6th Tigray Proceedings
6th Tigray Proceedings
6th Tigray Proceedings
Edited by
S a m u e l G e b rre
Demirew Ge tachew
Published: April 2019
ISBN – 978-999-44-54-68-6
F O R E W O R D ........................................................................................iv
Muuz Hadush
Explaining Inter-regional Differentials in Child Mortality in
Rural Ethiopia: A Count Data Decomposition Analysis ....................93
The Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA) and its Mekelle Chapter are
happy to issue the proceeding of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray
Regional State Economic Development which was organized on June 30, 2018
at Axum International Hotel Conference Hall, Mekelle. EEA organized this
important regional conference as one of its objectives of broadening its
activities and coverage at regional level so as to contribute to the economic
advancement of regional state through enhancing economic policy formulation
capability; the dissemination of economic research findings; promotion of
dialogue on critical socio-economic issues; promotion of education in
economics in higher learning institutions; enhancing national, continental and
global networks of professionals and institutions; and advancement of the
professional interests of its members.
They also recommended that the issues raised in the discussion are critical that
need due attention by policy makers and implementing organs of the region.
In this publication, all papers which were presented at the Sixth Annual
Conference reviewed by external reviewers and comments and suggestions
including editorial comments were communicated to authors for improvement.
Finally, those papers which passed all the review and editorial process
published in the Proceeding of the Tigray Regional State Economic
Our special thanks go to our partners who have shared our vision and provided
us with generous financial support to materialize the activities of EEA. These
include; The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung of Germany and the Think Tank
Initiative of International Development Research Center (IDRC) of Canada.
Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies and
Sources of Inefficiencies among Large-scale Sesame
Producers in Kafta Humera District, Western Zone of
Tigray, Ethiopia: Non-parametric approach
Key words: Cobb-Douglas function, Efficiency, Inefficiency sources, Kafta Humera, Large-
Scale, Production and Sesame
Tigray Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), Mekelle, Ethiopia; Email,
[email protected]
Haramaya University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia; Email, [email protected]
Haramaya University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia; Email, [email protected]
Desale, Jema and Bosena: Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies and Sources…
1. Introduction
Over the past years, sesame production has shown greater increase in area and
production but decreasing in yield. Looking at its trend, nationally sesame
covered 0.14 million ha area where 0.12 million tons was produced in 2004/5
[42] increased to 0.29 million tone production on 0.42 million ha in 2014/15
[42]. But, its productivity declined from 8.47 Qt/ha in 2004/5 [42] to 7.35
Qt/ha in 2013/14 [21] and to 6.87 Qt/ha in 2014/15 [22].
In Tigray region, about 176,030 small-scale [22] and about 1130 large-scale
[41] were engaged in sesame production that supplied 88.7% of their
production [21]. According to [21], Tigray region ranked second in area and
production. Western zone took the lion share in the region’s sesame area
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
(76.33%) and total production (76%) for the average productivity of 7 Qt/ha
2. Methodology
Data Types, Sources and Methods of Data Collection: Both primary and
secondary data types were collected for this study where primary data sources
were collected using semi-structured questionnaires of formal survey
procedures from large-scale producers in four kebeles. Secondary data sources
are also collected from office of agriculture and rural development, HuARC,
different books and published and unpublished reports.
Desale, Jema and Bosena: Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies and Sources…
Sampling Procedure and Sample Size: This study used multi-stage sampling
technique for selecting sample producers. First, large-scale producers in the
district were selected purposively. Secondly, four kebeles (Mai Cadra, Baeker,
Adebay and Rawyian) were selected randomly. Then depending on probability
proportional to size of large-scale producers from each sample kebeles,
specified numbers of respondents were obtained based on the formula
developed by [69] considering confidence level of 90% and accepting the
error (e) of 9%,
N (3. 1)
n =
1 + N (e 2
ln Y i = β 0
+ ln ∑ β
j =1
j x +εij i
(3. 2)
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
εν u
i= i− i (3. 3)
Where j= 1… k inputs; i= ith producer; Yi= sesame yield, Xij= jth input used,
βi= vector of unknown parameters, εi= disturbance term composed of vi
(error) and ui (inefficiency).
C = C P, Y * , α( ) (3. 4)
ln ci = α 0 + ∑ p ,α i ,+α j Yi*
j =1 (3. 5)
Where i = ith household; Ci = minimum cost; j= 1…k, inputs used; Pij= input
price; Yi* = farm revenue adjusted for noise vi, and α's= parameters to be
Production function: This uses the Cobb-Douglas form that shows the
relation of dependent variable with its inputs. The dependent variable is given
by the following equation.
ln Y i
= β + β ln ld
0 i i
+ β ln sd
i i
+ β ln lb
i i
+ β ln pw
i i
+ β ln fq
i i
+ (ν u
i− i
(3. 6)
Desale, Jema and Bosena: Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies and Sources…
(3. 7)
Where j= jth producer; cj = actual cost; i=1…7, ith input cost; βj= coefficients
to be determined; v-u = error; cld= land cost; csd= seed cost; clb= wage; cft=
fertilizer cost; cpw= plough cost; cmt= material cost and cop= operation cost.
The minimum cost input equation can be expressed as:
By substituting the expenditure function and the adjusted yield for stochastic
error in to the above minimization function to derive the following:
C Y * , Y = *u αj
H Y i ∏i Pi
i i (3. 12)
According to [60], the explained cost measures enable to estimate AE and
further EE.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Generally from the above explained concepts TE can be defined in the ratio of
observed outputs (Yi) to the corresponding frontier output (Yi*).
Also economic efficiency (EE) is the ratio of the minimum costs adjusted or
expenditure (C*) to the actual total production cost or expenditure (C).
EE = c / c = ∑ x P / ∑ x P
i ie i i i
(3. 14)
From these two equations the AE can be derived as the ratio of EE to TE.
AE = EE / TE =∑ x P /∑ x P
ie i it i
(3. 15)
Likelihood ratio test: This is used to compare the goodness of fit of two
hypotheses given as in eq. 3.17.
Desale, Jema and Bosena: Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies and Sources…
Where, L[Ho] is value of H0, L[H1] is value of H1. This also enables to detect
either there is error or not; through comparison of χ2 by obtaining λ, γ and δ2.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Desale, Jema and Bosena: Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies and Sources…
The study indicated that variables such as land size and plough power were
significant at 1%; while improved seed at 5% for determining large-scale
sesame production; however, variables such as fertilizer and labor become
insignificant (Table 5). The studies conducted by [13], [35], [64],[17] and
[24] found farm size was significant in determining production. Moreover, ,
[55], [70], [4], 0, [27], [35], [64], [15] and [24] found seed as significant
variable. So, it is observable that the result found by this study is similar with
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
the results obtained by the listed former studies. The inverse relationship
between farm size and yield was similar with the results of [19], [45], [68]
and [15]. The coefficients in Table 5 could be interpreted that, one percent
increment in sesame land size leads to 1.15% decline in yield. Similarly one
percent increment in seed results to 0.28% reduction of total production.
However, one percent increase in plough power hour leads to 2.31%
increment of production.
Cost efficiency: This study found that both error terms (u and v) for sesame
producers were statistically significant at 1% (Table 7). Further, value of
gamma (γ=δu2 / (δ u2 + δ v2)); is γ = 0.9257 that implies 92.57% variability is
contributed by differences in decision maker’s inefficiencies (Table 6).
Regarding the cost function inputs, all variables have statistically significant
with positive sign; except operation and material costs that were insignificant
(Table 7).
Desale, Jema and Bosena: Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies and Sources…
chemical costs, and amount produced. But also, cost of farm tools by [50] and
land rental cost by [15] in addition to the above explained once.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
The average and range of TE in this study is consistent with the result of [34],
[8], [20], 0, [23], [28], [25], [27], [33], [64], [17] and [24]; ranging in 34-77%.
Desale, Jema and Bosena: Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies and Sources…
Economic efficiency (EE): Following the relative ratio of actual cost to the
hypothetical minimum cost, EE could be obtained which is the multiplication
of TE and AE. Applying this procedure this study found mean EE of 64.58
percent (22.37 - 92.76) (Table 10). Taking this range, if the average producer
wants to reach his/her EE to the most efficient counterpart, he/she could
experience the cost saving of 30.38% ([i.e., 1-(64.58/92.76) x100]. Similarly,
the most inefficient producer could save his/her cost by 75.88% [i.e., 1-
(22.37/92.76) x100]. The mean EE found in this study is similar with the
results of Abu et al. (2012), [49], [30], Abba (2012), [23], [11], [25], [27],
[15], [17] and [24].
As presented in Table 10, about 45% of the sampled producers’ EE was below
mean which is an indication that producers were unfairly efficient; meaning
there was greater variability in their achievement.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Education level of household head (eduhhd): The result of this study shows
that education level of household head significantly and negatively affect to
technical, allocative and economic inefficiency at 1%. If education level in
years of schooling becomes one year higher relative to others, one’s technical,
Desale, Jema and Bosena: Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies and Sources…
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Desale, Jema and Bosena: Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies and Sources…
TE, the result in this study is similar with the result of [64], but in
contradiction with the result revealed by [66]. In relation of TLU and EE the
result found is similar with the reports of Amos et al. (2007), [36], [53], [61],
[17] and [63].
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Availability of road facility from farm to home (road): It is also found that
road facility is significantly and negatively related to technical, allocative and
economic inefficiencies of large-scale producers at 1%, 5% and 1%,
respectively. This is implying that as large-scale producer obtained access to
normal road, one’s technical, allocative and economic inefficiencies decreases
by 0.033%, 0.008% and 0.033%, respectively. It is because accessible road
enables to timely reach so manage farm activities timely and reduced amount
of grain loss while transporting.
Desale, Jema and Bosena: Technical, Allocative and Economic Efficiencies and Sources…
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Report and Opinion, 2(7): 1-9.
Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Row
Plantation Technology and Traditional Sowing
Technology in Barley Production in Eastern Zone of
Department of Economics, Adigrat University
Department of Economics, Adigrat University
Department of Economics, Adigrat University
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Key words: Productivity, technical efficiency, stochastic frontier function, two limit
tobit model, and barley farming in Eastern zone of Tigray
Gabriel, Yohannes and Kibrom: Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Row Plantation…
The core “TIRR” technology package (Tef, Improved seed, Reduced seed rate,
and Row planting) prioritized for tef farmers by the agricultural extension
system 2013, led to significant increases in crop yields across the country.
Detailed analysis of the 2013 TIRR package, with a sample of 1,300 farmers,
showed average yield increases of 44% the control group and 72% the
experiment group (MoA, 2014/15).
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
This shows that there is great potential to increase production by raising yields
per hectare for all smallholder farmers to that of the most productive (model)
farmer. Significant productivity differences also exist across agro-ecological
zones. These differences provide additional prospects for increasing
production and productivity by providing incentives that induce farmers to
optimally exploit zonal specific advantages to enhance returns from
agricultural investment. Doing so will not only increase agricultural
production through specialization and commercialization of agricultural
production but will help to raise agricultural household income and
employment, and ultimately contribute to poverty reduction in the rural sector.
Gabriel, Yohannes and Kibrom: Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Row Plantation…
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
General Objective:
The general objective of the study is to compare production and economic
efficiency of row plantation system with the traditional plantation system in
cereal production.
Specific Objectives:
• To compare the production efficiency (technical efficiency) of row
plantation production system with the conventional one
• To analyze the socioeconomic variables that may explain the differences
in the estimated levels of technical inefficiency
This study employed a mixed approach with an emphasis given to quantitative
household survey supplemented by the qualitative research method. The
quantitative research approach is to compare the production and technical
inefficiency of row plantation production system with the conventional one
and to analyze the socioeconomic variables that may explain the differences in
the estimated levels of technical inefficiency. In line with this, to capture some
variables which are non-quantifiable (either methodologically or due to other
reasons), qualitative methods of data analysis will also be used to describe the
cropping patterns of the two production systems.
Research Process
Based on the objectives, the research process with in this study was divided
into five stages. In the first stage, review of relevant secondary sources was
conducted which, in fact, served as the background for understanding the
research problem and hence set a research problem with in the ongoing
dialogue in the literature.
In the second stage, the random selection of the study woredas was done from
the seven woredas of eastern zone of Tigray based on the implementation of
the two production systems.
Gabriel, Yohannes and Kibrom: Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Row Plantation…
Therefore, a total of 300 households were selected from three agro ecological
zones from four tabias by using systematic random sampling method
individual household for questionnaire survey was selected.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Boris et al. (1997) described that Cobb- Douglas functional form is used to
specify the stochastic production frontier, which is the basis for deriving the
cost frontier and the related efficiency measures. The specific Cobb- Douglas
production model estimated is given by:
= 0∗ ∗
= 0∗ 1 +( − )
* ∗ +, = (0 + - (./ . +
Where * * is the latent variable representing the efficiency scores,
(0, (1, … . , (12 are parameters to be estimated, and TE (technical efficiency)
and of the ith farmer. Zi is demographic, socio economic and institutional
factors that affect efficiency level. And Ui is an error term that is
Gabriel, Yohannes and Kibrom: Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Row Plantation…
Yi= 1 if Yi*≥1
Yi= Yi* if 0 < Yi*<1
Yi= 0 if Yi*≤ 0
Two limit tobit model allows for censoring in both tails of the distribution
(Green, 2003). The log- likelihood that is based on the doubly censored data
and built up from sets of the two limit tobit model is given by:
56 − 1 5* −
3= - ∅( )+ - ∅( )
( ( (
7 89 7 7∗
51 −
+ - ln [1 − ∅ ( )]
7 8
Where Ioi= 0 (lower limit) and I1i= 1 (upper limit) where ∅ and ( are normal
and standard density functions.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
McDonald and Moffitt (1980), Greene (2003) and Gould et al (1989) cited in
Endrias et al (2013) from the likelihood function decomposition of marginal
effects was proposed as follows two limit tobit model:
The expected value of the dependent variable conditional upon being the
>[∅(/ ) − ∅(/ )] ?
= [∅/( ) − ∅/( )]
> . (
D′ D′
/ = and/ = are standardized variables that come from the
likelihood function given the limits of Y* and
( = FG$ %$H% % $G 6 6I Gℎ ?6% .
To attain the major objective of this study, the data collected from the study
area were analyzed and interpreted. In the process of data analysis and
interpretation, major attention will be given to quantitative analysis although it
is going to be supported by qualitative technique.
Gabriel, Yohannes and Kibrom: Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Row Plantation…
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
As Table 4.1 above displayed that about 25% of the total respondents were
from Ganta Afeshum, 24.67% from Gulo Mekeda, 25.33% from Kilte Awlalo
and the remaining 25% were from Saesie Tsaeda Emba. And the tabia
representation of the households was also depicted in table 4.2.
Gabriel, Yohannes and Kibrom: Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Row Plantation…
The average age of the household head is 48.493. from the total 300
respondents 260 were male headed households while 40 were female headed
households. The experience in farming of the households ranges from 1 year
to 60 years with an average of 23.5 years. As the table above depicts the
average land holding of the farmers is 0.573 hectare.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Traditional Row plantation
Percent 48.33% 51.67%
From the total respondents 51.67 percent were row plantation users while the
remaining 48.33 percent were traditional sowing cultivators.
The average inputs allocated by the farmers are 2.19 Tsimad of land (Check
with reality), 15.055 man-days
days of family labor, 1.81 quintal of fertilizer, 11.9
oxen, and 13.37 compost. Using these inputs they got an average output of
266.5 KG with standard deviation of 142.45 kg of barley.
Gabriel, Yohannes and Kibrom: Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Row Plantation…
The livestock ownership in the study area was on average of 4.996 TLU for
the farmers who use row plantation and 4.145 TLU for the farmers who use
traditional plantation while the average TLU of the sample respondents was
The major benefits of planting crops using row plantation are listed by the
households. As stated by the farmers, row plantation have five major benefits
namely, easier weeding [1], easier harvesting [2], higher crop yield [3], use
less seed [4] and easier pest control [5]. On top of that, the benefits of row
plantation have multiple benefits. Thus, in the following table the multiple
responses are listed with their frequencies.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
1, 2, 4, 5
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 3, 4, 5
1, 2, 3, 5
Source: Survey data (2016)
The average family size of the households was 5.56 with standard deviation of
2.07 and minimum of 1 and maximum of 11 members. The average adult
equivalent was 4.8 with standard variation of 1.78 members accompanied by
minimum of 0.74 and maximum of 10.34 adult equivalent members. The
findings of the study depicted that as the number of family members in the
household increases, the technical efficiency also increases too. 6.3 percent of
the households having family size of 11-2 had technical efficiency of 51.2
About 34.33 percent of the household with family size of 33-5 had technical
efficiency of 68.1 percent. As the number of household members increased to
8, the level of technical efficiency also rose to 75.4 percent and decreased to
74.4 percent in 9-10
10 family size households and further decreased 69.9 percent
when the family size is 11 and above. Thus, we might suggest that level oof
technical efficiency and family size have directly related to each other.
Gabriel, Yohannes and Kibrom: Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Row Plantation…
Econometrics Analysis
The study from its stochastic frontier model found that the magnitude of
technical efficiency varied from one farmer to another and ranged from 42.4%
to 75.4%, with a mean of 68.2%. The differences in the technical inefficiency
among the farmers is probably caused by farm management practices, the
socio economic characteristics of the households and other factors related to
natural factors.
The results from the Tobit regression model of the technical efficiency indexes
showed that scores of the technical efficiency varied from 42.4% to 75.4%,
with a mean of 68.2%.
The result from the Tobit model revealed that age, family size, TLU, row
plantation technology, membership of cooperative and access to irrigation are
among the major determinants factors of technical efficiency of smallholder
farmers producing barley. In this study, household age was found to be
negatively related to technical efficiency. This might be because of as age
increases households’ participation in labor related activities is decreased. On
the other hand, family size measured in adult equivalent is found positive and
significant. This might be because of efficient utilization of the available labor
force in the production efficiency of barley. Total livestock ownership was
measured using the standard tropical livestock unit (TLU). In this study, TLU
was found positive and significant at ten percent. One explanation for positive
association between cash technical efficiency and TLU might be livestock are
useful in cultivating land and useful in liquidity effect.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Gabriel, Yohannes and Kibrom: Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Row Plantation…
This paper has attempted to increase the understanding of the technical
efficiency and determinant factors of row plantation technology in comparison
with traditional sowing technology. More specifically, the aim of this study
was to capture the production efficiency (technical efficiency) of row
plantation production system with the conventional one using stochastic
frontier model and to analyze the socioeconomic variables that may explain
the differences in the estimated levels of technical inefficiency.
The results from the two tail test indicate that row plantation technology have
a better contribution to farmers production efficiency. Moreover, the result
from the Tobit model confirms the significance of row plantation in technical
The study found that the magnitude of technical efficiency varied from one
farmer to another and ranged from 42.4% to 75.4%, with a mean of 68.2%.
Consequently, due to technical inefficiency farmers have lost close to 32% of
the potential output. Moreover, the result from the stochastic frontier function
revealed that the production frontier of the farmers who use row plantation as
sowing technology is higher than that of the farmers who use traditional
sowing technology. In line with this, the data collected showed that, the inputs
used by the row plantation technology users is much higher than that of
traditional technology users.
In general, the result from the Tobit model revealed that age, family size,
TLU, row plantation technology, membership of cooperative and access to
irrigation are among the major determinants factors of technical efficiency of
smallholder farmers producing barley. Thus, the researchers recommend,
among others, the farmers who use traditional sowing technology has to
upgrade to the row plantation technology to gain the production efficiency. In
line with the integration access to irrigation, establishing cooperatives and
providing trainings to younger farmers to increase production efficiency.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Policy makers should pay due consideration to these factors that affect the
production efficiency.
The study found the impact of irrigation on production efficiency is direct and
immediate, therefore, there is still potential of integrating farm households’ for
those who don’t use row plantation technology in cropping to gain technical
Lastly, the study leaves for other researchers to study starting from the finding
that age of the household head, when gets older, affects production efficiency
negatively. That is, is this a lifecycle effect (meaning that the current
generation of young farmers may also leave from being efficiency when they
get older), or a generational shift? Investigating such questions could assist
policy makers in designing strategies to improve currently precarious farming
livelihoods, while facilitating a smooth exit from farming for those who wish
to take it.
Gabriel, Yohannes and Kibrom: Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Row Plantation…
Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor
Allocation, Food Production and Per Capita Food
Consumption in Tigray Region, Ethiopia*
Muuz Hadush1
Inadequate quantity and quality of animal water and feed resources are major
factors limiting the productivity of livestock farming in Ethiopia. It is common
that households spend a considerable share of their daily time to search for
theses scarce resources by displacing available labor time away from more
productive farming activities and leisure consumption. This paper examines the
impact of time spent looking for animal water and grazing feeds on households’
agricultural food production and per capita food consumption expenditure using
NMBU-MU Tigray Rural Household Survey of 518 sample farmers. To address
our objectives, we employ IV 2SLS for estimating per capita food consumption
expenditure and double log for estimating food production drawing on non-
separable farm household model. Our results do support the hypothesis of a
negative relationship between total household labour input to crop farming and
resource scarcity. Likewise, the findings confirm that reducing time spent looking
for water leads to an increase in food production, per capita food consumption,
and food security. In addition for the median household, the total impact revealed
that decreasing searching time for water, grazing and collecting time for straw
leads to an increment in food security. The results from the quantile regression
further proved that the effect of these scarce resources is not uniform across the
food production and consumption distribution. In line with our suspicion, the
income variable was found to be endogenous and instrumental variables for it
were statistically significant and bear the expected signs.
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
Mailing Address: NMBU, School of Economics and Business Box 5003, 1432 Ås,
Email: [email protected]
Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
1. Introduction
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Ethiopia and South Africa found that feed and water shortage, labor scarcity
and lack of capital were major constraints limiting livestock production
(Descheemaeker, 2008; Tegegne, 2012). Ownership of livestock in Ethiopia
has steadily declined mainly due to low availability of feed and water (Abegaz
et al., 2007). Likewise, results from Hassen et al. (2010) revealed that shortage
of water and feed are common in dry season as compared to wet season in
Ethiopia. Thus, increasing scarcity of grazing land, water for animal and straw
can be a significant burden to poor households, as grazing and water are a key
factor of agricultural production in the country.
The results of Mekonnen et al. (2015) in Ethiopia show that the shadow price
of fuel wood has a negative and significant impact on time spent on
agriculture; however, scarcity of water for humans has no effect on time spent
on agriculture. The only directly and slightly related to our study are of
Mekonnen et al. (2017), whose result indicated that farming productivity
decreases as time spent collecting dung increases in rural Ethiopia and
Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
For this purpose, we draw on the agricultural farm household model (Singh et
al., 1986) as a framework for the analysis by incorporating the time spent for
searching these resources in to the model. Following Yotopoulos et al. (1976),
an econometric estimation was presented using the NMBU-MU Tigray Rural
Household Surveys dataset collected in 2015. In aggregate, the findings
confirm that reducing time spent looking for water by 1% leads to an increase
in food production by 0.155%, PCFE by 0.133% and food security by 0.142%
while a 1% decrease in time wastage for searching grazing land increase food
production, PCFE and food security by 0.279%, 0.086% and 0.102%
respectively. Besides, an increment of 0.328% in food production and
0.0731% of PCFE is achieved by 1% reduction in straw collecting time,
leading to an aggregate effect of 0.092% increment in food security.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
In many parts of the highlands, feed and water deficits start in December–
January, when the natural pastures are at their lowest quantity and the supply
of stored crop residues is beginning to diminish. There is usually a gap of four
to five months of the dry season before the start of the short rains. The gap
which lasts for about 150 days between October and March is, therefore, the
critical period in a feeding and watering system that is largely based on natural
grazing pasture (Sileshi et al., 2003). According to CSA (2010c), the total
agricultural land is reported to be about 16 million ha occupied by 12.9 million
households accounting for an average of 1.23 ha per household, out of the
total agricultural land, 75 % is used for temporary crops while grazing land
accounts for 9%. Total grazing land in the study region is estimated to be
47,431 km2 while tropical livestock unit (TLU) per km2 of grazing land was
increased from 44,000 TLU in 2001/02 to 55,000 TLU in 2007/08 (Tilahun
and Schmidt, 2012).
Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
Based on Tesfaye (2010), the estimated crop residues from cultivated land in
the region is found to be about 1,229,651 tons dry matter/year. The region has
an estimated 878,322 ha of arable land available for crop production and
contributes about 45% of the animal feed demand. Belay et al. (2013) revealed
that the most important problems of livestock production perceived were feed
shortage (100%) and water shortage (27%) in Ethiopia. Livestock suffers from
a seasonal shortage of feed (grazing land) and water (Descheemaeker, 2008).
In the high altitude zone, livestock cover less than 1 km distance to reach
water compared to the low altitude zones (Hassen et al., 2010). As a result,
there is a shortage of labor for livestock management (Tegegne, 2012).
Nahusenay et al. (2015) found that adult males are much more responsible for
feeding animals (57%) and adult female accounts for 25% in feeding animals.
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3. Theoretical Model
Considering the time spent on looking scarce resource, the total time
endowment is further divided into four main activities: farm activities, off-
farm activities, leisure and searching or collecting these resources activities.
Labor allocation for these scarce resources displaces household’s labor from
productive activities such as agricultural production and off-farm employment,
food preparation and leisure, resulting in low welfare (Cooke et al., 2008;
Mekonnen et al., 2015). The scarcity of grazing and water resources adversely
affects household food production and consumption either by affecting
livestock production directly, affecting crop and off farm income through
Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
labor reallocation or through its direct impact on time for leisure consumption
and food preparation.
The theoretical framework for modeling the effect of resource scarcity on food
production and consumption is, in general, built within the framework of
household utility model. Modeling households’ decision of production and
consumption as a recursive method enables us to understand the households’
action as if it first maximizes profit (Straus, 1986). Following the work of
Singh et al. (1986), it makes sense first to maximize profit and then decide
consumption and leisure since income and utility are positively related. For
simplicity, the well-behaved quasi-concave household utility function have the
following form:
K = K( , L ; ɸ), (1)
where vector of home produced goods such as meals and purchased goods
consumed, and is consumption of leisure. The meal production is a function
of agricultural goods, off farm income , fuel sources such as straw or dung as
well as labor days the household spend on searching grazing land, water and
crop residue. The production of household goods is also influenced by the
vector of household characteristics,
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
households’ production and other incomes such as transfer, minus the value of
variable inputs required for production, the budget constraint stating total
consumption equals total income can be presented as:
∑L0 Y0 0 = YL (+ + +S ) + ∑0 Y0 P0 − ∑Z Y V − YL 3 + , , (4)
Assuming that interior solution exists, the first order conditions based on
Straus (1986) are:
\ℒ \_
= \D − [Y0 = 0, (5.1)
\D^ ^
\ℒ \a
= γ \L − [YL = 0, (5.2)
Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
\ℒ \a
=γ − [Y = 0, (5.3)
\bc \bc
\ℒ \_ \D^ \a
= + [YL + γ = 0, (5.4)
\de \D^ \de \de
\ℒ \D^ \a
= +[Y0 + γ \f = 0, (5.5)
\f^ ^
=F(P, V, W¸+S )=0, (5.6)
= YL (+ + +S ) + ∑0 Y0 P0 − ∑Z Y V − YL 3 + , − ∑L0 Y0 0 = 0.
Following Straus (1986), the solution to the first order conditions of the above
expressions yields standard demand function for inputs and outputs in terms of
all prices, the wage rate, time for searching and collecting scarce resource,
fixed land, and capital. Substituting optimal labor, and optimum output into
RHS of Equation (4) produces optimum income or full income under the
assumption of maximized profit. Likewise, the first order conditions of the
LHS of Equation (4) gives consumption demand function in terms of prices,
the wage rate, and income and household’s preferences represented by
household demographic characteristics. The effect of scarce resource on
agricultural production i\d j is investigated through the production sector and
its direct impact on household’s utility k\f^ l is explored through consumption
sector. Thus, the total effect which is sum of the two effects can be explained
using the budget constraint total income as
\m \D^ \7 \D
= + \d ^ ,
\de \7 \de
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
In this case, utility and production decision problems can indeed be solved
recursively, despite their simultaneity in time (Straus, 1986). Barnum and
Squire (1979) show that household characteristics can be introduced into the
model as linear functions and prove that introducing them as linear functions
will not change the analysis as long as household characteristics are treated as
fixed variables. Since solving the above system of equations becomes more
tiresome as the number of commodities consumed and outputs produced
increase, an alternative approach to estimating separated production function
for each output type is aggregate production. Aggregation gives a greater
chance to cancel out errors when some households report zero variable input
for some products but positive outputs and will not only reduce the number of
parameters to be estimated but also addresses the probable existence of
jointness (Strauss, 1986).
See for a similar approach in the work of (Cooke, 1998; Cooke et al., 2008 and
Baland et al., 2010)
NMBU-MU refers to Norwegian University of Life Science-Mekelle University.
This dataset has been used by Gehbru Hosaena (2010); Holden et al. (2009, 2011).
Hagos and Holden (2011) and others.
Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
author is involved only in collecting the data for the last round. The data has
been originally designed by a doctoral student from Ethiopia in Norway and
PhD students who joined the same university continued to use the same
design. The available panel dataset provides comprehensive household and
plot level data on household characteristics, agriculture and livestock
information, food consumption, rental market participation, land certificate
perception as well as community level data on GPS information including
rainfall, total cultivated, irrigated and grazing area, wages, and conservation
activities under safety net activities.
The primary data used in this paper is adapted from the last, 2014/2015,
household survey since some variables used in this estimation were only
added in the last round of the wave. Table 1 presents the basic socio-economic
characteristics of 518 farm households drawn from a total of 632 sample
farmers. For this study, the need for information regarding livestock activity
restricted us to use only 518 farmers, those who only owned cattle during the
study year (82 percent of the original data, 632). The dependent variable in the
production side is aggregate household agricultural production or monetary
value of all crops produced during the survey production season. In the
consumption side, the dependent variable is per capita food consumption
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Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
of the survey, average land holding is 1 ha, which is less than the family
member size in the study area and holding large size is expected to play a
significant role in influencing households’ food production and food security
positively (Najafi, 2003).
Fertilizer and manure are used in most studies as a proxy for technology that
augments agricultural productivity and is expected to boost the overall
production, contributing towards attaining household food security. Each
household uses an average of 68.5 KG fertilizer and 775.6 KG manure during
the harvesting period, while the number of oxen by an average household is 2.
All inputs are expected to increase production and thus food consumption
(Brown, 2004; Di Falco et al., 2011). In many developing countries, oxen
serve as a source of traction, thereby significantly affecting households’ crop
production and consumption by enabling households to cultivate greater areas
of land (Govereh and Jayne, 1999). Hence, a positive relationship between ox
ownership and food expenditure and crop production is expected in this study.
On average, each household had 85.5 man day labor used for farm production.
The magnitude of this variable is smaller than the result from the previous
empirical finding of Sakketa and Gerber (2017) and Mekonnen et al. (2015),
who found the average household labor time is about 114 and 117 man day in
Ethiopia. I have also tried to look at the correlation between the time spent on
searching water, grazing land and crop residue and time spent on crop
farming. The result indicated that farm time and resource scarcity are
negatively associated in the study area. This is consistent with result of
Mekonnen et al. (2015), who investigated the impact of scarcity of fuelwood
and water for human on labor allocated to agriculture. Given adequate land,
adequate labor supply input is expected to foster production and is expected to
have a positive effect (Di Falco et al., 2011; Sarris et al., 2006).
Out of the total sample, 6.4% lives in highland parts of the region. Only 27%
of the households have access to irrigation and only 2% are involved in water
harvesting practices such as ponds and well. Nearly 39% of the households
report that they have been severely affected by eleven different level of shocks
including, drought, pests, flood, theft, illness and death, loss of job and home
damage in the last harvesting season, and 4.25 % of households report having
been affected by animal shocks one year before the harvesting season. Both
Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
Nearly 32% of the household heads have at least a one or more years of
education. Thus, it is hypothesized that education is negatively related to
consumption value. Around 82% of the households are Orthodox followers
while 18% of the households are Muslim households in the study area. Out of
the 518 households in the sample, 61% got assistance either from their
relatives or friends and is expected to increase production and consumption
(Di Falco et al., 2011). More than 40 percent of household heads site attend
media via TV, radio and mobile phone about any development intervention.
Hence, it is expected that households with information are more likely to
produce more and be food secure. The expected effect on production and
consumption is positive (Di Falco et al., 2011).
This paper draws on the AHM which provides a holistic framework to analyze
the economic relations of production and consumption decision in the farm
household. We choose the recursive AHM since it has an advantage of
econometric estimation simplicity and fits best to the available data. Although
the separation property of the recursive model enables us to separate the
estimation of consumption and production sectors, it will result in inconsistent
estimators whenever one of the assumptions does not hold true. This problem
is even more significant for studies that deal on production side than
consumption (Delforce, 1994). But, as the focus of this study mainly inclines
to consumption side. The problem is less worrisome.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
* = ?∏ ∏ 0 i) p + ) p0 j , (7)
where is output, are quantities of the inputs, , and (This is the assumption of
constant return to scale). Assuming that for all , and taking natural log of
equation (7) produces a standard Cobb-Douglas equation with many inputs,
which is to be estimated in its natural log form:
* = rs + ∑ r p + , (8)
where, is the constant term in equation (8), and is the error term.
The GCD production function is often criticized for being restrictive due to its
assumptions of constant returns to scale (CRTS) and perfect competition in
both input market and output market even if it handles a large number of
inputs. Its assumptions make it difficult to measure technical efficiency levels
and growth effectively. But, the assumption about market does not
significantly affects the estimation power of Cobb-Douglas production
function as long as factors are paid according to their relative shares (Murthy,
2004). In addition, Miller (2008) argued that GCD can be estimated by
relaxing the CRTS assumption and then test whether the summation of the
coefficients is significantly different from one using the standard econometric
Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
t= s + u +∑ p + v, (9)
Since farm and off-farm income is not randomly distributed among rural
households, this variable is likely to be endogenous, which could be caused by
omitted variables, measurement error, simultaneity or household unobservable
(Hidalgo et al., 2010), First, a reverse causality problem might exist, because
per capita food expenditure at the household level might also influence labor
productivity and thus farm productivity. Second, farm and off-farm income
might be influenced by household unobservable, which can lead to correlation
with the error term. In the presence of endogeneity, the use of the OLS
estimator biases the effect of income. In order to avoid an endogeneity bias,
we adopted Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) approach, using household
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
t = u+u x +∑ p + y, (10)
= r + /z + ∑ p + y, (11)
where is total farm and off farm income of the household, is parameter
coefficients of the vector of the instrumental variables, / which are assumed to
correlate with income but not with the error term, y in the structural
equation (10). The estimated per capita food consumption expenditure of the
household, in (10) is now assumed to be unbiased.
6. Economic Results
6.1 Estimation of Household Labour Allocation to Crop Farming
Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
As expected, we also found that large family households spend more time on
crop farming. The households living in lowland areas spend more farm labour
input to farming than their counter part. Wealthier households who have more
livestock spend more time for farming. Higher on-farm income is associated
with household’s more time input to crop farming. Hiring labor from the local
market decrease labor family input to farming and higher altitude motivate
farmers to allocate more labor input to crop farming. These findings
correspond to the results of previous studies by Cooke (1998), Okwi and
Muhumuza (2010), Bandyopadhyay et al. 2011) and Mekonnen et al.(2015).
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
column presents the estimation of the food production function with water
scarcity taken into account as do the second and the third columns, putting
grazing land and feed transport into consideration. The result is in favor of our
As expected Column (1) of Table 2 indicated that time spent on animal water
source is found to be negative significant, suggesting that a one percent
increase in time spent looking for water decreases agricultural production by
0.155 percent, and time spent on searching grazing land have stronger effect
than this variable as shown in Column (2) i.e., a one percent increase in time
spent searching for grazing decreases agricultural output by 0.279 percent.
Another feed scarcity related variable is time spent for transporting crop-
residue from threshing center to homestead. Increasing distance significantly
resulted in a negative sign as expected, implying that farmers that spend one
minute more for collecting crop residue produce about 0.328 percent less
output (Column 3). The output effect obtained here support the claim that time
spent for searching scarce resources displace labor time from production
activity and hence reduce crop production in line with the findings of (Damte
et al., 2012; Mekonnen et al., 2015; Tangka and Jabbar, 2005), who generally
concluded that collection of scarce resources such as water, firewood, and
grass negatively affect production activity by reducing labor time allocated to
crop farming.
The estimated coefficient for land (0.278, 0.304 and 0.201) shows that
increasing land size by one percent increases agricultural production, on
average, by almost 0.3 percent, implying that land is a vital input of
agriculture. The result is similar to what it was found by Nisrane et al. (2011),
whose study revealed that cultivated land had a positive effect on agricultural
production in Ethiopia. Moreover, Foster and Rosenzweig (2010) showed that
land size had a positive impact on net revenue in India while the empirical
results from Sarris et al. (2006) in Tanzania also appear to support the above
Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
As expected fertilizer and manure use are found to be significant and positive
variables incongruent to the studies conducted by (Demeke et al., 2011;
Kidane et al., 2005; Nisrane et al., 2011; Di Falco et al., 2011) in Ethiopia. In
Ethiopia ox is the main capital input used for ploughing and threshing and can
be considered as an equivalent substitute of the uses of the tractor. In this
paper number of oxen is found to be significant, leading to a 0.23 percent
increase in the agricultural output. A similar result is found in the study of
Mekonnen et al. (2015) who found a positive effect of ox input food crop
productivity in Ethiopia.
In line with the predictions of economic theory, inputs such as farm capital
and labors are significantly associated with an increase in the quantity of
production value. A one percent increase in man day labor causes to increase
production by about 0.353 percent, a finding that is consistent with this notion
is of Di Falco et al. (2011) and Abdulai and Huffman (2014). But the
coefficient on seed input contrasts with the findings by Di Falco et al. (2011)
in Ethiopia and Bulte et al. (2014) in Tanzania, who both found a positive
significant on harvest. Farmers hiring one percent extra labor seems to
increase their production value by 0.481 percent, confronting with the result of
Sarris et al. (2006) whose result revealed a negative relation. Another capital
input included in the analysis is production capital which is the monetary
value of farm tools. It is found to be statistically significant. A one percent
increase in production capital has the ability to increase agricultural output by
0.056 percent. This finding is consistent with the earlier study by Sarris et al.
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Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
Similarly, the land holding size of the household head can be considered as a
substitute for sources of wealth in rural areas and is expected to influence total
income positively (Sarris et al. (2006)). In the same fashion, cultivation of
more plots in rural areas of the country is a good indicator of wealth and
directly affects the farm income he/she harvests. Increasing number of plots is
expected to increase farm income directly but consumption indirectly thought
its effect on income. Table 3 compares results from naive OLS and 2SLS
estimates for all variables of interest, namely water, grazing land and crop
residue distance. The potential candidate instruments used in the estimation
were tested to check if they could pass the necessary requirements for an
instrument to be as an instrument.
Table 4 reports test results for all scenarios presented in Table 3. The Wu-
Hausman F-test with a p-value less than 0.05 rejected the null hypothesis that
OLS estimation is consistent or income is exogenous and motivates the use of
instruments. Besides, the Sargan chi2 –test fails to reject the null hypothesis
that all instruments are uncorrelated with the error term in the structural model
or all instruments are valid. This enables us to conclude that the instruments
pass the over-identification requirement for all estimates. Finally, instruments
were also tested if they could pass the second most important criteria that the
instrument should be correlated or relevant to the endogenous variable
income. To ensure the relevance of instruments, the Stock and Yogo (2005) F-
test was employed and F-values for three models are about 42 which is
extremely higher than the rule of thumb of at least greater than 10 (Table 4).
The first stage regression results of two-stage least square (2SLS) which are
not reported here for the purpose of saving space show that both instruments
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have a negative relationship with income but only shock variable is found to
be statistically significant in all scenarios (Table 3). Total income of the
household which have positive coefficient significantly affected per capita
food expenditure. Column (1, 3, and 5) of Table 3 shows the ordinary
estimates of the income effect by estimating the consumption model using
OLS estimator. The coefficient of income suggests that a 1% increase in
income increases per capita food expenditure by around 0.044 %, whereas the
2SLS result display that a one percent increase in total income leads to 0.59
percent increase in per capita food expenditure in all estimates. It turns out that
this naive ordinary estimate grossly underestimates the income effect than
effects from the IV-2SLS estimate. This implies that estimating the model
using OLS is not the correct approach and ignoring these differences would
bias the income effect. The findings of Njimanted et al. (2006) in rural
Cameroon, and Demeke et al. (2011) in rural Ethiopia also confirm that
household income is one of the key determinants of food expenditure and food
security in rural areas.
As hypothesized, time spent for searching animal feed and animal water
directly affected per capita food expenditure. Time spent looking for water and
grazing land has resulted in a negative sign as expected and they are found to
be an important factors of per capita food expenditure. A one percent increase
in minutes traveled to reach water source and grazing land leads to a 0.133 and
0.086 percent decrease in per capita food expenditure respectively (Table 3)
referring to the IV estimates. In addition, a one percent increase in minutes
traveled to collect crop residue from threshing fields to homestead leads to
0.073 percent decrease in per capita food expenditure. This supports the
argument by Tangka and Jabbar (2005), whose study conclude that feed
scarcity reduces livestock, crop, and non-farm productivity as well as access to
food, resulting in less food security and low welfare by traveling long distance
with an animal in search of feed and water in less developing countries.
Muuz Hadush: Implication of Animal Feed and Water Scarcity on Labor Allocation, Food Production and…
of income is derived from agriculture in rural areas. This is in line with Sarris
et al. (2006) who found that that agricultural output significantly affects per
capita consumption expenditure in Ethiopia.
Experiencing an animal shock at least once in the previous year lowers per
capita consumption by 0.379%, 0.442% and 0.440% for the three cases taking
the estimated value of IV in Table 3. Dercon (2004) found that a livestock
shock negatively affects per capita consumption expenditure in rural Ethiopia.
The coefficient of household’s religion is 0.152 % and is statistically
significant, implying that orthodox households have 0.152 percent per capita
consumption higher than Muslim group which is opposite to the result of
Oldiges (2012) and Sinha (2005), who together found a positive relation
between Muslim follower and per capita cereal consumption in India.
Although the location is insignificant, per capita food consumption for farmers
living in the highland is lower than for those living in the lowland area. This is
in favor of results from Asmamaw et al. (2015) whose study in Ethiopia
indicated that people from highlands are more chronically food insecure, and
consume less than 50% of total calorie requirements than in the lowlands.
The negative and significant sign of network shows that individuals who got
social supports have 0.191 % less per capita food expenditure, implying that
supports from relatives or friends are not adequate enough to cover food
expenditure for the recipient households (Sarris et al., 2006). Other
insignificant variables are proximity to market (positive), the age of the
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
household head (negative) in line with the study of Matchaya and Chilonda
This analysis finalizes its discussion by exploring the total effect of animal
water and feed scarcity on food security. In rural Ethiopia, households spend a
large portion of their daily productive time searching for water and grazing
land for the animal. Based on the descriptive statistics in Table 1, the median
household in this sample spends up to one 75 minutes to travel to a water
source, 91 minutes to search for grazing land and 577 minutes to transport
crop residue yearly. The labor hours allocated for these resources then reduces
the total time available for crop farming activities in addition to the reduction
in the households’ leisure consumption. Its effect on agricultural production is
investigated via the production sector and its direct impact on household’s
utility is analyzed through consumption sector. The aggregate of the two
shows the total welfare effect on the household’s livelihood.
Then, the total effect is simply calculated by taking the slope coefficient of
income in the consumption regression multiplied by the coefficient of time
allocation in the production estimation, plus the coefficient of time allocation
in the consumption regression. Based on Table 5, the total impact of time
spent searching for water, feed and transporting feed on per capita food
consumption expenditure is -0.142, -0.102 and -0.092 respectively. This
implies that for a one percent increase in minutes traveled to a water and feed
source, per capita food consumption decrease by 0.142%, 0.102%, and
0.092% respectively. If the median household in this data spends about 60
minutes to look for water and feed source and have per capita food
consumption expenditure of 2490 birr. For the median household, decreasing
traveling minutes to a water and feed source by 0.6 minutes will increase per
capita food consumption expenditure by 354 birr, 254 birr and 229 birr. The
results of this analysis based on per capita food expenditure can be good
indicators of a necessary condition for food security (FAO, 1996).
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Another major conclusion is that the use of inputs such as land, family and
hired labor, fertilizer, manure, oxen and farm physical tool appears to be
positively related to the household’s agricultural production, and are
significant determinants of farm productivity as predicted by the economic
theory. However, aggregate production seems to be impeded by the
occurrence of shock and agroecology, indicating that farmers experiencing
shock and living in the highland seem to suffer from less production. On the
consumption side variables such as agricultural output, income, livestock
ownership and religion affiliation are found to be major positive contributing
factors but shock occurrence, family size, male headship and social network
are found to reduce per capita food consumption. Results confirm the
theoretical prediction that having a higher number of family member and
shock exposure affect per capita food consumption expenditure adversely.
The empirical results presented in this paper lead to the following policy
conclusions. Two areas of policy intervention can be emerged as relevant. The
first involves policies and institutions that facilitate easier access to animal
water tap by advocating on emergency relief grounds. The second area of
policy intervention involves the introduction of more efficient animal feed
management strategy that can be implemented by helping households adopt
new technologies that improve cattle production and reduce land degradation.
Third, given the evidence in this paper, it appears that policies that seek to
promote information and reducing shock exposure would be useful in
enhancing household level food security.
In general, this study can be helpful for policy makers working to alleviate
animal water and feed problems in Ethiopia to justify their actions with an
empirical result. Besides, this study’s result can give a good lesson for policy
analysts that labor allocation for reaching water and feed source imposes a
negative impact on crop farm output and food consumption and hence on food
security. Helping farmers to have a nearby water and feed source do not only
alleviate labor constraints but also saves time that could be used for other
productive farming activities. Such strategy enables farmers to keep their
animals at the homestead in the form of stall feeding and tethering around the
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Explaining Inter-regional Differentials in Child Mortality
in Rural Ethiopia: A Count Data Decomposition Analysis
Using data from the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey, 2016for a
total of 1,295 number of under-five child deaths, this study examined the
major determinants of inter-regional differentials in under-five child
mortality in rural settings of Ethiopia. An extended detailed Oaxaca-Blinder
decomposition technique to negative binomial regression model was applied
to examine the relative individual contribution of different covariates to
inter-regional differentials in under-five child mortality. Findings of
decomposition analysis indicated that large portion of the regional
differentials remained unexplained, being the lowest between Tigrai and
Benishangul-Gumuz (12 percent) and the highest in Tigrai-Gambella regions
(37 percent). The explained regional gap was due to differences in the
distributions of measured factors across regions mainly attributable to
differences in short birth-spacing, higher birth-order, antenatal healthcare
services visits, women without education, home delivery, large household
size, and poorest households’ economic status. Hence, understanding inter-
regional differentials in under-five child mortality and developing
appropriate policies and strategies could further reduce the rate of under-
five child mortality. Thus, on top of strengthening the health extension
programme in rural Ethiopia, this study suggests that substantial efforts must
also be made to improve the overall households’ economic status and
women’s education levels.
*Corresponding Email: [email protected]; Tel.: +251913139174, Adigrat
University, Adigrat-Tigrai, Ethiopia.
A College of Business and Economics, Adigrat University, Ethiopia
Lecturer in School of Accounting, Economics, and Finance, University of
(UKZN), South Africa. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: +2733 260 5522
Yibrah and Phocenah: Explaining Inter-regional Differentials in Child Mortality in Rural Ethiopia:…
1. Introduction
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with average annual rate of reduction of 5 percent between 1990 and 2015
(UNICEF, 2015a), previous studies indicated the existence of substantial
variations in the rate of progress across regions of the country (the regions are
Afar, Amhara, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambella, Harari, Oromia, Somali,
Southern Nations Nationalities and People (SNNP) (Abebaw, 2013; CSA &
ICFInternational, 2012; CSA & ORCMacro., 2006; UNDP, 2012). Oftentimes,
the observed differences in the rate of progress across regions have been
masked by the overall rate of reduction in under-five child mortality at the
national average. Moreover, in Ethiopia, the inter-regional distribution of
under-five child mortality indicate the marked regional disparities (Abebaw,
2013; CSA & ICFInternational, 2012; UNDP, 2012). In 2000, for example, the
U5MR varied from as low as 169 deaths in Tigrai to as high as 233 death per
thousand births in Gambella (CSA & ORCMacro., 2000). Similarly, in 2016,
the U5MR also varied as low as 85 deaths in Tigrai to as high as 169 deaths
per thousand births in Benishangul-Gumuz. The rates of decline in under-five
mortality for all regions except Tigrai (85 deaths per thousand births) were
significantly lower than the national average rate (88 deaths per thousand
births) in 2016, indicating there was a disproportionate inter-regional gain in
under-five child mortality rates across times (CSA & ICFInternational, 2012).
Yibrah and Phocenah: Explaining Inter-regional Differentials in Child Mortality in Rural Ethiopia:…
remains very low. The country has been ranked 37th and is one among the ten
top countries with highest absolute umber under-five children deaths (184
deaths per thousand). Hence, Ethiopia accounts for three percent of the share
of global under-five child deaths in 2015 (UNICEF, 2015a; UNIGME, 2015).
More importantly, about 59 of every one thousand children in Ethiopia are still
dying before celebrating the age of five years (UNICEF, 2015a; UNIGME,
2015). Like in many developing countries, in Ethiopia mortality of under-five
children in rural areas are considerably higher than in urban areas (CSA &
ICFInternational, 2012; CSA & ORCMacro., 2006; Regassa, 2012). A child
born in rural areas has 38 percent higher probability of dying than a child of
urban counterparts (FMOH, 2014b). Previous studies have also noted that one
child in every 11 Ethiopian children under-five dying before reaching the fifth
births anniversary (CSA & ICFInternational, 2012; CSA & ORCMacro.,
2006). Furthermore, most of the Ethiopian population is still primarily rural.
Out of the total population (94 million), more than 15 percent (14.245 million)
of them are under-five children (UNICEF, 2014). Since the share of rural
population in Ethiopia is huge, combating under-five rural child mortality
could further speed up the overall U5MR reduction both at the national and
regional levels. The overall rate of progress that Ethiopia has made in U5MR
(59) is considerably lower than infant mortality (41 deaths per thousand births)
(UNIGME, 2015).
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Similarly, the study of Assi (2014) has attempted to assess the factors
explaining regional variations in under-five child mortality in Cote d'Ivoire
based on 2016-2012 Cote d'Ivoire demographic and health survey data using
logistic regression model. Findings indicated there were considerable
variations in child mortality across the region of Cote d'Ivoire. Mother’s
education at least who completed secondary education was associated with
under-five child mortality risk and was found to be statistically significant.
However, the study failed to identify the sources of the observed regional
variations in under-five child mortality in Cote d'Ivoire rather it has identified
the factors affecting under-five child mortality not the regional variations in
U5MR. More importantly, the study suggested further research be carried out
explaining the sources of regional differences in child mortality. Similarly, a
study by Akuma (2013) has evaluated regional differentials in infant mortality
using the 2009 Kenyan DHS. For analyses purpose, the author has examined
the regional differences in infant mortality by classifying provinces of the
country into two regions (groups) as low and high infant mortality regions
based upon the magnitudes or levels of infant mortality that the provinces had
and applied logistic regression model to analysis the data. Hence, the results of
the regression analysis revealed that there were regional disparities in infant
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The reviewed literature revealed that there have been several factors affecting
regional differentials in infant and under-five child mortality; however, prior
studies available on this domain in Ethiopia have not given due emphasis on
examining determinants of regional disparities in infant and under-five child
mortality. Therefore, given the lack of empirical evidence on the relative
Yibrah and Phocenah: Explaining Inter-regional Differentials in Child Mortality in Rural Ethiopia:…
The study uses data from the Ethiopian “Demographic and Health Survey”
2016. The data are a cross-sectional and large-scale health survey carried out
in nationally representative sample households across all regions of the
country. The survey employed a multistage cluster sampling procedure to
select sample households that are nationally representative. Altogether, a total
8,881 households were selected. However, the present study was delimited to
a total of 5,481 households from nine administrative regions of rural Ethiopia.
There were a total of 5,437 under-five children ever born at the national level.
In this study, about 1,295 number of rural under-five deaths were considered
for further analysis after excluding those missing values for the variables
included in the regression analysis. Details of sampling procedure, data
collection tools, and sample design are available in the report of the CSA and
ICFInternational (2016).
Analysis of this study was limited to rural children whose age is between 0-59
months as a primary health outcome variable (dependent variable), defined as
the probability of a child dying by age under-five years per thousand births
(CSA & ICFInternational, 2016). While examining the association between
under-five child mortality and explanatory variables, the unit of analysis was
number of under-five child deaths.
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Yibrah and Phocenah: Explaining Inter-regional Differentials in Child Mortality in Rural Ethiopia:…
„…† = Š‹(Œ•Ž†••
‘ ‡ˆ
) − Š‹(Œ•Ž†‘•• ‰† ) = ’“”•„…† (Œ•Ž†‘•• ‡ˆ |˜–‡ˆ −
“”–‰†„…†(Œ•Ž†••‘=‰†|˜–‰† [01]
The first bracketed segment on the right-hand side of equations [01] represents
the “explained component”, the differences in U5MR due to differences in the
magnitude of observable characteristics across the two regions
(“characteristics effect or covariates effect”). The second bracketed segment
represents the “unexplained component”, the regional differences in under-
five child mortality rates due to effects of the estimated coefficient of the
observable attributes across the two regions (“coefficients effect”).
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
The statistical analyses are computed using Stata version 14 by adopting the
“user-written mvdcmp Stata command” on nonlinear regression-based detailed
decomposition technique of average outcome differentials proposed by Powers
et al. (2011) and O‘Donnell et al. (2008).
4. Empirical results
Yibrah and Phocenah: Explaining Inter-regional Differentials in Child Mortality in Rural Ethiopia:…
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Most importantly, children born to mothers with less than 20 years age at first
birth contributed significantly 6 and .78 percent, respectively to the Tigrai-
Amhara and Tigrai-Somali regional gaps while it has also been found to
reduce 8 percent of the Tigrai-Gambella regional differences in under-five
child mortality. Also, the differences in the proportion of children who have
been delivered at home (out of health facilities) contributed significantly 3, 9,
10 and 3 percent of the Tigrai-Harari, Tigrai-Amhara, Tigrai-Somali, and
Tigrai-Gambella regional differences in under-five child mortality,
Yibrah and Phocenah: Explaining Inter-regional Differentials in Child Mortality in Rural Ethiopia:…
Table 1: Detailed decomposition of inter-regional differentials in under-five child mortality (between Tigrai RC and other regions)
Tigrai-BG Tigrai-Afar Tigrai-Amhara Tigrai-Oromia Tigrai-Somali Tigrai-SNNP Tigrai-Gambella Tigrai-Harari
Covariates region region region region region region region region
Contribution (in percentage)
Child’s age -1.15 -1.89 2.72 -11.31 3.03 -3.50 -2.93 2.64
Child =Female -.05 -0.06 -.01 -.12 .03*** -.39 -.01*** .51
Birth order>4 -.68 -7.60*** -13.02*** 4.47*** -9.96*** 29.14** 12.45** 8.63***
Birth size < average -.08 3.90 -.53** -.76 -.28** -.60 36.17*** 14.73
Birth size = average -.62** -4.44 .57 .61 .36 -.89 14.71** -4.31
Multiple birth .11 -0.31 -1.07 -1.52 -.33** -.47 .13 2.85
Short birth interval 16.68*** 38.88*** 5.06*** 53.15** 2.40** 31.27** -1.63** -33.76**
Maternal age at birth <20 -.05 12.63 5.78** -5.11 .79** -11.74 11.49 3.52
Maternal age at birth >35 .09 -6.04 -17.09** -9.34 -2.26 -1.60 -8.31*** 25.92
Contraceptive use -.46 14.66 -8.57* -.24 -10.14* -5.19 .68 9.22
Antenatal visits 11.72* 36.83* 26.62** 55.48* 12.89* 32.21* -8.12* 8.53*
Mother’s education 2.85** 6.15** -.90 -79.54** 22.97** -3.52** 21.42*** 3.08
Mother’s work status -5.63 .78 -.40 -16.31 -.17 -9.98 -12.15 9.53
Female HH head .04 -0.66 -.21 -.55 .69 .01 -6.31 -2.96
Age of HH head -20.96 -6.85 1.46 -1.74 -.96 -40.00*** -6.27 -14.74
Father’s education -.54 -17.57 -.28 -1.54 6.31 .67 -.54** -8.57
Poorest third 4.15 7.37 12.51* 2.92* -7.60*** 9.98* 3.90 4.44**
Middle third .09 -21.49 .07 17.29 -1.04 .52 -18.21** -6.28*
Household size 8.84*** -8.45*** 9.26*** 6.69 5.20 4.33*** -.81*** -9.99***
Toilet facility -.33 -32.14 -.61 -3.05 -.50 -2.37 -.16 -3.14
Electricity facility -1.34 -0.37 -2.21 1.32 -1.69 .04 3.08 -3.20
Home delivery -1.12 24.86 9.17*** 24.10 9.6*** -5.79 3.41* 2.70***
Safe drinking water 1.74 -4.58 -1.12 -4.00 2.86 14.32 -2.09 3.84
Source: Own computation, 2016 EDHS; Notes: The contribution of each covariate (characteristics) has been expressed in percentage. RC indicates the reference category. The relative contributions of
individual covariates can be positive (>0 percent) or negative (<0 percent) and can exceed 100 percent. A positive value (sign) shows the component contributes to the greater differentials of U5MR
between Tigrai and the other regional comparisons whereas a negative contribution designates the opposite. Asterisks denote the level of significance: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, and * p<0.1. HH
represents household
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
5. Discussions
Yibrah and Phocenah: Explaining Inter-regional Differentials in Child Mortality in Rural Ethiopia:…
The most striking regional differentials almost across the groups of regional
comparisons occurred due to differences in the proportion of children from the
poorest third index households. In line with present study, significant
difference in child mortality was observed due the major difference in
households’ wealth index in Nigeria (Adedini et al., 2015), Nepal (Goli et al.,
2015), Kenya (Akuma, 2013), and in Iran (Hosseinpoor et al., 2006). A
mother who gave a birth at less than 20 years old could face delivery and
pregnancy related problems due to the mother’s biological immaturity. Also,
the mother could not have basic knowledge on how to care babies (Pandey et
al., 1998) and as a result, a child born to this mother could have more likely to
significantly die than a child of a mother whose age is above 20 years (Babson
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Yibrah and Phocenah: Explaining Inter-regional Differentials in Child Mortality in Rural Ethiopia:…
6. Conclusions
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on the Tigray Regional State...
Yibrah and Phocenah: Explaining Inter-regional Differentials in Child Mortality in Rural Ethiopia:…
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