Adobe Scan 15 Feb 2023
Adobe Scan 15 Feb 2023
Adobe Scan 15 Feb 2023
A disease of infectioU$ nature that can be transmitted from one perso
· host, dire ctly or m
from a reservoir to a susceptible · called as a n to cln.other(
· directIy Is
disease The time period required for the transmission of the infectiouscolltrnUrtiC3b
. to a susceptible host to cause disease
reservoir . . known as communicableagent
Is p . fr 0ll1
period may be short or long, depending. upon the nature of the disease.
. enact ·h t
Age : Chicken pox primarily occurs in children under 1O years of age. The mo 5
vulnerable age is 1 year onwards. It is uncommon in adults. The disease tends to be mar
severe if it occurs in adults.
C ti
ausa . ve organism
· : Chi ck en pox (varicella) is caused by a h erpes vi·rus callei
Varicella-Zoster virus (v-z virus).
M d f
. .
o e o transmission . transmitted from person to person (a) by drop1et .infectior
: It IS sec
(b) by droplet nuclei (c) through personal contact (d) freshly contaminated foou~;;.,
by the patient can also transmit the disease. (e) The virus can cross the placental
and may infect the foetus.
@i·ll:®1!m;;m,,.,,1,;nra·mlu•ililim F,\
pi'fl . degrees of paralysis and ra~ J · · II. CHOLERA
. t variou5 . eyd
suiting in
° 11
rteX re . sma
a RNA virus and with three seroty e<lth.
• is is a severe acute gastro-intestinal infection. It is a communic .
edulla an d motor co . . po1·ovirus
J Pe i.e.
Chole:der epidemic as well as endemic diseases. able d ease and
i rn live organJsJJI . . I human disease.
I causa d 3 . an exclusJve y it coJtles rive organism : It is caused by Vibrio cholerae. The biotype of V
Typ e 11 2 an . sJJIJSSJ . ·on . It JS I oral route. causa ·ble for pandemic has replaced the classical vibrio .cholerae, El
· h feca - .
Mode of tran 1
J·tted throug d plets (through sneezing etc.) du . respons1 . . .
,_ transrn h rynx ro f h . ring
1 It is rnauuY fr rn nasop a nun·ated fingers o t e patient. <lcute for, f rransn11ss1on :
· read O h conta ~ode o ·sease . transmitted . .
through the food and dnnking
2. But it rnay s~isease or thfoug . bation period lies between 7 to 14 days b ') e dl 15 . water, e1c. contaminated
stage of the . . Usually its mcu Ut in (1 Th by flies, insects a~d improper stora~e.
. penod · , . also transmitted by contact
Incubatio~ 4--35 days. . '') It 1s . with the. contaminated hands of persons wh0
e cases JI is 1 . Ii (11 carelessly handle excreta, vom1tus of patients and contaminated fomites.
sorn . n and contrO : . measure of preventing po omyelitis. Both . ·on period : Its incubation period lies between few hours to 5 days
Preventio . lion is the safe ~ffecnve available and both are safe and effective k11Iect Jncub ati . . .
(i) Irnrn~WZ:ttenuated vaccines are unize all infants by 6 months of age to ;hen . . al features : It suddenly starts with diarrhoea, including effortless rice w t
di.JllC d d . . I d' a ery
and live tly It is essential to J~ es are of two types e.g. p oteci ools with pain in ab omen an vom1tmg ea mg to dehydration. Further it causes
used correc · . The polio vaccm . . st cramps sunken eyes, sub-normal temperature, hollow cheeks and urine out put
thern against polio. m·e . It is inactivated pol10 vaccine administ rnusc1e ·on due to fluid and electrolyte imbalance.
. d) olio vacc · erect
(a) Sall< (inactivate P days it is not use d . suppress1
. •ection. But now a .
by parenteral IDJ li ccine: OPV was descnbed by Sabin in 1 Prevention and control :
. r oral po o va . h d' I . 957. t (i) Personal prevention means strict personal hygiene.
(b) Sabin vacone O • (Type 1 2 3) grown in uman 1p 01d cell cu]tu 1
. ted virus ' • res.
contains live attenua M Cl to remain potent for a year. It 1s to be stored in (ii) Water for drinking should come from a clean piped supply or be boiled.
It is stabilized by molar g 2 a
40 (iii) Early detection of suspected c_ ases, confirmation by stool examination and
refrigerator at ~· t an interval of two months, It is first given whe notification to the health authonty must be done as early as possible.
It is given orally m 3 doses, a I n
(iv) Dis-infection of infective discharges and clothing must be done.
baby is 1 -I to 2 rnonths OId, At the age of 1 -2 years a 4th dose or 1st booster dose (v) The sanitation should be maintained properly so that flies don't breed and don't
. fS ears Ilnd booster dose is given. It induces both humora] spread the disease by contaminating the food.
ise>iven.Whileatageo Y ' f db b f 2h
. .
. al !IllIDUill
ando· mtestin ·ty, It is advised not to breast ee a Y or ours before (vi) Cholera vaccine is a suspension of killed vibrios preserved in phenol. For
and after giving drops. The drops taste sweet. prevention, 0•5 ml/subcutanequsly is injected to every individual.
(ii) Isolation of the patient. (vii) Treatment of cholera includes :
(ii!)Supply of safe drinking water. (a) Maintain the circulation.
(iv) Proper disposal of urine and fecal matter and It can be done through oral rehydration either alone or supplemented by
(v) Improvemeut in personal hygiene. intravenous fluids as long as diarrhora and vomiting continue. Two types of
Caution : OPV shouldn't be given to any child suffering from diarrhoea, vomiting oral rehydration solutions (ORS) are available :
and fever. (i) ORS bicarbonate, (ii) ORS citrate.
j Treatment : There is no specific treatment for polio. If paralysis does occur the chief (i) ORS - bicarbonate includes the following contents :
treatment is rest. Drugs are given to relieve pain and to ensure rest. After the muscle
Sodium chloride 3·5 gm
~ain has diminished, all the important joints of the body should be passively moved 2-3
times a day, to prevent stiffness of joints, shortening of muscles and deformity. Sodium bicarbonate 2·5 gm
Potassium chloride 1•5 gm
Glucose 20 gm
I 1 litre
Boiled water
#!M!BH,ii:H+i:,i,,i, . "ftl 7TITC . I d
'[tl!'il - prev entive measures inc u e :
. z. G••"'detec n·O n ' notification and isolation of patients. Proper disinfection of urine
.. oitS·Cittate 3-5 gJJ1 () Early
Gf <11 15odiuJl1 '--''
.hJ0 ride dihydrate z-9 gJJ1
d . .
d inking water supply andbfood hygiene
· t · d(i.e. cut fruits and vegetables exposed
rrisoditJJll citrat_e 1-5 gJJ1
,,j/I .
p tass1tJill
zo gJJ1
(11) safe
dtJst rn
ustr not b e eaten raw) must e mam ame .
/11 ,/ GJocose 1 litre to 'freatxnent · uld be given complete bed rest and good nourshing diet.
Boiled w_ate~ tibiotics tlsed to to cure cholera are : tt
1 pa ·ent1 sho·re ·
drugs such as c1pro fl. oxac1n,
· o fl oxac1n,
. c hl oramp h en1co
. l, P efloxacm ·
· m
11/i (b) J\Jltibiollcs ·. M_ t<JO mg J/V 6 hourly for first 24 hours an 0 . 2 _5pec1 . dosage and duration.
(i) retracycJiJle f. days for adults. d then apPropnte
or 3 . ran
ms 6 hootlY
. . , " ,,,en as ,;u,gl• dose of 400 mg/ d ' So,
e days
,}/ If (Ill''"""'''"'. 1 ay fo, Un, Iv. FOOD POISONING
Ill- tyPHOID FEVER . acute inflammation of lining of stomach and intestines caused b
. ·nness that affects gastro-intestinal tra t . It isi;n food or drink co_ntaminated by toxins of bacteria or inorganic chernicJ
{I ,, cot1suII1 g nd poisons denved from plants or animals.
'd. •n acote infe~uoosd1eveloped. Clinically, the paratyphoidc in ll1an" t,stances, a . . . . .
rypho1 p • ·
. here
15 sanitation 1s un h .d fever. The term entenc · fever mcludes b thsho w no' su t ms : Food po1son1ng usually begins within 2-6 hours of eating the food
11 countrI: ~erence frorn the typ 01 o typhoid _ S~iei:g of nausea and abdominal crapmps, followed by vomiting, diarrhoea (ma;
rernarka aratyphoid
e . fever. ll typhi is the causative. .
organism of typh . with d ) fevers, chills and weakness. The symptoms may start even upto 48 hours
I If an d P . . SaJrnone a .A d S 01d f be bloo y~ g the food or drink.
ausative organ1slll · , typhi s. paratyphi an . paratyphi B ever. after cons
C al host ,or 5· ' ·
Man is the only natur . • . It sprea ds through fecal-oral route.
. . S. typhi is pr esent · Types: . . _
Mode of transnussi~n · d . g acute illness. Contamination of drinkin in the 1 _Non-bacteri:11 : It 1s ca~sed by cons~mmg p01~~nous m~~hrooms or fruits and
stools and urine of patien~ f::: frorn flies are the main reasons. g Water by t bles contaminated by high concentration of pesticrdes, fertilizers, arsenic, mercury
t 1, sewage or contarnmatiOn vegeC~eap
etc. packing materials may also result in the contamination of food with metallic
. . d . Itolies between 5--20 d ays.
Incubation per10 · poisons.
I /1 Prevention and treatlllent : . . . 2 • Bacterial .: It is caused by the ingestion of food contaminated by living bacteria or
'f' rophylactic measures include active 1mmun1sation by vac . their toxins. The bacterial food poisoning may be of the following types :
1. pec1 1c p c1nes
,I S
Vaccines available for typhoid are : · A. Salmonella food poisoning :
i) Monovalent anti-typhoid vaccine : It is an agar grown heat killed and ph
( · · · fS hi l enol (a) Causative Agent : (i) S. typhi mariurn, (ii) S. cholera-sis.
I preserved vaccine containing 1000 million o • typ per m .
(b) Mode of transmission : By eating raw or under cooked, contaminated eggs,
(ii) Bivalent Vaccine: The bivalent vaccine contains S. typhi and S. paratyphi A.
'I I meat, or milk. Symptoms appear with in 6-48 hours.
the proportion of 1000 million and 500 millon organisms respectively. m
Ii J B. Staphylococcal food poisoning:
(iii) TAB: The traditional TAB vaccine contains S.typhi (1000 million), S. paratyphi
'/h I A (500-750 million), S. paratyphi B (500-750 million) organisms per ml. (a) Causative Agent : Toxins of Staphylococus aureus. Atleast 5 entero toxins
b have been identified.
' p
,, ti (b) Mode of transmission : By consuming contaminated salads, custards, milk
DOSAGE AND MODE OF ADMINISTRATION and milk products, pastries, poultry, eggs etc. In most cases symptoms clear up
(a) Primary Immunization : It should consist of 2 doses each of 0·5 ml of vaccine, within 24 hours. In some areas this is the most common type of food poisoning
givens/cat an interval of 4-6 weeks. Children between 1-10 years are to be and seems to arise from skin infections on the hands of those who handle
I given smaller doeses (0-25 ml). Immunity develops 10-21 days after inoculation food. Onset of symptoms is 1-8 hours.
I and the protection is maintained for atleast 3 years. (c) Botulism :
(b) Booster doses are recommended only after 3 years. (i) Caustaive Agent It is the most dangerous type of food poisoning. It is caused
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