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Igivetest v2 Guide

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iGiveTest v2 Documentation

User and Administrator Guide

Technical Implementation and System Requirements ................................................................... 3 Take a Test Section ............................................................................................................................ 3 Question Bank Section ....................................................................................................................... 4 Question Bank .................................................................................................................................. 4 Creation/editing a question .......................................................................................................... 5 Subjects ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Creation/editing of a subject ........................................................................................................ 7 Test Manager Section ........................................................................................................................ 7 Test Manager.................................................................................................................................... 7 Creation of the test/Editing test properties ................................................................................... 8 Grading systems ............................................................................................................................. 10 Creating/editing grading systems ............................................................................................... 10 Grading scale.............................................................................................................................. 11 Creating/editing of a grade ......................................................................................................... 11 Test Questions ................................................................................................................................ 12 Import Questions ........................................................................................................................ 13 Reports Manager.............................................................................................................................. 14 Answer to a question ...................................................................................................................... 15 Answer details ................................................................................................................................ 15 Administration Section .................................................................................................................... 15 Users............................................................................................................................................... 15 Creating/editing a user ............................................................................................................... 16 Assigning groups to a user ......................................................................................................... 18 Groups ............................................................................................................................................ 19 Creation of group/editing of group properties ........................................................................... 20 Configuration ................................................................................................................................. 22 E-mail templates ............................................................................................................................ 25 Creating/editing e-mail templates .............................................................................................. 25 Reports templates ........................................................................................................................... 26 Creation/editing of a report template ......................................................................................... 26 Web-statistics ................................................................................................................................. 27 Visitor details ............................................................................................................................. 27 Service tags ....................................................................................................................................... 28

Technical Implementation and System Requirements

The iGiveTest system is developed in PHP 4 (PHP 5) programming language. The system depends on neither the operating system used on the Web-server, nor the type of server. Only PHP 4.1.2 or higher versions are needed along with any widespread tool for database management (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL Server or Oracle). The system can be tested in the following operating systems: GNU/Linux (RedHat 6.x/7.x, Debian 2.x/3.x, Slackware 8.0, ...) Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP Solaris 8.0 FreeBSD 4.x The system supports most of the database management tools: MySQL 3.22.32 and higher PostgreSQL 7.1.3 and higher MSSQL Server 2000 and higher Oracle 8 and higher For managing and working with an iGiveTest website, a browser of any type can be used. If you want to use the additional features of the HTML editor, you will need Internet Explorer 5.5 (or higher), FireFox 1.0 (or higher), or Mozilla 1.3 (or higher) to ensure proper work of the editor.

Take a Test Section

The testing module enables you to perform testing with the help of the Test Manager. All tests assigned for a user logged in the system are presented in the form of a table. Test [1] [2] Status [3] Get Test Test

1. Name of the test; 2. Description of the test; 3. Information about tests availability (available, the number of allowed attempts, the date since which the test becomes available, etc.) To start testing, simply select a corresponding test from the list. The structure of the standard testing page looks as following: [1] [4] [2] [3]

[5] 1. Estimated time left for testing; 2. Current position of the test (the number of the current questions and the total number of the questions); 3. The name of the test or the name of the current section; 4. Question(s); 5. Navigation buttons. When testing is finished, the page with the test results (if these are necessary) are displayed. The content of the page is defined by a user, according to the test settings (name of the test, date of the test, time spent on the testing, the grade in the chosen grading system, the number of correct answers, the number of received points, and other data). In addition, after testing is finished, a user can send a letter with the test results via email, build a report or a certificate (including printable PDF format), and view the page with the detailed results of the test (Report manager).

Question Bank Section

Question Bank
The question bank allows you to create, edit, structure and gather statistics on all questions. [10] [11] [12] [13] ID Subject [1] [2] [3] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] Type Points Action [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Question [4]

1. With the help of checkboxes, one can select several questions and perform batch processing of them ([11], [12]); 2. Question ID on the website; 3. Question subject; 4. Question text; 5. Question type; 6. Points given for the question; 7. Switch to the question statistics page; 8. Switch to the question editing page; 9. Delete the question; 10. Switch to the new question creation page; 11. Switch to the page of statistics gathered for the selected ([1]) questions; 12. Delete the selected ([1]) questions;

5 13. Selecting a subject and viewing the questions, which correspond with the chosen subject only; 14. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 15. Page numbers, with links directing you to corresponding pages; 16. Switch to the first page of the question list; 17. Switch to the previous page; 18. Switch to the next page; 19. Switch to the last page. The navigation buttons ( , , , ) are active, if the list occupies more than one page.

Creation/editing a question
This page enables one to create a new question or to edit an existing one. If one selects Multiple-choice, Multiple-answer or True-False as a question type, the page would look as following: Question type: Question subject: Number of answers: Question: Choice1: Feedback 1: Choice 2: Point value: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9]

[6] [7]

1. Select question type; 2. Select a subject, to which the question refers; 3. Select a number of answers. If the number of answers on the page (the default value is five answers) is enough for you, then you can ignore this field; 4. HTML-editor for entering the text of a question. A question can contain any formatted text, graphical object, animation, audio and video; 5. Text of one of the answer variants; 6. The checkbox for selecting whether the answer is correct or not; 7. Fine adjustment of answers, which allows to specify how accurate the answer is (how many per cents of total rate will be given in case the specific variant is chosen); 8. The feedback text to be displayed when the specified answer is chosen; 9. Number of points given for answering the question. If the question type is Short answer, the page will remain the same, with the only difference that in the field for entering the text of answer variant ([5]), you should enter exactly what a user taking the test should type as a correct answer.

6 If there is more than one correct answer variant, then simply set the number of variants ([3]), and then specify the texts of each variant in a separate question type ([5]). Question type: Question subject: Number of answers: Question: Choice1: Point value: [1] [2] 1 [4] [5] [9]

Since the questions of the Essay type usually does not provide for a precise list of exact correct answers and evaluation is performed manually after the test is done, the page does not contain fields for entering correct answers: Question type: Question subject: Number of answers: Question: Point value: [1] [2] n/a [4] [9]

The question of the Random question type is actually a directive to insert an arbitrary (new for each new testing) question on specified subject ([2]). Question type: Question subject: Question name: [1] [2] [10]

10. The name of a question. It is displayed in Question Bank and Test Manager instead of question text. It serves as a note for a test compiler. Thus, for example, if you have a set of questions, from which you want to arbitrarily select 3 questions, you must simply: 1) Make sure that one and the same subject is selected on all question editing pages of the set (i.e. all questions should be combined into one subject); 2) Create the question of Random question type, and select a subject in the list; 3) Add the received random question to the test as many times as it is necessary (in this case, 3 times).

The Subjects section allows one to create and edit question subjects. [7] [8] ID [1] [2] Name [3] [4] Description [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Action [5] [6]

7 1. Enables the selection of several subjects with the help of checkboxes, and accomplishes batch operations with them ([8]); 2. Subject ID at the website; 3. Name of the subject; 4. Subject description; 5. Switch to the subject editing page; 6. Delete the subject; 7. Switch to the new subject creation page; 8. Delete the selected ([1]) subjects; 9. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 10. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages; 11. Switch to the first page of the subject list; 12. Switch to the previous page; 13. Switch to the next page; 14. Switch to the last page.

Creation/editing of a subject
This page enables one to create a new subject or edit an existing one. Subject ID: Subject name: Subject description: [1] [2] [3]

[4] [5] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Subject ID at the website; Subject name; Subject description; Confirm the applied changes; Cancel the applied changes.

Test Manager Section

Test Manager
The section allows creating and editing tests on the basis of the questions of the Question bank. [13] [14] [15] [16] ID N Test Name [1] [2] [3] [4] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] Active Action [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Subject [5]

Start Date [6]

End Date [7]

8 1. Allows for the selection of several tests with the help of checkboxes and accomplishes a batch operation with them ([14], [15]); 2. Test ID on the website; 3. Notes about the test, created by the compiler in the Test properties; 4. Test name; 5. Test subject; 6. The date, from which the test becomes available; 7. The date, until which the test is available; 8. Allows to see whether the test is active (available for being taken), and change the activity condition by pressing the checkbox; 9. Switch to the page for viewing and editing of test settings; 10. Switch to the page for assigning the test to a user group; 11. Switch to the page for viewing and editing test questions; 12. Delete the selected question; 13. Switch to the new test creation page; 14. Assign the selected ([1]) tests to a user group; 15. Delete the selected ([1]) tests; 16. Subject selection and displaying of the tests by a specified subject; 17. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 18. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages; 19. Switch to the first page of the test list; 20. Switch to the previous page; 21. Switch to the next page; 22. Switch to the last page.

Creation of the test/Editing test properties

This page allows either the creation of a new test, or the changing of the settings of an existing one. [1] This test is active Test subject: Test name: Short description: Overall test instructions: Test start date: Test end date: Test time: Attempts allowed: Grading system: Show questions: Shuffle options: Test results report:

[2][3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Do not use [11] End this test when the tile limit is reached [12] [13] [14] [15] Shuffle order of questions [16] Shuffle order of answers [17] Show feedback [18] Show grade

9 [19] Show answers [20] Show points Use custom template: [21] Template: [22] Grade condition: [23] [24] Show printable PDF [25] [26], [27] send results to users [28] [29] Assign to everybody (overrides any settings) [30] [31] [32]

Advanced report:

Send results by email: Assigned to: Previous test: Next test: Test notes (for internal use): [33] [34] [35] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The flag, which controls the tests activity (availability); Select a subject of the tests main question; Link to creation and editing of subjects; The name of the test; Short description of the test, which a user can view on the Start testing page together with the name of the test; 6. The editor for entering the test instructions, which are displayed before beginning the test; 7. Select the date from which the test will be available to a user; 8. Select the date until which the test will be available; 9. Select maximum time for taking the test; 10. The flag, which allows to disable tests time limits; 11. Allows one to define whether the test should be closed right after the time limit exceeds, or it may be finished with time overrun; 12. Selects the allowed number of attempts to take a test; 13. Selects a grading system; 14. Set the number of questions to be displayed at a single test page; 15. Defines whether the order of the questions in the test should be randomized; 16. Defines whether the order of the questions in the test should be randomized. This setting can be overridden by the settings of randomization of the answers to a certain question; 17. Defines whether it is necessary to display the feedback after answering the questions; 18. Defines whether the grade should be displayed at the testing results page; 19. Defines whether the number of the answers should be displayed at the testing results page; 20. Defines whether the number of points obtained should be displayed at the testing results page; 21. Allows one to assign any template for the testing results page; 22. Allows one to set a template for a PDF-certificate about successful completion, or any extended report, which can be viewed after the test is finished (it also can be viewed at the Report Manager page, by pressing the button ); 23. Allows one to show an extended report only if the selected (or higher than the selected) resulting grade is received; 24. Allows one to include the results to the report in PDF format; 25. Select a template for emailing the report; 26. E-mail addresses of the recipients, to whom the report will be sent; 27. Enables one to specify whether this report should be emailed to the user; 28. Allows one to select user groups, to which the test will be available;

10 29. Allows one to assign availability of the test to all user groups (even to those who are not explicitly specified in [28]); 30. Allows one to select a test, which must be taken in order to make the current test available; 31. The next test, which will be offered to be taken after the current one is finished; 32. Test compilers note; 33. Confirm the applied changes; 34. Confirm the applied changes, and switch to the test questions editing page; 35. Undo the applied changes.

Grading systems
The page is intended for creating of custom grading systems. It also allows to edit the existing systems. [8] [9] ID [1] [2] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] Action [5] [6] [7]

Name [3] [4]


1. Allows one to select several grading systems with the help of the checkboxes, and perform batch operations on them ([9]); 2. Grading system ID; 3. Grading system name; 4. Grading system description; 5. Switch to the grading system settings page; 6. Switch to the grading scale editing page; 7. Delete the grading system; 8. Switch to the new grading system creation page; 9. Delete the selected ([1]) grading systems; 10. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 11. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages; 12. Switch to the first page of the grading system list; 13. Switch to the previous page; 14. Switch to the next page; 15. Switch to the last page.

Creating/editing grading systems

This page allows to create a new grading system or change settings of an existing one. Grading system ID: Grading system name: Grading system description: Grading scale: 1. Grading system ID; 2. Grading system name; [1] [2] [3] [4]

11 3. Grading system description; 4. Grading scale and links for editing any of the grades;

Grading scale
The page allows creating a custom grading scale, assigning names to the grading steps, and specifying points range (per cent) for giving one or another grade. [11] [12] ID Minimum [1] [2] [3] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] Description Action [6] [7] [8] [10] [9]

Maximum [4]

Name [5]

1. Allows one to select several grades with the help of checkboxes and perform a batch operation ([11]); 2. Grade ID in the scale; 3. Minimum number of scores earned for a test (per cent) enough for receiving this grade; 4. Maximum number of scores earned for a test (per cent) enough for receiving this grade; 5. Grade name; 6. Short comment to the grade; 7. Switch to the grade editing page; 8. Move the grade one line up; 9. Move the grade one line down; 10. Delete the grade; 11. Switch to the new grade creation page; 12. Delete the selected ([1]) grades; 13. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 14. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages; 15. Switch to the first page of the grade list; 16. Switch to the previous page; 17. Switch to the next page; 18. Switch to the last page.

Creating/editing of a grade
This page allows one to create a new grade or edit an existing one. Grade ID: Grade name: Minimum (%): Maximum (%): Grade description: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Advanced (click to show/hide)

12 Grade feedback: [6]

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Grade ID in the scale; Grade name; Minimum number of scores earned for a test (per cent) enough for receiving this grade; Maximum number of scores earned for a test (per cent) enough for receiving this grade; Short comment to the grade; Allows one to assign a feedback, depending on what grade is received. Such a feedback can include any kind of test results, reports, certificates, recommendations concerning future study of the material, and/or any other results interpretation, depending on what grade was received.

Test Questions
The page allows one to make up and edit a question set for the test. The first table shows the questions already included in the test. [12][13][14] [15] Seq ID Subject [1] [2] [3] [4] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] Points Action [7] [8] [9] [11] [10]

Question [5]

Question Type [6]

1. Allows one to select several questions with the help of the checkboxes and perform a batch operation ([14]); 2. The question sequence in the test. It can be changed by the shuffle questions setting on the Test Properties page; 3. Question ID on the website; 4. Question subject; 5. Question text; 6. Question type; 7. Points received by a user for a correct answer; 8. Switch to the question editing page; 9. Move the question one line up; 10. Move the question one line down; 11. Exclude the question from the test; 12. Switch to the page, which allows creating a new question and adding it to the test; 13. Switch to the questions import page; 14. Exclude the selected ([1]) questions from the test; 15. Select a topic of the displayed questions, which refer to the chosen subject. 16. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 17. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages; 18. Switch to the first page of the question list; 19. Switch to the previous page; 20. Switch to the next page;

13 21. Switch to the last page.

The second table shows the questions from the Question Bank, which are included in your test. [10] [11][12][13] ID Subject [1] [2] [3] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] Points Action [6] [7] [8] [9]

Question [4]

Question Type [5]

1. Allows one to select several questions with the help of the checkboxes and perform a batch operation ([11] [12]); 2. Question ID on the website; 3. Question subject; 4. Question text; 5. Question type; 6. Scores earned by a user for a correct answer; 7. Add the question to the test; 8. Switch to the question editing page; 9. Delete the question from the Question Bank; 10. Switch to the page for creation of a new question; 11. Add the selected ([1]) questions to the test; 12. Delete the selected ([1]) questions from the Question Bank; 13. Select subjects of the displayed questions; 14. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 15. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages; 16. Switch to the first page of the question list; 17. Switch to the previous page; 18. Switch to the next page; 19. Switch to the last page.

Import Questions
This page allows one to perform question importing from almost any text document. Import this document: [1] Prefixes (click to show/hide) Question prefix: Choice prefix: Choice (for column 2) prefix: Choice feedback prefix: Correct answer value prefix: Point value prefix: Question type prefix: Question subject prefix: Question instructions prefix: Question explanation prefix:

[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

14 1. 2. 3. 4. Document for importing field; Prefix, which will be used for the question text field during importing; Answer variant prefix; Prefix for an answer variant in the second column (i.e. the second element from a comparison pair; it will be used only when importing comparison questions); (Reserved for future use) 5. Prefix for feedback, which will be displayed in case a user chooses the answer variant followed by this feedback text field; (Reserved for future use) 6. Correct answer index prefix; 7. Prefix for the number of scores earned for a correct answer; 8. Question type prefix; 9. Question subject prefix; 10. Prefix for the instructions, which will be placed before the question; (Reserved for future use) 11. Prefix for explanation, which will be displayed in case the answer is incorrect. (Reserved for future use)

Reports Manager
This section allows you to view and analyze test results. [16] [17] [18] ID Date Username Test Attempts Time Points Name Exc. Exc. Scored [1] [2] [3] [4][5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] Points Score Grade Action Possible [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

1. Allows one to select several test results (reports) with the help of the checkboxes and perform a batch operation ([15]); 2. Report ID at the website; 3. The date the test was passed; 4. User, which passed the test. You can view on a specific user by clicking on the username; 5. User ID. This link allows you to view and edit user profiles; 6. Test name. Clicking on the test name, you can view the report on this specific test; 7. If the checkbox is enabled, it means that the limit of attempts to pass the test is exceeded. An administrator or a user (if one has corresponding rights) can enable or disable this checkbox in order to reset the attempts counter and allow the user to try to pass the test once again; 8. This flag shows that the time limit for test passing is exceeded; 9. Points scored for the test; 10. Maximum score for the test; 11. Maximum possible number of points scored for a test (per cent); 12. Grade for the test. It becomes available if grade displaying is set in the test settings; 13. Switch to the page of detailed statistics of answers to the test questions; 14. Get a certificate/extended report in PDF format. signifies that a certificate/extended report is not identified; 15. Delete the report; 16. Delete the selected ([1]) reports; 17. Select a user, about whom you want to receive a report selection; 18. Select a test, about which you want to receive a report selection; 19. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 20. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages;

15 21. 22. 23. 24. Switch to the first page of the report list; Switch to the previous page; Switch to the next page; Switch to the last page.

Answer to a question
The page allows one to gather detailed statistics about the users answers. Seq [1] [2] # [3] Time [4] Points Time Exc. [5] Correct [6] Action [7] [8]

1. Order of questions in the test presented to a user; 2. Number of questions in the test. It may differ from [1], if the test questions were shuffled; 3. Question answering time. If you set displaying questions on separate pages, the field value will be (00:00:00). If you select displaying of all questions at a single page, the filed value will not be specified; 4. Points scored for answering the question; 5. The checkbox shows that the time limit for answering a question is exceeded; 6. The checkbox signifies that the answer is correct; 7. The feature for viewing answer details (question text, the users answer, and the correct answer); 8. Switch to the question editing page.

Answer details
The page allows for viewing question texts and answer variants, a correct answer and the users answer.

Administration Section
This subsection provides access to full information about system users. You can create new user accounts and change data/privileges of the existing ones. [12] [13] [14] ID N [1] [4] [3] [4] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] Active Action [8] [9] [10] [11]


E-mail [5]

First Name [6]

Last Name [7]

1. Allows to select several users with the help of the checkboxes and perform a batch operation ([13] [14]); 2. User ID at the website; 3. Notes about the user; 4. System username; 5. User e-mail address;

16 6. User first name; 7. User last name; 8. Allows one to view whether the user active, and save mode of activity by selecting/unselecting the checkbox; 9. Switch to the page of viewing and editing the lists of the groups, in which the user is included; 10. Switch to the user data editing page; 11. Delete the user. means that you have no right to delete this user; 12. Switch to the creation of a new user page; 13. Switch to the page for assigning groups to the selected ([1]) users; 14. Delete the selected ([1]) users; 15. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 16. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages; 17. Switch to the first page of the user list; 18. Switch to the previous page; 19. Switch to the next page; 20. Switch to the last page.

Creating/editing a user
The page allows one to create a new user and change data of an existing one. [1] Join date: Last sign in date: Expire date: Username: New password: Confirm password: E-mail: First name: Last name: Middle name:

[2] [3] [4][5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

1. Allows one to view whether a user is active and, change the mode of activity by enabling/disabling the checkbox; 2. User creation date; 3. Date the system was last accessed; 4. User account activity expiration date; 5. This checkbox allows to cancel the time limitation of account availability; 6. User name in the system; 7. New password. If you do not change the password, leave this field empty; 8. Confirming of a new password; 9. User e-mail address; 10. First name; 11. Last name; 12. Middle name; Personal information (click to show/hide)

17 Address: City: State/province: Zip/postal code: Country: Phone: Fax: Mobile: Pager: IP phone: Web page: ICQ: MSN messenger: AOL messenger: Gender: Husband (wife): Children: Trainer: 1. Address; 2. City; 3. State/province: 4. Zip/postal code; 5. Country; 6. Phone; 7. Fax; 8. Mobile; 9. Pager; 10. IP phone; 11. Web page; 12. ICQ; 13. MSN messenger; 14. AOL messenger; 15. Gender; 16. Husband/wife; 17. Children; 18. Trainer; Work information (click to show/hide) Company: [1] Position: [2] Department: [3] Office: [4] Address: [5] City: [6] State/province: [7] Zip/postal code: [8] Country: [9] Phone: [10] Fax: [11] Mobile: [12] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]

18 Pager: IP phone: Web page: 1. Company; 2. Position; 3. Department; 4. Office; 5. Address; 6. City; 7. State/province: 8. Zip/postal code; 9. Country; 10. Phone; 11. Fax; 12. Mobile; 13. Pager; 14. IP phone; 15. Web page; Additional information (click to show/hide) Contains extra data about users. You can specify any data fields in the Administration section Configuration subsection. Notes (click to show/hide) User notes (for internal use): [13] [14] [15]


1. General notes about a user. They will be displayed together with the username in the system users list.

Assigning groups to a user

The page enables one to view and change the list of groups assigned to a user. The first table contains a user or a list of selected users. [12] [13] [14] ID N [1] [4] [3] [4]


E-mail [5]

First Name [6]

Last Name [7]

Active [8]

Action [9] [10] [11]

1. Allows one to select several users with the help of the checkboxes and perform a batch operation ([13] [14]); 2. User ID at the website; 3. Notes about the user; 4. System username; 5. User e-mail address; 6. User first name; 7. User last name;

19 8. Allows one to view whether the user active, and save mode of activity by selecting/unselecting the checkbox; 9. Switch to the page of viewing and editing the lists of the groups, in which the user is included; 10. Switch to the user data editing page; 11. Delete the user. means that you have no right to delete this user; 12. Switch to the creation of a new user page; 13. Switch to the page for assigning groups to the selected ([1]) users; 14. Delete the selected ([1]) users; The second table contains the system groups list: [8] [9] ID Name Description [1] [2] [3] [4]

[10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] Member Action [5] [6] [7]

1. Allows one to select several groups with the help of checkboxes, and then perform a batch operation ([9]); 2. Group ID at the website; 3. Group name; 4. Short description of the group; 5. Allows one to view whether a specific group is assigned to the user, and change mode by enabling/disabling the checkbox; 6. Switch to the group editing page; 7. Delete the group. means that you have no right to delete this group; 8. Switch to the creation of a new user page; 9. Delete the selected ([1]) groups; 10. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 11. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages; 12. Switch to the first page of the group list; 13. Switch to the previous page; 14. Switch to the next page; 15. Switch to the last page.

The subsection contains information about user groups. [7] [8] ID [1] [2] Name [3] [4] Description [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Action [5] [6]

1. Allows one to select several groups with the help of checkboxes, and then perform a batch operation ([9]); 2. Group ID at the website; 3. Group name; 4. Short description of the group;

20 5. Switch to the group editing page; 6. Delete the group. means that you have no right to delete this group; 7. Switch to the creation of a new user page; 8. Delete the selected ([1]) groups; 9. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 10. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages; 11. Switch to the first page of the group list; 12. Switch to the previous page; 13. Switch to the next page; 14. Switch to the last page.

Creation of group/editing of group properties

The page allows one to create new groups, and edit the existing ones. Group ID: Group name: Group description: Access rights: Tests: Question Bank: Subjects: Test manager: Grading systems: E-mail templates: Report templates: Reports manager: Users: Groups: Configuration: Web statistics: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

1. Group ID at the website; 2. Group name; 3. Group description; Access rights for the user included in a specific group 4. Select an access level for the pages of the Take a Test inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to the group users. View the list of the tests. Group users may view list of tests, but are unable to take them. Take a test. It allows group users to take tests. 5. Select an access level for the pages of the Question Bank inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to the group users. Read access. Group users may view information, but are unable to modify it. Access to the creation and editing pages. A user can view, create, and change (but cannot delete) data. (Reserved for future use) Full access. It allows group users to perform any operations on the data. 6. Select an access level for the pages of the Subjects inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to the group users.

21 Read access. Group users may view information, but are unable to modify it. Access to the creation and editing pages. A user can view, create, and change (but cannot delete) data. (Reserved for future use) Full access. It allows group users to perform any operations on the data. 7. Select an access level for the pages of the Test Manager inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to group users. Read access. Group users may view information, but are unable to modify it. Access to the creation and editing pages. A user can view, create, and change (but cannot delete) data. (Reserved for future use) Full access. It allows group users to perform any operations on the data. 8. Select an access level for the pages of the Grading Systems inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to the group users. Read access. Group users may view information, but are unable to modify it. Access to the creation and editing pages. A user can view, create, and change (but cannot delete) data. (Reserved for future use) Full access. It allows group users to perform any operations on the data. 9. Select an access level for the pages of the E-mail Templates inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to the group users. Read access. Group users may view information, but are unable to modify it. Access to the creation and editing pages. A user can view, create, and change (but cannot delete) data. (Reserved for future use) Full access. It allows group users to perform any operations on the data. 10. Select an access level for the pages of the Report Templates inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to the group users. Read access. Group users may view information, but are unable to modify it. Access to the creation and editing pages. A user can view, create, and change (but cannot delete) data. (Reserved for future use) Full access. It allows group users to perform any operations on the data. 11. Select an access level for the pages of the Reports Manager inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to the group users. Access to viewing of the users test results, certificates, and reports Access to viewing of all users test results, certificates, and reports; Access to the creation and editing pages. A user can view, create, and change (but cannot delete) data. Full access. It allows group users to perform any operations on the data. 12. Select an access level for the pages of the Users inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to the group users. Read access. Group users may view information, but are unable to modify it. Access to the creation and editing pages. A user can view, create, and change (but cannot delete) data. (Reserved for future use) Full access. It allows group users to perform any operations on the data. 13. Select an access level for the pages of the Groups inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to the group users. Read access. Group users may view information, but are unable to modify it. Access to the creation and editing pages. A user can view, create, and change (but cannot delete) data. Full access. It allows group users to perform any operations on the data. 14. Select an access level for the pages of the Configuration inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to the group users. Read access. Group users may view information, but are unable to modify it.

22 Full access. It allows group users to perform any operations on the data. 15. Select an access level for the pages of the Web Statistics inlay. Possible alternatives: Access is forbidden. No rights are given to the group users. Read access. Group users may view information, but are unable to modify it. Full access. It allows group users to perform any operations on the data. If a user is included in several groups with different access rights, then he/she obtains the maximum rights available to him/her in one of the groups (the fullest rights by each of the elements specified at least in one group).

The subsection allows to view and change information about system settings. Web site (click to show/hide) List length: [1] WYSIWYG editor: [2] Web statistics: [3] 1. Select a number of elements in the lists (test list, question list, user list, etc) to display them at a single page; 2. Select a text editor; 3. Allows one to specify whether system visiting statistics should be gathered. The user registration system adjustment. Allows one to determine which fields are required to be filled and which are not. It also allows one to adjust the rules for displaying entered data. Registration (click to show/hide) Allow user registration: [1] Upon registration: [2] Introduction: [3] Username: [4] Password: [5] E-mail: [6] Title: [7] First name: [8] Last name: [9] Middle name: [10] 1. Enables one to choose whether new users will be eligible to use automatic system registration (available at the system login page); 2. Selecting an operation after the registration; Activate. Activate the user and provide an access to the system. Activate and login. Activate a user automatically, without password prompting. Do not activate, but email the link for activation. It can be used for checking whether the e-mail address entered by a user is correct. Do not activate, and use the user activation system. You can develop a custom user activation system. For example, you might want to activate a user only after one pays for his/her membership. In addition, we develop any turnkey activation systems/membership fee as well as any other plug-ins for the iGiveTest system. 3. An introduction text, which will be viewed by users at the registration page;

23 4. Username; Do not use. Do not use this field in the system. Use, but do not display. Do not show the field during registration, but use it in the system in the future (for example, display it at the user profile page). Do not display, but automatically generate. The system will not display the field during the registration, but will automatically generate a value for this field; Display, but do not require. Display the field during registration, but do not require to fill it; Display and generate automatically. Generate automatically, but display the field and allow to change field value during registration. Display and require. Display the field and require to enter information into it. 5. Password; 6. E-mail address; 7. Title; 8. First name; 9. Last name; 10. Middle name; Allows specifying the required user personal information fields and adjusting the way of how the entered data will be displayed. Personal information (click to show/hide) Address: [1] City: [2] State/province: [3] Zip/postal code: [4] Country: [5] Phone: [6] Fax: [7] Mobile: [8] Pager: [9] IP phone: [10] Web page: [11] ICQ: [12] MSN messenger: [13] AOL messenger: [14] Gender: [15] Husband (wife): [16] Children: [17] Trainer: [18] 1. Address; 2. City; 3. State/province; 4. Zip/postal code; 5. Country; 6. Phone; 7. Fax; 8. Mobile; 9. Pager; 10. IP phone;

24 11. Web page; 12. ICQ; 13. MSN messenger; 14. AOL messenger; 15. Gender; 16. Husband (wife); 17. Children; 18. Trainer; Allows one to specify users employment information and adjust the method of how the entered data will be displayed. Work information (click to show/hide) Company: [1] Position: [2] Department: [3] Office: [4] Address: [5] City: [6] State/province: [7] Zip/postal code: [8] Country: [9] Phone: [10] Fax: [11] Mobile: [12] Pager: [13] IP phone: [14] Web page: [15] 1. Company; 2. Position; 3. Department; 4. Office; 5. Address; 6. City; 7. State/province: 8. Zip/postal code; 9. Country; 10. Phone; 11. Fax; 12. Mobile; 13. Pager; 14. IP phone; 15. Web page; Allows one to include up to 10 fields of additional information about a user. You can enter the information at the user page in the Additional information section. Additional information (click to show/hide) Custom field N: [1] Custom field N type: [2] [3]

25 Custom field N caption: [4] 1. Adjusting the rules of how the field should be displayed and function; 2. The data entry element type for user fields. Possible alternatives: single-line text field, multiple-line text field, drop-down list. 3. If drop-down list is chosen, an additional line, which is intended for listing of all values. At entering element values, they should be separated by a coma (for example: val1,val2,val3). 4. Name (title) for the user field. For example if you want to obtain information about users education you can: 1. Select the Display and require value for the user #1 field; 2. Enter the Education field for it; 3. Specify the field type, for example drop-down list; 4. Enter a value from the list: secondary education, bachelor, master's degree, doctor. As a result, during user registration one will be able to select one of these values.

E-mail templates
This subsection is intended for creation and editing e-mail templates. [7] [8] ID [1] [2] Name [3] [4] Description [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Action [5] [6]

1. Allows one to select several templates with the help of the checkboxes and perform a batch operation ([8]); 2. Template ID at the website; 3. Template name; 4. Template short description; 5. Switch to the template editing page; 6. Delete the template; 7. Switch to the new template creation page; 8. Delete the selected ([1]) templates; 9. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 10. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages; 11. Switch to the first page of the template list; 12. Switch to the previous page; 13. Switch to the next page; 14. Switch to the last page.

Creating/editing e-mail templates

The page allows one to create a new template of an e-mail message, or edit an existing one. Template ID: Template name: Template description: From (e-mail): E-mail subject: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]

26 E-mail body: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. [6]

Template ID at the site; Template name; Template short description; The address the messages will be sent from; Message subject; Message text. You can use special tags in your messages ([7]) Tags for a template. When creating a message, the tags will be automatically substituted by corresponding data (for example, data about a user, some testing results, and the like)

Reports templates
The subsection is designed for creation and editing of templates of different reports and certificates. A report/certificate may be presented in PDF format, or as a usual HTML page. [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] ID Name Description Action [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 1. Allows to select several report templates with the help of the checkboxes and perform a batch operation ([8]); 2. Template ID at the site; 3. Report template name; 4. Report template short description; 5. Switch to the template editing page; 6. Delete the template; 7. Switch to the creation of a new template page; 8. Delete the selected ([1]) templates; 9. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 10. Page numbers, with links to the corresponding pages; 11. Switch to the first page of the template list; 12. Switch to the previous page; 13. Switch to the next page; 14. Switch to the last page.

Creation/editing of a report template

The page allows one to create a new report template or edit an existing one. Template ID: Template name: Template description: Report body: [1] [2] [3] [4]

1. Template ID at the website; 2. Report template name; 3. Report template short description;

27 4. The editor for entering of the template contents. In a text of a template, you can use special tags.

The subsection provides an access to the detailed statistics about system visits. [12] ID Date Username [1] [2] [3] [4][5] Hits IP-Address [6] [7] Host Name [8] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] Referrer Action [9] [10] [11]

1. Allows one to select several sessions with the help of the flags and perform a batch operation ([11]); 2. Session ID; 3. Date and time of the beginning of the session; 4. System username; 5. User ID. This link allows you to view and edit user profiles; 6. Number of internal hits; 7. IP-address of the users computer. The link allows to view the information about this IPaddress in the WhoIs service; 8. Domain name, corresponding to the IP-address ([6]); 9. The page the user was forwarded from; 10. Switch to the detailed session statistics page; 11. Delete information about the session; 12. Delete information about the selected ([1]) sessions; 13. Numbers of records displayed on the current page, and total amount of records; 14. Page numbers, pressing on which would direct you to the corresponding pages; 15. Switch to the first page of the session list; 16. Switch to the previous page; 17. Switch to the next page; 18. Switch to the last page.

Visitor details
Session ID: Time spent: User: Hits: Start date: Entry page: End date: Exit page: IP-address: Host name: Referrer: User agent: 1. Session ID; [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

28 2. Time spent on the session; 3. User data in the system (if the user is unregistered, than data for the Guest user will be displayed); 4. A total number of pages visited by a user (including repeated ones); 5. Date and time of the beginning of the session; 6. The link to the page at which the session started; 7. Date and time of session end; 8. The link to the page the session ended at; 9. Computer IP-address; 10. Domain name, corresponding with the IP-address; 11. Link to the page the user came from; 12. User agent (browser);

Service tags
Service tags are used in template creation. With the help of a template, when you create an e-mail message (as well as a report or a certificate), the tags are substituted by corresponding data (user data, test results, etc.). Tag name [USER_ID] [USERNAME] [USER_PASSWORD] [USER_CHECKWORD] [USER_TITLE] [USER_FIRST_NAME] [USER_LAST_NAME] [USER_MIDDLE_NAME] [USER_E-MAIL] [USER_ADDRESS] [USER_CITY] [USER_STATE] [USER_ZIP] [USER_COUNTRY] [USER_PHONE] [USER_FAX] [USER_MOBILE] [USER_PAGER] [USER_IPPHONE] [USER_WEBPAGE] [USER_ICQ] [USER_MSN] [USER_AOL] [USER_GENDER] [USER_HUSBANDWIFE] [USER_CHILDREN] [USER_TRAINER] [USER_COMPANY] [USER_CPOSITION] [USER_CDEPARTMENT] [USER_COFFICE] Value User ID on the website Username on the website User password User account check word Title First name Last name Middle name E-mail address Address City State/province Zip/postal code Country Phone Fax Mobile Pager IP phone Web page ICQ MSN AOL Gender Husband (wife) Children Trainer Company Position Department Office

29 [USER_CADDRESS] [USER_CCITY] [USER_CSTATE] [USER_CZIP] [USER_CCOUNTRY] [USER_CPHONE] [USER_CFAX] [USER_CMOBILE] [USER_CPAGER] [USER_CIPPHONE] [USER_CWEBPAGE] [USER_USERFIELD1] [USER_USERFIELD2] [USER_USERFIELD3] [USER_USERFIELD4] [USER_USERFIELD5] [USER_USERFIELD6] [USER_USERFIELD7] [USER_USERFIELD8] [USER_USERFIELD9] [USER_USERFIELD10] [TEST_ID] [TEST_NAME] [RESULT_ID] [RESULT_DATE] [RESULT_TIME_SPENT] [RESULT_TIME_EXCEEDED] [RESULT_POINTS_SCORED] [RESULT_POINTS_POSSIBLE] [RESULT_PERCENTS] Address (for a company) City (for a company) State/province (for a company) Zip/postal code (for a company) Country (for a company) Phone (for a company) Fax (for a company) Mobile (for a company) Pager (for a company) IP phone (for a company) Webpage (for a company) Custom field #1 Custom field #2 Custom field #3 Custom field #4 Custom field #5 Custom field #6 Custom field #7 Custom field #8 Custom field #9 Custom field #10 Test ID on the website Test name Test result ID Test passing date Time spent for passing the test If the test passing time limit was exceeded Number of points scored Maximum possible number of points for the test Percentage of points scored to the maximum possible number of points [RESULT_GRADE] Grade received for the test [RESULT_GRADE_FEEDBACK] Feedback text of the grade received for the test [RESULT_DETAILED_1] Detailed information about each answer to the test questions, including: Short text of each question Whether the given answer is correct Points scored for the answer [RESULT_DETAILED_2] Detailed information about each incorrect answer to the test questions, including: Short text of each question answered incorrectly Whether the given answer is correct Points scored for the answer [RESULT_DETAILED_3] Detailed information about each answer to the test questions, including: Full text of each question Full text of answer variants Correct answer Users answer Whether the given answer is correct

30 [RESULT_DETAILED_4] Points scored for the answer Detailed information about each incorrect answer to the test questions, including: Full text of each question answered incorrectly Full text of answer variants Correct answer Users answer Whether the given answer is correct Points scored for the answer Complete URL path to the iGiveTest system Page break (allows one to explicitly specify the page end, for example, for reports in PDF format or test instructions)


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