The Impacts of COVID-19 On Chinas Food-Service in

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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178

Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Enterprise

Management and Economic Development (ICEMED 2021)

The Impacts of COVID-19 on China’s Food-Service

-- Based on the Case Study of Haidilao Hot Pot
Bodi Zhang1,*
School of Public Affairs, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, 400044
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

As a worldwide disaster, the COVID-19 challenges every aspect of China’s economy. Although the situation has got
controlled in China currently, it seems that it is still hard for people and companies to recover back to the normal. Since
China’s food-service industry suffered a huge loss during the pandemic, this paper analyzes how COVID-19 impacts
food-service enterprises by analyzing consumer behaviors and conducting case study of Haidilao hot pot from three
dimensions: profits, supply-chain and cash flow. This study also offers suggestions based on how Haidilao reacts to the
impact. The insight analysis of this case can provide references to other enterprises of food-service industry.

Keywords: COVID-19, Food-service industry, Haidilao

1. INTRODUCTION corporations decrease 70%-90% and only 5% companies

reporting that their decrease is under 70%.[1] However,
COVID-19 strikes China at the end of 2019, which except for the deficits, Covid-19 also harms supply chains
brings a serious and lasting challenge to every aspect of and cash flow. Furthermore, it both affects Chinese
China’s economy, especially to the food-service industry. customers preference and psychology.
In terms of its high mobility and density of population,
the food-service industry suffers a huge and irreversible 2. THE INFLUENCE OF COVID-19 ON
“Food is the paramount necessity of people.” is an old TAKE HAIDILAO HOT POT AS AN
Chinese saying. Eating is a vital component of the culture EXAMPLE
and lifestyle of Chinese people. Chinese economic
growth reaches a world-famous achievement and the 2.1 Brief Introduction of Company
devotion of food-service industry cannot be ignored.
According to National Bureau of Statistics of China, the Haidilao is a private enterprise operating hot pot.
output value of China’s food-service industry accounted Since it firstly opened in 1994, it has grown to be an
for 4.7% of GDP in the past five years. Meanwhile, the enterprise owned in 41 cities across China and currently
total income of China’s food-service industry is about occupies a huge share of Chinese hot pot market. Until
467 millions, which is up 9.4% year on year, about 3% June 30, 2020, Haidilao has owned 935 branches around
higher than China’s GDP growth. As the poverty the world, 868 of which are located in 164 cities of China,
alleviation ends in 2020, to recover from Covid-19 and to and 67 in Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas,
find a new increase in economic growth, it is necessary including Singapore, South Korea, Japan, the United
and significant to analyze the influence of Covid-19 on States, Canada, UK, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and
China’s food-service industry. Australia.
In terms of the report released by China Cuisine (The development history of the company is below.)
Association, compared to 2019 Spring Festival, the
income of 78% of catering enterprises decreases over
100%, 9% of companies decrease over 90%, 7% of

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press B.V.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 423
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178

Table 1. The annual development history of Haidilao hot pot

Year The development history of Haidilao hot pot

1994 The first Haidilao hot pot opened in Jianyang, Sichuan province.
1999-2006 Construct branches in Xian, Zhengzhou, Beijing, Chengdu and Shanghai.
2007 Complete the trademark registration in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
2012 Open the first overseas Haidilao hot pot in Singapore.
2013 Soft opening in Los Angelas, US.
2018 Haidilao(06862) is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

in food storage, stuff, rent and others, the profit have

2.2 The Influence of Covid-19 on Profits plummeted drastically.
Spring Festival is a golden period for China’s food- Because the hot pot belongs to the “heavy” type
service industry every year in terms of the extreme of food due to its form and is usually with gathering and
demand for family dinner parties. It is reported that the socializing characters, it is difficult to develop delivery
revenue of China’s catering industry reaches 4,672.1 service. Although Haidilao's takeout service used to be
billion yuan in 2019, and 15.5 percent of which is from one of his specialty services, it came with high costs and
the Spring Festival. However, to retrieve the loss, most was unsuitable during the epidemic. As the pandemic
catering enterprises choose to shut down entirely, spreads rapidly, Haidilao suspends all of its restaurants in
including stopping the delivery service in 2020.[2] China mainland on January 25, 2020, which makes itself
According to the statistics released by China Cuisine suffer a huge loss. According to the financial statement
Association, the Covid-19 has brought about 500 billion released by the company, the operating revenue in the first
yuan loss just during Chinese New Year. Because the half of 2020 was 9.761 billion yuan, with a loss about 965
decrease in the frequency of eating outside and the cost million yuan.
Table 2. The income and net margin of Haidilao from 2015 to 2020.

Year 2020/6/30 2019/12/31 2019/6/30 2018/12/31 2018/6/30 2017/12/31 2017/6/30 2016/12/31 2015/12/31

9.761 26.56 11.7 16.97 7.34 10.64 4.76 7.81 5.76

Net margin
-0.97 2.35 0.91 1.65 0.65 1.03 0.43 0.74 0.27

2.3 The Influence of Covid-19 on Supply Chain Although Hidilao hot pot has its own supply chain and
cooperative upstream companies, it is still unavoidably
From the supply-chain perspective, the whole food- affected by the pandemic in terms of the analysis above.
service industry consists of three elements: the upstream Compared with other companies, it is just affected less.
is food suppliers, the middle is supply chain enterprises
and the downstream is restaurants of all kinds of catering 2.4 The Influence of Covid-19 on Cash Flow
enterprises. Cancelled orders from catering enterprises,
large amount of stock before Spring Festival, the delay of It is drastically difficult for food-service companies to
returning to work and the lock down of different region get loans from banks in terms of lacking enough guaranty.
all make links of the whole chain exists obstacles.[2] Light asset is one of typical characteristics of catering
Especially, after the package of some products such as enterprises. Therefore, there are usually few fixed assets
frozen seafood are tested the virus in the later period of of high value which can be mortgaged inside the
the pandemic, issues like food quality, safety and enterprise. Moreover, the movable asset such as food
traceability challenges the recovery of supply chain of ingredients and inventories are easy to be consumed,
China’s catering industry. which does not meet the mortgage requirements. When
facing the epidemic, catering enterprises have limited

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178

channels to raise funds.[3] Through surveys, Meituan Li and Wang, there are 76.36 percent of consumers prefer
Research Institute finds that the capital of 26.8% catering to order convenient and delicious processed foods and
enterprises has tied up, 22.9% says that they can insist for 31.83 percent of people choose semi-finished food
3-4 months and 37% is extremely urgent that they can products during the pandemic.[6]
only maintain for about 1-2 months.[2]
Therefore, it can be foresaw catering enterprises that
Rising prices also put pressure on the operation. standardized and specialized restaurants will be
During the pandemic, the CPI of China has a obvious predominate in the market. And food safety, hygiene and
fluctuate. According to the statistics released by National traceability will gradually become new hot points of food-
Bureau of Statistics of China, compared to April 2020, service industry.
the CPI has risen by 3.3%.
Except for the increasing cost of food ingredients, 3.2 Consumer psychology
staff costs always account for the largest part in expenses Due to the unpredictable risk brought by the Covid-
of Haidialao. According to 2019 financial statement, 19, Chinese consumer psychology is affected.
Hidilao spends almost $8 billion on staff, which accounts
for more than 30 percent of its total revenue, up 0.5 Although the control of pandemic in China goes well
percentage points from a year earlier. Meanwhile, in the and the affect of Covid-19 on the income is limited, there
first of 2020, 4.07 billion yuan, which is about 42% of its is still 45 percent people reporting that they suffer an
revenue, is spent on staff expenses. As Haidilao expands income decrease.[6] Therefore, consumers will hold a
rapidly, more staff are recruited. The cash flow has more negative attitude towards the future, which may
exhibited potential risk from 2015-2018.[4] During the result in the precautionary saving motivation due to the
pandemic, Haidilao pays the employees as usual, which expectation to an income reduction.[7] Otherwise, such
puts a huge strain on its cash flow. change will lead consumers pay more attention to the
3. THE INFLUENCE OF COVID-19 ON Besides, in the panic buying scale built by Lins and
CONSUMERS’ BEHAVIOR Aquino, they find that impulse buying happens more
when facing the fear. During the COVID-19, people buy
3.1 Consumer Preference more products during the Covid-19,[8] which is proved
by the research conducted by Yuan, Li and Wang that
After learning lessons of SARS and COVID-19, it is people do spend more on purchasing daily supplies.[6]
estimated that Chinese consumers will mainly focus on
the safety and quality of foods.[5] Additionally, in the Also, as people have to stay at home to be self-
middle and late period of the domestic epidemic, with the quarantine during the epidemic, activities such as
global outbreak of COVID-19, many imported cold- working, shopping and education have to turns from
chain food products are detected with corona-virus, offline to online. Long-time being exposed to mobile
which appeals the attention of public to the traceability, facilities provides people with more accesses to
safety and hygiene of food ingredients. personalized recommendation of mobile devices.
Personalized recommendation that analyzed by big data
Besides, as social economy develops rapidly these has positive effect on consumers enjoyment that promotes
years, people live in a fast-pace lifestyle, which gives rise impulsive purchase.[9]
to the food-delivery industry. Small but nice restaurants
with simple and healthy dishes satisfy consumers’ To be concluded, things will not quickly return to
demand for takeaway better.[5] Although the willingness normal as we expected after COVID-19.[10] The lifestyle
of consumers to food delivery is highly related to the of people are influenced and consumers are changed to be
degree of epidemic prevention and control since there are more negative and sensitive towards the future.
widespread cases of infection caused by food delivery
workers, there is still an impressive recover of food 4. COUNTER-STRATEGY OF HAIDILLAO
delivery service after epidemic getting controlled. HOT POT
The Covid-19 quarantine can be regarded as a forced
experiment. By long time staying at home, people’s 4.1 Raise the Price and Reduce the staff
behaviors are gradually changed. It is expected that the Although Haidilao has three main sources of revenue:
pandemic strengthen people’s reliance on delivery restaurants, takeout and selling seasonings, the profits
service. And Yuan, Li and Wang surely find that the brought by restaurants is incomparable. In 2018, the
tendency of willingness to food delivery is mounting income from eating-in occupies 97.18%.[4] After the
during and after the pandemic.[6] reopen in April 2020, restaurants of Haidilao in mainland
During the quarantine, simple and light dishes are China raised the price by 6%. For instance, a bowl of rice
more popular. In terms of the survey conducted by Yuan, costs 7 yuan, a half portion of blood goes up from 16 yuan

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178

to 23 yuan, and a half portion of potato chips costs 13 101.8 yuan in third-tier cities, and 191.3 yuan in areas
yuan. Such behavior causes the dissatisfaction of the outside the mainland. Meanwhile, on the basis of report,
public and is ceased by April 10th in 2020. the per capita consumption of Haidilao is 112.8 yuan,
which has an increase of 8.05% compared with 104.4
Except for the seeming rise in price, there are also
yuan in the same period last year.
invisible measures which can be reflected in Haidilao’s
financial statement for the first half of 2020. In the first To cut down the cost of labour, Haidilao reduces their
half of 2020, the unit price of customers in Haidilao employees. Based on the report released by Haidilao
mainland stores has achieved positive growth, reaching official, the number of employees has fallen by 10614.
118.1 yuan in big cities, 107.4 yuan in second-tier cities,
Table 3. Change in the number of Haidilao employees from 2019 to 2020.

Year 2019.12 2020.6

The number of employees 102793 92179
The cost of employees(millions) 7.99 4.07

4.2 Develop Delivery Service and Semi-finished

5.1 Analysis
According to Haidilao officials, the delivery service
grows strongly as orders for food delivery increased, with Based on the STP strategy, it is obvious that customers
the revenue exceeding 400 million yuan, accounting for that Haidilao segments and targets is young people who
4.2 percent of the total revenue, up from 1.6 percent. pursue new things and fashion. With the popularization of
However, due to the inconvenient characters such as the the Internet, the information people received has
recycle of pots and the obstacles of reality like the control exploded. Only get enough heat and flow, can a brand get
of communities, the contribution is still limited. enough attention. By using short video platforms and
social media, Haidilao win the public attention by
Moreover, since the launch of convenient hot pot advertising ways to eat its food and its considerate service
products in 2017 brought sales revenue of 61.341 million which is not equipped by its competitors.
yuan to Haidilao's subsidiary, Yi Hai International
company, and convenient hot pot has also become one of Although Haidilao is famous for its special and
Haidilao's important derivatives. During the pandemic, characteristic service in the market, the service is easy to
the sales of convenient hot pot is booming. be imitated. The moat of Haidilao is low rent and
manageable supply-chain. The comprehensive supply
chain and low rent help it save huge cost and get through
the pandemic. Moreover, after reopen, Haidilao attaches
This paper employs STP strategy as support to great importance to the implementation of the Covid-19
analyze Haidilao hot pot. STP, which is abbreviated from pandemic prevention work like maintaining eating
segmenting market, targeting market and positioning, is distance, taking the temperature of staff every day and
defined by Philip Kotler as the core of modern disinfecting regularly, which caters to consumers ’
marketing.[11] preference of safety and health. Meanwhile, the
convenient hot pot achieves a great success during the
Nowadays, consumers are much more complicated quarantine. However, Haidilao does not catch changes in
and various than before, which makes segmenting market consumer psychology.
necessary for companies.Furthermore, Shenghong,Ye
innovatively explains that to fit personalized tendency of As mentioned in the former, Haidilao increases the
modern market, segmenting market is to divide and price after reopen, which causes strong dissatisfaction
clarify the market based on different demands of among consumers. Consumers are changed to be more
customers, the competitiveness of company and the sensitive, especially to the price. The consumption ability
analysis of competitors. Then, targeting market, on the of Chinese consumers has been restricted and nibbled
basis of clarifying the competitive core of company, is to away because of the revenue decrease caused by
choose specific customers that companies intend to serve corporate layoffs and wage cuts during the epidemic.
for and to reflect differences with competitors at the same Meanwhile, Haidilao's original price has already been
time. Also, the differences need to be realized by higher than its competitors, and consumers did not pay
consumers.[12] Moreover, according to Philip.K, much attention to before because of its good service, but
positioning is to impress customers with a series of the circumstance is different due to the impact of the
actions such as designing products and brand.[11] epidemic.[13]

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT Price Increase of Haidilao and High-profile Price
Thanks for the support from teachers and teaching Reduction of McDonald's[J]. Liaoning Economy,
assistant whose brilliant marketing courses enlighten me. 2020(07): 36-37.

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