Eguono Project, Chapter One

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A cell phone charger is a device used to introduce energy into a secondary cell or

rechargeable battery by forcing an electrical current through it. The Charging

protocol depends on the size and type of battery being high tolerance for recharged

by connection to a constant voltage source or a constant charges of this type

require manual disconnection at the end of the charge cycle, or may have a timer to

cut off charging current at a fixed time. Other battery types cannot withstand long

high-rate over charging. The charger may have temperature or voltage sensing

circuits and a microprocessor controller to adjust the charging current, and cut off

at the end of charge.

Cell phones have become an extremely popular device in the entire world and it is

easy to say that they are part of our daily lives. In the year 2010 there was an

estimate of over 4.6 billion cell phones worldwide and the number has been

growing by more than a billion ever since; this translates to more than half the

world’s population (Bruce, 2008). Both the developed and the developing world

countries are buying more cell phones, but it is in developing countries where the

cell phone growth stays the strongest.

A tackle charger provides a relatively small amount of current, only enough to

counteract self-discharge of battery that is idle for a long time. Slow battery

chargers may take several hours to complete a charge; high-rate chargers may

restore most capacity within minutes or less than an hour, but generally require

monitoring of the battery to protect it from overcharge (Emerson, 2014).

A battery, which is actually an electric cell, is a device that produces electricity

from a chemical reaction.

An electrical battery is one or more electrochemical cells that convert store

chemical energy into electrical energy. Since the Invention of the first battery in

1800 by Alessandro Volta and especially since the technical improved Daniel Cell

in 1936, batteries have become a common power source for many household and

industrial applications (Emerson, 2014).

There are two types of batteries: Primary batteries (disposable batteries),they are

the ones which cannot be recharged and have to be discarded after the expiration of

the lifetime. Secondary batteries (rechargeable batteries) they need to be recharged

when the charge gets over, which is designed to be recharged and used multiple

times. Battery comes in many sizes, from miniature cells used to power hearing

aids and wrist watches to battery banks of the size of rooms that provide standby

power for telephone exchanges and computer data centers and inverters However,

in recent times battery charger has been very useful and popular to DC equipment.

Most of the electronic devices such as laptops, mobile phones etc, and mobile

machines like vehicles and motorcycles operational capacity depends on DC power

supply from a battery (Ugwu, 2011).

This charger circuit mainly consists of a step down Transformer, a Full wave

bridge rectifier and a 5V voltage regulator IC (7805). We can divide this circuit

into four parts: (1) Step down AC voltage (2) Rectification (3) Filtration (4)

Voltage Regulation. other existing types of chargers are;

i. Fast chargers

ii. Charger or smart charger

iii. Motion- inductive charger

iv. Intelligent powered charger

v. Pulse charger

vi. Simple charger

vii. Solar charger

viii. Timer-based charger

ix. Trickle cell charger

x. Universal battery charger

The charger to be designed by me is a three port output (USB A, simple

charger) with a switch to control each port OFF/ON, having an LED indicator

to show if an output charging port is ACTIVE or not ,although being a locally

made brand, it promises to give a boost of charging output in Amps Ranging

From 0.5amp To 1.5amp hours.


Various studies have been carried out on simple 12volts charger which works by

supplying a constant DC or pulsed DC power source to a battery being charged.

The simple charger does not alter its output based on time or the charge on the

battery. The circuit of a battery charger has the ability to convert voltages from one

form to another (Usually A.C to Dc Voltages). This process capacitor to filter and

remove ripples from the AC source and a voltage regulator (IC). However, this

research work is building up from existing studies on design and construction of

cell phone charger with local materials to reduce cost. Some of the materials used

are; Step down transformer, Insulated casing, wire, Soldering iron, Lead, capacitor,

voltage regulator, bread board, vero board, LED, Wires, USB A multimeter,

resistor, Screw driver, Soldering,ICLM7805, Wire cutter, Soldering lead, Lead



The aim of this project work is to design and construct a cell phone mobile charger

using; Step down transformer, Insulated casing, wire, Soldering iron, Lead,

capacitor, voltage regulator, bread board, vero board, LED, Wires, USB A

multimeter, resistor, Screw driver, Soldering,ICLM7805, Wire cutter, Soldering

lead, Lead sucker. That will be able to charge a mobile phone.

The objective of this project is to design the charger in a portable and attractive

form, construct the circuit to be reliable, to gain knowledge for future modification

and mass production for local sales and availability.


The scope of this project work is;

I. To construct a cell phone charger that is capable of charging the battery of

any type of mobile phone.

II. To construct a cell phone charger that is cheap.

III. To construct a cell phone charger that is durable.

IV. To construct a cell phone charger whose materials are accessible locally.

V. To construct a cell phone charger that can charge three device at a time.


The limitation of this study are;

I. This charger device that will not automatically cut off current when the

phone is full during charging.

II. The mobile phone cannot be charged without connection to power source

unlike the solar mobile phone charger.

III. Financial limitation in assembling the required materials needed for the

construction and designing of the charger.

IV. Access to quality and durable circuit components like the transformers,

capacitors and resistors and more.

V. Difficulty in accessing power (electricity) for soldering and testing.

VI. Transportation cost in acquiring the components


Bruce. R.A (2008), Introduction to charger circuits, Artech Phase space

Application, University Press UK.
Emerson (2014), Emerson ,Manual Book PSMD212,Charger Mobile Press Uk
Ugwu, K (2011). Basic Electrical Electronic. Banalice publisher, Nigeria.

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