Anatomy of The Hand - V Rajaratnam - M Chema PDF
Anatomy of The Hand - V Rajaratnam - M Chema PDF
Anatomy of The Hand - V Rajaratnam - M Chema PDF
M Cheema
S Nadir Ali
V Rajaratnam
FICS(USA),Dip Hand Surgery(Eur)
Co mmon Abbrev iations
M. Cheema, V. Rajaratnam
The hand extends from the fingertips to the pre & post-central gyri
of the parietal lobe. It is an essential tool to interact with the envi-
ronment. The presence of opposable thumbs has allowed the human
race to build countless tools, from the pre-historic hunter-gatherers
to a teenager ‘texting’ around the clock. It enables skilled workers to
earn a living and is an instrument for written speech as well as non-
verbal communication.
Metacarpus (MC)
MCs abut the distal row of the carpus. The MC heads can be seen to
form a graceful curve going down to the 5th MC. It is along this
curve that the deep transverse ligament of palm attaches. The 1st and
last MCs are relatively mobile and are supplied with appropriate
muscles (of thenar & hypothenar eminences) allowing flex-
ion/extension, abduction/adduction and opposition. Especially
invaluable is the saddle shaped 1st CMC joint enabling the thumb to
move freely in all planes. The 2nd - 4th MCP joints lie at the level of
the distal palmar crease.
12 Anatomy of Hand
A4 pulley
A2 pulley
There are two phalanges for the thumb & three for each of the
MCPJ & PIPJ are hinge joints. MCPJ additionally have a rotational
Wrist joint
Wrist Flexors
FCR inserts into the base of the 2nd & 3rd MCs. It is the first tendon
on the ulnar side of the radial pulse.
Understanding Hand Surgery 15
FCU arises additionally from ulna (with ulnar n. passing between the
two heads & innervating it) to insert into 5th MC base. Pisiform,
which is a sesamoid bone in the tendon of FCU, marks the medial
boundary of Guyon's canal.
ECRL (radial n.) & ECRB (post. i/oss n.) mirror FCR- originating
from the common extensor origin they insert at the base of 2nd & 3rd
MC bases respectively on the dorsum. They lie together in the 2nd
extensor compartment of the wrist (counting from the radial to ulnar
ECU (post. i/oss n.) mirrors FCU- arising from common origin &
s/cut ulnar border, inserts into the base of 5th MC. It passes alone in
the 5th extensor compartment (from the radial side)
Long Extensors
EPL curves around the Lister's tubercle in the 3rd extensor com-
partment (from radial side) to form the radial/dorsal boundary of the
ASB before inserting into the base of DP of the thumb. The other
boundary of ASB is formed by the Abd Poll Long & Ext Poll Br.
It stretches from the scaphoid & trapezium to the pisiform & hook
of hamate. There is a small partition over the trapezium through
which FCR tendon passes.
Median nerve
Surface Anatomy:
At elbow - passes through 2 heads of pronator teres
In forearm - sandwiched between FDS & FDP bellies
At wrist - Between FCR & Palmaris Longus tendons
Muscular branches to FCR, FDS & 'radial half' of FDP
Anterior interosseous nerve innervates PQ, FPL and radial half
of FDP.
Palmar cutaneous branch at wrist, supplying skin of thenar
eminence & radial half of palm.
Recurrent branch to 3 muscles of thenar eminence (except
Adductor Pollicis supplied by deep branch of ulnar n.). It usually
lies level with the distal border of the outstretched thumb, ap-
proximately an inch distal to the scaphoid tuberosity (Kaplan
Palmar digital nerves to radial 3½ digits including their nail beds.
Radial nerve
Ulnar nerve
Surface anatomy:
At elbow - behind the medial epicondyle it passes between the 2
heads of FCU
In forearm - on undersurface of FCU
At wrist - medial to ulnar artery (as they both pass into the
Guyon's canal)
Muscular branches to FCU & ulnar half of FDP.
Dorsal & Palmar cutaneous branches innervate ulnar side of
Superficial palmar branch, sensory to ulnar 1½ fingers except the
nail beds.
Deep palmar branch innervates hypothenar eminence (x3), ulnar
2 lumbricals, all the interossei and Adductor Pollicis.
Digital nerves
Note that in the forearm, the radial nerve is radial to the radial artery,
while ulnar nerve is ulnar to the ulnar artery.
Radial artery
Ulnar artery
It gives off both the anterior & posterior interosseous arteries. The
later is exhausted by the time it reaches the distal 1/3rd of the
extensor compartment. Anterior interosseous supplies the rest of the
extensor aspect and takes part in the anastomoses around the dorsum
of wrist.
Palmar arches
1. Scaphoid tubercle
2. Palmaris Longus
Hook of hamate 3. Median nerve
4. FCR
Pisiform 1 5. Radial artery
Ulnar n/vasc.
bundle 4
2 1. Abd Poll Br
3 2. EPL
4 3. Anat Snuff Box
4. Radial styloid
5. Radial artery
1. EDC tendons
2. Head of ulna
1 3 4. Scaphoid
Open grasp
Hook grip
22 Anatomy of Hand
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