MCQ's Chap 21 A

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F Sc (2nd year) Physics MCQ’s Chapter # 21


9. The number of protons in any atom are

1. The energy released by fusion of two always equal to the number of:
deuterons into a He nucleus is about a) Electrons
a) 24 MeV b) Neutrons
b) 200 MeV c) Positrons
c) 1.02 MeV d) Mesons
d) 7.7 MeV
10. Types of quarks are:
2. Dr. Abdus Salam unified electromagnetic a) 4
force and ______________ b) 6
a) Weak nuclear force c) 8
b) Strong nuclear force d) 10
c) Magnetic force
d) Gravitational force 11. 𝛽 −particles in Wilson cloud chamber have:
a) Zigzag or erratic path
3. Which of the following have no charge b) Curved path
a) 𝛼 − 𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑠 c) Circular path
b) 𝛽 − 𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑠 d) Elliptical path
c) 𝛾 − 𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑠
d) 𝑐𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑑𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑠 12. Nuclear fission chain reaction is controlled
by using:
4. In Wilson cloud chamber, we use: a) Steel rods
a) Alcohol vapours b) Graphite rods
b) Neon gas c) Cadimum rods
c) Bromine gas d) Platinum rods
d) Water vapours
13. Extremely penetrating particles are
5. A high potential difference of _________ is a) Neutrons
used in GM counter b) 𝛼 −particles
a) 400 volts c) 𝛽 −particles
b) 1000 volts d) 𝛾 −particles
c) 5000 volts
d) 4000 volts 14. The nuclear reaction taking place in sun is:
a) Fission
6. One Curie is equal to: b) Fusion
a) 3.70 × 10−10 𝐵𝑞 c) Chain
b) 3.70 × 1010 𝐵𝑞 d) Alpha decay
c) 1 𝐵𝑞
d) 103 𝐵𝑞 15. An 𝛼 −particle contains
a) 1 proton and 1 neutron
7. The most useful tracer isotop for the b) 2 protons and 2 neutrons
treatment of thyroid gland is: c) 3 protons and 3 neutrons
a) Cobalt-60 d) 4 protons and 4 neutrons
b) Carbon-14
c) Iodine-131 16. Which of the following belong to hadrons
d) Strontium-90 group:
a) Protons
8. The chemical properties of any element b) Electrons
depend on its: c) Muons
a) Number of isotopes d) Neutrinos
b) Number of isobars
c) Atomic number 17. Number of isotopes of Helium is:
d) Mass number a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

F Sc (2nd year) Physics MCQ’s Chapter # 21
26. Half life of Radium is 1590 years. In how
18. One joule of energy absorbed in a body per many years shall the earth loss all his radium
kilogram is equal to: due to radioactive decay?
a) 1 rad a) 1590 x 106 years
b) One rem b) 1590 x 1012 years
c) One gray c) 1590 x 1025 years
d) One sievert d) Never
27. Which one of the following radiation
19. In nucleus of uranium 𝑈92 , the number of possesses maximum penetrating power?
neutrons will be ___________ a) 𝛼 − rays
a) 92 b) 𝛽 − rays
b) 235 c) 𝛾 − rays
c) 143 d) All have equal penetrating power
d) Different for different isotopes
28. Energy liberated when one atom of U-235
undergoes fission reaction is ______
20. One a.m.u is equal to _________ a) 200 Mev
a) 1.66 x 10-27 kg b) 40 Mev
b) 1.66 x 10-25 kg c) 30 Mev
c) 1.66 x 10-20 kg d) 20 Mev
d) All of above 29. Nuclear force exist between
a) Proton – proton
21. According to which one of following law, b) Proton – Neutron
the density of nucleus is uniform ? c) Neutron – Neutron
a) J.J. Thomson d) All of the above
b) Rutherford‟s Model
c) Bohr‟s Model 30. Tick the correct statement
d) All of above laws a) Moderator slow down the neutron
b) Moderator bring the neutrons to rest
22. For chain reaction to buildup, the size of the c) Moderator absorb the neutron
radio active target should be ______ d) Moderator reflect the neutron
a) 90
b) Greater than the critical size 31. Radioactive decay obeys which one of the
c) Less than the critical size following data?
d) Equal to critical size a) N = Noe-λt
b) N = Noext
23. After two half lives, the number of decayed c) N = Noe-xt/2
nuclei of an element are: d) No = N(Iext)
a) 𝑁 32. Which one of the following possesses
b) maximum velocity?
𝑁 a) 𝛼 − rays
4 b) 𝛽 − rays
d) 4 c) 𝛾 − rays
d) All of the above have same speed
24. The examples of antimatter are:
a) Antiproton 33. Charge on an electron was determine by
b) Antineutron ______
c) Positron a) Ampere
d) All of above b) Maxwell
c) Milliken
25. Neutron and proton are commonly known as d) Thomson
a) Nucleons 34. Charge on neutron is _____________
b) Meson a) +1.6 x 10-19c
c) Boson b) -1.6 x 10-19c
d) Quartz c) Zero
d) No definite charge

F Sc (2nd year) Physics MCQ’s Chapter # 21
35. A particle having the mass of an electron 43. Radioactive materials can be identified by
and the charge of a proton is called measuring their_______
a) Antiproton a) Hardness
b) Positron b) Density
c) Gamma rays c) Mass
d) Photon d) Half life
44. If one or more of the neutrons emitted
36. Mass of neutron is ____________
during fission can be used to build up further
a) 1.67 x 10-13 Kg
fission then the reaction is self sustained and
b) 1.67 x 10-27 Kg
is known as ________
c) 9.1 x 10-31 Kg
a) Fission reaction
d) 1.67 x 10-19 Kg
b) Fusion reaction
c) Chain reaction
37. Nuclei having the same mass number but
d) Chemical reaction
different atomic number are ______
a) Isotopes 45. Pair production takes place in the vicinity of
b) Isobars heavy nucleus so that __________
c) Isotones a) Net energy is conserved
d) Isomers b) Net charge is conserved
c) Net momentum is conserved
38. A mass spectrograph sorts out _______ d) All of the above
a) Molecules
b) Ions 46. During an encounter with an atom α -
c) Elements particle knocks out _______
d) Isotopes a) Protons
b) Electrons
39. Sum of the masses of constituent nucleons c) Neutrons
as compared to the mass of the resultant d) Nothing
nucleus is _______
a) Smaller 47. Which one of the following radiations are
suitable for the treatment of an infection in
b) Greater
the interior body?
c) Same
d) Some times smaller some times greater a) 𝛼 − rays
b) 𝛽 − rays
40. An α - particle is emitted from 88Ra226, what c) 𝛾 − rays
is the mass and atomic number of the d) 𝑋 − rays
daughter nucleus? 48. Various types of cancer are treated by
Mass Number Atomic Number a) Cobalt 60
a) 224 84 b) Strontium – 90
b) 220 80 c) Carbon 14
c) 222 86 d) Nickel – 63
d) 226 87
49. Sterilizations of surgical instrument, medical
41. The unit of Radioactivity “Curie” is equal to supplies and bandages can be done by
___________ exposing them to a beam of _________
a) 3.74 x 109 disintegration per sec a) α - rays
b) 3.70 x 1010 disintegration per sec b) β - rays
c) 3.55 x 1010 disintegration per sec c) γ- rays
d) 3.60 x 1010 disintegration per sec d) „b‟ & „c‟ have equal antiseptic
42. In liquid metal fast breeder reactor, the type
of uranium used is _______ 50. Charge on α - particle is _________
a) 92U235 a) +1
b) 92U238 b) +2
c) 92U234 c) -2
d) 92U239 d) -1

F Sc (2nd year) Physics MCQ’s Chapter # 21
51. B-particle ionizes an atom ________ 60. 𝛾 - rays are electromagnetic waves like
a) Through direct collision ____________
b) Through electrostatic attraction a) Normal light
c) Through electrostatic repulsion b) Heat waves
d) All of above c) Micro waves
d) X - rays
52. T.V. sets and microwave oven emit ______
a) X - rays 61. 𝛽 −particle ionizes an atom ________
b) α - rays a) Due to electrostatic force of attraction
c) β – rays b) Due to electrostatic force of repulsion
d) γ - rays c) Due to direct collision

53. A β - particle in a single encounter _______ d) Due to gravitational force

a) Loses a small fraction of its energy
b) Loses most of its energy 62. 𝛽 −particles possess greater penetration
c) Loses no energy at all power then that of a-particle due to its
d) Loses energy at all a) Smaller ionization power
b) Energy is not conserved
54. Strontium -90 is used as _________ c) Neither greater nor smaller ionization
a) β - particle source power
b) α - particle source d) Same ionization power
c) γ - particle source
d) Neutrons source 63. Pair production can take places only with
55. The penetration power of β - particle as
a) X-rays
compared to a-particle is_______
b) γ - rays
a) 10 times more
c) UV-rays
b) 100 times more
d) IR-rays
c) 100 times less
d) 10 times less
64. A device for producing high velocity nuclei
56. Geiger counter is suitable for ______ is ___________
a) Fast counting a) Cloud chamber
b) Extremely fast counting b) Linear acceleration
c) Slow counting c) A mass spectrograph
d) All situations d) Wilson cloud

57. An α - particle can produce fluorescence in 65. Which one of the following will be better
___________ shield against γ - rays?
a) ZnS a) Ordinary water
b) Barium Palatino cyanide b) Heavy water
c) Calcium tunzstate c) Lead
d) All of above d) Aluminum

58. Pair production cannot take place in vacuum 66. The maximum safe limit does for persons
as ______ is not conserved working in nuclear power station are
a) Energy __________
b) Charge a) 1 rem per week
c) Mass b) 5 rem per week
d) Momentum c) 4 rem per week
d) 3 rem per week
59. Average distance covered by α - particle in
air before its ionizing power ceases is called 67. Radiations are used for the treatment of skin
its __________ of a patient is __________
a) Trajectory a) 𝛼 − rays
b) Range b) 𝛽 − rays
c) Firing level c) 𝑋 − rays
d) Limit d) 𝛾 – rays
F Sc (2nd year) Physics MCQ’s Chapter # 21

68. Strong nuclear force 76. The dead time of Geiger Muller counter is of
a) Increase with magnitude of increasing the order of
charge a) Micro second
b) Decreases with magnitude of increasing b) Miilli second
charge c) More than millisecond
c) Is independent of charge d) None of these
d) None 235
77. The breakage of U produces the fragments
69. Complete the reaction 92
Z X  X     .......  Q
A 
Z 1 a) Kr and Ba
a) Neutrino b) Sn and Mo
b) Antineutrino c) Xe and Sr
c)  - particle d) All of them
d) None
78. The fuel / fuels used in the reactor are
70. The half of uranium – 238 is nowadays
a) 1.67 × 108 years a) Plutonium – 239
b) 3.3 × 109 years b) Uranium – 233
c) 4.5 × 108 years c) Uranium – 235
d) 4.5 × 109 years d) All of these

71. The  - particle ionizes the particles in its 79. The temperature of the core of the reactor
way and adopt the path which is rises to about
a) Curved a) 1000oC
b) Straight b) 1100oC
c) Zig – Zag c) 1200oC
d) None of these d) 1300oC
80. Plutonium can be fissioned by
72. Which of the following is similar to a) Slow neutron
electron: b) Fast neutron
a) 𝛼 − rays c) Very slow neutron
b) 𝛽 − rays d) None of these
c) 𝛾 – rays
d) Photons 81. Ultraviolet radiation cuase
a) Sum burn
73. The rate of decay of a radioactive substance: b) Blindness
a) Remains constant with time c) Skin Cancer
b) Increase with time d) All of them
c) Decrease with time 82. Neutrons are particularly more damaging to
d) May increase or decrease with time a) Legs
b) Heart
74.  - rays are absorbed by a sheet of c) Eyes
a) 1 to 5 mm of lead d) Brain
b) 1 to 10 mm of lead
c) 5 to 10 mm of lead 83. Radio isotopes can be made easily by
d) None of these bombardment with
a) Electrons
75. Tracks obtained by  - particles in Wilson
b) Protons
c) Neutrons
Cloud Chamber is d) None of these
a) Strong Continuous
b) Discontinuous, not straight thin 84. Subatomic particles are divided into
c) Weak and no definite tracks a) Photons
d) None of these b) Leptons
c) Hadrons
d) All of these

F Sc (2nd year) Physics MCQ’s Chapter # 21
85. One amu is equal to __________
a) 931 MeV 94. If a radioactive isotope of silver have a half
b) 9.31 MeV life of about 7.5 days. After 15 days the
c) 93.1 MeV remaining isotope of its original is
d) 0.931 MeV a) 25%
b) 50%
86. Cobalt -60 emits 𝛾 −rays of energy c) 7.5%
_________ d) 15%
a) 117 MeV
b) 11.7 MeV 95. A nuclide 86 R 220 decays to a new nuclide by
c) 1.17 MeV
d) 1.17 KeV two  -emissions, the nuclide S is

a) 84 S 212
87. Which of the following statements is
correct? b) 82 S 212
a) Moderators slow down the neutrons S 220
b) Moderators bring the neutrons to rest c) 80
c) Moderators absorbs the neutrons d) None
d) Moderators reflect the neutrons
88. The half life of radioactive element is
a) 𝑇1 = 𝜆
b) 𝑇1 = 1.43 𝜆
c) 𝑇1 = 0.693 𝜆
d) 𝑁𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑒

89. Hadrons are the particle included

a) Protons
b) Neutrons
c) Mesons
d) All of these

90. Lepton‟s particles which experience no

strong nuclear force are
a) Electrons
b) Muons
c) Neutrinos
d) All of these

91. The charges on the quarks are

a) One unit
b) Half unit
c) Fraction
d) None of these

92. Meson is made from

a) A pair of quarks
b) A pair of anti quarks
c) A pair of quarks and anti quarks
d) None of these

93. Fission nuclear reaction leads to_____

a) Lesser
b) Greater
c) Medium
d) None

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