FINAL 20230810 CWRM W Maui Fire LTR From WMLC
FINAL 20230810 CWRM W Maui Fire LTR From WMLC
FINAL 20230810 CWRM W Maui Fire LTR From WMLC
In re sponse , CWRM aske d us whe the r MFD had re que ste d pe rmission to dip
into our re se rvoirs and dire cte d us first to inquire with the one downstream
use r to ensure that his lo'i and othe r use s would not be impacte d by a
te mporary re duction (not e limination) of wate r supply. Communications were
spotty, and we had alre ady made a concerted e ffort to contact the one
downstream use r. He had not responded. By around 3:30 p.m., a flare up had
shut down the Lahaina Bypass.
Fire s are frequent in We st Maui. As we e xpe rie nce d, a re que st to use water
from our re se rvoirs to fight a fire must go unme t if we do not have wate r in our
reservoirs. In an emergency situation, or whe n an e me rge ncy is anticipate d, a
te mporary re duction (not e limination) of wate r to one individual's farm should
not be prioritize d ove r and de lay e fforts to save an e ntire community.
We cannot know whe the r filling our re se rvoirs at 1:00 p.m. (as oppose d to not
at all) would have changed the headlines whe n dawn broke on our we ary first
responders and he artbroke n community. We know that fires spread quickly.
We know that we ne e d to act faste r during an e me rge ncy. We know that the
community we se rve re lie s on the wate r as a de fense from spre ading fire . We
know that we must have wate r available for MFD be fore MFD ne e ds it. We
know we can do be tte r. We 're all in this together.
As a first ste p, we re spe ctfully re que st that CWRM imme diate ly grant ongoing
authorization to fill the reservoirs whe n a fire has be e n re porte d in the area
from Ukumehame to Kahoma. As we are filling the re se rvoirs, we will advise
MFD and CWRM of our actions and that water is available if needed.
As a second ste p, we respe ctfully re que st that CWRM immediately suspe nd the
various inte rim instre am flow standards and othe r re gulations in the area from
Ukume hame to Kahoma until the e me rge ncy pe riod has e nde d, to ensure
maximum support for fire suppre ssion, cle an-up e fforts and our community as
we recover.
As a third ste p, we re spe ctfully re que st that CWRM imme diate ly initiate
proce e dings to ame nd the various inte rim instre am flow standards from
Ukume hame to Honokowai to provide more wate r for fire suppre ssion and our
community as we face dry months in the ye ars to come and as our community
Deputy Director Manuel
August 10, 2023
Page 3
rebuilds. I know you love this community, t oo. We are all devast at ed. No one is
happy there was water in the streams while our homes, our businesses, our
lands, and our lives were reduced to ash. We cannot suffer t he risk t hat it will
happen again.