BSBMGT517 Task 1 Karan
BSBMGT517 Task 1 Karan
BSBMGT517 Task 1 Karan
1. What is the purpose of operational plans? What are these based on?
Ans. The purpose of an operational plan is to identify the best method of arriving at a goal. It
follows then, that the first thing you need to do is determine your goal. Usually, you will be
told what the objective of the plan is, such as “we need to develop a new menu for spring” or
“I want you to introduce an automated stocktake procedure”. The operational plan is the
means of moving from one position to the other.
An operational plan is linked to a strategic and business plan and is in line with business’
mission, vision, values, goals, and objectives. Operational plans may also be known as action
plans, annual plans, management plans and tactical plans.
Ans. Situations that will require an initial or an adjustment to an existing, operational plan:
3. List the key legislative requirements which must be considered in operational plans
across organisations operating in the tourism, travel, hospitality, and event industries:
Ans. Examples of source documents that I would help in researching staffing requirements
of an operation:
HR records
Ans. Examples of source documents that I would help in researching production requirements
of and operation are:
Production estimates
Service targets
Ans. Examples of source documents that I help in researching finance requirements for an
Procurement policies
7. What are the principles of budgeting you will need to consider when developing any
operational plan? List 5 factors this would commonly include (but not limited to):
Staff costs
Production costs
Equipment cost
Marketing costs
8. List 4 stakeholders with whom you would discuss research and analysis of resource
Ans. The four stakeholders with whom I would discuss and analyse resource requirement are:
Function manager
Ans. Examples of source documents that I would help in researching resource requirements
Purchase orders
Supplier contracts
10. Which aspects relating to intellectual property must be considered when planning
projects as part of operational planning activities?
Ans. Aspects relating to intellectual property that must be considered when planning projects
Copy right
Patent items
Ans. Resource:
Face-to-face: This communication between all the people involved in the process is
irreplaceable. Face-to-face communication dramatically reduces the amount of
confusion and misinterpretation introduced by other forms of communication. Regular
contact outside of the meeting will also be important to keep track of progress.
Email: it has become a common communication form. It has many advantages but can
also lead to many misunderstandings. It is useful to send to an email to verify what
has been said in a meeting or to organise a new meeting. But trying to explain
concepts or complex problems in emails is rather difficult. It may take more time to
clear up misunderstandings that occurred from the email than conducting a meeting in
the first place.
12. How does developing KPIs help with the development of the operational plan? List
2 options how KPIs can be set or determined.
Ans. I will plan a budget for a plan to deal with any un for seen incidents or unforeseen
expenses are given below:
Most normal, small is unexpected expenses I handle by changing the way I have allocated
my money. For example, if there is killer deal that comes up on men’s watch, but I only
have $25 allotted for extra expenses that month, I will have to take money from other
categories if I decide that the Watch purchase is a higher priority that other things in my
budget. For example, I could purchase.
A third option is to use emergency funds. I try to reserve using my emergency fun only if all
other options won’t work. If I couldn’t pull money I need from other budget categories and I
couldn’t income), I would use emergency fund to cover the expense.
14. Give 3 examples of strategies you can use when developing contingency plans.
Ans. Strategies that we can use when developing contingency plans are:
15. Why must your operational plan be approved before being implemented?
Ans. Operational plan to be approved before implementing are briefly described below:
16. What needs to be considered when employing new staff or inducting staff into new
roles to meet organisational requirements? List 5 items you would include in an
induction pack.
Ans. When employing new staff, or inducting staff into new roles it is important to follow
correct human resource policies and practices. One way to do this is to create induction packs
which help ensure that all necessary information is passes on to the employee taking on the
new role. An induction pack may include:
Ans. Examples of monitoring methods to ensure the proceeding work safely are given below:
18. Give 2 example of financial reports you can use to monitor profitability.
21. Why is it important to notify managers and other upper level stakeholder as soon as
possible when variation are discovered? What would this need to include
Ans. Variances often occur from material costs which results in high production cost or errors
in the budget plan. For instance, not allowing enough for a particular item or allowing for an
item, but not realising the labour cost for installation. Whatever the cause of variation, it is
important to report any variances to owners, managers and other upper level stakeholders to
allow for alternations to the operational plan and budgets.
22. Do operational plans cover the short to medium, or medium to long term business
Ans. Yes operational plans cover the short to medium-to-medium long term business
Short-Term Planning
Short-term planning looks at the characteristics of the company in the present and develops
strategies for improving them. Examples are the skills of the employees and their attitudes.
The condition of production equipment or product quality problems are also short-term
Medium-Term Planning
Long-Term Planning
In the long term, companies want to solve problems permanently and to reach their overall
targets. Long-term planning reacts to the competitive situation of the company in its social,
economic and political environment and develops strategies for adapting and influencing its
position to achieve long-term goals. It examines major capital expenditures such as
purchasing equipment and facilities and implements policies and procedures that shape the
company's profile to match top management's ideas. When short-term and medium-term
planning is successful, long-term planning builds on those achievements to preserve
accomplishments and ensure continued progress.
23. Give 5 examples of alternative resource usage, efficiency, and waste programs you
should investigate when creating your operational plan.
Ans. Examples of alternative resource usage, efficiency, and waste programs that we should
investigate when creating operational plan are:
Getting the most out of the resources can do much more for business than just improve the
bottom line. Resource efficiency goes hand in hand with improving sustainability, reducing
carbon footprint and reducing waste. There are several alternative solutions investigated
when creating operational plan are as follow: