Addendum SyllabusforSpecializedStreams
Addendum SyllabusforSpecializedStreams
Addendum SyllabusforSpecializedStreams
This is further to the detailed advertisement REF NO: CORP.HRM/AO/2023 dated 27.07.2023 for the captioned
exercise. With regard to specialized streams, the broad topics/syllabus for objective tests to assess technical &
professional knowledge in the relevant disciplines are as follows:
Risk Engineers 10. Liver function tests, Kidney function tests, Thyroid
function tests, Adrenal function tests.
1.Engineering Mechanics 11. Detoxification mechanisms, Role of xenobiotics in
2.Basic Civil Engineering disease
3.Engineering Chemistry 12. Biochemical basis of cancer and carcinogenesis,
4.Basics of Electrical and Electronics Apoptosis
5.Basics of Mechanical Engineering 13. Oxidative stress & Antioxidants in health & diseases.
6.Basics of Energy Generation
For rest of the Specializations: Standard graduate level topics/syllabus followed in Indian Universities / Colleges /
Institutes for the qualification required for the respective post.
THE SYLLABI ARE INDICATIVE IN NATURE AND NOT EXHAUSTIVE i.e. questions may also be from topics not
listed above.
Note: All other terms and conditions mentioned in the advertisement REF NO: CORP.HRM/AO/2023 dated
27.07.2023 remain unchanged. Corrigendum, if any, on this advertisement will be issued only in the Recruitment
section of Company’s website