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Life Cycles of Stars-Part 2

Red Giant Stage

the used up, the core starts to
of low mass star is
As the hydrogen in core a

denser and hotter The increased tempera-

collapse The core of the star hecomes This
reaction Helium is converted to carbon
ture causes another kind ot nulear
of energy, causing the star to expand. It
nuclear reaction gives oft great amounts
star's life isrelatively short. The
becomes a red giant // The red giant stage in a

sun will be a main-sequence star tor a total of 10 billion years. But the sun will
million years. //
be a red giant for only about 500

Dwarf Stage
Eventually, most ot the helium in a red giant's
core is changed carbon into

and gravity makes it collapse inward. The

Nuclear fusion slows. The star cools,
and the star becomes
is squeezed together very tightly,
matter making up the star
Earth. But its matter is
a white dwart. // A typical
white dwarf is about the size of
Earth. Eventually, the star becomes a
tar denser than any matter on
that gives off no visible light. Then it is
black chunk of very dense matter
a black dwarf. //

Life of a High-Mass Star

massive as the sun have a very ditferent life
Stars more than six times as
at a much faster
cycle than low-mass stars.
A high-mass star uses up its hydrogen
100 million years, a high-mass star
has no hydrogen
rate. After only about 50 to
The star
left. At this time, the core collapses and the outer layers expand greatly.
of the super giant can no longer
giant. / Eventually, the
becomes a super
crash in
layers of the star. The outside layers
stand the pressure of the outside
tremendous explosion that gives off an extraordinary
very suddenly, causing a
The star becomes a super-
amount of Great shells of gases fly off the star.
light. to happen in the
most violent event known
nova. A supernova explosion is the
universe. /

Stellar Evolution Neutron


High-Mass Super Supernova

Protostar Giant



Low-Mass Red White Black

Protostar Giant Dwarf Dwarf

Life Cycles of Stars-Part 2 313

Alter a supernova explodes, only the tiny core of the star remains. This
core, made up ot neutrons, is called a neutrOn star. Neutron stars are extremely
dense. Astronomers hypothesize that after a massive star undergoes a supernova

also become black hole. A black hole is so dense and its

explosion, it may a

gravity is so strong that nothing can escape from it, not even light. Do black
holes really exist? So far. scientists have no real proof. Black holes do not release
light so they cant be observed directly.

From Sciene Imsights Evploring Farth and Space by M DiSpezio, M Linner-Luebe, M. Lisowski, B. Sparks, and
G Skoog Copyright © 2002 by Addison Wesley Longman Adapted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc
All Rights Reserved

314 Section 12/Test Materials:Level-Diagnostic Passages

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