Prefeasibility Report
Prefeasibility Report
Prefeasibility Report
1. Executive Summary
3. Project Description
4. Site Analysis
5. Planning Brief
6. Proposed infrastructure
The Mining Lease was granted for Quartz and Feldspar Minerals over an
extent of 56.68 Ha in Sy. No.415 of Bandivankacharla Village, Kulkcherla
Taluk, Rangareddy District, Telangana State (formerly Andhra Pradesh) in
favour of Kum. G.L. Nanditha for a period of 20 years and the mining lease
will be is valid up to 01.12.2022.
Subsequently Kum. G.L. Nanditha has applied for transfer of Mining Lease
area in favour of Sri Seelamsetty Ravi Chandra.
The Director of Mines & Geology has recommended for transfer of Mining
Lease by Kum. G.L. Nanditha for Quartz & Feldspar Mines and transferred
the lease in favour of Sri Seelamsetty Ravi Chandra for Quartz and Feldspar
Minerals over an extent of 56.68 Ha in Sy. No.415 of Bandivankacharla
Village, Kulkcherla Taluk, Rangareddy District, Telangana State (formerly
Andhra Pradesh) vide G.O.Ms. No.292 dated 31.10.2008 which is valid upto
Sri Ravi Seelamsetty intends to produce 0.3 MTPA of Quartz from the lease
area and applied to Ministry of Environment and Forests for Terms of
Reference. Ministry has provided TOR to carry out an Environmental Study
vide their MOEF Lr. No. J-11015/05/2010-IA.II [M] dated 09th March 2010.
The Public Hearing was conducted on 04.01.2013. The Final EIA was
submitted to the Ministry on 10.04.2013.
The Project was considered during 11th Meeting of the Reconstituted Expert
Appraisal Committee for Environmental Appraisal of Mining Projects (Non-
Coal) of the Ministry of Environment and Forests on 25th September 2013.
The Committee noted that the mine was operating from 2010 to 2012
without obtaining Environmental Clearance and Project Proponent has
violated the provisions of Environmental Protection Act 1986 and deferred
the Proposal and asked to submit the following information vide letter no. J-
11015/05/2010-IA.II [M] Dt. 31.12.2013.
1. The details of preventive measures to be undertaken for occupational
health of the workers
2. Site specific conservation plan for the Scheduled-I species reported in
the study area
3. Copy of Approved mining scheme for the period 2013-2018.
Further MOEFCC has issued a letter no. J-11015/05/2010-IA.II [M] Dt.
31.12.2013. stating that (1) The matter relating to violation has been put to
the Board of Directors of the Company or to the Managing Committee, for
consideration of your environment related policy/plan of action and a
written commitment in the form of a formal resolution is submitted to MoEF
to ensure that violations of the Environment (Protection) Act will not be
repeated (2) The State Government has initiated credible action on the
violation against you under the Environment (Protection) act 1986 and
evidence provided to MoEF of the action taken (3) You close down your
mining operations with immediate effect. And also stated that While
communications against (1) & (2) have been issued separately, these
directions are being issued to ensure (3); and instructed Sri Ravi
Seelamsetty to stop the mining operations.
Sri Ravi Seelamsetty has submitted the reply to the above points in hard
copy to MoEF & CC, Non- Coal Mining Committee on 17.01.2017. Against
this MOEF & CC vide letter no. J-11015/05/2010-IA.II [M] dated
17.07.2017 instructed Sri Ravi Seelamsetty to submit online the proposal
afresh as violation case submitting the following information.
2. Detailed statement of Past production since inception/after
1994 to till-date, duly certified by the Department of Mines and
Since Sri Ravi Seelamsetty has already submitted the documents, which are
at an advanced stage of consideration, at this stage when MOEF instructed
to submit afresh on 17.07.2017 letter, Sri Ravi Seelamsetty has approached
the Hon‟ble High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad. Sri Ravi Seelamsetty
has obtained court order dated 22.09.2017 directed Ministry of
Environment, Forests and Climate Change to receive our application without
prejudice to their contention that, in standing order dated 14.03.2017. Later
the proposal was submitted on 16.11.2017 under violation vide Proposal No.
The details of the mining lease are given below:
Sri Seelamsetty Ravi Chandra, Lessee of Quartz & Feldspar mine over an
extent of 56.68 Hectares Sy. No.415/P of Bandivankacharla Village,
Kulkcherla Taluk, Rangareddy District, Telangana State.
Earlier the lease was granted in favour of Kum. G.L. Nanditha for a period
of 20 years by Industries and Commerce (Mines-I) Department vide G.O.Ms.
No.292 dated 31.10.2008 which is valid upto 02.12.2022 (Enclosed as
Annexure - 1).
Sri Ravi Seelamsetty intends to produce 0.3 MTPA of Quartz from the lease
area and applied to Ministry of Environment and Forests for Terms of
Reference. Ministry has provided TOR to carry out an Environmental Study
vide their MOEF Lr. No. J-11015/05/2010-IA.II [M] dated 09th March 2010.
The Public Hearing was conducted on 04.01.2013. The Final EIA was
submitted to the Ministry on 10.04.2013.
The Project was considered during 11th Meeting of the Reconstituted Expert
Appraisal Committee for Environmental Appraisal of Mining Projects (Non-
Coal) of the Ministry of Environment and Forests on 25th September 2013.
The Committee noted that the mine was operating from 2010 to 2012
without obtaining Environmental Clearance and Project Proponent has
violated the provisions of Environmental Protection Act 1986 and deferred
the Proposal and asked to submit the following information vide letter no. J-
11015/05/2010-IA.II [M] Dt. 31.12.2013.
1. The details of preventive measures to be undertaken for occupational
health of the workers
2. Site specific conservation plan for the Scheduled-I species reported in
the study area
3. Copy of Approved mining scheme for the period 2013-2018.
Further MOEFCC has issued a letter no. J-11015/05/2010-IA.II [M] Dt.
31.12.2013. stating that (1) The matter relating to violation has been put to
the Board of Directors of the Company or to the Managing Committee, for
consideration of your environment related policy/plan of action and a
written commitment in the form of a formal resolution is submitted to MoEF
to ensure that violations of the Environment (Protection) Act will not be
repeated (2) The State Government has initiated credible action on the
violation against you under the Environment (Protection) act 1986 and
evidence provided to MoEF of the action taken (3) You close down your
mining operations with immediate effect. And also stated that While
communications against (1) & (2) have been issued separately, these
directions are being issued to ensure (3) and instructed Sri Ravi Seelamsetty
to stop the mining operations.
Sri Ravi Seelamsetty has submitted the reply to the above points in hard
copy to MoEF & CC, Non- Coal Mining Committee on 17.01.2017. Against
this MOEF & CC vide letter no. J-11015/05/2010-IA.II [M] dated
17.07.2017 instructed Sri Ravi Seelamsetty to submit online the proposal
afresh as violation case submitting the following information.
6. Detailed statement of Past production since inception/after
1994 to till-date, duly certified by the Department of Mines and
Since Sri Ravi Seelamsetty has already submitted the documents, which are
at an advanced stage of consideration, at this stage when MOEF instructed
to submit afresh on 17.07.2017 letter, Sri Ravi Seelamsetty has approached
the Hon‟ble High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad. Sri Ravi Seelamsetty
has obtained court order dated 22.09.2017 directed Ministry of
Environment, Forests and Climate Change to receive our application without
prejudice to their contention that, in standing order dated 14.03.2017. Later
the proposal was submitted on 16.11.2017 under violation vide Proposal No.
(iii) Need For The Project And Its Importance To The Country.
The mining industry will improve the economic status of the people in and
around the lease area. Continued mining activities, will benefit the local
people due to job opportunities created.
Quartzite deposits in this area form mineral wealth, as the ore is major raw
material for the manufacture of Glass and Concrete Making. Since, the
Quartzite ore reserves of this area are economically viable, their proper
utilization will improve the economic status of the people and the Country
Nature and occurrence of ROM generated at this mine is more suitable for
making glass as fill and to create molds in industry processing, water-
filtration, glass manufacture, industrial casting, sand blasting, to produce
concrete, adding texture to slick roads.
Sri Seelamsetty Ravi Chandra, Lessee of Quartz & Feldspar mine over an
extent of 56.68 Hectares Sy. No.415/P of Bandivankacharla Village,
Kulkcherla Taluk, Rangareddy District, Telangana State.
The Mining Lease Area is a part of the Survey of India Toposheet No.
56/G/16. The site falls between 1) 17°01'50.01"N- 77°49'22.73"E 2)
17°01'51.61"N- 77°49'30.88"E 3) 17° 2'45.83"N- 77°49'29.33"E 4) 17°
2'41.41"N- 77°49'19.38"E, North and East Longitude with an average
altitude of 625 m above MSL.
Key map showing the location of various features around the Quarry Lease
Area is shown in Fig – 2.
The State Highway (SH-4) connecting Pargi - Kodangal, at a distance of
about 12.7 km in NNE direction,
Bandivankacharla – 1.3 km – E
Govindnaik Tanda – 0.2 km – S
Salient features of Quarry Lease Area are given in Table – 1 and Fig - 3
shows the study area of 10 km radius around the Quarry Lease Area
Feature Details
Altitude 625m above msl
Longitude & Latitude 1) 17° 1'50.01"N- 77°49'22.73"E 2) 17° 1'51.61"N-
77°49'30.88"E 3) 17° 2'45.83"N- 77°49'29.33"E 4)
17° 2'41.41"N- 77°49'19.38"E,
Village, Tehsil, District, Bandivankacharla Village, Kulkcherla Taluk,
State Rangareddy District, Telangana.
IMD Station Hyderabad – 80km - ENE
Max. Temp. 0C 45.5
Min. Temp. C0 6.1
Relative Humidity, % 23 - 82
Annual rainfall 812.5 mm
Topography Hilly Terrain
Nearest water bodies (Near DOMA Village ) Vagu – 3.6 km – N
(Near Ainapur Village ) Cheruvu – 0.2 km – N
Nearest Highway National Highway (NH-44) connecting
Secunderabad – Tandur – 35.59 km – E
(iii) Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting
the proposed site, particularly the environmental considerations gone
into should be highlighted.
a) Type of Mining
a) Brief Description (Method of working)
The Method of mining is open cast mechanized mining method using 115
mm dia. DTH Drilling and blasting. The blasted material shall be loaded into
the tippers and sent to crushing plant (located outside the Ml Area) & stock
by the help of excavator. The same excavator will also be used for handling
of waste/ rejection. Wheel loaders will be utilized for feeding to the plant
from stock and loading for dispatch as and when required.
Mining of Ore
The basic operations involved in the mining of ore are mechanically. The
interstitial waste is directly loading into tippers and transportation to the
reject dump yard. In the ore zone, the ore is directly loaded in the tippers
trucks and is dispatched to the designated places. The oversize boulders are
separately loaded and transported to SGMD stack yard for breaking
Type Nos. Dia of Make Motive Power
Hole mm
DTH Drill 2 115 Atlas copco Compressed Air
The holes shall be blasted using 25 m, 50 m and 100 m cord relays and
17m/25m/42m so that charge per delay would not exceed the permissible
Powder factor shall be avg. 3.50 t/kg of explosives in the entire strata to be
Secondary Blasting
Storage of explosives
Removal Of Over Burden
Extent of Mechanization
Waste generated from the mined out area will be concurrently backfilled.
The water environment will not get disturbed by the mining operations.
Water requirement will be 18 m3/day and the same will be met from ground
Energy and Power Requirement and Source
(ix) Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for
their management / disposal.
i) Connectivity
The ML Area is as saddle shaped hillock with radial Slopes. The highest
contour of 160m RL is traversing in central portion of the lease area and
lowest contour level is 103 RL is at North-Eastern of lease area. The general
strike direction is almost North South and dipping easterly with almost
vertical dip.
iii) Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non-agriculture, forest,
water bodies (including area under CRZ), shortest distances from the
periphery of the project to periphery of the forests, national park, wild
life sanctuary, eco sensitive areas, water bodies (distance from the HFL
of the river), CRZ, in case of notified industrial area, a copy of the
Gazette notification should be given.
v) Soil classification
The area is covered with thin soil of thickness varying from 0.1 to 0.20 m in
the slopes. The area is mixed with quartz float and pieces of schist rock.
About 4200 tonnes of top soil is likely to be generated in this scheme period
which is preserved and is used during plantation on the dumps.
The area is hot during most part of the year. The average annual rainfall on
the area is around 680 mm per year. The highest and lowest temperature in
the lease area varies between 420 to 280 respectively. The drainage pattern
in the area is Sub-Dendritic in nature. The most of the lands in western side
of the lease are of cultivable nature and crops like paddy maize, jawar and
groundnut etc., are grown.
The haul roads will be developed for carrying capacities by the waste
obtained from the mining/ extraction of ore. The approach roads are
sufficient to cater to the proposed production. The proposed project will
provide employment and benefits
The subjected mine is the Quartz and Feldspar mine of Sri Seelamsetty Ravi
Chandra at Bandivankacharla Village, Kulkcherla Taluk, Rangareddy
District, Telangana State in over an extent of 56.68 Ha. The present
proposal is for production of 3,00,000 TPA Quartz and Feldspar mineral.
Since there will not be any major influx of people from outside in this region
because of the project, there will hardly be any population explosion. Most of
the workers will be people from surrounding villages only.
iii) Assessment of Infrastructure Demand ( Physical & Social):
(i) Industrial
(ii) Residential
(iii) Greenbelt
7.5 m barrier zone along the mine boundary will be developed under
greenbelt in a phased manner.
The mining activity carried out in the area rather has a positive socio-
economic impact upon the nearby human settlement as indirect
employment potential is created due to mining and allied activities in the
area. Apart from these, the company promotes health and education
awareness in the area time to time by organizing health and education
(v) Connectivity
The State Highway (SH-4) connecting Pargi - Kodangal, at a distance of
about 12.7 km in NNE direction,
No wastewater generation except for domestic waste from toilet which will be
treated in septic tank followed by soak pit.
The non-mineralized area within the mining lease will be used as temporary
waste dump yard which will be rehandled for backfilling of the mined-out
area at conceptual stage.
The mine area does not cover any habitation. Hence the mining
activities do not involve any displacement of human settlement. No
public buildings, places, monuments etc., exist within the lease area
or in the vicinity. The mining operations will not disturb/relocate any
Mining operations will be commenced after obtaining EC, CFE, CFO and all
other regulatory clearances. Life of the mine @ 3,00,000 tonnes per annum
for the proved mineral reserve of 46,29,946 million tonnes would be 16