have been reported. serious poisoning. A detectable formic acid level may be
6. Occasionally a patient develops transient Fanconi syndrome consistent with methanol poisoning, as methanol is metabo-
(hypouricaemia, hypophosphataemia, glycosuria, and lised to formic acid.
hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis). 7. CT Scan/MRI—Symmetrical areas of necrosis in the
7. Acute necrotising pancreatitis may result from severe putamen of the brain are a classic finding in cases of acute
methanol poisoning. lethal methanol toxicity. However, these findings are also
8. Cause of death is usually respiratory failure, which may present in other conditions, such as Wilson’s disease and
precede the cessation of heart beat by several minutes. In Leigh’s disease, and are not pathognomonic for methanol
fatal methanol poisoning cases, marked sinus bradycardia poisoning.
may develop with widening of the pulse pressure. Further,
severe hypotension, requiring fluid and vasopressor therapy, Treatment
occurs terminally in severe methanol intoxications. Patients with abnormal vital signs, visual disturbances, pulmo-
9. The most common permanent sequelae following recovery nary oedema, evidence of renal dysfunction, high methanol
from severe poisoning are optic neuropathy, blindness, levels, significant acidosis, or coma should be admitted to an
intensive care unit.
1. Stomach wash with sodium bicarbonate.
2. Ipecac-induced emesis is not recommended because of the
potential for CNS depression.
3. Activated charcoal does not adsorb significant amounts of
methanol. Its use in the face of ingestion may be indicated
to prevent absorption of co-ingested substances.
4. Antidotes (Fig 14.9):
a. Ethanol is the specific antidote since it preferentially
competes for the same enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase)
and prevents the metabolism of methanol which is then
excreted unchanged in the urine. Ethanol has about 20
times the affinity for alcohol dehydrogenase compared
Colourless, volatile liquid with a faint odour of acetone and a also be routinely obtained and followed. Acetone may be
slightly bitter taste. detectable in the urine by 3 hours after ingestion, and in
the blood by one-half to one hour after isopropanol inges-
Uses tion. A high serum or urinary acetone without metabolic
1. Rubbing alcohol (70%), for massage. acidosis is strongly suggestive of isopropanol intoxication.
2. Disinfectant. ■■ Increased osmolal gap.
3. Antifreeze. ■■ High anion gap metabolic acidosis.
4. Paint remover.
5. Window cleaning solution. Treatment
6. Toiletries (hair tonics, after-shave lotions). ■■ Skin decontamination in the case of dermal exposure.
7. Industrial solvent. ■■ Stomach wash and activated charcoal in the case of inges-
tion. However, many investigators are of the opinion that
Usual Fatal Dose activated charcoal does not adsorb isopropanol efficiently.
■■ About 250 to 300 ml. ■■ Haemodialysis: Useful in patients demonstrating marked
■■ In terms of blood level: > 300 mg%. symptoms (persistent hypotension, coma) unresponsive to
standard therapy.
Toxicokinetics ■■ Supportive measures, including correction of hypotension,
Isopropanol can be absorbed through all routes. In the body it is metabolic acidosis, etc.
rapidly metabolised by alcohol dehydrogenase. Approximately
80% is converted to acetone and the remainder is excreted Forensic Issues
unchanged in the urine. Acetone is excreted in the urine and breath, Isopropanol may be generated spontaneously in a dead body,
and also metabolised to acetate, formate, and carbon dioxide. presumably due to bacterial or other putrefaction processes.
This fact must be borne in mind when subjecting viscera to
Mode of Action chemical analysis.
Isopropanol is two to three times more potent than ethanol as
a CNS depressant. Ethylene Glycol
Clinical Features Synonyms
■■ Lethargy, vertigo, headache, confusion, ataxia, dysarthria, 1,2-Ethanediol; Glycol alcohol.
nystagmus, miosis, abdominal pain, gastritis, haemorrhagic
tracheobronchitis, hypotension, and apnoea. Isopropanol Physical Appearance
is generally believed to produce greater CNS depression Colourless, syrupy, odourless, non-volatile liquid, with a bitter-
than ethanol at comparable blood levels. Deep coma and sweet taste.
areflexia are common following severe intoxication.
■■ Ketonaemia and ketonuria may be present, generally Uses
without metabolic acidosis. 1. Antifreeze: Ethylene glycol lowers the freezing point of
■■ Emesis and haemorrhagic gastritis may occur following water. More than 25% of the ethylene glycol produced is
ingestion. used in antifreeze and coolant mixtures for motor vehicles.
* In hospitals, isopropanol is often coloured blue to distinguish it from other colourless liquids, which has led to the designation “blue heaven” by abusers.