Hexagon PPM CAS Overview Brochure US
Hexagon PPM CAS Overview Brochure US
Hexagon PPM CAS Overview Brochure US
• Easy to use
• Flexible
• Scalable
• Trusted to deliver accurate, reliable results
Complete and Easy-to-use Plant Design Suite World Standard for Pipe Flexibility and
Stress Analysis
CADWorx® Plant Design Suite is an integrated complete
BricsCAD®-based - (included) and AutoCAD®-based Since its introduction in 1984, CAESAR II has remained
software solution set for plant design that provides the world’s most widely used pipe flexibility and stress
intelligent drawing and database connectivity, advanced analysis software. A complete solution for quick and
levels of automation, and easy-to-use drafting tools. accurate analysis of piping systems subjected to a wide
The comprehensive suite of design tools includes piping, variety of loads, CAESAR II addresses weight, pressure,
structural steel, equipment, process and instrument thermal, seismic, and other static and dynamic
diagrams, and design review, plus automatic isometrics conditions, based on user-defined variables and
and bills of material. accepted industry guidelines.
CADWorx is quick and easy to set up and use, so you CAESAR II can analyze piping systems of virtually any
can start designing right away. The bi-directional links size or complexity, whether you are designing a new
between CADWorx and CAESAR II® for pipe stress system or troubleshooting an existing one. Plus, CAESAR
analysis, and PV Elite® for pressure vessel analysis, II features direct integration between CAD design tools
enable designers and engineers to easily share (such as CADWorx Plant and Intergraph Smart® 3D)
information while keeping the drawings, models, and and analysis. This means engineers and designers can
related information synchronized as changes are easily share information while keeping their drawing and
made. Plus, the fast processing and highly refined related information synchronized.
user-interface features in CADWorx make it possible for
multiple users to work together efficiently, even on the With CAESAR II, you can do more in less time and deliver
largest models. more accurate results.
Vessel and Exchanger Analysis Made Simple Structural Analysis and Design
Modeling Software
PV Elite provides engineers, designers, estimators,
fabricators and inspectors with solutions that match For 40 years, GT STRUDL has offered structural
their pressure vessel and heat exchanger design needs. engineers a complete design solution and we’ve
Because the software is user-friendly, it is perfect for now incorporated 3D CAD modeling and 64-bit high-
both regular and occasional users requiring fast startup performance computation solvers into all versions.
and confidence in their safety code calculations.
Our structural analysis software is a high-
PV Elite is a complete solution for the quick and quality, interoperable, and data driven system for
intuitive design of new pressure vessels. It also comprehensive frame and finite element analysis,
evaluates and re-rates existing vessels, including including international design codes for both steel and
fitness for service analysis. The software considers the reinforced concrete.
whole vessel, addressing all of the wall thickness rules
and stress analysis requirements for vertical towers, GT STRUDL includes all the tools necessary to analyze
horizontal vessels and heat exchangers. You can also a broad range of structural engineering and finite
evaluate individual vessel components. element analysis problems, including linear and
nonlinear static and dynamic analysis, and can do
Users benefit from faster workflows thanks to so accurately in a fraction of the time of most other
tubesheet design and analysis, rectangular and non- solutions. GT STRUDL is completely interoperable with
circular vessel analysis and individual component modeling packages such as Intergraph Smart 3D and
analysis. PV Elite boosts confidence in your safety CADWorx® Structure.
code calculations with the software’s design tools and
wizards, plus comprehensive error checking to deliver The CAD modeler user interface offers BricsCAD
clear, concise and accurate results. and AutoCAD environments that enable structural
engineers to easily model, analyze and design the most
complex structures.
About Hexagon
Hexagon is a global leader in sensor, software and autonomous solutions. We are putting data to work to boost efficiency, productivity, and
quality across industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure, safety, and mobility applications.
Our technologies are shaping urban and production ecosystems to become increasingly connected and autonomous — ensuring a scalable,
sustainable future.
Hexagon’s PPM division empowers its clients to transform unstructured information into a smart digital asset to visualize, build and manage
structures and facilities of all complexities, ensuring safe and efficient operation throughout the entire lifecycle.
Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) has approximately 21,000 employees in 50 countries and net sales of approximately 3.8bn EUR. Learn
more at hexagon.com and follow us @HexagonAB.
© 2021 Hexagon AB and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved. 06/21 PPM-US-0117C-ENG