Plant Responses and Growth
Plant Responses and Growth
Plant Responses and Growth
Learning Objectives
1. Identify three stimuli that produce plant responses.
2. Describe how plants respond to seasonal changes.
A plant’s response to touch is called thigmotropism.
A vine that curls around an object it touches shows a positive thigmotropism.
Gravitropism is a plant’s response to gravity.
As they grow downwards, roots show a positive gravitropism.
Stems growing up and against gravity show a negative gravitropism.
Phototropism is a plant’s response to light.
Leaves, stems, and flowers that grow toward light show a positive phototropism.
Plants respond to stimuli by producing hormones, chemicals that affect how a
plant grows and develops.
Auxin is a hormone that speeds up the rate at which a plant’s cells grow.
As auxin builds up on the shaded side of a stem, cells on that side grow faster
and bend the stem toward the light.
How Do Plants respond to Seasonal Changes?
Plants respond to the changing seasons because the amount of light they
receive changes.
The amount of darkness a plant receives determines the time of flowering
in many plants.
A plant’s response to seasonal changes in the length of night and day is called
Some plants will only bloom when the night lasts a certain length of time.
Short-day plants
Short-day plants flower when nights are longer than a critical length.
They bloom in fall or winter.
Long-day plants
Long-day plants flower when nights are shorter than a critical length.
They bloom in spring and summer
Day-neutral plants
Day-neutral plants have a flowering cycle that is not sensitive to periods of light
and dark.
They can bloom year-round, depending on weather.
Some plants prepare for winter by going into a stage of dormancy, or a period
when growth or activity stops.
Dormancy helps plants survive freezing temperatures and the lack of liquid
Cooler weather and short days may trigger a plant to prepare to become