The Tale of Peter Rabbit
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
a gate:
TASK 2 When do they think or say this? Match the sentences and the four pictures.
a. I want to see Mr. McGregor’s garden! c. These vegetables are delicious.
b. Let’s get some berries for dinner! d. I think I’ve eaten too much.
But there he met Mr. McGregor!
TASK 3 Tick the correct answers; there may be more than one right answer.
a. Mr. McGregor is angry because …
1. he hates rabbits, 2. Peter is stealing his vegetables, 3. Peter has lost his shoes.
b. Peter tries to run away but …
1. Mr. McGregor catches him, 2. he is lost, 3. gets stuck in a net.
to implore: anflehen
sparrow: Spatz
a sieve:
a tool shed:
TASK 6 What do you call these things? Find the right words in the text.
supper = dinner
TASK 9 Content. Underline the right words!
Peter is a little dog / boy / rabbit. One day his mother / father / sister goes out to
buy blueberries / bread / milk. She tells Peter and his friends / brothers and
sisters / cousins that they must not go down the lane / into Mr. McGregor’s
garden / into the fields. However, Peter doesn’t listen. He jumps over / squeezes
under / walks through the gate into the garden. There he sleeps / eats / plays a lot.
But then he sees Mr. McGregor / a cat / a tool shed. He is angry and tries to shoot /
kill / catch Peter. Peter runs away, but loses his shoes and his trousers / jacket / hat.
Then he hides in a watering can / flower pot / wheelbarrow. When Mr. McGregor
finds him there, he escapes through a small door / hole / window. After that, Mr.
McGregor goes back to work / into the tool shed / into the house. But Peter is very
happy / frightened / wet because he doesn’t know the way out of the garden. In the
end he sees the gate / the wood / the cat and runs for it. In the evening, Peter doesn’t
feel bad / good / tired.
TASK 10 Vocabulary: In the garden. Fill in the words from the box.
scarecrow – wheelbarrow – potatoes – peas – sparrow – mice – pond – blackberries –
chamomile – holes – tool shed
TASK 12 Grammar: The negation of the simple past. These sentences are wrong.
Negate them using didn’t + infinitive. Then correct them using the phrases from the
box. Use the simple past!
go down the lane – have milk, bread and blackberries – buy bread – go back to work
– eat lettuce and radishes
The students were working on their projects when the teacher came back.
Andauernde Handlung………………….wird von kurzer, plötzlich einsetzender unterbrochen.
TASK 14 Writing. The next day, Peter’s cousin Benjamin comes to visit. Benjamin
wants to go back into Mr. McGregor’s garden to fetch Peter’s jacket and shoes. Write
down what happens to the two rabbits.
TASK 2 When do they think or say this? Match the sentences and the four pictures.
a. I want to see Mr. McGregor’s garden! – 2 c. These vegetables are delicious. – 3
b. Let’s get some berries for dinner! – 1 d. I think I’ve eaten too much. – 4
TASK 3 Tick the correct answers; there may be more than one right answer.
a. Mr. McGregor is angry because …
1. he hates rabbits, 2. Peter is stealing his vegetables, 3. Peter has lost his shoes.
b. Peter tries to run away but …
1. Mr. McGregor catches him, 2. he is lost, 3. gets stuck in a net.
TASK 6 What do you call these things? Find the right words in the text.
a) Mr McGregor makes a scarecrow (Vogelscheuche) with Peter’s jacket to frighten the birds.
b) Chips are usually made from potatoes (Kartoffeln).
c) A sparrow (Spatz) is a little bird.
d) You can keep fish in a pond. (Teich)
e) Chamomile (Kamille) tea helps when you’re sick.
f) Rabbits live in holes (Löcher) in the ground.
g) The hoes and the rakes are in the tool shed. (Werkzeugschuppen)
h) Cats like to hunt and eat mice. (Mäuse)
i) Peas (Erbsen) are small, round and green.
j) Blackberries (Brombeeren) are sweet and delicious.
k) If something is too heavy to carry, you can use a wheelbarrow (Schubkarre) to transport it.
TASK 11 Grammar: The simple past / irregular verbs. Fill in the right verb in the simple past!
find – fly – eat – lose – meet – sit – jump – run – make – want – hide
TASK 12 Grammar: The negation of the simple past. These sentences are wrong. Negate them
using didn’t + infinitive. Then correct them using the phrases from the box. Use the simple past!
go down the lane – go back to work – eat lettuce and radishes – buy bread – have milk, bread and
TASK 13 Grammar: Fill in the verbs in the simple past (I walked) and the past progressive (I was
a) Mr. McGregor was planting cabbages when he saw Peter.
b) Peter’s mother was cooking when Peter came home.
c) While Peter was stealing food from Mr. McGregor’s garden, his brothers and sisters were
gathering blueberries.
d) Peter walked past a cat that was staring at some goldfish in the pond.
e) Peter ran past Mr. McGregor while he was working in the garden.