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Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research design, sources of data, conversation partners,

inclusion and exclusion criteria, gatekeeper and ethical consideration, rigors of the findings, and

data explication.

Research Design

Researchers used qualitative research design to analyzes and have more in-depth

understandings of happenings in real world. It gathers the participants experiences, behavior and

perceptions. Qualitative research is a type of social science research that collects and works with

non-numerical data and that seeks to interpret meaning from these data that help us understand

social life through the study of targeted populations or places (Boru, 2018). It is used to

understand underlying reasons, opinions and motivations. It is utilized to uncover stories in

thoughts and ideas and to dive deeper into the story of the café. The researchers focused more on

the story of Cafe in Don Salvador Benedicto, has conducted using the qualitative method, and

the specific approach utilized is the narrative inquiry.

Narrative inquiry is a way of understanding and inquiring into experience through

“collaboration between researcher and participants, over time, in a place or series of places, and

in social interaction with milieus” (Bostley, 2019).

The fundamental goal is to use to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon

being studied (Roller, 2011). Typically, interviews are conducted with a group of individuals

who have knowledge in the topic. This descriptive design is applicable for all staffs who have

knowledge about the background of Café. This study targets to know the stories behind Café.
More particularly, the aim of this study is to let the individuals to know and be aware of how

Café started.

Sources of Data

Conversion Partners and Inclusion criteria

The conversation partners are the Cafe manager, cafe chef and cashier staff. The first

conversation partner is the cashier staff who works at the café for five years. The second is a café

chef who is a pioneer in the café, he works as a landscaper before the café started its operation.

The third conversation partner is a manager for five years and also a shareholder of the café.

They meet the following inclusion criteria: The interviewee must be of legal age and a staff of

cafe for at least 2 years. Someone who has knowledge in the story of Cafe in Don Salvador.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked permission to conduct interviews with the staff of a café in Don

Salvador Benedicto through forwarding a letter of approval to the owner. The researchers did not

compose predetermined guided questions but rather conducted in unstructured flow for the series

of interviews to collect data and information out of the knowledge of the chosen informants of

the Café. The information gathered are the sources of the data used in the study.

After the approval of the manager, the researchers asked the conversation partners to sign

the informed consent form to confirm the agreement to the terms and their willingness to

participate. The schedule of the interview depends on the availability of the conversation partner.

The recording was done through the means of audio-recording with the use of smartphones and

the researchers has a power bank and charger to ensure that the battery of the phone will last

until they finished the interview with the staff. One of the researchers also prepared a piece of

paper and a ballpen to write some information mentioned by the conversation partners.
Recording research interviews is an excellent method for capturing qualitative data in thesis or

research and ensuring descriptive validity. The duration of an interview lasted 1 to 2 hours. The

interview conducted in the Café which is located at Municipality of Don Salvador Benedicto,

Negros Occidental from the month of March-May 2023.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers aimed to gather information on the respondents who are willing to

participate and honest through the interview. The conversation partners were asked to sign an

informed consent form to confirm the agreement to the terms of the study required interview and

are willing to participate. The researchers asked permission to the respondents and the schedule

depend on the conversation partner. The identity of the respondents shall be confidential to the

extent provided by the law. The information of the respondents such as name, address, phone

numbers etc. are secured and protected by the researchers. When the study was completed, all the

data and information has been destroyed. The name of the respondents are not used in any report

or publication.

The participation in this study is completely voluntary if the respondents wish to

discontinue the interview the researcher will respect the decision and would quickly diminish the

data that is collected.

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