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Contact 7718065806.
Date: 20 Dec 2022
Internal : Shri Shrish Kumar
External : Shri Mohan Pal Singh
Attempt Nos: 03
Checking of documentation carried out by Internal Examiner.
External examiner asked for Indos nos and then started off -
1. Type of ships sailed on?
Question. What is parametric rolling? Actions you would advise a navigational officer to undertake if the
vessel experiences parametric rolling? Some type of ballast also he asked
Question. Torsion box and its significance
Question. Information one can derive from intact stability diagram
Question. What provision does a landlocked country have wrt UNCLOS? Will customs duty be levied by
neighboring countries if applicable if goods are brought in by virtue of the provision in UNCLOS?
Question. ISM - objectives, functional requirements,
Question. difference between CA & PA. Examples of CA n PA.
Question. Examples of NC, MNC
Question. Explain Detailed inspection. Can the PSCO having found clear grounds wrt LL, go ahead and also
check wrt SAFCON, SEQ etc?
Question. What is Confirmatory survey? Give example
Question. Frequent violation of rest hours. What will be your actions as a c/e
Question. Lady 2/E onboard. Your response as CE. Crew is behaving nasty with the lady - ur actions?

Question. Fatigue guidelines by IMO
Question. EDD scheme applicable to containerships
Question. Enhanced SEEMP

1 of 14 16-08-2023, 19:23

internal shirish sir, ext mohanpaul sir
attempt no 2
type of ships bulk carriers
Question. Solas chapter 12 complete (i said only the name of regulations, he asked about reg 12), loadicator
Question. blu code (ship shore checklist, cargo and ballast operations)
Question. grain code intact stability requirements(only 3 points)
Question. scopic clause
Question. article 94 unclos
Question. registration of ships....something regarding radio license, will it be obtained before registration or
after registration.
Question. PA, GA difference
Question. No more favourable treatment, clear grounds
Question. intervention convention, has India ratified?

2 of 14 16-08-2023, 19:23

Shirish Kumar sir and Mohan Pal Singh sir
1. Introduction ,type of vessels
Question. Mlc certification process, how to get mlc certificate, flag state responsibilities
Question. abc analysis
Question. suspension of inspection, explain , parties involved, action by flag state, company
Question. subrogation example
Question. Ur and UI , explain

3 of 14 16-08-2023, 19:23

EXT Pal Sir

INT Shrish Sir
3rd Attempt
Types of ships sailed Oil tanker
Question. What is ESP in detail
Question. GA average....exact definition of example GA
Question. Loadline ...what is freeboard ....where its mentioned your last ships
Question. Reserve buoyancy
Question. ISM objectives ( specific 6 objectives from 2.1.2)
Question. Emergency preparedness
Question. DOC, validity of interim DOC
Question. Article 93 and 94 from UNCLOS, in details both the Articles
Question. Difference between Flag state duties and III code ...specific Difference.

Int Sirish sir

Ext Pal sir
Attempt 2
Question. Solas chapter 4
Question. Goal based standards
Question. ISM. Non conformity and non compliance difference.
Question. Lng fuel. Difference with diesel and petrol.
Question. Ro-ro ships special firefighting arrangements

4 of 14 16-08-2023, 19:23

Rohit J
Attempt 3
Date: 20.12 2022
External pal sir
Internal shirish sir
Type of vessel sailed.. DP 2 vessels
Question. Difference between DP 1. 2.3 What is redundancy difference between DP2 N DP3
,.x anything in Solos for dP vessel.. What is SPS code- who issues certificates to DP vessels..
Question. What is RO code? How to flag monitors RO? How it does oversight of Ro. Where
is it written.
Question. Psc inspection.. what is detailed inspection—what are Clear ground for PSC
Question. Liability convention LLMC purpose
Question. What is FAL conventions

5 of 14 16-08-2023, 19:23

Swapnil M. More
20 12 2022
Int: Shirish sir . ext : Pal sir
Question. LLMC in detail,
Question. Marine Insurance, and club
Question. Explain No more favourable treatment. with example.
Question. SOC
Question. Intervention convention
Question. Types Of Maintenance
Question. HSSC in detail and convention under HSSC
Question. HONGKONG Convention in detail, panama flag vessel coming to alang what docs
required by Panama flag for recycling.
Question. IMO midterm strategy.
Question. CII and EEXI

6 of 14 16-08-2023, 19:23

20,12 2022
Mohan pal sir. & Shrish kumar sir
Question. What is ESP? X why for tanker and bulk X what exactly they check? X What ESP
Question. what is substantial corrosion?
Question. what is special area ?
Question. what is protocol ? X explain in simple term meaning of protocol? .
Question. what is amendment ? X explain in simple term meaning of amendment?
Question. Tell me all dates of solas protocol
Question. what is best management practice?
Question. After which protocol hssc came?
Question. BWMS Ratified or not tell ratifkation date?
Question. cyber security when it started
Question, principal of marine insurance? what is the meaning of utmost good faith? in the
term of utmost good faith what Ship owner can hide from insurance company

Aravindh Jayaraman -REPEAT
Question. Can master refuse psc ?
• Which regulations talks about psc?
• What solas talks about psc?
Question. Armed robbery and piracy definition?
Question. Who decides security level onboard?
• Declaration of security?
• Can ship having security level 1 & port have level 2?
• Dgcomm centre? Purpose?
Question. Article 91 of unclos?
• Landlocked countries? Can they have register ships?
• Rights of landlocked countries?
• Innocent passage?
• Transit passage?
Question. Esp code?
• Oil tanker applicable?
• Components of esp code?
Question. E/R flooding as a c/e role?
• Still water level is rising what will you do?
• Contents of contingency plan?
Question. Iopp survey?
• Supplements for iopp certificate?

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• What all in form b?

• Slop tank requirements?
• Discharge criteria for oil & chemical tankers?
• Slop tank objective
Question. Chemical tanker types
• How tanks constructed in type .2. & 3
• Xyz & os?
Vikrant rai"
Question. Annex 6
• Eedi,eexi
• Imodcs?
Question. What imo did for reducing carbon emissions

SHIBU Sadasivan
Ext:Mohan Pal Singh
Attempt 2:Repeat
Question. What is seaworthy n provision not on ship is it unseaworthy.
Question. Eeoi n cii.
Question. Functional requirements of ism.
Question. Salient features of load line conv. deck line definition.
Question. Grounding and action as ce.
Question. Contigency plan contents
Question. Calculation of power, mechanical efficiency .thermal efficiency,bhp n kw
Question. Noise code measurement how are they taken, unit of measurement.
Question. bareboat charterer ship owners responsibility.
Question. HSSC Salient points.
Question. Iso & ism difference,
Question. qms principles

Manigandan Krishnamoorthy
Attempt no 4
Ext Mohan Int vikrant Rai
Question. How psc decide to inspect the ship
Question. Fixed Co2 latest inspection requirements
Question. various certificate in Annex 6
Question. Dead ship condition
Question. Bwm plan in detail/ BWs failed what will be your action

8 of 14 16-08-2023, 19:23

[Forwarded from M.N. SHAIKH]

External: Mohan Sir
Internal: Ashish Wankhede Sir
Introduce your self, with exp, ship type
Question. What happens to BOG in LNG ship
Question. What must be the condition of LNG to be used as fuel?
Question. Speciality or requirement of LNG fuel line?
Question. Documents required to register a ship?
Question. Is radio station registration/certificate is also required for ship registration?
Question. Radio communication areas are divided into how many parts? Which are those?
Question. How many and their categories?
Question. What is interim certificate?
Question. Which all documents are issue as interim?
Question. Validity of interim certificate
Question. MNC? action required?
Question. What is IG/ Difference between P&I and IG/ What options are available if P&I club
can't insure the risk?
Question. What is Scopic?
Question. What is TOPIA and STOPIA?
Question. What is FMS and ABC
Question. Why inventory management is important
[Forwarded from JASPREET SINGH]
21.04.2021 ..MUMBAI MMD

1.INTRO.. types of ship done

Question. Torsion box.. Construction details.. How to strengthen transverse sections for torsion box /
cargo holds
Question. Dangerous goods carriage criteria.. IMDG code related documents
Question Types of charter party.... Time charter details.. Shipowner responsibility
Question. ISM... DOC & SMC details... SMC audit details
Question. ISPS details.. Mostly related to port facility point of view..
Question. Honkong recycling convention details.. . India status

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Question. IMO convention adoption & enforcement criteria

Question. Contract of Affreingement

[Forwarded from Piyush Dave] 21.04.2020

External Mr Mohanpal sir and Int Mr. Wankhede Sir.
1. Type of ship and engine.
Question. Load line assignment and freeboard requirement for car carrier as done PCC.
Question. How to check watertight and weathertight of compartment.
Question. EEXI and CII requirements
Question. MLC rest hours violation proactive and reactive measure as CE?
Question. One AE out of 3 is non operation action as CE? What if only 2 AE there onboard?.
Question. IHM booklet, part a and part b content?
Question. Ship recycling plan
Question. Suspension of PSC inspection, reason and action.

[Forwarded from Anurag Kethireddy]

External:Pal sir
Internal:Ashish sir

1.Introduction,type of vessels done.

Question. Difference between Type 1 and type 2 tankers.
Question. Discharge criteria as per annex 2.
Question. Intervention convention. purpose.
Question. RO code.
Question. CSR.
Question. IMO number required as per what convention.
Question. Advantages of land locked state as per UNCLOS.
Question. KN curve.
Question. Owner wants to convert chemical tanker into oil tanker. What changes do u suggest as C/E.

10 of 14 16-08-2023, 19:23

[Forwarded from Anirudh]


External Surveyor: Mr Mohan Pal Singh

Internal Surveyor: Mr Ashish Wakhede

1) Introduction
Question. Difference between types of cargo carried on oil tankers/ Product vs Crude. Non persistent
Question. Fund Convention limits, Topia, Stopia.
Question. Corrective Action Definition with a few examples of NC with CA.
Question. Fresh Junior Engineer onboard. How will you train him. All steps in detail.
XQuest. What if he cannot understand English well? How will you go about it?
Question. Questions on ME engine technology. Difference between ME-B and ME-C, (since I have
worked on both). How the concept of VIT got killed by the advent of ME engine technology?
Question. Ballast Water Convention, D1, D2 Criteria in detail. Convention dates, cut off date and

[Forwarded from A T]
External Mr Mohanpal sir and Int Mr. Wankhede Sir. Only Mohan Pal sir asked the questions.

He was very kind to rephrase all the questions and direct me towards what he was expecting.. he was
more looking for the understanding in the topics rather than asking direct questions.

1. Type of ships and engines

Question. What are stool spaces in BC.
X-Q what are the problems here
X-Q why two level of alarms fitted?
X-q what will happen if the corrugated bulkheads in the cargo spaces are mistakenly put
horizontally.. effect?
Question type B-60, B-100
Question. Latest requirements of ODS
Question. What items are there in IHM part II & III
Question. H&M .. why and what? Does it cover cargo?
Question. What is a GA..

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X- Q ballast voyage of a vessel on TC, will charter contribute..

Question. RO Code .. who is a RO?
X-Q what if the RO makes a mistake in surveying and vessel suffers a damage .. how flag oversight
X-Q Clear grounds ?

[Forwarded from Siddharth Rawat]

External-mohal pal sir
Internal-wankhede sir
Started with introduction
1. Notation of your ship
Question. Esp basic concept.. how to go about surveys.. extent of all surveys....esp
Question. What 4 things esp concentrates on
Question. Salvage convention article 13...and reason why article 14 was introduced.
Question. Bwm applicability and dates in detail.
Question. What do you think if reverse osmosis can be used for bwts
Question. How coagulant and floculant type of bwts works
Question. Different kind of bwts you know of
Question. Hazardous material names in different annexture of hkc
Question. Hkc enforcement criteria
Question. what latest for OWS unit

[23.04.21 22:02]
[Forwarded from Prashant Parwar]
Orals on 21April 2021
Internal Wankhedhe Sir, external Mohan pal Sir,

External started with types of ship's

As I had done LPG carrier he started with LPG carrier and qstns basically based on IGC code for 30
about mins.
Question. Boil off in LPG how taken care off explain the system.
Questions. On Chapter 3 IGC code Ship arrangements like requirements for accommodation, service,
M/c, and control station. Chapter 4 Cargo containment, type of tanks, construction of cargo tank, why

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Question. Explain the type of IG generator used on ship.

Question.. IGC and IGF.
Question. RO code, requirements to be RO, what if flag state not happy with Recognized organization
Question. RO and class?
Question. Casualty investigation, types of casualty, why casualty investigation code?
Question. Declaration of security. Who decides security level for port.

Fazal Peter, [25.02.21 16:01]

Internal -Mr.Senthil Kumar,External Mr.Mohan Pal and Chopra sir.
Started with Internal-
Question. what is CMS, what info you get from CMS what are alternative to CMS, what specifically
you will check in it as CE

Mr. Kapoor
Question. There is no SMS onboard your ship, how you will implement ISM as CE, Explain ISM
Question. which convention is going to come sooner or later and why?
Question. IMO and its structure ,indias posn in imo, duties of council, how many members in council
who is present sec gen
Question. what is HME which convention says about it
Question. what is EU MRV ,why u have it when u already have imo DCS
Question. what is COC give an example of COC on deck and engine room

Mr.Mohan Pal
Question. Diff bet Marine and Gen insurance
Question. what is common and diff bet HnM and PnI
Question. latest circular of imo to PSC, define clear ground and what happens after clear
Question. if indian flag vsl goes Italian port then under whose jurisdiction is the ship
Question. what is registration ,why required, who says about it and what happens after registration
Question. Ship is required to sail at reduced rpm for 2years what is ur action
Question. 2nd engr not reported for work ,ur action as C engr

13 of 14 16-08-2023, 19:23

[25.02.21 16:02]
[Forwarded from Manjeet Sharma]
Ext - Kapoor Sir, Mohan Pal Sir,
Int - Senthil Sir
Name any four conventions and four code.
Question. Hong Kong convention. India's status.
Question. BWC
Question. Latest amendments
Question. Annex VI, IMO DCS. What new
Question. Insurance, principles
Question. H&M, P&I what covers
Question. B/L,
Question. ESP, Substantial corrosion, corrosion allowance, ESP why not mandatory for chemical

internal Senthil Sir –

Any major incidents onboard.
Question. Boiler steam drum crack.
Question. Boiler failure, what all is required for the Claim.

14 of 14 16-08-2023, 19:23

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