MC - Hav 2023 2410
MC - Hav 2023 2410
MC - Hav 2023 2410
Admfnhlrollv• lulu and hgulollons
R 'tF1af
JUL 11 2023
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Date: 10 July 2 0 2 3
In the interest of the service and pur suant to Section 7 of DOTr Department Order
No. 2023-015, this Memorandum Circulw is hereby issued for the effective and
efficient implementation of afore-sta ted Department Order on Electronic Driver's
License (eDL) ;
S ection 1. In a ccordance with Republic Act No. 4136, a s amended by Republic Act
No. 10930, t he LTO Head or his / her deputies may issue a professional or non-
professional driver's license after finding that the applicant possesses the
necessary qualification and proficiency in t h e operation of motor vehicles.
Sec t ion 2. Pursuant to Republic Act No. 8792, departments, bureaus, offices and
agencies of the government, as well as all GOCCs, are mandated to issue permits,
licenses, or a pproval in t h e form of elect ronic data messages or electronic
documents; and transact government business and/ or perform governmental
functions using electronic data messages or electronic documents.
Section 3. Under Section 6 of R.A. 10930, the LTO shall conduct continuing
research and development to ensure t h e efficient administration of the driver's
licensing system.
Sec t ion 4. Definition - of Terms. For the purpose of these Guid'elines, the
following terms shall mean: i:'
a. Client's LTMS Portal Account - is the registered and verified LTO portal
accou n t of a driver 's license hold er ;
b. Driver- any person duly author ized by the LTO to operate a motor vehicle;
c. Driver's license (DL) - an aut hority in the form prescribed by the LTO
granted to a person to operate a motor vehicle that is either non-
p rofessional or p r ofessional driver's license (Section 3 (c) of the
Implementing Rules and Regula tions (IRR) of Republic Act No. 1093 0) ;
d. Electronic Device - a device, such as smartphone, tablet, or other
s imilar electronic devices capa ble of securely storing and displaying the
electr onic driver's license (Sec 3. 2 of DOTR Department Order No. 2023-
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e. Electronic Driver's license (eDL) - an electronic version of a driver's
license issued and stored in a secure digital format, which can be stored,
viewed, and accessed using electronic devices. (Sec 3.1 of DOTR
Department Order No. 2023-015);
Section 5. The eDL is a valid, secure, and an alternative form of authorization for
persons operating motor vehicles.
Section 6. Only holders of valid Driver's Licenses issued by the LTO shall be given
access to the eDL module.
Section 8. The requirement and existing fees for new and renewal of DL shall
remain. Hence, no additional fees shall be paid for the issuance and access to the
Section 9. Holders of eDL shall have the same privileges and responsibilities
accorded to holders of a physical driver's license; and shall be subject to the same
rules on traffic violations, imposition of fines and penalties, as holders of physical
driver's licenses.
Section 10. The eDL shall serve as a valid authority, identification, and an
alternative form of authorization to operate a motor vehicle, subject to restrictions
specified in the license. The physical driver's license shall continue to be the
p rimary form of authorization prescribed by the LTO granted to a person to
operate a motor vehicle that is either non-professional or professional driver's
Section 11. The following verification and security measures shall be observed to
prevent falsely created or altered eDL and to enable the LTO to detect any
unauthorized eDL to wit:
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a. The eDL can only be accessed through the Client's LTMS portal account
where an assigned QR code, finger print and photo of the driver's license
holder can be verified. Hence, for purposes of presentation of eDL to any
LTO law enforcement officer or deputized agent, photographs or
screenshots shall not be recognized/ accepted. (Please see Annex "B" for
the verification features to ensure authenticity of eDL to be presented
during apprehension);
b. The Management Information Division in the Central Office is directed to
ensure that the eDL will be readily accessible to the portal account holder
at all times;
c. The verification and authentication of eDL shall be done by scanning the
QR code using electronic devices such as, but not limited to, smart
phone, tablet, or other designated devices capable of securely storing and
displaying the eDL; and
d. The verification and authentication of eDL may also be done by scanning
the bar code using the law enforcement handheld device.
Section 12. Under Section 19 of Republic Act No. 4136, the driver's license shall
be carried by the driver at all times when operating a motor vehicle, and shall be
shown and/ or surrendered for cause and upon demand to any person with
authority under the Act to confiscate the same.
b. LTO law enforcement officers and their deputized agents are enjoined
to accept an eDL as a valid form of authorization and identification to
operate a motor vehicle.
c. In order for LTO law enforcement officers and their deputized agents
to accept and recognize an eDL, the same should be presented only by
accessing the LTMS portal account using the electronic device in front
of the LTO law enforcement officer and their deputized agents.
e. The LTO law enforcement officers and their deputized agents must
note/indicate in the Temporary Operator's Permit/ electronic
Temporary Operator's Permit if eDL or physical driver's license was
f. The LTO law enforcement officers shall verify and authenticate the
eDL by scanning the bar code using t h e law enforcement handheld
Section 13. The following rules shall apply in the adjudication of cases, to wit:
a. The revised schedule of fines and penalties for violations of laws, rules and
regulations governing land transportation shall govern the adjudication of
traffic cases pursuant to JAO 2014-01 dated June 02, 2014.
ll.I'. L1\ \\. u:.-.. IT!l
OfflCE ot tht H.l.llON;.l ADMINtmA ll VE HGl~!ER
Admlnlstrotivt lutes and
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JUL 1 1 2023
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b. Once there is an apprehension of a traffic violator, the eDL will be tagged as
alarmed until payment/ settlement of fine.
d. If a driver/ operator failed to settle the apprehension within fifteen (15) days
from date of issuance of TOP, the latter's access to their eDL feature in the
portal account will be suspended for thirty (30) days from the date of
payment of fine. The suspension shall be lifted after the settlement of the
case and payment of fine.
e. The hearing officer/ adjudicator shall have the authority to lift the
suspension before the lapse of the 30-day period on meritorious grounds
and upon approval of the approving officer.
Section 14. For Filipinos living abroad who renewed their driver's license online
using LTMS, an eDL shall likewise be available in his/her portal account.
Section 17. Effectivity. -This Guidelines shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its
publication in a newspaper of general circulation or after its registration in the
Office of the National Administrative Register at the University of the Philippines
Law Center.
Admlnlslrolivt lult1 anti Regulalion1
JUL 11 2023
C, Assistant Secreta~ , CH~t -.'.'.]?ti> 1°~ ~~
BY: -..::::31_ _
WHEREAS, p ursu 8nt Lu i\fJlllhf!c Act (R.A) No . 4136, ·as amended by RA No. 10930, the
LTO HeZld or h is / her dcr:il!tics rn21y issued professional or non-professional license
\d river's license) after fi n d ing that the npplica nt possesses the necessary qualification
and prdiciency in the opt ·ration of rnotor veh icles .
WHEREAS, p ursu ,1 nt to ~t't' f ion 19 o/ Rl\ No. 4136, the license shall be carried by the
driver at all ti1x1 es w hen opera ting a m otor vehicle, and shall be shown and/ or
surren dered for cause and u pon demand to any person with authority under the Act
to confiscate th e sarn.e.
'i;VHEREAS, in the issuar:c._' , ,'.: !in•n scs, LTO sha ll use such process or adopt such
nwC1sUrl.· ~b .
v ill or~'venl cWV. zilk r£1ti1._)n or falsi ficati on of a license or will enable the
l TO tn de tect an v u na u l-J-\ori h~cl l ic.-: n se .
WHEREAS, pursu an t to 1-~A Nu. ()792, depclrtments, bureaus, offices and agencies oi
the government, as well as ;:ill GOCC:s, are rnandated to issue permits, licenses, or
approvzil in the form. of cledrnnic Ja ta messages or electronic docurnents; and transact
~-O\'L'1T1 m c.; n t busi rwss and 11 () t' 'rX'rtorrn ~ro\·crnn-iental functions using
\ ) (/ ._ _,, electronic data
WHEREAS, pursucrnl tll jcll iun ,i of J<A 10930, l .TO shall conduct continuing research
and development to c n sm\~ the efficien t administration of the drivers' licensing
R JUL 1 \ 2023
~ cml ni 1 tro t ive t ~•io ono ~c3v ! • 110 "' •
OHAI 1egi1t1otioo
!IMF _ --
:;f 2 i.-:..:9.i~
Section 1. Purpose
This Order ain-is to establish a frarnework for the issuance, recognition, and use of
electronic driver's licenses (oDL) .'.1S <i valid, secure, and an alternative forrn of
authoriza tion for persons operating motor vehicles.
Section 2. Scope
This Order applies to LTO, its RegionaL District, and Extension Offices responsible for
driver's license issuance and renewal; and LTO's deputized or authorized agents for
driver's license confiscation.
Section 3. Definitions
LTO shall establish and adopt a process for application and issuance of eDL to
qualified applicants, which shall include submission of required documents, capture
of biometric inforrnation, 2nd payment of prescribed. fees in accordance with Republic
1~d (R/\ ) No. 4136, as 1mu:11rfed hy RA No . l0930, and R.A. No. 8792.
Section 5. Privileges
Holders of an electroni c driver's license (eDL) shall have the same privileges
equivalent to those of holders of a pbysical driver's license. Conversely, holders of
eDLs shall be subjec t to same rules on traffic violations, imposition of fines and
penalties, as holders of phvsical driYer's licenses.
LTO shall adopt verificcitiun and secur!tv measures, such as but not limited to, digital
signatures, biornctric datci, <ind ,~1Kryption rnechanisrns, and the like, that will prevent
ci ny zilteration or lalsifirnt:ion or an eDI~ or will enable the LTO to detect any
unau l horized I icense.
2 of 3
Secti on 7. C ompliance and I mplementation
LTO sha ll issu e approp ri ate impl em entin g guidelines and ensure the effective
irnplemen la tirn1 of thi s O r de r.
Section 8. Separability
Section 9. Repeal
All o the r Dep ar tme nt Orders, Circ ulars, Special Orders, Office Orders, and/ or other
issuances incon sis tent b erewith are h ereby sup erseded or modified accordingly .
. Wednesday, 12 July 2023
C 18 Daily Tribune
ln t!1e interest of the service and pursuant to Section 7 of DOTr Department Order
Nn. 2023·0 ii>, this Memorandum Circular is hereby issued for the effective and ·
el!kient implementation of afore··stated Department Order on Electronic Driver's
Liw1se (eDLl;
Section 1. ln acwrdanec with Republic Act No. 4136, as amended by Republic Act
No . .!0930, the LTO Head or hfa/her deputie:1 may issue a professional or non·
pmf<~Bsiomal driver's license after finding that the applicant possesses the
necessary qualit1cation and proficiency in the operation of motor vehicles.
Section 2. Pursuant w Reµublk Act No. 8792, departments, bureaus, offices and
agencies of the government, es we.ll as all GOCCs, are mandated to issue permits,
.licenses, or approval in the form of electronic data messages or eJectronic
documents; and tmn,,,.,.ct gov,,rnmcnt: business and/or perform governmental
functions usir;g electronic data messages or electronic documents.
Section 3. Under Section 6 of R.A. 10930, lhe LTO shull conduct contlnuiug
research and d•~velopmcnt to ensure the efficient administration of the driver's
licensing system.
b. Priv\lr· any peroon uuJy authoriz<:d by the LTO to operate a motor vehicle;
c. Driver'• license (DL) .. an authority in the form prescribed by -the LTO
granted to a person to operate a motor vehicle t..'1at is· either non-
professional or prufe~sional driver's license [Section 3 (c) of the
lmplememing Rules nnd Regulations {IRR) of Republic Acl No. 10930);
!iection 5. The eDL is a valid, 8eeure, ~nd rui alternative form or auth()ri~mion tilr
persons operating m<ltor vehicles.
·-'----------------- ·- ----- -----------
$<!oUoia f). Only holdero of valid Driwr'a Lioonacs iooued by the LTO <>h'lll he gi\•cn
a.cC('5S to the eDL module.
Section St The requirement .and ®listing fees for :new· and ren!)w&l of DL shall
remain. Hence, no ad~itional fees; $h!i:ll be paid for the issuance and access to the
m. PruvtLEGES
Section 9. Holders of eDL shall have the same p;ivil~es and responaibilitiea
accorded to holders ofa phy>1ical driver's license; and .s hall be subject to the same
ruk>s on trnific violatiol'ls, impoSition of fines and penalties, an hOlders of physical
drive.r·~5 Hcen$es.
Sectlnn lQ, The eDL ahall serve a$ a valid authority, identification, and an
alternative form of authori:i:ation to operate a motor vehicle, subject to restrictions
spcdfic<l in ,th;e license. The ·phy&cal dti>-er'<S ticetil!e shall cotrtinue to be the.
priman' form pf; lluthorization J)l'tlscribed by the LTO gND.ted to a person to
opera.t;~ a motor' vehicle tht\t is either non-professional or prolilssional driver's
Section u.
The fol!ow'.ng verification and security measures shall be observed to
prevent falsely created or. ali:L.•ml eDL md to enable the L'rO to detect any
unauthorized eDL to wit~
"- 'l'he eDL can only be accessed t.ltrough the Cliettt's L'l'MS portal a<X-xmnt ·
where an ~l\igned QR code, finger print and pboto of the dr!Ver's license
holde.r can be verified ... Hence, for purposel) of presentation of eDL to any
I.TO law enforcement qfficer or deputized age:nt, photograph$ or · ·
scrcenshots.•hall not ·be recogniz:e<l I ac;::epted.. (Plea!<e =
Allnex "B" for
the ve.tificalion features to ensure authenticity of eDL to be presented
during apprehension);
b. The Management infqrmation Division in t,he Central. Office. ia directed to
ensure that the eDL wm be readily accesllible to the portal account holder
at all times;
t. The verification and lmthenticatiun of eOL shall he done by scanning th~
QR code using electronic devices such as, but n\lt limited tn, smart
phone, tablet, or other designated devices capable of securely storing· and
(lisplaying the eDl.; and ·
d. The veril'ication and authentication of eDL may also he done by sea.ming
the bar code using the law enforcement handbeld de\.jce,
Section 12. Under Section 19 of Republic Act No. 4136, the driver's license shall
be cnmed by the driver at all times 'when opera.ting a motor vehicle, Qlld shall be
shown and/or surrendered for cause and upon <!em.and tli any person \\1th
authmity under the Act to confi11eatc the same,
b. LTO law enforcement officers and their deputized agents are enjoined
to accept an eDL as a valid form of authdr:ization and identification (.()
operate a motor vehi.cle.
r. Tn order for LTQ law eniorcement officers and their deputized agents
to accept and tecogilize an ePL, the same .shOuld be pr¢sented Qnly by
ncces&ing the LTMS VQrtal iwcount ·using the electronic device in front
of the l..TO law·en[or.:emenf officer and their deputize~ l!gents.
e. 'The LTO law enforcement officers and their deputized agents must
note/im1kate in the Temporary O~ratoi:'s Pennlt/ t\cctnmk
Temporary Operator's P.ermit if eDt, or physical driver's liceirne was
i: The LTO law enforcemer.t officers shall verify and authei;iticate. the
cl)!, by 8<',imning tbe bar code using the law enfon:.ement ·hand.held
Se<:tiQll 13. The following rules shall apply in the adjudfoation of cases, to wit:
~. The .rwised schedule of fines and. penalties for violations of laws, rules and
regulations governing l<md transportation shall govern the adjudication of
trnffic ca~es pursuant toJAO 2014-01 dated J\me 02, 2014.
b. Once there is an· apprehension of a tra(lic violator, the eDL will be tagged as
alarmed until payment/settlement of fine. .
<l. If a driver/operator failed to settle the appre.hension within fifteen (t5i dAys
from date of issuance of TOP, the l<ltter's acccas to their .eDL feature in the
portal account will be •uapeiided for thirty (30} days from the date of
payment of fine. The suspension shall be lifted after the settlement of the
<:!I~ and payment of fine.
Se<itiou 14. For Filiph\OS living abrpad. who renewed their driver's license onliue
using l~TMS. fill eDL shall likewise be available in his/.her .i:>otial aoco1;mL
Section 17. Effecth~tv. - This Guidelines shall tak<; effe<;.1: fiftee'ti·(l51 days .aft('..r tta
publication in a newspaper of gen1:ral cin;ulation or after .Jt~· ~g,i~tion in the
Office of the National l\d:ministrative Register at the Unive.rslly ~<.>f tq~ :Philippines
Law C<~nter.
Quewn City, Philippin<'s.
-------· - · - - --- - - -- - - - - -
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WHER~, pursuant to .RA No. 8792, dep£'trnents,. ~ureaus, offices and '!genciell oi
. tl\e government.-$§·wdl >a~ all ·GOC~. a$.rmandated ;~ i$sue p,eimits, Uee."I~, or
approvalinthe f<irm -0foclectt.-enic da · :· oreled~ dpcumentsi.\lrtd tr,a:n~c~
go\•emmetitRviii!_'rress '!,ncl./ix p~rfarm: nt<ll functio® using ~~b:onic d<\fa
rrr~'14ge,> or eledrnnk documents.
:\ . ·. .,, . .. '
,. rsua11i·tq'.S-ectian 6 pf M10~30, LTO sl,\aU CQnduct continuing.r~
nt t(\ edsu~e ih~· ~(£icic11~.· administraUon of the drivers' licens~,
,,.· . .;:'._/.o:r>""f''";.. .
N{>W°),'_ . ·" ;J;JA~ME J. BA4i<flSTA, Secretary qf DOTr, by'viJ'\9-e ofpowers
' · ·' · • 11w, h<:reby. ordcr11. that the follo~g niles. and reguiatlons be
This Orllllt 'ain\~1 to esrablish,a framework·for the iS.suance, recognitiort, and use of
deci!oitle drivel~· licens~s {<!DL} as a valid, secµre; .an4 ari !llremative form of
authqrizatio~Jp;r.:persoris oper~ting motor vehicles . .
Bection 2. Scope
This Otdet appiiescto LTO, its Regiona~ District, and Extension Offices rei>ponsible for
dtiver'~ Hcense i~uartc~ and r!!newaI; an'd.L1'0' s deptttized or authorized agents for
LTO shall establish and ,adopt a process for application and issuanee of ebt to
qua!ifiedapplicarits, which sha!I' s.ubmission ofteqi#red ·Mcuments; capture ·
of.bionWttit info1tnatio1~. an.a p~yntent of.prCl!tribed Jee3 in 11c~ordancc with Rcpulib.~ .
Jkl (f<:A} No. 4.136, as am~nried by.RA No. 10930; ~nd R.A. No. 8792.
Secti0n5. PriVileges
Holdei:;S of an ele<:.tronic driver's. license {eDL) shall !kve 'lhe. .5ame privileges
equh•alel'.lt to lliosi!'tif holders uf a physkat dri~er· s t!ce~. Cortver$,ety, holders of
el)Ls shall be .subject to. same ndes: on traffic i."iolations, imposition of fines and
penalties; a.~ holders oFph}>sical 4river's litenses. ··
. LTO shall aJopt verification and security measures, such iis: but rtOt limite.d to, digital
signat1;tr,cs, biometric datii, <"\DP. encryp,l:(onmechani.~ms,,ilnd the like, ~twillprevent
anv alteration or falsification of an
eDL or will enable' the LTO to detect any
tun'auliiorfaed U(.cn.;e.
I '
!&!ction 'A Compli~ce and Implementation
LTO shall issue appropriate implementing guidelines and ensure the effective
!"~nple17!~~t~tiPn .111f ,thjs,Qrd~r.
'. • ' '
·.ffiilly p!\it ·or pwv~ion gf this Department Order H held uncoJIStit\1tiona1 or \nvfllid,
·' other parts ofpw-."l!il~\tl~i,'>;)1iclr are not affected shall continue to remain mJuiHorce
and effucL ' l-.;U,,
I ·1'
f Section 9dt!!peal'. ·,, · . .. .
\ - ~~ . ' t
All other D.epaJ:.l}ti.ei'if Order~ Circulars; Special Orders, Office Otders, and/ or qther
issuance$ incrinsist~t ht?re~th. hereby superseded or modified accilrdutgly.
c •• •