The Molecular Features of Normal and Atopic Dermatitis Skin in Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Adults

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Atopic dermatitis and inflammatory skin disease

The molecular features of normal and atopic

dermatitis skin in infants, children, adolescents,
and adults
Yael Renert-Yuval, MD,a,b* Ester Del Duca, MD,b,c* Ana B. Pavel, PhD,b,d* Milie Fang, BS,e Rachel Lefferdink, MD,e
Jianni Wu, BS,b Aisleen Diaz, BS,b Yeriel D. Estrada, BS,b Talia Canter, BS,e Ning Zhang, MD,b Annette Wagner, MD,e
Sarah Chamlin, MD,e James G. Krueger, MD, PhD,a Emma Guttman-Yassky, MD, PhD,a,bà and Amy S. Paller, MDeà
New York, NY; Catanzaro, Italy; Oxford, Miss; and Chicago, Ill

Background: Although atopic dermatitis (AD) often presents in barrier-related genes in both lesional and nonlesional skin. Clinical
infancy and persists into adulthood, comparative characterization severity scores significantly correlated with TH2/TH22-related
of AD skin among different pediatric age groups is lacking. markers in all pediatric age groups.
Objective: We sought to define skin biopsy profiles of lesional Conclusions: The shared signature of AD across ages is TH2/
and nonlesional AD across different age groups (0-5-year-old TH22-skewed, yet differential expression of specific TH2/TH22-
infants with disease duration <6 months, 6-11-year-old children, related genes, other TH pathways, and barrier-related genes
12-17-year-old adolescents, > _18-year-old adults) versus age- portray heterogenetic, age-specific molecular fingerprints. (J
appropriate controls. Allergy Clin Immunol 2021;148:148-63.)
Methods: We performed gene expression analyses by RNA-
sequencing and real-time PCR (RT-PCR) and protein Key words: Atopic dermatitis, maturation, pediatric, biomarkers,
expression analysis using immunohistochemistry. TH2, TH22, epidermal barrier, normal skin
Results: TH2/TH22 skewing, including IL-13, CCL17/thymus and
activation-regulated chemokine, IL-22, and S100As, characterized Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most common inflammatory skin
the common AD signature, with a global pathway-level enrichment disease and its prevalence continues to increase worldwide.1,2
across all ages. Nevertheless, specific cytokines varied widely. For Although AD often presents in infancy and persists into adult-
example, IL-33, IL-1RL1/IL-33R, and IL-9, often associated with hood,1 the evolution of the AD skin phenotype from infancy to
early atopic sensitization, showed greatest upregulations in infants. adulthood has not yet been characterized. Because AD may be
TH17 inflammation presented a 2-peak curve, with highest the window to the atopic march, understanding immune and bar-
increases in infants (including IL-17A and IL-17F), followed by rier changes of AD across pediatric populations may provide in-
adults. TH1 polarization was uniquely detected in adults, even sights into the initiation of other atopic comorbidities, such as
when compared with adolescents, with significant upregulation in food allergy, allergic rhinitis, and asthma.
adults of IFN-g and CXCL9/CXCL10/CXCL11. Although all AD Recently, we compared biopsied skin from infants and young
age groups had barrier abnormalities, only adults had significant children (<age 5 years) with AD within 6 months of disease
decreases in filaggrin expression. Despite the short duration of the initiation to skin from adults (age >_18 years) with chronic AD.3,4
disease, infant AD presented robust downregulations of multiple The early disease profile has substantial differences compared

From athe Laboratory for Investigative Dermatology, The Rockefeller University, New and/or personal fees from Pfizer, Amgen, Janssen, Lilly, Merck, Novartis, Kadmon,
York; bthe Department of Dermatology and Laboratory of Inflammatory Skin Dis- Dermira, Boehringer, Innovaderm, Kyowa, BMS, Serono, BiogenIdec, Delenex,
eases, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York; cthe Department of AbbVie, Sanofi, Baxter, Paraxel, Xenoport, and Kineta. A. S. Paller has received
Dermatology, University Magna Graecia, Catanzaro; dthe Department of Biomedical research support (grants paid to her institution) from AbbVie, Anaptysbio, Celgene, Eli
Engineering, University of Mississippi, Oxford; and ethe Department of Dermatology, Lilly, Galderma, Incyte, Leo, Janssen, Novartis, and Regeneron and has been a
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago. consultant for Almirall, Amgen, Asana, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Castle Creek,
*These authors contributed equally to this work. Celgene, Dermavant, Dermira, Eli Lilly, Exicure, Forte, Galderma, Lenus, Leo,
àThese authors contributed equally to this work. Novan, Novartis, Pfizer, Regeneron, Sanofi-Genzyme, and Sol Gel. The rest of the
This study was supported by a research grant from the LEO Foundation. Y.R.-Y. was sup- authors declare that they have no relevant conflicts of interest.
ported in part by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Received for publication June 23, 2020; revised December 1, 2020; accepted for publi-
Institutes of Health, through Rockefeller University (grant no. UL1TR001866). R.L. cation January 5, 2021.
received salary support as a fellow from the National Psoriasis Foundation. Tissue Available online January 13, 2021.
collection was supported by the Northwestern University Skin Biology and Diseases Corresponding author: Amy S. Paller, MD, Departments of Dermatology and Pediatrics,
Resource-based Center, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 676 N. St. Clair, Ste 1600, Chi-
(grant no. #P30AR075049). cago, IL 60611. E-mail: [email protected]. Or: Emma Guttman-Yassky, MD,
Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: E. Guttman-Yassky is an employee of Mount PhD, Department of Dermatology and Laboratory of Inflammatory Skin Diseases,
Sinai and has received research funds (grants paid to the institution) from AbbVie, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 5 E. 98th St, New York, NY 10029.
Celgene, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Medimmune/Astra Zeneca, Novartis, Pfizer, Regeneron, E-mail: [email protected].
Vitae, Glenmark, Galderma, Asana, Innovaderm, Dermira, and UCB; is also a The CrossMark symbol notifies online readers when updates have been made to the
consultant for Sanofi Aventis, Regeneron, Stiefel/GlaxoSmithKline, MedImmune, article such as errata or minor corrections
Celgene, Anacor, AnaptysBio, Dermira, Galderma, Glenmark, Novartis, Pfizer, Vitae, 0091-6749/$36.00
Leo Pharma, AbbVie, Eli Lilly, Kyowa, Mitsubishi Tanabe, Asana Biosciences, and Ó 2021 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Promius. J. G. Krueger has received research support (grants paid to his institution)


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review board–approved informed consents and assents (Table I; see Table E1

Abbreviations used in this article’s Online Repository at The cohort across
AD: Atopic dermatitis age groups was composed primarily of European American patients. Sensi-
DEG: Differentially expressed gene tivity analyses on European American-only patients yielded similar results
FCH: Fold change to analysis including subjects of all races (see Table E7 and Figs E15 and
FDR: False-discovery rate E16 in this article’s Online Repository at Lesional and
FLG: Filaggrin nonlesional skin biopsies were obtained, and exclusion criteria included recent
LCE: Late cornified envelope use of systemic immunosuppressive treatment and phototherapy (<4 weeks),
LOR: Loricrin topical steroids or immunomodulators (<1 week), or moisturizers (<12 hours)
MBP: Major basic protein before this study.
qRT-PCR: Quantitative RT-PCR Clinical severity was recorded using SCORing of AD (SCORAD), Eczema
SCORAD: SCORing of AD Area and Severity Index, and Atopic Dermatitis Quickscore in pediatric
TARC: Thymus and activation-regulated chemokine patients (<_18 years) and SCORAD in adults (> _18 years). IgE levels (IU/mL)
were available for some patients with AD. In pediatric participants, measures
of epidermal barrier function were captured using transepidermal water loss of
lesional and nonlesional arm skin (AquaFlux Model AF200; Biox, London,
with adult chronic AD. Although both share robust TH2/TH22 United Kingdom).17
skewing, infants have greater TH17 inflammation, lack TH1 polar-
ization, and have different barrier abnormalities.3,4 RNA sequencing
Although data from blood of patients with AD in different age RNA was extracted from skin biopsy samples using Qiagen miRNeasy
groups were recently published,5 skin of school-age children and Mini kit, as previously described.18 Libraries were generated using TruSeq
adolescents (ages 5-18 years) with AD has not been investigated Stranded mRNA Library Prep kit (Illumina, San Diego, Calif). mRNAwas first
comprehensively. In blood, the immune fingerprint of AD was extracted from 240 ng of total RNA using oligo-dT magnetic beads and frag-
found to be age-specific, with the adult AD phenotype achieved mented at high temperature. A complementary DNA library was then prepared
only in adults.5 Because cutaneous analyses capture skin dysregu- by reverse transcription. Next-generation sequencing was performed on Illu-
lations more accurately and also allow assessment of barrier ab- mina Hiseq 4000 (Illumina) with single-ended read 100 cycles. Our
normalities, investigation of AD skin through development is sequencing depth ranged between 35 and 45M reads, and the reference
genome used was hg19 (GRCh37). Image analysis and bases calling was con-
ducted in real-time by the Illumina analysis pipeline.
Current therapeutics for extensive AD are sparse,6-8 and thera-
peutic options available for pediatric patients with AD are even
more limited.9,10 Narrow targeting agents for AD are Quantitative RT-PCR
emerging,11-13 including for pediatric patients.14-16 As new ther- For RT-PCR, reverse transcription to complementary DNA was carried out
apies that target different type 2 immune pathway components or using the High Capacity complementary DNA reverse transcription (Thermo
other pathways are developed, characterization of immune and Fisher, Waltham, Mass). Preamplification was performed on all samples.
barrier abnormalities in different pediatric AD age groups may TaqMan Low Density Array cards (Thermo Fisher) were used for quantitative
RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). Primers are listed in Table E2 in this article’s Online Re-
become more important in the decision making about optimal
pository at Hundred nanogram total RNA was used for
choice of therapeutic agent. A better understanding of age- PreAMP pool and TaqMan Low Density Array. Eukaryotic 18S recombinant
specific disease markers will also potentially contribute to identi- RNA was used as an endogenous control. Expression values were normalized
fying novel age-specific treatment strategies. to Rplp0.
To discover age-specific biomarkers, AD skin of different age
groups (0-5, 6-11, 12-17, and > _18 years) was compared with that
of age-appropriate controls. Molecular dysregulations were Immunohistochemistry
assessed by RNA sequencing, real-time PCR (RT-PCR), and IHC was performed on frozen skin sections as previously described19,20 us-
ing antibodies as listed in Table E3 in this article’s Online Repository at www.
immunohistochemistry (IHC). Biomarker analyses showed Epidermal thickness and cell counts were quantified using Im-
different expression patterns of specific TH2-related cytokines ageJ V1.42 software (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md).
and chemokines across the age spectrum, although TH2/TH22
skewing was shared among all pediatric groups and adults.
TH1-related products progressively increased with age, including Statistical analyses
being significantly higher in adults versus adolescents. For TH17, Statistical analyses were performed using statistical language R (www.R- qRT-PCR data were profiled using TaqMan Low Density Array.
despite global upregulations at all ages, a 2-curve peak of TH17-
Summaries of mean expression of all markers are summarized in a heatmap,
related polarization was captured, highest in infancy and less en- where unsupervised clustering was performed using Euclidean distance and
riched in adulthood. These data portray the evolution of AD skin average agglomeration criteria. Threshold cycles (Ct) were normalized to
through maturation and improve our understanding of shared and Rplp0 by negatively transforming the Ct values to 2dCt. The undetected
age-specific disease mechanisms. expression values were estimated for each gene as 20% of the minimum un-
logged expression across all samples. Log2-scale qRT-PCR expression data
were modeled by a linear mixed-effect model, with biopsy type as a fixed ef-
METHODS fect and a random intercept for each patient. Means of each group were esti-
Clinical characteristics mated using lsmeans, and comparisons of interest were tested using contrast.
Fifty-four patients with moderate to severe AD in different age groups (17 For correlation studies, unsupervised hierarchical clustering of variables or
infants with disease duration of <6 months, 0-5 years old, mean age, 1.2 years; samples/patients was performed using the correlation coefficient as a
10 children, 6-11 years old, mean age, 7.8 years; 14 adolescents, 12-17 years distance metric with the average agglomeration algorithm.
old, mean age, 14.8 years; 13 adults >
_ 18 years old, mean age, 45.4 years) were RNA-sequencing data were preprocessed using standard pipeline incorpo-
enrolled after parents and patients 12 years and older signed institutional rating quality control metrics, such as FastQC and MultiQC, sequence alignment

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JULY 2021

TABLE I. Patient characteristics

Infant Child Adolescent Adult
Infant AD controls P Child AD controls P Adolescent controls P Adult AD controls P
Characteristic (n 5 17) (n 5 13) value (n 5 10) (n 5 13) value AD (n 5 14) (n 5 5) value (n 5 13) (n 5 15) value

Age (y), 1.2 6 1.2 1.2 6 0.8 .9 7.8 6 2.1 7.9 6 2.3 .94 14.8 6 1.7 14.2 6 1.8 .5 45.2 6 14.6 35.6 6 10.0 .06
mean 6 SD
Female sex, n (%) 8 (47.0) 7 (53.8) >.99 6 (60.0) 7 (53.8) >.99 6 (42.8) 3 (60.0) .6 7 6 53.8 8 6 53.3 >.99
Clinical severity measures
SCORAD, 58.1 6 12.4 NA NA 64.3 6 15.7 NA NA 62.1 6 20.0 NA NA 65.1 6 13.3 NA NA
mean 6 SD
EASI, mean 6 SD 15.3 6 8.8 NA NA 19.8 6 12.6 NA NA 27.4 6 22.8 NA NA NA NA NA
TEWL, lesional 32.9 6 13.8 NA NA 36.8 6 17.6 NA NA 51.2 6 25.9 NA NA NA NA NA
mean 6 SD
TEWL, 16.2 6 8.0 NA NA 25.6 6 10.5 NA NA 25.6 6 13.5 NA NA NA NA NA
mean 6 SD
Pruritus ADQ, 17.2 6 9.3 NA NA 26.8 6 5.5 NA NA 22.0 6 9.4 NA NA NA NA NA
mean 6 SD
IgE (IU/mL), 5830.6 6 858.3 NA NA 1072 6 915.8 NA NA 6136 6 5943.6 NA NA 230 6 291.0 NA NA
mean 6 SD

ADQ, Atopic Dermatitis Quickscore; EASI, Eczema Area and Severity Index; NA, not applicable/available; TEWL, transepidermal water loss.

based on STAR RNA-sequencing aligner, and sequencing reads assignment to Barrier-related genes were slightly intensified in the older age
genomic features by featureCounts and voom-transformed. Mixed-effect model groups, including terminal differentiation–related (late cornified
on R’s limma framework was used, and P values were adjusted by Benjamini- envelope [LCE]1F/2B/2C/2D, filaggrin [FLG], and SCEL), tight
Hochberg procedure. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were defined by junction–related (CLDN8/11/23), and lipid-related genes
fold change (FCH) more than 2.0 and false-discovery rate (FDR) less than
(ELOVL5, FADS1/2, FABP7, and SGPP1). Only few lipid-
0.05. Gene set overexpression analysis was performed with XGR software using
canonical/KEGG/REACTOME/BioCarta pathways.21 related markers were significantly increased in infants versus
adults (fatty acid 2-hydroxylase, lipoprotein lipase, cell death
inducing DFFA like effector C, and peroxisome proliferator
RESULTS activated receptor gamma) (FDR < 0.05) (Fig E2).
Normal skin changes from infancy through Spearman correlation between mRNA expressions (by RT-
adulthood PCR) with age similarly showed that multiple TH17/TH22-related
To better understand AD-related changes in different age markers were inversely correlated with age (IL-20, IL-22,
groups, we evaluated changes in healthy skin throughout S100A7/9/12/8, CCL20, and PI3) (r < _ 20.4, P < .05), whereas
maturation, using RNA-seq data presented as heatmaps of positive correlations with age were found for barrier-related
previously reported immune and barrier gene set (see Figs E1 markers (loricrin [LOR], CLDN1/CLDN23) and negative regula-
and E2 and Table E4 in this article’s Online Repository at tory markers (IL-37, IL-34) (r > 0.4; P < .05) (see Table E5 in this Comparisons between age groups were article’s Online Repository at
considered DEGs using a threshold of FCH more than 2 and IHC evaluating for epidermal hyperplasia and immune cell
FDR less than 0.05. Overall, although most immune- and infiltrates revealed that healthy infants had significantly thinner
barrier-related markers were comparable between age groups, a epidermis, with greater counts of TNF-related apoptosis-inducing
mixed expression pattern was detected, with the largest number ligand (TRAIL)1 dendritic cells (DCs), eosinophils (major basic
of DEGs found in the adult versus infant comparison. A green protein [MBP]1 cells), and neutrophils (neutrophil elastase1
box highlights genes that show a trend of increase with age, as cells). However, older age groups showed greater counts of
visualized by a blue to red transition from infancy to adulthood FcεR11 DCs (Fig E3, B-F).
(Fig E1). Among these, the negative regulatory marker IL-37
showed significant downregulation in infants compared with
adults (FDR < 0.05). Pink boxes indicate clusters of genes that Shared and uniquely DEGs unfold the common
are most upregulated in infants. These include regulatory/regula- versus age-specific features
tory T-cell markers such as CTLA4, IL-10, and TGFb3, as well as Global molecular profiling of the age-specific AD transcrip-
TH17/TH22-related genes, such as CXCL2 and S100P/A7/A9 tomes by RNA-seq identified 9829 DEGs (3859 upregulated,
(FDR < 0.05). Using a gene set variation analysis curated from 5970 downregulated) in lesional AD skin versus skin of similar-
previously published data sets,22-24 we found that although age healthy controls across all age groups (using the same
most immune axes were comparable between age groups (TH1/ threshold of FCH > 2 and FDR < 0.05) (E4, A, in this aricle’s On-
TH2/TH22, P > .05), the TH17 pathway was significantly upregu- line Repository at Of these, 362 DEGs
lated in infants (P <.05) (see Fig E3, A, in this article’s Online Re- (3.7%) were shared among lesional AD skin in all age groups
pository at (154 upregulated, 208 downregulated). Lesional infant and adult

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FIG 1. Immune genes. Summary heatmap of immune genes from multiple pathways in lesional and
nonlesional AD vs normal skin across age groups using RNA-seq, by criteria of FCH more than 2 and FDR
less than 0.05. Samples are sorted by hierarchical clustering. Tables show DEGs presenting comparable
(top) and differential (bottom) expression across AD age groups. LS, Lesional; N, normal; NL, nonlesional.
***FDR < 0.001, **FDR < 0.01, *FDR < 0.05, 1FDR < 0.1.

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FIG 3. Epidermal barrier-related genes. Summary heatmap of barrier-associated genes in lesional and
nonlesional AD vs normal skin across age groups using RNA-seq, by criteria of FCH more than 2 and FDR
less than 0.05. Samples are sorted by hierarchical clustering. LS, Lesional; N, normal; NL, nonlesional.
***FDR < .001, **FDR < .01, *FDR < .05, 1FDR < .1.

AD had a larger number of uniquely expressed genes as compared The global immune phenotype of AD across age groups in
with children and adolescents: 3060 uniquely expressed DEGs lesional skin presented key TH2-related markers (IL-13, CCL17/
were detected in infants, 236 in children, 643 in adolescents, thymus and activation-regulated chemokine [TARC], CCL18/
and 2766 in adults. PARC, and IL-4R) and TH22-related markers (IL-22, S100A7/
A principal-component analysis of all lesional and normal 8/9/12) (Fig 1) (FDR < 0.05).25,26 Additional TH2-related prod-
samples across ages using RNA-seq data shows that although the ucts including TSLPR/CRLF2, CCL26, CCL7, and CCL27/
normal skin samples overlap, lesional AD samples present wider CTACK were shared considering FDR less than 0.1 and FCH
variations, with separation seen between adults and pediatric age more than 2 criteria (Table E4). Other shared upregulated DEGs
groups (Fig E4, B). No clear trends were observed in nonlesional across ages in lesional AD included general inflammation
principal-component analysis (see Fig E4). (MMP12/25)27 and T-cell activation/migration/natural killer–

FIG 2. A-E, Gene set variation analyses for major TH immune pathways. Red bars represent means. Black
symbols: significance of comparison to normal; red symbols: significance of comparison between lesional
and nonlesional skin; symbols in other colors: significance of comparison between respective groups. LS,
Lesional; NL, nonlesional. ***P < .001, **P < .01, *P < .05, 1P < .1.

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cell (TNFRSF9, CCR7, GZMB, and CSF2) markers, whereas including those related with cytokine and chemokine signaling,
commonly downregulated DEGs included the negative regulators the JAK-signal transducer and activator of transcription pathway,
IL-34 and IL-37 (Fig 1 and Table E4) (FDR < 0.05). and the adaptive immune system, whereas pathways enriched
Nevertheless, specific age groups also showed distinct pheno- only in children, adolescents, and adults included those related
types. In infant AD, uniquely/higher upregulated genes included with T-cytotoxic-cell, TH-cell, and other T-cell receptor signaling
those related to innate immunity (IL-1B and IL-8), and aryl (FDR < 0.05) (see Fig E9 in this article’s Online Repository at
hydrocarbon receptor (FDR < 0.05).28 Infant-specific DEGs also IFN-g signaling showed gradual intensifi-
included TH2-related cytokines, including the itch cytokine IL- cation with age, starting in children. The top upregulated path-
31,29 cytokines implicated in atopy initiation (IL-5 and IL- ways detected in the infant AD signature included various
33),30,31 and multiple TH17-related markers, including the key aspects of cell cycle and replication and were substantially en-
TH17 cytokines IL-17A and IL-17F (Fig 1) (FDR < 0.05). These riched in that age group versus other age groups.
are in line with the dominant TH17-polarization characterizing
AD in infants,4 and further define robust TH17-related upregula-
tions as particularly characteristic of infant AD. Of note, many Barrier characteristics differ across AD age groups
of these are significantly higher in infants versus children (eg, Because disrupted epidermal barrier is an important charac-
IL-17A, CXCL1, CCL20, and IL-19) (FDR < 0.05). teristic of AD, genes of epidermal barrier components, including
Except for IL-16 and CXCL12, both related with T-cell epidermal differentiation, lipid biosynthesis/metabolism, tight
activation and recruitment (FDR < 0.05),32,33 significant upregu- and gap junctions, and keratins, were assessed using a previously
lations of key immune DEGs were not found uniquely in child or reported epidermal barrier gene set (Fig 3; see Table E4).12,20,34,35
adolescent AD. These age groups mostly exhibited comparable The common signature of barrier impairment included key
expression of many TH2- and TH22-related DEGs (eg, IL-13, AD-associated lipid biosynthesis/metabolism-related genes,
CCL17/TARC, and IL-22), lower levels of TH17-related markers, significantly downregulated across all age groups, including
as detailed above, or slightly higher levels of T-cell migration elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 3,24 reported to
(CCL19 and CCR7), DCs (ITGAX/CD11c), and TH1-related improve with dupilumab treatment,12 acyl-CoA wax alcohol
markers (CCL3, CCL4, and CXCL16) compared with infants, acyl transferase 1,36 and fatty acid 2-hydroxylase (FDR < 0.05).
but not to the levels found in adults. In addition, significant attenuation of tight junction–related genes
Conversely, lesional adult AD presented numerous unique in lesional skin, including cadherin (CDH20, CDH12),37 claudin
DEGs with intensification of the inflammatory tone across various (CLDN1),38 and paracingulin (CGNL1),39 was shared across age
immune axes. Specifically, multiple TH1-related markers were groups (FDR < 0.05). Epidermal differentiation genes that are
uniquely expressed or showed significantly higher expression considered a hallmark of the barrier dysregulation in AD were
levels in adults, including CXCL9/10, MX1, interferon regulatory not commonly downregulated across age groups. Although in
factor-1, IL-12B/p40, and CCR1 (FDR < 0.05; Fig 1). adults, multiple terminal differentiation genes showed significant
Heatmaps with clustering analysis of nonnormalized gene downregulations versus controls (LCEs [LCE1B/1C/1E/1F/2C/
expression results of lesional and nonlesional AD skin across age 2D], FLG, PSORC1C240) (FDR < 0.05), less significant or similar
groups are presented in Figs E5 to E8 in this article’s Online Re- but nonsignificant trends were largely observed for other age
pository at and detailed in this article’s On- groups.
line Repository at Many markers showed exclusive downregulation in infants
Using a gene set variation analysis on previously published with AD, but not in other AD age groups. These included lipid
AD-related pathways, including the Meta-Analysis Derived AD biosynthesis/metabolism-related genes, such as 7-dehydro-
transcriptome,24 and key immune pathways,22,23 we observed sig- cholesterol reductase and peroxisome proliferator activated re-
nificant enrichment across AD age groups in the Meta-Analysis ceptor gamma, both also negatively associated with mast cell
Derived AD and TH2 and TH22 pathways compared with controls activation and hyper-degranulation,41,42 perpilin 1, suppressed by
(Fig 2, A-D). However, the TH17 axis showed highest expression the topical drug adapalene, which causes sebum inhibition,43 CI-
in infants, whereas the TH1 pathway significantly upregulated DEC, associated with reduced skin surface lipids and dry skin,44
only in adults (P < .05; Fig 2). and leptin, reported to be lower in serum of children with AD
For a broader perspective on age-specific AD-related changes versus children without AD (FDR < 0.05).45 Moreover, most of
of gene expression, all DEGs in lesional AD versus controls by these genes were significantly downregulated in nonlesional in-
age groups were also analyzed using function-based pathway fant AD.
databases (canonical/KEGG/REACTOME/BioCarta pathways),
which revealed significantly enriched pathways in all age groups
(FDR < 0.05). Of these, some of the pathways were common to 2 RT-PCR studies further define AD age groups and
and more age groups, and some unique for a specific age (see developmental trajectories
Table E6 in this article’s Online Repository at www.jacionline. To validate RNA-seq data and evaluate mRNA expressions of
org). Pathways that were significantly enriched across all ages key inflammatory and epidermal differentiation markers in AD,

= FIG 4. qRT-PCR analysis of selected inflammatory genes in skin of different AD age groups and age-
appropriate controls. Values show log2 expression and are presented as means 6 SEMs. Red bars represent
means. Black symbols: significance of comparison to normal; red symbols: significance of comparison be-
tween lesional and nonlesional skin; symbols in other colors: significance of comparison between respec-
tive groups. CCL17, C-C motif chemokine ligand 17; CON, controls; LS, lesional; MMP12, matrix
metallopeptidase 12; NL, nonlesional. ***P < .001, **P < .01, *P < .05, 1P < .1.

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JULY 2021

some of which may be poorly detected by RNA-seq due to junction–related marker CLDN23 showed a comparable expres-
relatively low levels, we performed RT-PCR on a large panel of 71 sion in AD versus normal skin across ages, with minor gradual up-
genes (see Fig E10 in this article’s Online Repository at www. regulation with age in all tissues.
PCR was generally in line with the RNA-seq data, and further
defined the common TH2/TH22 skewing across age groups as Epidermal hyperplasia and compromised skin
well as the unique inflammatory milieu of each one. Markers
barrier characterize AD across ages
of general inflammation (ie, MMP12) were commonly upregu-
IHC was also performed to evaluate for protein expression of
lated across ages, with adults displaying the greatest upregula-
epidermal differentiation/proliferation markers, as well as im-
tions (Fig 4). Some markers exhibited distinct expression
mune cell infiltrates. All AD age groups showed significant
patterns. For example, IL-17C, an epithelial marker and a poten-
increases in epidermal hyperplasia in lesional skin, assessed by
tial therapeutic target for inflammatory skin disorders,46,47 was
thickness, Ki671-cell counts, and K16 staining and mRNA
gradually increased starting in adolescence, whereas IL-8/
expression (P < .01; Fig 6, A, C, and E; see Figs E11 and E12
CXCL8, associated with childhood asthma,48 was significantly
in this article’s Online Repository at Over-
highest in infants compared with other age groups (P < .05)
all, the greatest abnormalities in nonlesional AD skin in terms of
(Fig E10).
the proliferation marker K16 were seen in infants, with positive
Overall, TH2/TH22-related markers including IL-13, IL-31,
staining decreasing with age (14 of 19 in infants [74%], 5 of 10
CCL17/TARC, CCL18/PARC, CCL7, IL-26, and IL-22 showed
in children [50%], 6 of 13 in adolescents [46%], and 4 of 13 in
highly significant upregulations in lesional AD across all age
adults [31%]). Healthy controls were negative for K16 staining
groups versus controls (P < .05) (Figs 4 and E10). Other TH2-
across all ages (Fig 6, A and C). Conversely, impairment of the
related chemokines, including CCL13, CCL22, and CCL26,
key epidermal differentiation markers, FLG and LOR, was
were upregulated in most AD age groups. IL-4R (targeted by
most significant in adult AD (P < .05; Fig 6, B and D, and Fig
dupilumab)49 showed significant upregulations in lesional AD
E11, B and D).
skin across all age groups (for infants, significance was attained
We next assessed for inflammatory infiltrates including CD31
only for the nonlesional comparison, with increasing
T cells, CD11c1 myeloid DCs, CD2061, TRAIL1, and FcεR11
significance with age [P < .05; Figs 4 and E10]). In contrast,
inflammatory DCs, DC-LAMP1 mature DCs, CD1c1 resting
robust upregulations were found in infants compared with
DCs, as well as for polymorphonuclear infiltrates including
children in IL-9, IL-33 and its receptor IL-1RL1/IL-33R (in
eosinophils (MBP1 cells), neutrophils (neutrophil elastase1
nonlesional skin), associated with early mite sensitization,
cells), and mast cells (tryptase1 cells) (Fig 6; see Figs E11-E14
food allergies, and asthma,50-52 and IL-5, associated with
in this article’s Online Repository at
induction of eosinophilic inflammation30 (P < .05) (Figs 4 and
Overall, CD31 T cells and all DC subsets were significantly
E10). Infants also showed the highest expression levels of
increased in lesional AD across all age groups starting at disease
multiple TH17-related products, including IL-17A,
initiation in infants. The highest counts of MBP1/eosinophils and
LL37/CAMP, CCL20, PI3, DEFB4B, KYNU, and the
neutrophil elastase1/neutrophils were found in infants, with
TH17/TH22-regulated S100As (Figs 4 and E10).
MBP1-cell counts being higher in infant nonlesional AD than
Because overexpression of TH1-related markers is associated
in lesional skin of other age groups (P < .01; Fig 6, K and L;
with chronicity in long-standing AD,26 multiple key TH1-
see Fig E14).
related immune mediators were significantly upregulated only
in adults, including IFN-g, CXCL9/CXCL10/CXCL11, signal
transducer and activator of transcription 1, and MX1 (P < .001)
(Figs 4 and E10). Moreover, IFN-g and CXCL9/CXCL10/ TH2/TH22-related markers correlated with SCORAD
CXCL11 were significantly upregulated in adult lesional skin, across AD age groups
even as compared with adolescents, suggesting that the adult To define common AD as well as unique biomarkers in various
AD phenotype is achieved only in adulthood. age groups, we correlated mRNA expressions by RT-PCR with
We then analyzed key immune and barrier markers in lesional clinical variables (age, SCORAD, Eczema Area and Severity
and nonlesional AD in parallel with normal skin (Fig 5) to reflect Index, pruritus AD) and transepidermal water loss, the functional
developmental trajectories. The T-cell migration marker CCL19 barrier measure53 using Spearman correlations (Table II and
presented upregulation with age only in lesional AD, whereas Table E5).
in nonlesional and normal skin expression levels remained similar In all pediatric age groups, SCORAD correlated robustly
across ages. The TH2 markers, IL-31 and CCL17, did not show a (r > 0.4; P < .05) with key TH2 and TH17/TH22-related markers,
consistent trend in normal skin, but presented greater upregula- but these markers differed between lesional and nonlesional
tion in specific ages (infants and adults, respectively), with upre- samples as well as in different age groups, as presented in
gulation versus normal skin detected across all ages. Although Table II. For example, IL-22 significantly correlated with
TH1-related markers were intensified in adults only in AD skin SCORAD in nonlesional adolescent AD and in lesional child
(IFN-g and CXCL10), TH17-related markers were most upregu- AD, and the TH17/TH22-related S100As correlated with
lated in infants in both normal skin and AD (DEFB4B, PI3, and severity in lesional and nonlesional adolescent AD. TH2-related
S100A12), with an increase toward adulthood in AD, but not in products positively correlated with SCORAD included
normal skin. Terminal differentiation (FLG and LOR) markers cytokines (IL-31 and IL-13), chemokines (CCL18, CCL13,
were most downregulated in adult AD versus controls, where CCL17, and CCL22), and cytokine receptors (IL-4R, IL-1RL1/
normal skin presented greater expression level with age, whereas IL-33R/ST2), all implicated in AD pathogenesis (r > 0.4;
AD skin presented only modest increases in expression. The tight P < .05) (Table II).54-57

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T-Cell activation/migration TH2

CCL19 IL-31 CCL17
** *** ***
Normalized mean expression log2

+ ***
4.0 4 ** *
16 ***
5 * **
18 + 6

6.0 22 9
Infant Child Adolescent Adult Infant Child Adolescent Adult Infant Child Adolescent Adult

DEFB4B PI3 S100A12
Normalized mean expression log2

*** *** ***

4 2 ***
*** *** *** ** *** ** ***
*** ** * +
** 10.0
8 ** 4
*** ** +

12 * 6

Infant Child Adolescent Adult Infant Child Adolescent Adult Infant Child Adolescent Adult

Normalized mean expression log2

*** ***

1.4 + Lesional skin

Nonlesional skin
1.5 10
Control skin
1.6 11

Infant Child Adolescent Adult Infant Child Adolescent Adult

Terminal differentiation Tight junction

Normalized mean expression log2

0 ***
2 * 9

* 10
*** **
* 5 ***
** 11
Infant Child Adolescent Adult Infant Child Adolescent Adult Infant Child Adolescent Adult

FIG 5. qRT-PCR analysis of selected inflammatory and barrier genes of different AD and normal skin age
groups presented as line charts, representing developmental trajectories. Values show log2 normalized
expression and are presented as means 6 SEMs. ***P < .001, **P < .01, *P < .05, 1P < .1.

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JULY 2021

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TABLE II. Spearman correlations of skin biomarkers with AD clinical severity based on SCORAD, r > 0.4/<20.4, and P < .05
Lesional skin Nonlesional skin
Infants Children Adolescents Infants Children Adolescents
Marker r P value Marker r P value Marker r P value Marker r P value Marker r P value Marker r P value

IL-21 0.574 .016 CCL21 0.842 .004 CAMP 0.697 .007 IL-26 0.493 .044 IL-9 0.870 .002 CXCL1 0.925 <.001
IL-34 20.575 .016 IL1B 0.830 .006 K16 0.574 .035 IL-1RL1 0.485 .049 IL-19 0.850 .006 S100A12 0.859 <.001
PPL 20.569 .017 IL31 0.827 .003 IL-23A 0.560 .040 IL-37 20.483 .049 DEFB4B 0.800 .014 DEFB4B 0.842 <.001
LCN2 20.510 .036 IFNG 0.77 .014 S100A8 0.552 .044 IL-17F 0.749 .020 IL-1B 0.789 .001
CCL22 20.499 .041 MMP12 0.745 .018 IL-4R 0.538 .050 PPL 0.700 .043 S100A8 0.771 .002
IL-22 0.733 .021 FLG 20.622 .020 CLDN8 20.883 .003 CXCL11 0.758 .003
CXCL1 0.721 .024 CLDN1 20.833 .008 S100A9 0.754 .003
IL-4R 0.721 .024 IL33 20.783 .017 CCL17 0.754 .003
IL-15 0.709 .028 IL34 20.717 .037 KRT16 0.749 .003
CXCL11 0.697 .031 IL-20 0.745 .003
OX40 0.697 .031 CAMP 0.723 .005
IL-10 0.697 .031 CCL19 0.719 .005
IL-17A 0.693 .026 IL-10 0.697 .007
CCL18 0.685 .035 IL-22 0.697 .007
CCL13 0.685 .035 IL-23A 0.692 .008
CCL7 0.673 .039 CXCL9 0.675 .010
IL-13 0.661 .044 CCL7 0.666 .011
FOXP3 0.648 .049 PI3 0.657 .013
CLDN1 20.709 .028 IL-19 0.648 .015
CCL20 0.644 .015
LCN2 0.644 .015
CXCL8 0.640 .016
MMP12 0.635 .017
IFNG 0.631 .018
CCL13 0.626 .019
CXCL10 0.626 .019
KYNU 0.607 .021
IL31 0.603 .022
S100A7 0.596 .028
IL-13 0.591 .029
CCL18 0.569 .037
CCL22 0.565 .038

Robust positive correlations with age were found only in pediatric age groups has not been fully characterized. We
lesional skin. These included IL-17RA, which maintains skin performed comprehensive profiling of AD across age groups
barrier and immune homeostasis,58 CCL22/MDC, which was pre- (infants/toddlers with disease duration of <6 months, 0-5 years
viously correlated with AD severity in serum,59 and the T-regula- old; children, 6-11 years old; adolescents, 12-17 years old; and
tory marker FOXP3 (r > 0.4, P < .05).60 Among markers adults >_18 years old) to identify age-specific versus shared
negatively correlating with age was the TH17/TH2-regulated cyto- immune and barrier dysregulations, taking into account changes
kine, IL-19 (in both lesional and nonlesional skin), previously related to normal maturation in healthy individuals. Thus, our
shown to be highly and significantly increased in early AD in in- results portray the evolution of AD-related changes in the skin
fants,3,4 and IL-33 (in lesional skin), associated with early allergy throughout life. Moreover, although reports on immune-aging
sensitization (r < 20.4; P < .05) (Table E5).61 and immune-senescence show upregulation of proinflammatory
markers with aging even in response to nonpathogenic skin
challenge,62-67 the molecular characteristics of normal skin
DISCUSSION throughout maturation are still elusive. Previous blood studies
Despite the significant burden of AD in both pediatric and adult suggest that infants present overexpression of regulatory T
populations, the molecular signature of AD skin in different cells68,69 and a greater TH17 lineage capacity versus adults,70

= FIG 6. IHC studies assessing AD across pediatric and adult age groups. A and B, Representative IHC images
of keratin 16 (K16) and FLG staining at 103 magnification in AD age groups and age-appropriate controls. C
and D, Corresponding mRNA expression levels by qRT-PCR. Values show log2 expression presented as
means 6 SEMs. Red bars represent means. E-L, Boxplots depicting cell counts of skin infiltrates in nonle-
sional/lesional AD and healthy skin across age groups. Values are presented as means 6 SEMs. Black sym-
bols: significance of comparison to normal; red symbols: significance of comparison between lesional and
nonlesional skin; symbols in other colors: significance of comparison between respective groups. DC-
LAMP, Dendritic cell - lysosomal associated membrane protein; LS, lesional; NL, nonlesional. ***P <
.001, **P < .01, *P < .05, 1P < .1.

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JULY 2021

and the latter present a greater TH1-development potential.70 In which showed the greatest upregulations in infant AD, are
lymphatic tissues, a developmental TH switch was postulated to of pivotal importance for antimicrobial defenses by recruit-
occur after age 3 years.71 Our healthy control data provide a ing and expanding immune response, both cellular and
unique glimpse into these processes in human skin. In our youn- humoral.80
gest age groups, we found the greatest decrease in the negative During early life and soon after AD starts to manifest, the
regulators (ie, IL-37 and IL-34, both significantly correlated initiation of other atopic diseases, including food allergy,
with age across all age groups), with the largest increase in regu- allergic rhinitis, and asthma, also takes place and has been
latory T-cell–associated markers (IL-10, TGFb3, and CTLA4) termed the atopic march.81 Indeed, in the infant AD age group,
displayed in infants, simulating physiologic or pathogenic states multiple markers associated with these atopic comorbidities
of impaired immunity and inflammation.68,69,72-77 Infants also were upregulated significantly versus children and older age
presented an enriched TH17 pathway compared with other age groups. For example, IL-33 and IL-9 are associated with early
groups. These findings may reflect the developing cutaneous im- mite and peanut allergic sensitization,50,51 IL-33 and its
mune system in infants, with age-dependent changes in regulatory receptor IL-1RL1/IL-33R alter mast cell and basophil functions
and protective or defensive mechanisms.68-70,78 Analysis and induce asthma and allergic rhinitis,82 IL-5 plays a key role
presenting key immune and barrier markers as developmental in asthma induction and eosinophilic inflammation,30,83 and
trajectories in both normal and AD skin further reveals how AD IL-8 was suggested as an important mediator in childhood
alters normal skin development. For example, the greatest asthma.84
downregulation of terminal differentiation genes (FLG and AD skin is also characterized by a disrupted epidermal barrier,
LOR) in AD versus controls was detected in adults, a result of a with reported abnormalities of epidermal differentiation, kerati-
gradual upregulation of these markers in normal skin but not nocyte junctions, and lipid composition.25,85 These components
in AD skin, where expression levels increases were less were downregulated in all AD age groups, most prominently in
prominent. lesional skin. Although epidermal differentiation markers such
Generally, all AD age groups express a common genomic as FLG and LCEs were most downregulated in adults, multiple
fingerprint, featuring robust TH2 and TH22 skewing. Common barrier-related genes were most downregulated in lesional and
TH2-related markers included IL-13, CCL17/TARC, CCL18/ nonlesional infant AD, despite the short duration of the disease
PARC, and IL-4R. Common TH22-related markers included IL- in this age group. Positive staining of the entire epidermis by
22 and the S100As. The shared immune signature also included the epidermal hyperplasia marker K16 was most prevalent in non-
genes of general inflammation (eg, MMP12), T-cell activation/ lesional infant skin versus other age groups, supporting our gene
migration (eg, TNFRSF9 and CCR7), and negative regulators expression findings. These findings argue that barrier impairment
(IL-34 and IL-37). We also found positive and significant correla- plays an important role at disease onset. Although our results
tions of TH2/TH22-related markers with SCORAD in all pediatric cannot resolve the dispute of whether AD originates as immune
age groups, further highlighting their pathogenic significance in versus barrier dysregulation (ie, inside-out vs the outside-in hy-
AD regardless of age. potheses),48 these findings suggest both are particularly robust
Despite these shared molecular abnormalities, major variations very early in AD development.
between age groups were detected. Overall, infant and adult AD Differences in expression levels of various therapeutic targets
skin displayed the most significant dysregulations when across ages, most of which are TH2-related markers, may poten-
compared with other AD age groups. Although infants exhibit tially reflect differing responses to therapeutics based on age. For
the greatest TH17-related enrichment (eg, IL-17A and IL-17F), example, the itch cytokine IL-31, known to perpetuate the itch-
chronic, long-standing adult AD reveal unique TH1 skewing scratch cycle of AD and other AD-related features, such as
(eg, IFN-g and CXCL9/CXCL10/CXCL11). Analyzing publicly epidermal terminal differentiation disruption,86-90 is a target for
available function-based pathway databases,21 we found the inhibition by AD therapeutics. IL-31 antagonists have shown
greatest representation of genes related to cell growth and prolif- greater improvement in pruritus-related assessments than clinical
eration in infant AD versus controls, suggesting the rapid devel- scores in adult AD and are currently being tested in adoles-
opment of lesional AD in infancy. Thus, in agreement with cents.91,92 The even greater increases that were found in infants
findings recently published based on flow cytometry in AD and children versus adolescents and adults suggest additional
blood,79 the adult skin phenotype of AD is achieved only at benefit from IL-31 targeting in younger pediatric patients. How-
adulthood. ever, IL-13 cytokine is consistently and significantly upregulated
Although the levels of TH17-related products in infant AD versus controls in all AD age groups. As such, IL-13 antagonists,
skin are comparable to those found in psoriasis,3,4 we found which are in clinical trials,93,94 may benefit patients with AD
these expression levels are not persistent in older pediatric across all ages. Nevertheless, these speculations need to be care-
age groups. In fact, enrichment of the TH17 pathway was fully investigated in age-specific clinical trials to establish
also detected in normal infant skin, and even after normali- whether age-related differences in efficacy exist and determine
zation of AD skin by controls of the same age groups, these underlying mechanisms.
results were sustained. In addition, despite pathway-level up- This study has a few limitations. Despite inclusion of different
regulation versus controls, AD skin of children exhibits the age groups, this is not a longitudinal, prospective study and
lowest levels of TH17-related genes as compared with other reflects a single time-point measurement of different patients in
AD age groups. These results in our youngest age group different ages. FLG mutations were not assessed in our cohort,
could be attributed to the role of TH17-related cytokines and different races were included. In addition, the pathogenicity
and chemokines in the developing immune system, first of immune axes and specific cytokines and chemokines presented
encountering multiple extrinsic pathogens early in life. in different age groups cannot be further validated without future
TH17-cell–generated products such as IL-17A and IL-17F, targeted clinical trials.

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JULY 2021

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