Sound Convert To Electric Energy

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ISSN: 2689-7636 DOI:

Received: 01 September, 2022

Research Article Accepted: 03 October, 2022
Published: 04 October, 2022

Sound Energy Harvesting and *Corresponding author: Mervin A Boco, Tagaytay City
Science National High School, Calamba Rd., Tagaytay

Converting Electricity (SEHCE) City, Cavite, Region IV-A CALABARZON, Philippines,


Mervin A Boco* Keywords: Sound, Electromagnetism, Solenoid,

Magnet, Electromotive force, Current
Tagaytay City Science National High School, Calamba Rd., Tagaytay City, Cavite, Region IV-A
Copyright License: © 2022 Boco MA. This is an
CALABARZON, Philippines open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are

The research study “Sound Energy Harvesting and Converting Electricity (SEHCE)” aims to create a better and easier way of producing another source of clean and
renewable energy through sound. The study did not aim to be compared to other proven sources of electricity such as heat, wind, solar and hydroelectric, instead, it was
created to find and explore new ways of producing an alternative source of energy. The project will undergo several processes such as designing, construction, testing,
and evaluation. Through this, the researcher will be able to find out that sound energy can be converted to electricity.

Introduction and possibly prevent possible short runs of energy that have
led energy needs to their highest.
Background of the study
Renewable sources of energy such as hydroelectric power,
Harvesting clean energy from a renewable source of energy solar power, and wind power require too much financial
like the sound has been the belief of the researcher. Harnessing investment but give poor power output with respect to their
and producing electrical energy from the mechanical vibrations cost, over the years, there has been a growing interest in
produced by sound is something that could be useful for harnessing the power of mechanical vibrations and magnetism
to generate electricity.

In the research study of “Evaluation of Electric Energy

With the following thoughts, the researchers come up with
Generation from Sound Energy” by Mohana Faroug Attia [1],
a Sound Energy Harvesting and Converting Electricity (SEHCE)
“law of conservation of energy,” energy cannot be created nor
which can be used to gather sound energy (mechanical
destroyed. It can only transform from one form to another.
energy) and turn it into electricity. This project can be used
Under the consideration of this law, people have discovered
for charging small electrical devices (cellular phones, power
numerous ways how to reproduce and extract energy from
banks, flashlights, etc.); furthermore, it may be used to charge
sources and convert it into a source of power for conventional
traffic signals, warning signals, and the like.

There are various so-called eco-friendly sources of energy Statement of the problem
such as solar, wind, and heat energies which have been
The purpose of the study is to transform sound into another
discovered and used until the present time. Some of them are
form of useful energy.
being maximized under suitable circumstances to overcome


Citation: Boco MA (2022) Sound Energy Harvesting and Converting Electricity (SEHCE). Ann Math Phys 5(2): 146-149. DOI:

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: cones in such a way that the sound propagated through the
vibration of the molecules is ‘pin-pointed’ over to the wings
General Problem of the turbine.” The vessel is filled with a very stable gas like
helium in order to have a very low pressure inside the vessel.
Can sound be a source of electrical energy?
They chose this as the speed of sound is higher in it.
Another study was conducted on the generation of electrical
1) How will the device harvest sound? energy to sound energy [3]. Sound energy can be converted into
a viable source of electric power using a suitable transducer.
2) How is sound energy converted to electrical energy? This can be done by using a transducer by converting vibrations
caused by noise into electrical energy. The vibrations created
3) How much energy can the project produce?
by the noise can be converted into electrical energy through
Objectives the principle of electromagnetic induction. The demonstrated
ideas probe into a clean and readily available source of energy.
The study was conducted to find a possible way of producing
electricity from other forms of energy, aside from solar, wind, Furthermore, in the study of David Cohen-Tanugi [4], there
heat, hydroelectric, etc. The study presents the effectiveness of is definitely energy contained in that sound. But the density
sound energy as it is used to generate another form of energy of the energy is very low, and there is no way to capture it all.
(electricity). Moreover, the research exposed the utilization You have obscenely loud, continuous noise for harvesting to
and sustainability of noise energy, being another source to be worthwhile. It is more efficient to collect and store sunlight
produce clean electricity. using solar panels than to harvest energy from sound because
solar energy is converted to electrical energy directly by semi-
Significance of the study conductors materials used in Photovoltaic (PV) panels.

The research “Sound Energy Harvesting and Converting The energy density in oil and gas is of higher magnitude,
Electricity (SEHCE)” will be beneficial for charging small making generating power from those sources even more, cost-
electrical devices (cellular phones, power banks, flashlights, effective. Harvesting acoustic noise is more about mechanical
etc.) and it may be used to charge traffic signals, warning vibrations than the sound itself. The idea is definitely there,
signals, and the like. and it’s quite promising [5-16].

Through the project, the researchers will be able to expose Materials and methods
and discover the effectiveness of sound energy as a source
of clean and renewable source of energy. In addition to this, The proposed project used a metal cone-shaped with a small
anyone can create electricity everywhere because the device is diaphragm to vibrate and to move the sound inside the closed-
considered portable. vessel injected with helium gas. Helium gas was injected to
make the kinetic energy of air molecules move faster. It also
The project will be most effectively used in places that can uses a large metal diaphragm to vibrate with solenoid and neo
produce so much sound (decibels) and mechanical vibrations. magnet where the electric current was induced.
And, most of all, it does not cost too much.
Designing of sound energy harvesting and converting to
Scope and limitations electricity
The study was conducted at Tagaytay City Science National The project is designed to harvest sound energy and convert
High School, Tagaytay City, Cavite, Philippines, from August it to generate electricity. It will use an iron metal cone-shaped
01 - October 22, 2017. The targets of the project are areas that diaphragm which sound energy will vibrate. Helium gas will
lack a source of electricity. The project used to convert sound be injected inside the closed vessel so that sound waves will
energy into a useful form of energy. It is also ideal in areas radiate directly to the iron metal diaphragm, where vibration
with a high rate of irregular vibrations – noise. Furthermore, may cause the movement of the solenoid over the Neodymium
the project device will only be able to power several electrical magnet, where the electric current will be induced.
devices (cellular phones, power banks, flashlights, etc.).
Review of related literature
The Sound Energy Harvesting and Converting Electricity
To give life to the study on the effectiveness of sound energy (SEHCE) will be tested to show the effectiveness of the device
as an alternative source of electrical energy, the following to convert sound energy into electrical energy.
presents the findings and other research studies related to the
aforementioned project. The following conditions are to be tested:

Based on the study of Siva Aditya Putrevu’s and Sri Kumar • Amount of sound energy to vibrate the metal diaphragm,
Chaladi’s [2] on the generation of electricity using sound, “the and move the coil side to side over the Neodymium
sound that is used as input is made to pass through the hollow magnet.


Citation: Boco MA (2022) Sound Energy Harvesting and Converting Electricity (SEHCE). Ann Math Phys 5(2): 146-149. DOI:

• The Electromotive Force (EMF) produced in each pair of the major arena to focus on is how we can increase the efficiency
coil and magnet, and the total EMF produced from the of the electricity produced by the conversion of sound energy.
The oscillation frequency is represented in Hertz (Hz) and
• Comparison of the relationship between the harvested the sound pressure level is represented by decibels (dB). Such
sound and the amount of electricity produced. electrical properties include voltage (V), Current (I), Resistance
(R) and Power (P).
Design of the proposed project
Mathematical analysis
The noise from the environment enters the closed vessel
The speed of sound travels at a constant speed of 332 m/s
through a small diaphragm which made the metal diaphragm
in a normal temperature of 27 0C of air and it increases by 0.6
vibrate and produce sound waves. The metal cone-shaped will
m/s/ degree Celcius.
help to amplify sound through the irregular vibration of the
small diaphragm. The close vessel was injected with Helium Since the study will be using Helium gas as one of the
gas to make the air molecules move faster, thereby increasing mediums in which the sound will travel, the equation for the
its Kinetic energy (KE) Figure 1. speed of sound in an ideal gas is given by the relationship

When sound waves strike the large metal diaphragm it will  RT

V sound 
move the solenoid over the series of Neodynium magnets. The M
movement of solenoid and magnet (Neo magnet), produces an where:
electromotive force (emf) due to the process of Electromagnetic
induction. The series of changing the movement of coils and  = adiabatic constant
magnet - speed, and changing electromotive force is generated.
R = gas constant
Practical methods of conversion
M = molecular mass constant
The researchers came across various devices that serve
T = absolute temperature
similar purposes that are as converting sound to electrical
signals. For example, a microphone is an example of a • R = the universal gas constant = 8.314 J/mol K,
transducer, a device that changes information from one form to
another. Sound information exists as patterns of air pressure; • T = the absolute temperature
the recording engineer is interested in the accuracy of this
• M = the molecular weight of the gas in kg/mol
transformation, a concept he thinks of as fidelity.
  = the adiabatic constant, characteristic of the specific
The basic idea is that sound is a mechanical wave. When it
travels through any given medium, it disturbs the particles of
the particular medium, and these disturbances caused by the For air, the adiabatic constant  = 1.4 and the average
sound can be used to produce electricity. molecular mass for dry air is 28.95 gm/mol. This leads to

The efficiency of transducers and several such devices are

quite low and cannot be used for practical applications. Thus, 8.314 J
1.4 ( .K )
V sound  mol T
0.02895kg / mol

This can be compared with the speed of molecules inside

the device as a result of their thermal energy. For the specific
example of dry air at 20°C, the speed of sound in air is 343 m/s,
while the RMS speed of air molecules is 502 m/s using a mean
mass of air molecules of 29 amu.

For helium gas,  = 5/3 and the molecular mass is .004 kg/
mol, so its speed of sound at the same temperature will be

By doing so, this calculation for air at 0°C gives vsound =

331.39 m/s and at 1°C gives vsound = 332.00 m/s. This leads to a
commonly used approximate formula for the sound speed in
the air:

m 0.6m
Vsound in air  332  T
Figure 1: Proposed Sound Energy Harvesting and Converting Electricity (SEHCE). s s

Citation: Boco MA (2022) Sound Energy Harvesting and Converting Electricity (SEHCE). Ann Math Phys 5(2): 146-149. DOI:

However, the assumption of an adiabatic constant of  = 1.4

used in the calculation is based upon the diatomic molecules
N2 and O2 and does not apply to water molecules.

In the study, the Electromotive force and current as output

will be based on the speed of sound in the gas.

Furthermore, the induced Electromotive Force from the

electromagnet will be based on three factors: a. magnetic field
strength of Neodymium magnet, b. length of the copper wire
(solenoid), c. and velocity of the movement of wire over the

Thus, we can calculate the amount of Electromotive Force

(EMF) using the given equation:

Emf  BLv

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Citation: Boco MA (2022) Sound Energy Harvesting and Converting Electricity (SEHCE). Ann Math Phys 5(2): 146-149. DOI:

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