Discriminant Analysis
Discriminant Analysis
Discriminant Analysis
• Model
• D = bo + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + … + bkXk
• Where,
• D = discriminant score
• b’s = discriminant coefficient or weight
• X’s = predictor or independent variable
Discriminant analysis
Discriminant Analysis
Number of
Technique Derive
possessed by the
criterion variable
One discriminant
Two categories discriminant
Three or more Multiple discriminant
categories analysis
Usage of discriminant analysis in marketing
• Canonical correlation
• Measures the extent of association between the discriminant
scores and the groups.
• A measure of association between the single discriminant function
and the set of dummy variables that define the group membership
• Centroid
• The mean values for the discriminant scores for a particular group
• As many centroids as there are groups, as one for each group
Statistics associated with discriminant analysis
• Classification matrix
• Also called confusion or prediction matrix
• Contains the number of correctly classified and
misclassified cases
• The sum of the diagonal elements divided by the total
number of cases represents the hit ratio.
Statistics associated with discriminant analysis
• Discriminant scores
• The unstandardized coefficients are multiplied by the values of
the variables.
• These products are summed and added to the constant term to
discriminant scores.
D = bo + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + … + bkXk
Statistics associated with discriminant analysis
• Eigenvalue
• The ratio of between-group to within-group sums of
squares for each discriminant function
• Large Eigenvalues imply superior functions
• Structure correlations
• Also referred to as discriminant loadings
• Represent the simple correlations between the predictors and
the discriminant function.
Statistics associated with discriminant analysis
• Wilks’
• For each predictor
• The ratio of within-group sum of squares to the total sum of squares
• Value varies between 0 and 1
• Large values (near 1) indicate group means do not seem to be different
• Small values (near 0) indicate the group means seem to be different
Conducting discriminant analysis
• Sample
• One part: the estimation or analysis sample - used for estimation of
discriminant function
• Other part: the holdout or validation sample- reserved for validating
discriminant function
• Double cross-validation
• Repeatedly conduct the validation of the discriminant function
• Split the sample each time into different analysis and validation part
Conducting discriminant analysis
• Null hypothesis:
• The means of all discriminant functions in all groups are
equal can be statistically tested
• If the rejection of the null hypothesis
• Indicates significant discrimination among groups
Conducting discriminant analysis