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What is a theory?

The word ‘’theory’’ has been used in many different ways:

• Broadly: almost all descriptive statements about class of


• Narrowly: to exclude everything but series of terms and their

relationships that satisfies certain logical requirements.

Theory What are the goals of theory?

• Is a formal testable explanation of some event that includes
explanations of how things relate to one another. There are two goals of theory:

• We can built theory through a process of reviewing previous • Understanding: allow researcher to gain understanding of the
finding of similar studies. relationship among different phenomena.

• Logical explanation helps the researcher know what variables • Enable us to predict the behavior or characteristics of one
need to be included and how may relate to each other. phenomenon from the knowledge of another phenomenon.


Research concepts, constructs, proposition, variables • Empirical level: ‘’experience’’, observe, measure objects or
and hypotheses. events.” hypotheses “

• Abstract level: In theory development, the level of knowledge

• Concepts or construct: is a generalized idea about a class of objects
expressing a concept that exists only as an idea or a quality apart
that has been given a name.
from an object.” Propositions”
• Concepts are the building blocks of theory.
• Latent construct: concept that is not directly observable or
• Ladder of abstraction: organization of concept in sequence from
measurable, but can be estimated through proxy measurements,
the most concrete to the most general.
like job performance.

Statement explains the logical linkage among certain concept by
asserting unversal connection between concepts.

• Formal statement of unproven proposition that is empirically
• Explaining some outcome.
• Is a guess
• can be supported or shown to be wrong through an empirical test.


Empirical testing: means that something has been examined against Understanding theory
reality data.

When data consistent with hypothesis, we say hypothesis is Verifying Theory

supported, if not, then we say hypothesis is not supported.
• There are alternative theories to explain certain phenomenon.

Variables: anything that may assume different numerical value, the • To determine better theory , researchers make observations or
empirical assessment of a concept. gather empirical data to verify the theories.

Operationalizing: The process of identifying the actual measurement • Theories are made to be tested.
scales to assess the variables of interest.

Theory Building
The scientific method
Where do theories come from?

1. Deductive reasoning: is the logical process of deriving a conclusion A set of procedures for establishing and connecting theoretical
about a specific instance based on known general premise or statements about events, for analyzing empirical evidence, and for
something known to be true. ‘’ abstract level’’ . predicting events yet unknown; techniques or procedures used to
2. Inductive reasoning: the logical process of establishing a general analyze empirical evidence in an attempt to confirm or disprove prior
proposition based on observation of particular fact. ‘’empirical level’’. conceptions.

• Theory construction is often the result of combination of deductive

and inductive reasoning.


Seven steps for scientific method

Practical value of theories
1. Assessment of relevant existing knowledge of phenomenon.
2. Formulation of concepts and propositions.
• Theories allow us to generalize beyond77 individual or isolated
3. Statement of hypotheses.
4. Design of research. • Theories provide a framework that can guide managerial
5. Acquisition of meaningful empirical data. strategy by providing insights into general rules of behavior.
6. Analysis and evaluation of data.
7. Proposal of an explanation of the phenomenon and statement of new
problems raised by the research.

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