AOFR - Orcs v2.50

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About OPR Background Story

OPR ( is the home of many free games Orcs are the largest and strongest version of greenskins, and
which are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. are known for being brutish and stupid. They are armed with
jagged axes and use improvised armor, but mostly they use
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only their raw power to squish their foes.
exist thanks to the support of our awesome community.
They live in nomadic tribes led by the meanest individuals that
If you’d like to support the continued development of our fought their way to the top, known as the boss. They rely on
games you can donate on constant warring in order to loot for food and equipment and
only settle down when they have to resolve tribal disputes.
Thank you for playing! Orcs are extremely aggressive, barely being able to stand still
before a battle as they can’t wait to jump into the enemy and
tear them apart. Their biggest strength relies on charging into
the blood bath first, whilst also bringing some rather heavy
weapons to bear.

Anyone standing in the way of their fury better watch out,

because Orcs won’t stop at nothing to grab some sweet loot.

Game Design: Gaetano Ferrara

Illustrations: Brandon Gillam

Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost
Brute Orc Boss [1] 4+ 4+ Hand Weapon (A3, AP(1)), Bash (A3) Furious, Hero, Tough(6) A 80pts
Black Orc Boss [1] 4+ 3+ Great Weapon (A3, AP(3)) Furious, Head Chop, Hero, Tough(3) B 55pts
Orc Boss [1] 4+ 4+ Hand Weapon (A3, AP(1)) Furious, Hero, Tough(3) C 40pts
Mob Leader [1] 5+ 5+ Hand Weapon (A3) Furious, Hero, Tough(3) D 25pts
Wild Leader [1] 5+ 6+ Hand Weapon (A3) Frenzy, Hero, Scout, Strider, Tough(3) D 30pts
Hobgoblins [10] 5+ 6+ Dual Hand Weapons (A2) - E, F 80pts
Orcs [10] 5+ 5+ Hand Weapons (A1) Furious E, G 90pts
Wild Orcs [5] 5+ 6+ Dual Hand Weapons (A2) Frenzy, Scout, Strider E, H 65pts
Black Orcs [5] 4+ 3+ Great Weapons (A1, AP(2)) Furious, Head Chop E, I 100pts
Brute Orcs [3] 4+ 4+ Spears (A2, AP(1), Phalanx) Furious, Tough(3) J 120pts
Orc Shooters [5] 5+ 5+ Bows (24”, A1), Hand Weapons (A1) Furious E, K 65pts
Wild Shooters [5] 5+ 6+ Shortbows (18”, A1), Hand Weapons (A1) Frenzy, Scout, Strider E 70pts
Orc Snipers [3] 5+ 5+ Skewbows (24”, A1, Rending, Sniper),  Furious - 90pts
Hand Weapons (A1)
Boar Riders [5] 5+ 5+ Hand Weapons (A1) Fast, Furious, Impact(1) E, L 70pts
Wild Boar Riders [5] 5+ 6+ Dual Hand Weapons (A2) Fast, Frenzy, Impact(1), Scout, Strider E, M 90pts
Giant Boar Riders [3] 4+ 3+ Hand Weapons (A1), Tusks (A2, AP(1)) Fast, Furious, Impact(3), Tough(3) N 195pts
Swamp Crawler [1] 4+ 3+ Claws (A3, Rending), Crew Attacks (A3) Fear, Frenzy, Regeneration, Tough(6), War - 180pts
Sludge Beast [1] 4+ 3+ Snatching Hook (12”, A3, AP(1), Sniper),  Fear, Furious, Stealth, Tough(12) - 275pts
Putrid Bite (A8, Poison), Stomp (A4, AP(1))
Boar Chariot [1] 4+ 3+ Spear Crew (A4, Impact(2)), Tusks (A2) Fast, Furious, Impact(6), Tough(6) - 130pts
Orc Artillery [1] 5+ 5+ Giant Crossbow (36”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(6)),  Artillery, Immobile, Tough(3) - 85pts
Crew (A3)

A Replace Hand Weapon: D Replace Hand Weapon: Special Rules

Lance (A3, AP(1), Impact(1)) +5pts Lance (A3, Impact(1)) +5pts Execution: Whenever the hero’s unit fails a
Spear (A3, AP(1), Phalanx) +5pts Halberd (A3, Rending) +5pts morale test you must kill one of its models and
Dual Hand Weapons (A6, AP(1)) +10pts Spear (A3, Phalanx) +5pts the morale test counts as passed instead.
Upgrade with: Great Weapon (A3, AP(2)) +5pts Frenzy: This model gets +2 attacks with a
Chieftain (War Cry) +55pts Dual Hand Weapons (A6) +5pts weapon of your choice when charging.
Mount on: Upgrade with one: Head Chop: This model gets AP(+2) against
Maw Wyvern (Defense +1,  +265pts Army Standard Bearer (Fear) +20pts units where most models have Tough(3) or
Tough(+12), Fear, Flying, Impact(3),  Chanter (Violent Trance) +20pts higher.
Claws (A6, AP(1)), Stomp (A4, AP(1))) Shaman (Wizard(1)) +25pts Scary Shields: Enemies get -1 to hit in melee
Master Slaver (Execution) +30pts when they attack units where all models have
B Replace Great Weapon: Chieftain (War Cry) +55pts
Dual Hand Weapons (A6, AP(1)) +15pts this rule.
Mount on: Violent Trance: The hero and its unit get +1 to
Upgrade with one: Boar (Fast, Impact(1)) +10pts
Army Standard Bearer (Fear) +20pts hit rolls when fighting in melee.
Chieftain (War Cry) +55pts E Upgrade with: War Cry: The hero and its unit move +2” on
Mount on: Sergeant +5pts Advance, and +4” on Rush/Charge actions.
Boar (Fast, Impact(1)) +15pts Musician +10pts War Drum: Once per activation, pick 2 friendly
Wyvern (Fear, Flying, Tough(+12),  +265pts Battle Standard +10pts units within 6”, which get +1 to hit rolls next
Claws (A8, AP(1)), Stomp (A4, AP(1))) time they fight in melee.
F Replace all Dual Hand Weapons:
C Replace Hand Weapon: Stick-Bombs (12", A1, AP(1)),  +10pts
Wizard Spells
Lance (A3, AP(1), Impact(1)) +5pts Hand Weapons (A1) Burst (4+): Target enemy unit within 6” rolls as
Halberd (A3, AP(1), Rending) +5pts many dice as models in it, and takes 1 hit for
Spear (A3, AP(1), Phalanx) +5pts G Replace all Hand Weapons: each 4+ rolled.
Great Weapon (A3, AP(3)) +10pts Halberds (A1, Rending) +15pts Evil Gaze (4+): Target 2 friendly units within
Dual Hand Weapons (A6, AP(1)) +15pts Spears (A1, Phalanx) +30pts 12” get Stealth next time they are shot at.
Upgrade with one: Upgrade all models with: Headbutt (5+): Target enemy unit within 6"
Army Standard Bearer (Fear) +20pts Scary Shields +20pts takes 1 hit with AP(4) and Deadly(3).
Master Slaver (Execution) +30pts Magic Fists (5+): Target 2 friendly units within
H Replace all Dual Hand Weapons: 12” get Rending next time they fight in melee.
Chieftain (War Cry) +55pts Spears (A1, Phalanx) +5pts
Upgrade with: Godly Foot (6+): Target enemy unit within 6”
Upgrade one model with: takes 5 hits with AP(2).
Boar (Fast, Impact(1)) +15pts Giant Spear (Impact(3)) +5pts
Great Beast (Tough(+3), Fast, Strider,  +65pts Let’s Go (6+): Target 2 friendly units within 6”
Claws (A3)) I Replace any Great Weapon: get +3" next time they Advance, or +6" next
Great Troll (Fear, Regeneration,  +145pts Dual Hand Weapons (A2) +5pts time they Charge/Rush.
Tough(+6), Dual Clubs (A8))
Great Vulture (Fear, Flying,  +215pts J Replace any Spear:
Tough(+12),  Dual Hand Weapons (A4, AP(1)) +5pts
Sharp Beak (A2, AP(1), Deadly(3)),  Great Weapon (A3, AP(3)) +10pts
Stomp (A4, AP(1))) Replace one Spear:
Wyvern (Defense +1, Fear, Flying,  +255pts Mace & Claw (A2, AP(1), Deadly(3)) +15pts
Tough(+12), Claws (A8, AP(1)),  K Replace all Bows:
Stomp (A4, AP(1))) Crossbows (24”, A1, Rending) +10pts
L Replace all Hand Weapons:
Lances (A1, Impact(1)) +15pts
M Replace all Dual Hand Weapons:
Lances (A1, Impact(1)) +5pts
N Replace all Hand Weapons:
Lances (A1, Impact(1)) +10pts

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