Vertical Bag Farm Booklet
Vertical Bag Farm Booklet
Vertical Bag Farm Booklet
@ You can still grow your own vegetables
for Ksh. /- even on a balcony with our
40 plants per bag ready planted balcony bags
collection from Mixture of plants: strawberries, tomato,
READY PLANTED BALCONY BAG SMALL HOLDER ENTERPRISE CENTRE corriander, sukuma, spinach, herbs, lettuce,
carrots and much more.
Bag farming is a very productive way to farm small areas of land. The Ten-bag Farm Kit has an
integrated drip irrigation system made from 16 mm PE pipes (tubes) with button drippers,
connected to a 25 mm PE pipe (header pipe).
Water tank
Water tank 25 mm header Header pipe
filter pipe end cap Extension joint
( N OT
Connection from
1.5 metres
above ground
T junction
16 mm pipe with
button drippers
Button dripper
on pipe
Riser pipe
Button dripper
on pipe
1 metre apart
Header pipe to
16mm pipe Underground
connection 25 mm header
Vertical Bag Gardening 2.
For instructions on how to set up the bag farms refer to our the Real IPM Bag Farming Booklet.
It can be downloaded from our website
Step 1: Two lines of five large bag gardens need to be set up according to the diagram below.
The bags should be 1 meter apart within the row and the two rows need to be two meters
apart. The bags should be positioned in a zigzag pattern.
Step 2: Dig a trench about 30 cm (1 foot) deep, along the centre of the two rows of bags - so
that the central header pipe can be buried and out of the way - after the 16 mm risers have
been connected. This makes it easier to move between the bags to spray and pick the crop
without tripping up on the pipework.
Step 3: The 16 mm PE riser pipes for the bags are cut into equal lengths of 3 meters. One riser
for each bag garden, taking the water from the central header to the bag.
Step 4: The last one-meter of the riser will have the ten button drippers. The riser is curled
around the top of the bag on the outside edge. Make the holes with a hot stiff wire. The hole
must be smaller than the plug for the button dripper - so that the button fits tightly into the
holes without leaks. Drippers face UPWARDS on the pipes. Fix 10 button drippers per bag -
spaced 15 cm apart.
Step 5: Use the ties at the top of the bag to secure the riser and button drippers to the outside
of the top of the bag. The roots of the plants DO NOT GROW into the centre of the bag - all the
water needs to be focused on the outer 10 inches of the bag.
Step 6: Use the T junction (25 mm) to fix the central header pipe (from between the two lines
of bags) to the top 25 mm header pipe. Attach the two 25mm end caps to either end of the top
header pipe.
Step 7: The top header pipe is connected to the water tank (via elbows and T junctions) to the
water tank in the same way as described for the Quarter Acre Drip Kit. If more header pipe,
T junctions or elbows are needed - please order these from our website ON LINE SHOP. 3.
Before transplanting the seedlings the compost in the bag must be thoroughly wetted. The
button drippers deliver 4 litres of water per dripper per hour. There are ten drippers per bag -
delivering a total of 40 litres of water per hour. If the water pressure is low - then less water
will be delivered per hour.
The drip irrigation may need to be on for at least 3 hours per day (120 Litres of water) for the
first 10 days after planting. Check the planting holes to see if the soil is getting wet enough.
It may be necessary to also use a watering can to water the planting holes from the outside
during this critical plant
establishment phase.
After the seedlings have established, daily irrigations of about one hour per day will be needed.
At least 30L of water per day per bag will be needed. In hot weather there may be more
irrigation needed. Plants must not look wilted. During the rains - less irrigation may be
Make regular checks that all the drip holes and button drippers are working properly.
If any of the holes in the drip tape in the Quarter Acre Drip Kit are blocked - hold the tape
above the soil and sharply tap the tape to dislodge any soil that may be in the hole.
DO NOT poke the holes with wire to remove the dirt. If the holes are damaged they will
not work properly.
Check that all the fittings are well secured to stop any more soil getting into the system
at the connectors.
FLUSH the system occasionally by taking off the end caps
form the drip lines and allowing the water to flush out of the
end - clearing any mud from the drip lines.
Clear the filter at the water tank on a regular basis. If water
used is very dirty - the filter may need to be cleaned every day
Check that the water tank is not filling up with settled mud. Clean it out if necessary. 5.
Clearing the button drippers
Check regularly that all ten, button drippers per bag are working well.
If any button drippers are blocked – pick the pipe up off the soil and
sharply tap the button dripper directly several times.
If necessary, remove the button dripper from the 16 mm pipe and
wash out the soil with water in a bucket. Gently remove dirt with a needle.
In semi-arid areas - it may be helpful to reduce solar radiation and water evaporation
from the crop leaves by adding a shade net tunnel.
In areas where there are strong winds this will also remove water form the crop
leaves - a windbreak would be helpful.
DAP 3 kg 2 kg 1 kg 5.
1. Mix the soil and manure. 2. Add DAP (3 kg) and lime to 3. Thoroughly mix the bag
the mixture. media ingredients.
4. Spread the bag to identify 5. Turn the bag inside out and 6. Place the bag on the ground
the top, bottom and outer gather it in the middle part right side out.
sections. of the bottom part.
7. Start filling the bag with the 8. Ensure you have a stable 9. Continue filling your bag untill
mixed media. base at the bottom and that you have a well filled upright
all holes are visible. bag.
10. Wet the bag with 30 litres 11. Place the curled section of 12. Plant leeks, corriander,
of water and start planting the 16 mm riser pipe fitted lettuce, carrots etc on the
on the sides of the bag. with button drippers on the top section and you have
top of your bag. your very own bag garden. 6.
Farmers all over East Africa seem to be
struggling to keep growing tomatoes and
pepper in the soil in greenhouse tunnels.
T junction connector
Drip tape connection
Water tank
Connection from the tank
( N OT
1 metre
apart Tomato bag
zig zag arrangement
How to irrigate
Bacterial wilt with the Tomato Tunnel Drip Kit
It is recommended
Tomatoes thatsuffer
and peppers farmers combine
from blossomthisend
withrotthe Realirrigation
when IPM tomato grow bags
is irregular and
or not that
the tomatoes
There arefor
is no cure grown
this. out of the irrigation
Optimum soil. Thisiswill help to protect the plants from bacterial wilt
(Ralstonia). Real IPM biological control agents can be applied down the drip-lines into the
The amount of water applied will depend on the weather. During hot weather it may be
compost bags surrounding the plant roots.
necessary to apply water two times per day for 15 minutes in each irrigation cycle.
With a button dripper that applies 4 litres of water per hour this will apply about two
Download the Real Insight on Ralstonia form our Resources page
litres of water per plant per day.
During cool or overcast weather - It may be necessary to apply water only once per day
Setting up the Tomato Drip Kit
for about 20 minutes.
The header pipe (25 mm) is connected to the water tank and the 16 mm PE drip lines, in the
Check the wetness of the compost in the bags and adjust the irrigation cycles
same way as described for the Ten-Bag Farm Drip Kit.
according to the needs of the crop. If the compost is too wet - reduce the irrigation.
Step 1: Measure
If the theisdistance
compost from the the
too dry increase water tank to the position of the header pipe inside
the tunnel. Cut the 25 mm header pipe to the required length.
Use the elbows and connectors provided according to the route needed to get the 25 mm pipe
from the water source to the tunnel. Fit the tunnel header pipe with end caps.
Step 2: Decide on the layout of tomato pants in the tunnel. If the plants are to be set out in
6 double rows of bags - there will be 12 lines of plants in total. To optimize space and light, the
plant bags in each double row should be in a zigzag pattern.
Cut the 16 mm PE drip pipes into the required lengths according to the layout. IN THE ABOVE
option, the pipes will be cut into twelve lengths of 17 meters.
Step 3: Connect the 16 mm drip pipes to the header pipe and line the pipes up to lie on top of
the bags. Place sticks into some of the bags to hold the pipes in position.
Connect one button dripper over the centre of each of the bags so that one dripper serves one
plant. Attach end caps to every 16 mm drip line. 8.
How to irrigate with the Tomato Tunnel Drip Kit
Tomatoes and peppers suffer from blossom end rot when irrigation is irregular or not enough.
There is no cure for this. Optimum irrigation is needed.
The amount of water applied will depend on the weather. During hot weather it may be
necessary to apply water two times per day for 15 minutes in each irrigation cycle.
With a button dripper that applies 4 litres of water per hour this will apply about two
litres of water per plant per day.
During cool or overcast weather - It may be necessary to apply water only once per day
for about 20 minutes.
Check the wetness of the compost in the bags and adjust the irrigation cycles
according to the needs of the crop. If the compost is too wet - reduce the irrigation.
If the compost is too dry increase the irrigation. 9.
Big solutions | For small holder farmers
Group of less than 10 people - 500 Ksh per person (for two-hour tour)
Groups of more than 10 people - 250 Ksh per person (for two-hour tour)
Course Fees: 2,000/- per person (inc. light refreshment and lunch)
Step 1 Step 5
Step 2
Step 6
Step 4