Ca CO3
Ca CO3
Ca CO3
Abstract: Methyl methacrylate (MMA) emulsion polymerization in the presence of nanometer calcium carbonate
(nano-CaCO3) surface modified with y-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS) was carried out to prepare poly
(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)/nano-CaCO3 composite. The reaction between nano-CaCO3 and MPTMS, and the grafting
of PMMA onto nano-CaCO3 were confirmed by infrared spectrum. The grafting ratio and grafting efficiency of PMMA on
nano-CaCO3 modified with MPTMS were much higher than that on nano-CaCO3 modified with stearic acid. The grafting
ratio of PMMA increased as the weight ratio between MMA and nano-CaCO3 increased, while the grafting efficiency of
PMMA decreased. Transmission electron micrograph showed that nano-CaCO3 covered with PMMA was formed by in-situ
emulsion polymerization.
Key words: Methyl methacrylate, Nanometer calcium carbonate, Emulsion polymerization, y-methacryloxypropyltrimeth-
oxysilane, Grafting
Document code: A CLC number: TQ316.334
1997; Espiard and Guyot, 1995; Espiard et al., 1995; The slurry was left standing in the flask for 2 days.
Hayashi et al., 1999; Liu et al., 1998). The solvent was removed under vacuum at 60 ~
Although encapsulation of silica with polymer The modified nano-CaCO3 was dried and ground,
has been extensively studied, only few studies con- then stored at room temperature for 3 days before
cern calcium carbonate. Janssen et a/.(1993) em- use.
ployed emulsion polymerization to encapsulate
CaCO3 pretreated with titanate, and found that less Emulsion polymerization
than 10% of polystyrene produced was chemically
Polymerizations were carried out using a 500
bonded at the surface of CaCO3. Yang et a/.(1999) ml jacketed glass reactor fitted with a stirrer, reflux
obtained composites of CaCO3 encapsulated by po-
condenser, thermometer and N2 inlet. The pre-
lystyrene using soapless emulsion polymerization.
treated nano-CaCO3, 200 ml distilled water and
The encapsulating ratio was 60%, but only 6.4%
SDS were put into the reactor after ultrasonic
remained after Soxhlet extraction with toluene.
treatment for 10 rain. The concentration of SDS
In this work, in-situ emulsion polymerizations
was 1.0 g/L to water, which was much lower than
of methyl methacrylate in the presence of nano- its critical micelle concentration (CMC). After the
meter CaCO3 pretreated with g-methacryloxypropy- addition of initiator solution and monomer, the
ltrimethoxysilane were carried out to prepare poly mixture was raised to 60 ~ and maintained at this
(methyl methacrylate)/nanometer CaCO3 compos-
temperature for 5 h under N2 atmosphere.
The reaction mixture was then centrifuged at
4000 rev/min for 10 min, and the sediment was dis-
persed in deionized water again using mechanical
agitation and ultrasonic bath, this centrifugation-
Material dispersion cycle was repeated two to five times.
Methyl methacrylate (MMA), purchased from Finally, the composite was collected, dried and
Yuhang Co., China, was distilled under reduced ground into powder.
pressure. Nanometer CaCO3 (nano-CaCO3) was do-
nated by ACCR Co. Ltd, Hangzhou, and had avera- Characterization
ge particle diameter of about 50 nm. Nano-CaCO3 A drop of a diluted dispersion was put on a
modified with stearic acid was also donated by carbon film supported by a copper grid and dried in
ACCR Co. Ltd. y-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxy- the vacuum chamber of a JEM-1200EX electron
silane (MPTMS) from Shuguang Company was of microscope. The morphology ofnano-CaCO3 parti-
chemical purity. 2,2'-Azoisobutyronitrile (AIBN) cles and PMMA/nano-CaCO3 composite particles
and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) were of ana- was observed by using TEM.
lytical purity and used as received. The product was extracted with toluene for
more than 20 h to remove the ungrafted PMMA
Surface modification of nano-CaCO3 completely. The weight loss of the original nano-
Nano-CaCO3 was dried under vacuum (2 kPa) CaCO3, silane modified nano-CaCO3 and PMMA/
at 100 ~ for 20 h to remove physically adsorbed nano-CaCO3 composite was determined by using a
species before modification. The introduction of re- Perkin Elmer TGA thermogravimetric instrument
active groups onto CaCO3 surface was achieved by under N2 atmosphere. The heating rate was 10 ~
the reaction of MPTMS with the hydroxyl groups of min.
CaCO3. A typical process was as follows: 30 g The conversion of MMA monomer to polymer
CaCO3 and 200 ml pure toluene were placed into a was determined gravimetrically. The grafting ratio
flask equipped with a stirrer. MPTMS (5 wt% to (fr) and efficiency of PMMA (fe) were calculated
CaCO3) was added dropwisely under rapid stirring. as follows:
Shi et al. /JZhejiang Univ SC1 2004 5(6):709-713 711
PMMA unremoved by extraction (g) x 100% vimetric analysis (TGA) showed that 52.2% (2.61
drogen evolved by reaction with triethylaluminum. cm (v-C-O), 1732.1 cm -~ (v-C=O) and 2951.8
i . i . i . i . i , i . i ,
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 5 0
Wave numbers (cm ') Wave numbers (cm ~)
Fig.2 IR spectrum of original nano-CaCO3 (1) and Fig.3 IR spectrum of original CaCO3 (1) and PMMA/
nauo-CaCO3 modified with MPTMS (2) CaCO3 composite (2)
712 Shi et al. /JZhejiang Univ SC1 2004 5(6).'709-713
Table 1 Influence of the modifier type and CaCO3/MMA ratio on the polymerization conversion,fr andfe
Sample Modifier type CaCO3/MMA Conversion(%) f~ (%) )re (%)
1 Stearic acid 2/3 85 2.86 2.38
2 MPTMS 2/3 81 14.25 12.42
3 MPTMS 1/2 89 18.69 11.12
4 MPTMS 1/3 93 22.46 8.53
Shi et al. /JZhejiang UnivSC1 20045(6):709-713 713
(a) (b)
Fig.5 TEM micrographs of original CaCO3 (a) and PMMA/CaCO3 (b) composite prepared by emul-
sion polymerization
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