Supplemental Oxygen
Supplemental Oxygen
Supplemental Oxygen
Table 1. Indications for Long-term Supplemental Oxygen Therapy. Adapted from Criner GJ. Effects of long-term
supplemental oxygen therapy on mortality and morbidity. Respir Care. 2000;45:105-118.
Absolute PaO2 ≤ 55 mm Hg or SpO2 ≤88%<
PaO2 55-59 mm Hg or SpO2 ≤ 89%,
In presence of cor pulmonale ECG evidence of right atrial enlargement,
hematocrit > 55%, congestive heart failure
PaO2 ≥ 60 mm Hg or SpO2 ≥ 90%; with lung disease or sleep apnea who also
Only in specific situations
have nocturnal desaturation that is not corrected by CPAP
somnolence.20,21 Therefore, individuals with CO2 retention crucial. Not only are vital signs important to record but any
who demonstrate increased disorientation or a decrease signs and/or symptoms a patient exhibits relating to possible
in respiratory rate and/or depth along with no increase in hypoxemia and respiratory fatigue must be noted. When
SpO2 when supplemental oxygen is increased with activity documenting oxygen saturation, the following should be
are not candidates for supplemental oxygen with activity. included:
• T he supplemental oxygen delivery system utilized as
Additional Considerations Regarding Supplemental well as the amount of supplemental oxygen the patient
Oxygen Therapy required during rest and/or exercise
Assessment of oxygen saturation by physical therapists • T he amount of time the patient tolerated a certain activity
is typically performed using a pulse oximeter. Although before a low value was noted as well as the amount of
very useful, pulse oximeters, like any other monitoring tool, time the patient required to recover to an appropriate
need to be utilized correctly. Physical therapists must be oxygen saturation value
aware that inaccurate readings can occur. Therefore, it is • A ny special circumstances surrounding the response to
important to recognize and minimize limitations that hinder exercise or recovery following exercise
accuracy of pulse oximeters (See Box 2) and to monitor • Interventions that were employed to assist the patient
heart rate response and respiratory rate response.50-53 raise SpO2 or to decrease the symptoms of dyspnea, such
Proper documentation during therapeutic activities is as pursed lip or diaphragmatic breathing exercises
1. M
ovement: Motion50 and weight bearing can interfere with the signal transmitted to the sensor. Newer, motion-sensitive, technology
has shown to be more accurate than traditional technology during motion.51
2. P
robe location: Placing the probe on the 3rd or 4th fingers has been shown to produce more accurate readings than the index
finger.50 Placing the probe on the finger is generally more accurate than the earlobe.52
• A forehead probe may be one of the most accurate ways of measuring pulse oximetry due to placement onto a central location of
the body and the ability to bypass temperature, circulatory, and neurological factors affecting the peripheral digits and earlobes.
• D
irt, fingernail polish, blood etc. can block the sensor light path. The sensor is also calibrated to account for the tissue/cartilage in
the ear when using an ear probe. However, the pulse oximeter assumes nothing else, ie, dirt, is blocking the light passing from the
emitter to the detector.
4. Sensor positioning:
• If the emitter and detector sensors (especially of a disposable probe) are not in proper alignment, falsely low readings of oxygen
saturation can occur.53
5. “Probe off” false reading: The probe is actually off the finger or ear but a reading is given by the oximeter.
• V
ital signs including heart rate and blood pressure before, For example, if a patient is receiving 4 l/min via nasal
during, and after the prescribed activity cannulae, the FiO2 is approximately 0.36.
In addition to estimating FiO2, it is helpful to be able
Precautions should be taken to educate patients to calculate how long an oxygen supply will last at a given
regarding the importance of not smoking while utilizing flow rate. The following formula may be used with the
supplemental oxygen as this is a fire risk and smoking also typical “e-cylinder” (29 inches high by 5 inches diameter)
has been shown to offset treatment benefit of supplemental portable compressed gas tanks only.
High Flow Best for patients needing > Highest % O2 is up to 0.75 FiO2 at 15 l/min
Nasal Cannula 6 l/min NC
More comfortable, can
eat/drink/talk easier than
with mask
Simple Face Covers mouth and nose, O2 Tank Flow: Approximate FiO2
Mask useful for patients unable to 6-10 l/min 0.35-0.50 (can vary)
breathe through nose
Continuous flow oxygen regulators: Oxygen flow is continuous throughout the entire respiratory cycle of inspiration and exhalation. This
category is typically found on “e-cylinders” commonly used in hospital settings as well as lighter weight units for portable use. This type of
regulator is recommended for patients who require higher flow rates of supplemental oxygen and use high flow oxygen delivery devices
(for flow rates of 6 -15 l/min). There is no delay in supplemental oxygen getting to patient as it is provided continuously, most often through
nasal cannulae. As long as patient breathes in through the nose, the patient derives the benefit of the supplemental oxygen.
On-demand oxygen regulators (pulsed): On-demand oxygen devices deliver a bolus of supplemental oxygen, usually upon inhalation
through the nose. In comparison to continuous flow regulators, the duration of supplemental oxygen provided in a similar size tank can be
increased. The device senses the start of inhalation (via a double lumen nasal cannula) and immediately gives a short pulse of supplemental
oxygen. One lumen of the oxygen tubing is connected to the oxygen flow portal and the other lumen is connected to a sensing trigger
portal. The sensitivity of this device is impaired if there is nasal congestion, mouth breathing, or if the patient cannot produce adequate
inspiratory pressures. Most of these systems are battery driven.
Oxygen concentrator: An oxygen concentrator draws in room air, passes the air through a special filter, and collects only the oxygen into a
reservoir. The concentrator has limited storage so essentially all of the oxygen is released into the tubing to the patient. Home concentrators
are heavy (about 50 pounds) and are usually on wheels so that they can be moved from room to room. A concentrator requires an electrical
outlet and produces a relatively loud noise, resulting in many patients choosing to keep their concentrator in separate room. Most oxygen
concentrators deliver a maximum flow rate of 5 l/min. Portable oxygen concentrators are available that can be wheeled by the patient.
These weigh approximately 10 pounds and are either battery or electrically powered. Maximal continuous flow rates are typically 2-3 l/
min; whereas pulsed flow rates may go to a maximum of 5-6 l/min. In general, a smaller portable concentrator is only capable of lower
maximum flow rate.
Liquid oxygen: When in liquid form, oxygen takes up less space and is stored in specially designed reservoir tanks. Small liquid portable
oxygen tanks are filled from these containers. There is a tendency for liquid oxygen to leak out of a portable system when sitting for a period
of time and for reservoir and portable tanks to freeze at low ambient temperatures and when used at higher flow rates.
Compressed gas cylinders: Compressed gas cylinders are the oldest and most reliable type of portable delivery system. Oxygen is
compressed into various sized metal cylinders under high pressure. In recent years, cylinders have been manufactured from aluminum
rather than steel; allowing for easier portability. Larger cylinders may deliver from 0.25 to 25 l/min through a conventional regulator.
Commercial aircraft operate at altitudes of up to 12,500 meters (41,000 feet), with the plane’s interior pressurized to 2100 – 2400 meters
(7000-8000 feet). At this level of pressurization, the alveolar PaO2 for healthy individuals decreases from 103 mmHg to 64 mmHg and
oxygen saturation declines from 97% to 93%. As a general rule, supplemental oxygen is unlikely to be required if a patient’s resting oxygen
saturation is 95% or higher, and likely to be required if oxygen saturation is 88% or lower. Patients with oxygen saturation values between
these levels might require individual assessment regarding need for supplemental oxygen.
Before flying, patients should ideally be clinically stable. Patients recovering from an acute exacerbation of their pulmonary disease are
particularly at risk for desaturation during air travel. Those already on long-term supplemental oxygen therapy typically need an increase
in flow rate of 1–2 l/min during flight. Careful consideration should be given to patients with any co-morbidities that may impair delivery
of oxygen to the tissues (eg, cardiac impairment, anemia). Exertion during flight will exacerbate hypoxemia.
The American Thoracic Society currently recommends that PaO2 during air travel should be maintained at more than 50 mmHg.54 All
patients with a PaO2 less than 70 mmHg at rest at ground level should receive supplemental oxygen during air travel.
Ellen Hillegass PT, EdD, CCS (Task Force Chair, and acute care outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation)
Clinical Adjunct Professor
Mercer University | Atlanta, GA
Amy Pawlik, PT, DPT, CCS (acute care, interstitial lung disease, early mobilization)
Program Coordinator, Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
University of Chicago Medical Center | Chicago, IL
Rohini Chandrashekar, PT, DPT, CCS (acute care, early mobilization, outpatient cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation)
St. Luke’s Hospital in the Woodlands | Houston, TX
Susan Butler-McNamara, PT, MMSc, CCS (critical care, acute care, cystic fibrosis)
Maine Medical Center | Portland, ME
Rebecca Crouch, PT, DPT, CCS (acute care, outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation)
Director of Pulmonary Rehabilitation DUMC
Duke University Medical Center | Durham, NC