lasts for one hour
until it dissipates and reattaches itself to you. You may
Page 91: Add the following separate entry to the also cause it to dissipate and reattach itself to you by
first column: spending an action.”

Page 122: In the Brand of Shifting Night entry, the sec-

ond-to-last sentence should be rewritten to say: “This
At 3rd level, your spiritual bonds deepen. Once per damage increases with your acolyte level as described
day when you finish a short rest, you can recover in Table 2–15: Brand of Shifting Night Damage
favor equal to your proficiency bonus or your ritu- by Level.”
alist level, whichever is lower.
Page 151: The Soshi Illusionist School Quick Build
entry lists “mask of air” as a possible invocation to
Page 91: In the Ability Score Improvement entry, the
take. This should be “mask of wind.”
first sentence should be rewritten to say: “When you
reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th Page 162: The Suggested Feats section of the Drag-
level, you can increase one ability score of your choice onfly Clan (Tonbo Family) entry, lists “Unusual Weapon
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores by 1.” Master.” This should be “Unusual Weapon Mastery.”

Page 93: In the Ward Creation section of the Mystic Page 189: In the Heavy Armor entry, the first para-
Calligraphy (Wisdom) entry, the reference to “invoca- graph should be rewritten to say: “When wearing most
tion rank” in the second sentence should be replaced heavy armor, you do not add your Dexterity modifier
with “invocation tier”. Additionally, the process of to your Armor Class (but nor do you subtract it, if it is
affixing the ward to a target currently requires a negative). Lacquered armor is an exception to this rule,
“melee touch attack,” which should be rewritten to be and a character wearing it applies their Dexterity modi-
a “successful unarmed melee attack.” fier as with other armor types.”


Table 2–7: The Pilgrim


Cultivated Potential, Strength of Body

1st +2 1
and Spirit

Battle meditation, Yin and Yang,

2nd +2 1
Externalizations, Pilgrim Archetype

3rd +2 Pilgrim Archetype Feature 2

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2

5th +3 Boundless Vitality, Well of Strength 3

6th +3 Pilgrim Archetype Feature 3

7th +3 Forms of Enlightenment 4

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4

9th +4 Advanced Externalizations 5

10th +4 Well of Strength (Improved) 5

11th +4 Pilgrim Archetype Feature 6

Ability Score Improvement,

12th +4 6
Pilgrim Archetype Feature (Improved)

13th +5 Technique Chaining 7

14th +5 Eyes of Dawn and Dusk 7

15th +5 Boundless Vitality (Improved) 8

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8

17th +6 Pilgrim Archetype Feature 9

18th +6 Well of Strength (Improved) 9

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10

Battle Meditation (Improved),

20th +6 10
Pilgrim Archetype Feature (Improved)


Page 190: In the Wall Shield entry of Table 4–3: Page 215-219: Tables 4–13, 4–14, and 4–15 are all
Armor, the entry for the Effects column should be misnumbered. They should be 4–14, 4–15, and 4–16
rewritten to say “Wearer has half-cover against ranged respectively.
attacks, but -10 movement speed and disadvantage
Page 219: In row 8 of Table 4-16: Charms by Rank,
on Acrobatics, Athletics, and Stealth.”
the “Flowing River Charm” should be the “Resto-
Page 197: In Table 4–4: Arrows, add an entry for ration Charm.”
“Demon-Breaking Arrows” to the bottom of the table.
They should have a listed cost of 5 gp. Page 219: In row 8 of Table 4-16: Charms by Rank,
the “Flowing River Charm” should be the “Resto-
Page 197: In the Soul Star entry, the third sentence in ration Charm.”
the entry should be rewritten to say: “The next time it
performs that invocation within one minute of the arrow Page 221: In the Prerequisites entry, the following sen-
being fired, if the creature is within 300 feet of the soul- tence should be added to the first paragraph. “Char-
star arrow, it can choose to perform the invocation as if it acters also gain the proficiencies listed in the table
were standing at the soul-star arrow’s current location.” when they multiclass.”

Page 198-199: In Table 4–5: Weapons, the entries for Page 221: Table 5–1: Multiclassing Prerequisites
the Mallet, Shuriken, and Straightsword, Single-edged should be replaced with the following table shown here:
should include “Special” in their Properties col-
umn entries.

Table 5–1:
Multiclassing Prerequisites and Proficiencies gained

Light armor, medium armor, simple weapons,

Bushi Strength 13 or Dexterity 13
martial weapons

Simple weapons, martial weapons, bowyer’s kit or sword

Duelist Strength 13 or Dexterity 13
maintenance kit

Silk armor, simple weapons, any one set of tools from

Courtier Charisma 13 the following list: artisan tools, gaming sets, mystic
implements, tools of subterfuge

Light armor, simple weapons, katana, chain sickle,

Shinobi Dexterity 13
nunchaku, sai, shuriken, ninja tools, tools of subterfuge

Intelligence 13 or Charisma 13
Ritualist Simple weapons, one mystic implement of choice
or Wisdom 13

Pilgrim Constitution 13 Simple weapons, one type of artisan’s tools of choice

Acolyte Strength 13 or Dexterity 13 Light armor, simple weapons, martial weapons


Page 236: In the Sting of Agony entry, the damage Page 276: In the Empowerments section of the Invig-
inflicted by the bleeding condition should be typed orating Heat entry, it is listed that characters can
as “piercing.” spend 2 favor to treat this invocation’s casting time as
“1 bonus action.” This should be “1 reaction.”
Page 238: In the Enhanced Demonic Transformation
entry, the prerequisite to take the feat is listed as the Page 281: In the Empowerments section of the
“oni species.” It should say “mazoku species.” Secrets on the Wind entry, it is listed that characters
can spend 2 favor to treat this invocation’s casting time
Page 256: In the Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade entry, there
as “1 action.” This should be “1 reaction.”
should be a section added after the Duration section.
This should say: “Mandatory Movement: None” Page 283: In the Empowerments section of the Strike
of the Tsunami entry, the first option for spending favor
Page 257: In the Bonus Effects section of the Spark-
should be rewritten to say: “You increase the length of
ing Steel Defense entry, the first sentence should be
the sweep by 5 feet per favor spent this way.”
rewritten to say: “If you use a defensive weapon, when
a multitarget attack roll misses you until the start of Page 283: In the Empowerments section of the Sum-
your next turn, it automatically misses each creature mon Fog entry, it is listed that characters can spend
it targets after you as part of the multitarget attack.” 2 favor to treat this invocation’s casting time as
“1 bonus action.” This should be “1 reaction.”
Page 258: In the Bonus Effects section of the Soaring
Thunderbolt Strike entry, the first sentence of the sec- Page 286: In the Empowerments section of the Thresh-
ond paragraph should be rewritten to say: “If you use a old Barrier entry, the second option for spending favor
piercing weapon, choose one creature you hit to make should be rewritten to say: “Increase the length of the
a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 12 + 2 per line by 10 feet per favor spent this way.”
focus spent.”
Page 301: In the Unarmed or Wrestling Contests
Page 259: In the Focus Cost section of the Vanishing entry, the armor allowed is listed as “any.” This should
World Flurry entry, the cost is listed as “3+.” It should be “none.”
be listed as “3”.
Page 369: In the Inspecting the Seals section of The
Page 259: In the Effects section of the Veiled Men- Seals of Daylight Castle sidebar, the second sentence
ace Thrust entry, the first sentence should be rewrit- refers to a “result of 9 to 10.” This should be “a result
ten to say: “Make a melee attack against one creature of 9 to 11.”
in range.”
Page 372: In the sixth paragraph of the Talking to the
Page 260: In the Element, Tier, and Type entry, the fol- Fleshy Mass section, the text refers to the “Shadow-
lowing bullet point is missing from between the Aug- lands Power feat.” This should be the “Shadowlands
mentation and Mending entries: Might feat.”
$ Illusion: Invocations that fool the senses into Page 373: In The Barracks section, the last sentence
believing something exists when it does not. of the first paragraph should be rewritten to say:
Page 263: In the Empowerments section of the Armor “Two rounds later, two additional Undying Defenders
of Stone entry, it is listed that characters can spend enter the encounter form the root that forms a ramp
2 favor to treat this invocation’s casting time as “1 reac- between the floors.”
tion action.” This should be “1 reaction.” Page 375: In The Temple Revisited Section, the sec-
Page 271: In the Embrace of the Earth Dragon entry, ond sentence of the third paragraph should be rewrit-
there should be a section added after the Casting ten to say: “If the PCs make a successful Wisdom
Time section. This should say: “Base Favor Cost: 1” (Insight) check with a DC of 10, they will feel a sense of
peace and safety.”
Page 275: In the Empowerments section of the Hands
of the Tide entry, the third option for spending favor Page 379: In the first paragraph of the Friend of Evil
should be rewritten to say: “Choose one additional section, the text refers to the “Shadowlands Power
creature per favor spent this way; each creature you feat.” This should be the “Shadowlands Might feat.”
choose must be of the same size as your target and Page 382: In the Heavy Crossbow entry of the Undying
within range. Each creature moved this way must end Defender profile, the bonus to hit is listed as “+32.” This
in a position previously occupied by a creature affected should be “+3.” Additionally, the damage of the weapon
by this invocation.” is listed as “6 (1d10).” This should be “6 (1d10 + 1).”


Page 383: In the Armor Class entry of the Hiruma Too- Page 392: In the Armor Class entry of the Wandering
moharu, Daimyō of Daylight Castle profile, the armor Duelist profile, the armor class is listed as “16.” This
class is listed as “20.” It should be “19.” In addition, in should be “13.”
the Saving Throws entry the text lists the saving throws
Page 394: In the Armor Class entry of the Sword Saint
as “Con +3, Wis +3.” This should be “Con +7, Wis +6.”
profile, the armor class is listed as “17.” This should
Page 383: In the Naginata entry of the Hiruma Toomo- be “15.” Additionally, in the Challenge entry, the XP is
haru, Daimyō of Daylight Castle profile, the bonus to listed as “3,900.” This should be “5,900.”
hit is listed as “+8.” This should be “+7.” In addition,
Page 396: In the Armor Class entry of the Experienced
the damage of the weapon is listed as “11 (1d10 + 5).”
Ritualist profile, the armor class is listed as “12.” This
This should be “9 (1d10 + 4).”
should be “10.” Additionally, the Legendary Actions
Page 383: In the Wakizashi entry of the Hiruma Too- section of this profile should be the “Lair Actions” sec-
moharu, Daimyō of Daylight Castle profile, the bonus tion instead.
to hit is listed as “+8.” This should be “+7.” In addition,
the damage of the weapon is listed as “9 (1d6+5).” Page 397: In the Armor Class entry of the Seasoned
This should be “7 (1d6 + 4).” Courtier profile, the armor class is listed as “12.” This
should be “11.”
Page 384: In the Saving Throws entry of the Amalga-
mation Oni profile, the text lists the saving throws as Page 401: In the Armor Class entry of the Ruffian
“Dex +5, Con +2, Wis +5, Cha +9.” These should be profile, the armor class is listed as “13 (concealed
“Dex +5, Con +7, Wis +6, Cha +8.” In addition, the armor and reinforced pipe).” This should be “14 (con-
Damage Weaknesses section should be renamed the cealed armor).”
“Damage Vulnerabilities” section. Page 405: In the Rotting Bow entry of the Undying
Page 384: In the Enticing Whisper entry of The Amal- Warrior profile, the damage is listed as “4 (1d6 + 1).”
gamation Oni profile, the text refers to the “Shadow- This should be “2 (1d6 - 1).”
lands Power feat.” This should be the “Shadowlands Page 406: In the Senses entry of the Lost Champion
Might feat.” profile, the senses are listed as “passive darkvision
Page 385: In the Multiattack entry of the Kitsu Ichika 60 ft., Perception 13.” This should be “darkvision
profile, the text references “Tactical Command.” This 60 ft., Passive Perception 13.”
should be “Fanatical Command.” Page 408: In the Senses entry of the Lesser Horror pro-
Page 385: In the Vile Prowess entry of the Lost Samurai file, the senses are listed as “passive darkvision 60 ft.,
profile, the text references the “heartpiercing strike” Perception 12.” This should be “darkvision 60 ft., Pas-
technique. This should be “heartpiercing thrust.” In sive Perception 12.”
addition, in the Warspear entry, the damage is listed Page 410: In row 3 of Table A–11: Shadowlands Pow-
as “5 (1d10 + 2).” This should be “8 (1d10 + 2).” ers, the spells are listed as “1/day.” This should be “1/
Page 385: In The Cursed Blade, Obsidian Grin side- day each.”
bar, the text twice refers to the “Shadowlands Power
Page 413: In the Armor Class entry of the Forest Pro-
feat.” This should be the “Shadowlands Might feat.”
tector profile, the armor class is listed as “13.” This
Page 388: In the Naga section, delete the first sen- should be “16.” In addition, in the Miraculous Mercy
tence that says: “Size becomes large.” entry, the spells are listed as “1/day.” This should be
“1/day each.” Also, the spell locate person in this
Page 391: In the Soldier profile, the Constitution
entry should be “locate creature.”
bonus is listed as “+3.” This should be “+2.” The
Armor Class entry lists the armor class as “15.” This Page 415: In the Damage Resistances entry of the
should be “14.” The Hit Points entry lists the hit points Water Spirit profile, remove “bludgeoning” from the
as “16 (3d8 + 3).” This should be “14 (2d8 + 2).” list of damage resistances.

Page 391: In the Warspear entry of the Soldier profile, Page 417: In all weapon entries in the Spectral Trooper
the damage is listed as “7 (1d10 + 2).” This should profile, the bonus to hit is “+3.” It should be “+4.”
be “6 (1d10 + 1).” Additionally, in the Longbow entry,
the damage is listed as “6 (1d8 + 2).” This should be
“5 (1d8 + 1).”

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