Gods and Goddesses Rubric

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Gods and Goddesses Rubric

Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria

Costume Costume Costume Costume
(Dressed similarly to god or (Dressed similarly to god or (Dressed similarly to god or (Dressed similarly to god or
goddess with their particular goddess with their particular goddess with their particular goddess with their particular
symbol from head to toe. May symbol from head to toe. May symbol from head to toe. May symbol from head to toe. May
have included makeup, hair, have included makeup, hair, have included makeup, hair, have included makeup, hair,
headdress, etc. Displayed a lot of headdress, etc. Displayed a lot of headdress, etc. Displayed a lot of headdress, etc. Displayed a lot of
thought and effort to look like the thought and effort to look like the thought and effort to look like the thought and effort to look like the
character.) character.) character.) character.)
Research and Content Research and Content Research and Content Research and Content
(Depth of content reflects (Depth of content reflects (Depth of content reflects (Depth of content reflects
knowledge and understanding of knowledge and understanding of knowledge and understanding of knowledge and understanding of
the character. Provided accurate the character. Provided accurate the character. Provided accurate the character. Provided accurate
explanation of key concepts explanation of key concepts explanation of key concepts explanation of key concepts
Preparedness Preparedness Preparedness Preparedness
(Students are well-prepared was (Students are well-prepared was (Students are well-prepared was (Students are well-prepared was
relaxed, and established eye relaxed, and established eye relaxed, and established eye relaxed, and established eye
contact with audience. contact with audience. contact with audience. contact with audience.
Occasionally student gestured and Occasionally student gestured and Occasionally student gestured and Occasionally student gestured and
showed expression while speaking. showed expression while speaking. showed expression while speaking. showed expression while speaking.
It was obvious from the ease of It was obvious from the ease of It was obvious from the ease of It was obvious from the ease of
the performance that the student the performance that the student the performance that the student the performance that the student
had practiced and prepared.) had practiced and prepared.) had practiced and prepared.) had practiced and prepared.)
Overall Presentation Overall Presentation Overall Presentation Overall Presentation
(Spoke fluently. Presentation was (Spoke fluently. Presentation was (Spoke fluently. Presentation was (Spoke fluently. Presentation was
engaging, creative and insightful. engaging, creative and insightful. engaging, creative and insightful. engaging, creative and insightful.
Audience was deeply engaged and Audience was deeply engaged and Audience was deeply engaged and Audience was deeply engaged and
eager to follow the performance.) eager to follow the performance.) eager to follow the performance.) eager to follow the performance.)
Voice and Fluency Voice and Fluency Voice and Fluency Voice and Fluency
(Natural variation of vocal (Natural variation of vocal (Natural variation of vocal (Natural variation of vocal
characteristics (rate, pitch, characteristics (rate, pitch, characteristics (rate, pitch, characteristics (rate, pitch,
volume, tone) to heighten interest volume, tone) to heighten interest volume, tone) to heighten interest volume, tone) to heighten interest
and match message. Proper and match message. Proper and match message. Proper and match message. Proper
inflection that demonstrates the inflection that demonstrates the inflection that demonstrates the inflection that demonstrates the
personality of the character. personality of the character. personality of the character. personality of the character.
Appropriate pronunciation, Appropriate pronunciation, Appropriate pronunciation, Appropriate pronunciation,
enunciation and articulation.) enunciation and articulation.) enunciation and articulation.) enunciation and articulation.)

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