Computing GR Obner Bases - A Short Overview

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Computing Gröbner Bases – a short overview

Christian Eder, Jean-Charles Faugère,

Fayssal Martani, John Perry and Bjarke Hammersholt Roune

Seminar of the CARAMEL Team in Nancy, France

September 11, 2014

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I R = K [x1 , . . . , xn ], K field, < well-ordering on Mon(x1 , . . . , xn )

I f ∈ R can be represented in a unique way by <.

⇒ Definitions as lc (f ), lm(f ), and lt(f ) make sense.

I An ideal I in R is an additive subgroup of R such that for f ∈ I,

g ∈ R it holds that fg ∈ I.

I G = {g1 , . . . , gs } ⊂ R is a Gröbner basis for I = hf1 , . . . , fm i

w.r.t. <
G ⊂ I and L< (G) = L< (I )

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Buchberger’s criterion

Let f 6= 0, g 6= 0 ∈ R and let λ = lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )) be the least common
multiple of lt (f ) and lt (g ). The S-polynomial between f and g is given
λ λ
spol (f , g ) ..= f− g.
lt (f ) lt (g )

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Buchberger’s criterion

Let f 6= 0, g 6= 0 ∈ R and let λ = lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )) be the least common
multiple of lt (f ) and lt (g ). The S-polynomial between f and g is given
λ λ
spol (f , g ) ..= f− g.
lt (f ) lt (g )

Buchberger’s criterion [5]

Let I = hf1 , . . . , fm i be an ideal in R . A finite subset G ⊂ R is a
Gröbner basis for I if G ⊂ I and for all f , g ∈ G : spol (f , g ) −
→ 0.

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Buchberger’s algorithm

Input: Ideal I = hf1 , . . . , fm i

Output: Gröbner basis G for I
1. G ← 0/
2. G ← G ∪ {fi } for all i ∈ {1, . . . , m}
3. Set P ← {spol (fi , fj ) | fi , fj ∈ G, i > j }

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Buchberger’s algorithm

Input: Ideal I = hf1 , . . . , fm i

Output: Gröbner basis G for I
1. G ← 0/
2. G ← G ∪ {fi } for all i ∈ {1, . . . , m}
3. Set P ← {spol (fi , fj ) | fi , fj ∈ G, i > j }
4. Choose p ∈ P, P ← P \ {p}

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Buchberger’s algorithm

Input: Ideal I = hf1 , . . . , fm i

Output: Gröbner basis G for I
1. G ← 0/
2. G ← G ∪ {fi } for all i ∈ {1, . . . , m}
3. Set P ← {spol (fi , fj ) | fi , fj ∈ G, i > j }
4. Choose p ∈ P, P ← P \ {p}
(a) If p −
→ 0 II no new information
Go on with the next element in P.
(b) If p −
→ q 6= 0 II new information
Build new S-pair with q and add them to P.
Add q to G.
Go on with the next element in P.
5. When P = 0/ we are done and G is a Gröbner basis for I.

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How to improve computations?

I Modular computations (modStd et al.)

I Predict zero reductions (Buchberger, Gebauer-Möller,

Möller-Mora-Traverso, Faugère.)

I Sort pair set (Buchberger, Giovini et al., Möller et al.)

I Homogenize: d-Gröbner bases

I Change of ordering (FGLM, Gröbner Walk)

I Linear Algebra: Gaussian Elimination (Lazard, Faugère)

I Sparse Gröbner Bases: Use sparsity and exploit Newton polygons

(Faugère, Spaenlehauer, Svartz)

I ...

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How to improve computations?

I Predict zero reductions (Buchberger, Gebauer-Möller,

Möller-Mora-Traverso, Faugère.)

I Linear Algebra: Gaussian Elimination (Lazard, Faugère)

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1 Predicting zero reductions

2 Fast linear algebra for computing Gröbner bases

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How to detect zero reductions in advance?
Let I = hg1 , g2 i ∈ Q[x , y , z ] and let < denote the reverse lexicographical
ordering. Let

g1 = xy − z2 , g2 = y2 − z2

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How to detect zero reductions in advance?
Let I = hg1 , g2 i ∈ Q[x , y , z ] and let < denote the reverse lexicographical
ordering. Let

g1 = xy − z2 , g2 = y2 − z2

spol(g2 , g1 ) = xg2 − yg1 = xy2 − xz 2 − xy2 + yz 2

= −xz 2 + yz 2 .

=⇒ g3 = xz2 − yz2 .

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How to detect zero reductions in advance?
Let I = hg1 , g2 i ∈ Q[x , y , z ] and let < denote the reverse lexicographical
ordering. Let

g1 = xy − z2 , g2 = y2 − z2

spol(g2 , g1 ) = xg2 − yg1 = xy2 − xz 2 − xy2 + yz 2

= −xz 2 + yz 2 .

=⇒ g3 = xz2 − yz2 .

spol(g3 , g1 ) = xyz2 − y 2 z 2 − xyz2 + z 4 = −y 2 z 2 + z 4 .

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How to detect zero reductions in advance?
Let I = hg1 , g2 i ∈ Q[x , y , z ] and let < denote the reverse lexicographical
ordering. Let

g1 = xy − z2 , g2 = y2 − z2

spol(g2 , g1 ) = xg2 − yg1 = xy2 − xz 2 − xy2 + yz 2

= −xz 2 + yz 2 .

=⇒ g3 = xz2 − yz2 .

spol(g3 , g1 ) = xyz2 − y 2 z 2 − xyz2 + z 4 = −y 2 z 2 + z 4 .

We can reduce further using z 2 g2 :

−y 2 z 2 + z 4 + y 2 z 2 − z 4 = 0.

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How to detect zero reductions in advance?

Can we see something? How are the generators of the S-polynomials related
to each other?

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How to detect zero reductions in advance?

Can we see something? How are the generators of the S-polynomials related
to each other?

spol(g3 , g2 ) = y2 xz 2 − yz 2 − xz2 y 2 − z 2

= lt (g2 )g3 − lt (g3 )g2

= lt (g2 )lot (g3 ) − lt (g3 )lot (g2 )

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How to detect zero reductions in advance?

Can we see something? How are the generators of the S-polynomials related
to each other?

spol(g3 , g2 ) = y2 xz 2 − yz 2 − xz2 y 2 − z 2

= lt (g2 )g3 − lt (g3 )g2

= lt (g2 )lot (g3 ) − lt (g3 )lot (g2 )

For all u ∈ support (lot (g3 )) we can reduce with ug2 :

=⇒ lt (g2 ) lot (g3 ) − g2 lot (g3 ) − lt (g3 ) lot (g2 )

= − lot (g2 ) lot (g3 ) − lt (g3 ) lot (g2 )
= − g3 lot (g2 ) .

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How to detect zero reductions in advance?

Can we see something? How are the generators of the S-polynomials related
to each other?

spol(g3 , g2 ) = y2 xz 2 − yz 2 − xz2 y 2 − z 2

= lt (g2 )g3 − lt (g3 )g2

= lt (g2 )lot (g3 ) − lt (g3 )lot (g2 )

For all u ∈ support (lot (g3 )) we can reduce with ug2 :

=⇒ lt (g2 ) lot (g3 ) − g2 lot (g3 ) − lt (g3 ) lot (g2 )

= − lot (g2 ) lot (g3 ) − lt (g3 ) lot (g2 )
= − g3 lot (g2 ) .

So we can reduce this to zero by vg3 for all v ∈ support (lot (g2 )).

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Buchberger’s criteria

Product criterion [6, 7]

{f ,g }
If lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )) = lt (f ) lt (g ) then spol (f , g ) −
−−→ 0.

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Buchberger’s criteria

Product criterion [6, 7]

{f ,g }
If lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )) = lt (f ) lt (g ) then spol (f , g ) −
−−→ 0.

Couldn’t we remove spol (g3 , g2 ) in a different way?

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Buchberger’s criteria

Product criterion [6, 7]

{f ,g }
If lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )) = lt (f ) lt (g ) then spol (f , g ) −
−−→ 0.

Couldn’t we remove spol (g3 , g2 ) in a different way?

lt (g1 ) = xy | xy 2 z 2 = lcm (lt (g3 ) , lt (g2 ))

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Buchberger’s criteria

Product criterion [6, 7]

{f ,g }
If lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )) = lt (f ) lt (g ) then spol (f , g ) −
−−→ 0.

Couldn’t we remove spol (g3 , g2 ) in a different way?

lt (g1 ) = xy | xy 2 z 2 = lcm (lt (g3 ) , lt (g2 ))

=⇒ We can rewrite spol (g3 , g2 ):

spol (g3 , g2 ) = y spol (g3 , g1 ) −z 2 spol (g2 , g1 ) = y yg3 − z 2 g1 − z 2 (xg2 − yg1 )

| {z } | {z }

→0 −

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Buchberger’s criteria

Product criterion [6, 7]

{f ,g }
If lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )) = lt (f ) lt (g ) then spol (f , g ) −
−−→ 0.

Couldn’t we remove spol (g3 , g2 ) in a different way?

lt (g1 ) = xy | xy 2 z 2 = lcm (lt (g3 ) , lt (g2 ))

=⇒ We can rewrite spol (g3 , g2 ):

spol (g3 , g2 ) = y spol (g3 , g1 ) −z 2 spol (g2 , g1 ) = y yg3 − z 2 g1 − z 2 (xg2 − yg1 )

| {z } | {z }

→0 −

Standard representations of spol (g2 , g1 ) and spol (g3 , g1 )

=⇒ Standard representation of spol (g3 , g2 ).

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Buchberger’s criteria

Chain criterion [8]

Let f , g , h ∈ R , G ⊂ R finite. If
1. lt (h) | lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )), and
2. spol (f , h) and spol (h, g ) have a standard representation w.r.t. G
then spol (f , g ) has a standard representation w.r.t. G.

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Buchberger’s criteria

Chain criterion [8]

Let f , g , h ∈ R , G ⊂ R finite. If
1. lt (h) | lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )), and
2. spol (f , h) and spol (h, g ) have a standard representation w.r.t. G
then spol (f , g ) has a standard representation w.r.t. G.

Do not remove too much information! If λ = 1 and

spol (f , g ) = λ spol (f , h) + σ spol (h, g ) ,

then we can remove spol (f , g ) or spol (f , h) but not both!

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Buchberger’s criteria

Chain criterion [8]

Let f , g , h ∈ R , G ⊂ R finite. If
1. lt (h) | lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )), and
2. spol (f , h) and spol (h, g ) have a standard representation w.r.t. G
then spol (f , g ) has a standard representation w.r.t. G.

Do not remove too much information! If λ = 1 and

spol (f , g ) = λ spol (f , h) + σ spol (h, g ) ,

then we can remove spol (f , g ) or spol (f , h) but not both!

How to combine Product and Chain criterion?

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Gebauer-Möller installation [32]
We add a new element h to G and generate new pairs P 0 := {(f , h) | f ∈ G}.

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Gebauer-Möller installation [32]
We add a new element h to G and generate new pairs P 0 := {(f , h) | f ∈ G}.
We update the pairs in 4 steps:

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Gebauer-Möller installation [32]
We add a new element h to G and generate new pairs P 0 := {(f , h) | f ∈ G}.
We update the pairs in 4 steps:
1. If (f , g ) ∈ P s.t.
. lt (h) | lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )),
. lcm (lt (f ) , lt (h)) 6= lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )),
. lcm (lt (g ) , lt (h)) 6= lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g ))
=⇒ Remove (f , g ) from P. [P done]

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Gebauer-Möller installation [32]
We add a new element h to G and generate new pairs P 0 := {(f , h) | f ∈ G}.
We update the pairs in 4 steps:
1. If (f , g ) ∈ P s.t.
. lt (h) | lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )),
. lcm (lt (f ) , lt (h)) 6= lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )),
. lcm (lt (g ) , lt (h)) 6= lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g ))
=⇒ Remove (f , g ) from P. [P done]
2. Fix (f , h) ∈ P 0 . If (g , h) ∈ P 0 \ {(f , h)} s.t.
. ∃ λ > 1 and lcm (lt (f ) , lt (h)) = λ lcm (lt (g ) , lt (h))
=⇒ Remove (g , h) from P 0 .

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Gebauer-Möller installation [32]
We add a new element h to G and generate new pairs P 0 := {(f , h) | f ∈ G}.
We update the pairs in 4 steps:
1. If (f , g ) ∈ P s.t.
. lt (h) | lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )),
. lcm (lt (f ) , lt (h)) 6= lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )),
. lcm (lt (g ) , lt (h)) 6= lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g ))
=⇒ Remove (f , g ) from P. [P done]
2. Fix (f , h) ∈ P 0 . If (g , h) ∈ P 0 \ {(f , h)} s.t.
. ∃ λ > 1 and lcm (lt (f ) , lt (h)) = λ lcm (lt (g ) , lt (h))
=⇒ Remove (g , h) from P 0 .
3. Fix (f , h) ∈ P 0 . If (g , h) ∈ P 0 \ {(f , h)} s.t.
. lcm (lt (f ) , lt (h)) = lcm (lt (g ) , lt (h))
=⇒ Remove (g , h) from P 0 . [Chain criterion done]

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Gebauer-Möller installation [32]
We add a new element h to G and generate new pairs P 0 := {(f , h) | f ∈ G}.
We update the pairs in 4 steps:
1. If (f , g ) ∈ P s.t.
. lt (h) | lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )),
. lcm (lt (f ) , lt (h)) 6= lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g )),
. lcm (lt (g ) , lt (h)) 6= lcm (lt (f ) , lt (g ))
=⇒ Remove (f , g ) from P. [P done]
2. Fix (f , h) ∈ P 0 . If (g , h) ∈ P 0 \ {(f , h)} s.t.
. ∃ λ > 1 and lcm (lt (f ) , lt (h)) = λ lcm (lt (g ) , lt (h))
=⇒ Remove (g , h) from P 0 .
3. Fix (f , h) ∈ P 0 . If (g , h) ∈ P 0 \ {(f , h)} s.t.
. lcm (lt (f ) , lt (h)) = lcm (lt (g ) , lt (h))
=⇒ Remove (g , h) from P 0 . [Chain criterion done]

4. If (f , h) ∈ P 0 s.t. lcm (lt (f ) , lt (h)) = lt (f ) lt (h)

=⇒ Remove (f , h) from P 0 . [Product criterion done]
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Can we do even better?

In our example we still need to consider

spol (g3 , g1 ) −
→ 0.

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Can we do even better?

In our example we still need to consider

spol (g3 , g1 ) −
→ 0.

How to get rid of this useless computation?

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Can we do even better?

In our example we still need to consider

spol (g3 , g1 ) −
→ 0.

How to get rid of this useless computation?

Use more structure of I =⇒ Signatures

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Let I = hf1 , . . . , fm i ⊂ R .
Idea: Give each f ∈ I a bit more structure:

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Let I = hf1 , . . . , fm i ⊂ R .
Idea: Give each f ∈ I a bit more structure:
1. Let R m be generated by e1 , . . . , em and let ≺ be a compatible monomial
order on the monomials of R m .

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Let I = hf1 , . . . , fm i ⊂ R .
Idea: Give each f ∈ I a bit more structure:
1. Let R m be generated by e1 , . . . , em and let ≺ be a compatible monomial
order on the monomials of R m .

2. Let α 7→ α : R m → R such that ei = fi for all i.

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Let I = hf1 , . . . , fm i ⊂ R .
Idea: Give each f ∈ I a bit more structure:
1. Let R m be generated by e1 , . . . , em and let ≺ be a compatible monomial
order on the monomials of R m .

2. Let α 7→ α : R m → R such that ei = fi for all i.

3. Each f ∈ I can be represented via some α ∈ R m : f = α

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Let I = hf1 , . . . , fm i ⊂ R .
Idea: Give each f ∈ I a bit more structure:
1. Let R m be generated by e1 , . . . , em and let ≺ be a compatible monomial
order on the monomials of R m .

2. Let α 7→ α : R m → R such that ei = fi for all i.

3. Each f ∈ I can be represented via some α ∈ R m : f = α

4. A signature of f is given by s(f ) = lt≺ (α) where f = α .

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Let I = hf1 , . . . , fm i ⊂ R .
Idea: Give each f ∈ I a bit more structure:
1. Let R m be generated by e1 , . . . , em and let ≺ be a compatible monomial
order on the monomials of R m .

2. Let α 7→ α : R m → R such that ei = fi for all i.

3. Each f ∈ I can be represented via some α ∈ R m : f = α

4. A signature of f is given by s(f ) = lt≺ (α) where f = α .

5. An element α ∈ R m such that α = 0 is called a syzygy.

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Our example again – with signatures and ≺pot

g1 = xy − z 2 , s(g1 ) = e1 ,
g2 = y 2 − z 2 , s(g2 ) = e2 .

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Our example again – with signatures and ≺pot

g1 = xy − z 2 , s(g1 ) = e1 ,
g2 = y 2 − z 2 , s(g2 ) = e2 .

g3 = spol(g2 , g1 ) = xg2 − yg1

⇒ s(g3 ) = x s(g2 ) = xe2 .

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Our example again – with signatures and ≺pot

g1 = xy − z 2 , s(g1 ) = e1 ,
g2 = y 2 − z 2 , s(g2 ) = e2 .

g3 = spol(g2 , g1 ) = xg2 − yg1

⇒ s(g3 ) = x s(g2 ) = xe2 .

spol(g3 , g1 ) = yg3 − z 2 g1
⇒ s (spol(g3 , g1 )) = y s(g3 ) = xye2 .

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Our example again – with signatures and ≺pot

g1 = xy − z 2 , s(g1 ) = e1 ,
g2 = y 2 − z 2 , s(g2 ) = e2 .

g3 = spol(g2 , g1 ) = xg2 − yg1

⇒ s(g3 ) = x s(g2 ) = xe2 .

spol(g3 , g1 ) = yg3 − z 2 g1
⇒ s (spol(g3 , g1 )) = y s(g3 ) = xye2 .

Note that s (spol(g3 , g1 )) = xye2 and lm(g1 ) = xy .

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Think in the module

α ∈ R m =⇒ polynomial α with lt (α), signature s(α) = lt (α)

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Think in the module

α ∈ R m =⇒ polynomial α with lt (α), signature s(α) = lt (α)


spol α, β = aα − bβ =⇒ spair (α, β ) = aα − bβ

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Think in the module

α ∈ R m =⇒ polynomial α with lt (α), signature s(α) = lt (α)


spol α, β = aα − bβ =⇒ spair (α, β ) = aα − bβ


γ − d δ =⇒ γ − d δ

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Think in the module

α ∈ R m =⇒ polynomial α with lt (α), signature s(α) = lt (α)


spol α, β = aα − bβ =⇒ spair (α, β ) = aα − bβ


γ − d δ =⇒ γ − d δ

In the following we need one detail from signature-based Gröbner Ba-
sis computations:
We pick from P by increasing signature.
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Signature-based criteria

s(α) = s(β ) =⇒ Compute 1, remove 1.

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Signature-based criteria

s(α) = s(β ) =⇒ Compute 1, remove 1.

Sketch of proof

1. s(α − β ) ≺ s(α), s(β ).

2. All S-pairs are handled by increasing signature.
⇒ All relatons ≺ s(α) are known:

α = β + elements of smaller signature

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Signature-based criteria

S-pairs in signature T

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Signature-based criteria

S-pairs in signature T

What are all possible

configurations to reach
signature T ?

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Signature-based criteria

S-pairs in signature T

n o
RT = aα | α handled by the algorithm and s(aα) = T

What are all possible

configurations to reach
signature T ?

17 / 57
Signature-based criteria

S-pairs in signature T

n o
RT = aα | α handled by the algorithm and s(aα) = T

What are all possible Define an order on RT

configurations to reach and choose the maximal
signature T ? element.

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Special cases

n o
RT = aα | α handled by the algorithm and s(aα) = T

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Special cases

n o
RT = aα | α handled by the algorithm and s(aα) = T

Choose bβ to be an element of RT maximal w.r.t. an order E.

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Special cases

n o
RT = aα | α handled by the algorithm and s(aα) = T

Choose bβ to be an element of RT maximal w.r.t. an order E.

1. If bβ is a syzygy =⇒ Go on to next signature.

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Special cases

n o
RT = aα | α handled by the algorithm and s(aα) = T

Choose bβ to be an element of RT maximal w.r.t. an order E.

1. If bβ is a syzygy =⇒ Go on to next signature.

2. If bβ is not part of an S-pair =⇒ Go on to next signature.

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Special cases

n o
RT = aα | α handled by the algorithm and s(aα) = T

Choose bβ to be an element of RT maximal w.r.t. an order E.

1. If bβ is a syzygy =⇒ Go on to next signature.

2. If bβ is not part of an S-pair =⇒ Go on to next signature.

Revisiting our example with ≺pot

) s (spol(g3 , g1 )) = xye2
g1 = xy − z 2
⇒ psyz(g2 , g1 ) = g1 e2 − g2 e1 = xye2 + . . .
g2 = y 2 − z 2

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Modifications not specific to
signature-based Gröbner ba- involutive bases
sis algorithms [33, 34] TRB
F5GEN [35]
[37, 38] (2010)
quasi- (2013)
case Extended GBGC
[20] F5 Criteria
(2013) [4] [41]
(2010) (2011)
F5” [25]
[17] (2012)
[19] SBA
(2010) [16]
[2] [39]
(2009) (2012)

F5 [27] [28, 43]
(2010) (2011)
(2010) [17] on
(2002) alge-
SAGBI Gröbner
globally iG2V [42]
[24] G2V (2012)
invariant [10]
(2009) [26] (2012)
F5t iF5A
F5’ F5A iF5C
[30, 31] [10]
F5B [17] [15] (2012) [10]
(2009) (2011) (2012)
[3] (2002)
(2005) F5/2
action) F5R F5C
[23] F5+ [40] [14]
(2013) (2005) (2009)

Variants covered by
the survey

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# zero reductions (Singular-4-0-0, F32003 )

Benchmark STD SBA ≺pot SBA ≺d-pot SBA ≺lt

cyclic-8 4,284 243 243 671
cyclic-8-h 5,843 243 243 671
eco-11 3,476 0 749 749
eco-11-h 5,429 502 502 749
katsura-11 3,933 0 0 348
katsura-11-h 3,933 0 0 348
noon-9 25,508 0 0 682
noon-9-h 25,508 0 0 682
Random(11, 2, 2) 6,292 0 0 590
HRandom(11, 2, 2) 6,292 0 0 590
Random(12, 2, 2) 13,576 0 0 1,083
HRandom(12, 2, 2) 13,576 0 0 1,083

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Time in seconds (Singular-4-0-0, F32003 )

Benchmark STD SBA ≺pot SBA ≺d-pot SBA ≺lt

cyclic-8 32.480 44.310 100.780 38.120
cyclic-8-h 38.300 35.770 98.440 32.640
eco-11 28.450 3.450 27.360 13.270
eco-11-h 20.630 11.600 14.840 7.960
katsura-11 54.780 35.720 31.010 11.790
katsura-11-h 51.260 34.080 32.590 17.230
noon-9 29.730 12.940 14.620 15.220
noon-9-h 34.410 17.850 20.090 20.510
Random(11, 2, 2) 267.810 77.430 130.400 28.640
HRandom(11, 2, 2) 22.970 14.060 39.320 3.540
Random(12, 2, 2) 2,069.890 537.340 1,062.390 176.920
HRandom(12, 2, 2) 172.910 112.420 331.680 22.060

21 / 57
Can we combine both attempts?
Buchberger’s Product and Chain criterion can be combined with the Rewrite
criterion [29, 33, 11]:

22 / 57
Can we combine both attempts?
Buchberger’s Product and Chain criterion can be combined with the Rewrite
criterion [29, 33, 11]:

Chain criterion is a special case of the Rewrite criterion

⇒ already included.

22 / 57
Can we combine both attempts?
Buchberger’s Product and Chain criterion can be combined with the Rewrite
criterion [29, 33, 11]:

Chain criterion is a special case of the Rewrite criterion

⇒ already included.

Product criterion is not always (but mostly) included.

22 / 57
Can we combine both attempts?
Buchberger’s Product and Chain criterion can be combined with the Rewrite
criterion [29, 33, 11]:

Chain criterion is a special case of the Rewrite criterion

⇒ already included.

Product criterion is not always (but mostly) included.

α added to G
Generate all possible
principal syzygies with α .
(e.g. GVW)

22 / 57
Can we combine both attempts?
Buchberger’s Product and Chain criterion can be combined with the Rewrite
criterion [29, 33, 11]:

Chain criterion is a special case of the Rewrite criterion

⇒ already included.

Product criterion is not always (but mostly) included.

α added to G S-pair fulfilling Product criterion

H not detected by Rewrite criterion
Generate all possible H
principal syzygies with α . Add one corresponding syzygy.
(e.g. GVW) (e.g. SBA in Singular)

22 / 57
Experimental results
Implementation done in Singular [9]
STD SBA ≺pot SBA ≺lt
cyclic-8 4284 243 671 671 / 0
cyclic-8-h 5843 243 671 671 / 0
eco-11 3476 0 749 749 / 0
eco-11-h 5429 502 749 718 / 0
katsura-11 3933 0 348 304 / 0
katsura-11-h 3933 0 348 304 / 0
noon-9 25508 0 682 646 / 0
noon-9-h 25508 0 682 646 / 0
binomial-6-2 21 6 15 8/7
binomial-6-3 20 13 15 9/6
binomial-7-3 27 24 21 21 / 0
binomial-7-4 41 16 19 16 / 3
binomial-8-3 53 23 27 27 / 0
binomial-8-4 40 31 26 26 / 0
23 / 57
And what’s about SBA using ≺pot ?

Conjecture [11]
Every S-polynomial fulfilling the Product criterion is also detected by
the Rewrite criterion in SBA using ≺pot .

24 / 57
And what’s about SBA using ≺pot ?

Conjecture [11]
Every S-polynomial fulfilling the Product criterion is also detected by
the Rewrite criterion in SBA using ≺pot .

I We checked several million examples, all fulfilling the conjecture.

I Until now we cannot prove this.

24 / 57
And what’s about SBA using ≺pot ?

Conjecture [11]
Every S-polynomial fulfilling the Product criterion is also detected by
the Rewrite criterion in SBA using ≺pot .

I We checked several million examples, all fulfilling the conjecture.

I Until now we cannot prove this.

Ongoing work:
1. Describe in detail the connection between our conjecture
and Moreno-Socı́as conjecture [36].
2. Try to exploit even more algebraic structures for predicting
zero reductions.

24 / 57
1 Predicting zero reductions

2 Fast linear algebra for computing Gröbner bases

25 / 57
Buchberger’s algorithm - revisited

Input: Ideal I = hf1 , . . . , fm i

Output: Gröbner basis G for I
1. G ← 0/
2. G ← G ∪ {fi } for all i ∈ {1, . . . , m}
3. Set P ← {spol (fi , fj ) | fi , fj ∈ G, i > j }
4. Choose p ∈ P, P ← P \ {p}
(a) If p −
→ 0 II no new information
Go on with the next element in P.
(b) If p −
→ q 6= 0 II new information
Build new S-pair with q and add them to P.
Add q to G.
Go on with the next element in P.
5. When P = 0/ we are done and G is a Gröbner basis for I.

26 / 57
Faugère’s F4 algorithm
Input: Ideal I = hf1 , . . . , fm i
Output: Gröbner basis G for I
1. G ← 0/
2. G ← G ∪ {fi } for all i ∈ {1, . . . , m}
3. Set P ← {(af , bg ) | f , g ∈ G}
4. d ← 0
5. while P 6= 0/ :

27 / 57
Faugère’s F4 algorithm
Input: Ideal I = hf1 , . . . , fm i
Output: Gröbner basis G for I
1. G ← 0/
2. G ← G ∪ {fi } for all i ∈ {1, . . . , m}
3. Set P ← {(af , bg ) | f , g ∈ G}
4. d ← 0
5. while P 6= 0/ :
(a) d ← d + 1
(b) Pd ← Select (P ), P ← P \ Pd
(c) Ld ← {af , bg | (af , bg ) ∈ Pd }
(d) Ld ← Symbolic Preprocessing(Ld , G)
(e) Fd ← Reduction(Ld , G)
(f) for h ∈ Fd :
I If lt (h) ∈
/ L(G) (all other h are “useless”):
. P ← P ∪ {new pairs with h}
. G ← G ∪ {h}
6. Return G

27 / 57
Differences to Buchberger

1. Select a subset Pd of P, not only one element.

2. Do a symbolic preprocessing:
Search and store reducers, but do not reduce.
3. Do a full reduction of Pd at once:
Reduce a subset of R by a subset of R

28 / 57
Differences to Buchberger

1. Select a subset Pd of P, not only one element.

2. Do a symbolic preprocessing:
Search and store reducers, but do not reduce.
3. Do a full reduction of Pd at once:
Reduce a subset of R by a subset of R

If Select (P ) selects only 1 pair F4 is just Buchberger’s algorithm.

Usually one chooses the normal selection strategy,
i.e. all pairs of lowest degree.

28 / 57
Symbolic preprocessing

Input: L, G finite subsets of R

Output: a finite subset of R
1. F ← L
2. D ← L(F ) (S-pairs already reduce lead terms)
3. while T (F ) 6= D:
(a) Choose m ∈ T (F ) \ D, D ← D ∪ {m}.
(b) If m ∈ L(G) ⇒ ∃ g ∈ G and λ ∈ R such that λ lt (g ) = m
. F ← F ∪ {λ g }
4. Return F

29 / 57
Symbolic preprocessing

Input: L, G finite subsets of R

Output: a finite subset of R
1. F ← L
2. D ← L(F ) (S-pairs already reduce lead terms)
3. while T (F ) 6= D:
(a) Choose m ∈ T (F ) \ D, D ← D ∪ {m}.
(b) If m ∈ L(G) ⇒ ∃ g ∈ G and λ ∈ R such that λ lt (g ) = m
. F ← F ∪ {λ g }
4. Return F

We optimize this soon!

29 / 57

Input: L, G finite subsets of R

Output: a finite subset of R
1. M ← Macaulay matrix of L
2. M ← Gaussian Elimination of M (Linear algebra)
3. F ← polynomials from rows of M
4. Return F

30 / 57

Input: L, G finite subsets of R

Output: a finite subset of R
1. M ← Macaulay matrix of L
2. M ← Gaussian Elimination of M (Linear algebra)
3. F ← polynomials from rows of M
4. Return F

Macaulay matrix
columns =ˆ monomials (sorted by monomial order <)
rows =
ˆ coeffs of polynomials in L

30 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

R = Q[a, b, c , d ], < denotes DRL and we use the normal selection strategy
for Select (P ). I = hf1 , . . . , f4 i, where

f1 = abcd − 1,
f2 = abc + abd + acd + bcd ,
f3 = ab + bc + ad + cd ,
f4 = a + b + c + d .

31 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

R = Q[a, b, c , d ], < denotes DRL and we use the normal selection strategy
for Select (P ). I = hf1 , . . . , f4 i, where

f1 = abcd − 1,
f2 = abc + abd + acd + bcd ,
f3 = ab + bc + ad + cd ,
f4 = a + b + c + d .

We start with G = {f4 } and P1 = {(f3 , bf4 )}, thus L1 = {f3 , bf4 }.

31 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

R = Q[a, b, c , d ], < denotes DRL and we use the normal selection strategy
for Select (P ). I = hf1 , . . . , f4 i, where

f1 = abcd − 1,
f2 = abc + abd + acd + bcd ,
f3 = ab + bc + ad + cd ,
f4 = a + b + c + d .

We start with G = {f4 } and P1 = {(f3 , bf4 )}, thus L1 = {f3 , bf4 }.
Let us do symbolic preprocessing:

T (L1 ) = {ab, b2 , bc , ad , bd , cd }
L1 = {f3 , bf4 }

31 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

R = Q[a, b, c , d ], < denotes DRL and we use the normal selection strategy
for Select (P ). I = hf1 , . . . , f4 i, where

f1 = abcd − 1,
f2 = abc + abd + acd + bcd ,
f3 = ab + bc + ad + cd ,
f4 = a + b + c + d .

We start with G = {f4 } and P1 = {(f3 , bf4 )}, thus L1 = {f3 , bf4 }.
Let us do symbolic preprocessing:

T (L1 ) = {ab, b2 , bc , ad , bd , cd }
L1 = {f3 , bf4 }

b2 ∈
/ L(G),

31 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

R = Q[a, b, c , d ], < denotes DRL and we use the normal selection strategy
for Select (P ). I = hf1 , . . . , f4 i, where

f1 = abcd − 1,
f2 = abc + abd + acd + bcd ,
f3 = ab + bc + ad + cd ,
f4 = a + b + c + d .

We start with G = {f4 } and P1 = {(f3 , bf4 )}, thus L1 = {f3 , bf4 }.
Let us do symbolic preprocessing:

T (L1 ) = {ab, b2 , bc , ad , bd , cd }
L1 = {f3 , bf4 }

b2 ∈
/ L(G), bc ∈
/ L(G),

31 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

R = Q[a, b, c , d ], < denotes DRL and we use the normal selection strategy
for Select (P ). I = hf1 , . . . , f4 i, where

f1 = abcd − 1,
f2 = abc + abd + acd + bcd ,
f3 = ab + bc + ad + cd ,
f4 = a + b + c + d .

We start with G = {f4 } and P1 = {(f3 , bf4 )}, thus L1 = {f3 , bf4 }.
Let us do symbolic preprocessing:

T (L1 ) = {ab, b2 , bc , ad , bd , cd , d 2 }
L1 = {f3 , bf4 , df4 }

b2 ∈
/ L(G), bc ∈
/ L(G), d lt (f4 ) = ad,

31 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

R = Q[a, b, c , d ], < denotes DRL and we use the normal selection strategy
for Select (P ). I = hf1 , . . . , f4 i, where

f1 = abcd − 1,
f2 = abc + abd + acd + bcd ,
f3 = ab + bc + ad + cd ,
f4 = a + b + c + d .

We start with G = {f4 } and P1 = {(f3 , bf4 )}, thus L1 = {f3 , bf4 }.
Let us do symbolic preprocessing:

T (L1 ) = {ab, b2 , bc , ad , bd , cd , d 2 }
L1 = {f3 , bf4 , df4 }

b2 ∈
/ L(G), bc ∈
/ L(G), d lt (f4 ) = ad, all others also ∈
/ L(G),

31 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

Now reduction:
Convert polynomial data L1 to Macaulay Matrix M1

ab b2 bc ad bd cd d 2
 
df4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
 
 1
f3  0 1 1 0 1 0 

bf4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0

32 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

Now reduction:
Convert polynomial data L1 to Macaulay Matrix M1

ab b2 bc ad bd cd d 2
 
df4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
 
 1
f3  0 1 1 0 1 0 

bf4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0

Gaussian Elimination of M1 :

 ab b bc ad bd cd d2 
df4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
 
f3  1 0 1 0 −1 0 −1 
 
 
bf4 0 1 0 0 2 0 1

32 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4
Convert matrix data back to polynomial structure F1 :

 ab b bc ad bd cd d2 
df4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
 
f3  1 0 1 0 −1 0 −1 
 
 
bf4 0 1 0 0 2 0 1
 
 
F1 = ad + bd + cd + d 2 , ab + bc − bd − d 2 , b2 + 2bd + d 2
| {z }| {z }| {z }
f5 f6 f7

33 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4
Convert matrix data back to polynomial structure F1 :

 ab b bc ad bd cd d2 
df4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
 
f3  1 0 1 0 −1 0 −1 
 
 
bf4 0 1 0 0 2 0 1
 
 
F1 = ad + bd + cd + d 2 , ab + bc − bd − d 2 , b2 + 2bd + d 2
| {z }| {z }| {z }
f5 f6 f7

lt (f5 ) , lt (f6 ) ∈ L(G), so

G ← G ∪ {f7 }.

33 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4
Next round:

G = {f4 , f7 }, P2 = {(f2 , bcf4 )} , L2 = {f2 , bcf4 } .

34 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4
Next round:

G = {f4 , f7 }, P2 = {(f2 , bcf4 )} , L2 = {f2 , bcf4 } .

We can simplify the computations:

lt (bcf4 ) = abc = lt (cf6 ) .

f6 possibly better reduced than f4 .(f6 is not in G!)

=⇒ L2 = {f2 , cf6 }

34 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4
Next round:

G = {f4 , f7 }, P2 = {(f2 , bcf4 )} , L2 = {f2 , bcf4 } .

We can simplify the computations:

lt (bcf4 ) = abc = lt (cf6 ) .

f6 possibly better reduced than f4 .(f6 is not in G!)

=⇒ L2 = {f2 , cf6 }

Symbolic preprocessing:

T (L2 ) = {abc , bc 2 , abd , acd , bcd , cd 2 }

L2 = {f2 , cf6 , }

34 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4
Next round:

G = {f4 , f7 }, P2 = {(f2 , bcf4 )} , L2 = {f2 , bcf4 } .

We can simplify the computations:

lt (bcf4 ) = abc = lt (cf6 ) .

f6 possibly better reduced than f4 .(f6 is not in G!)

=⇒ L2 = {f2 , cf6 }

Symbolic preprocessing:

T (L2 ) = {abc , bc 2 , abd , acd , bcd , cd 2 }

L2 = {f2 , cf6 , }

bc 2 ∈
/ L(G),

34 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4
Next round:

G = {f4 , f7 }, P2 = {(f2 , bcf4 )} , L2 = {f2 , bcf4 } .

We can simplify the computations:

lt (bcf4 ) = abc = lt (cf6 ) .

f6 possibly better reduced than f4 .(f6 is not in G!)

=⇒ L2 = {f2 , cf6 }

Symbolic preprocessing:

T (L2 ) = {abc , bc 2 , abd , acd , bcd , cd 2 }

L2 = {f2 , cf6 , }

bc 2 ∈
/ L(G), abd = lt (bdf4 ), but also abd = lt (bf5 )!

34 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4
Next round:

G = {f4 , f7 }, P2 = {(f2 , bcf4 )} , L2 = {f2 , bcf4 } .

We can simplify the computations:

lt (bcf4 ) = abc = lt (cf6 ) .

f6 possibly better reduced than f4 .(f6 is not in G!)

=⇒ L2 = {f2 , cf6 }

Symbolic preprocessing:

T (L2 ) = {abc , bc 2 , abd , acd , bcd , cd 2 }

L2 = {f2 , cf6 , }

bc 2 ∈
/ L(G), abd = lt (bdf4 ), but also abd = lt (bf5 )!

Let us investigate this in more detail.

34 / 57
Interlude – Simplify

Try to replace u · f by a product (wv ) · g where vg corresponds to an
already computed row in the Gauss. Elim. of a previous matrix Mi .
⇒ Reuse rows that are reduced but not “in” G.

35 / 57
Interlude – Simplify

Try to replace u · f by a product (wv ) · g where vg corresponds to an
already computed row in the Gauss. Elim. of a previous matrix Mi .
⇒ Reuse rows that are reduced but not “in” G.

Input: monomial u, polynomial f , list F of old Fi (from Mi after Gauss. Elim.)

Output: product v · g replacing u · f

35 / 57
Interlude – Simplify

Try to replace u · f by a product (wv ) · g where vg corresponds to an
already computed row in the Gauss. Elim. of a previous matrix Mi .
⇒ Reuse rows that are reduced but not “in” G.

Input: monomial u, polynomial f , list F of old Fi (from Mi after Gauss. Elim.)

Output: product v · g replacing u · f
1. d ← current index in the F4 algorithm
2. D (u ) ← {list of divisors of u }
3. for w ∈ D (u )
(a) if ∃ j ∈ {1, . . . , d − 1} such that w · f corresponds to row in Mj
. ∃1 g ∈ Fj such that lt (g ) = lt (w · f ) 
. if w 6= u: Return Simplify wu , g , F (recursive call)
. else: Return 1 · g
4. else: Return u · f

35 / 57
Interlude – Simplify


I Tries to reuse all rows from old matrices.

⇒ We need to keep them in memory.
I We also simplify generators of S-pairs, as we have done
in our example: (f2 , bcf4 ) =⇒ (f2 , cf6 ).
I One can also choose “better” reducers by other properties, not
only “last reduced one”.
I Without Simplify the F4 algorithm is rather slow.

36 / 57
Interlude – Simplify


I Tries to reuse all rows from old matrices.

⇒ We need to keep them in memory.
I We also simplify generators of S-pairs, as we have done
in our example: (f2 , bcf4 ) =⇒ (f2 , cf6 ).
I One can also choose “better” reducers by other properties, not
only “last reduced one”.
I Without Simplify the F4 algorithm is rather slow.

In our example:
Choose bf5 as reducer, not bdf4 .

36 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

Symbolic preprocessing - now with simplify:

T (L2 ) = {abc , bc 2 , abd , acd , bcd , cd 2 }

L2 = {f2 , cf6 }

bc 2 ∈
/ L(G),

37 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

Symbolic preprocessing - now with simplify:

T (L2 ) = {abc , bc 2 , abd , acd , bcd , cd 2 }

L2 = {f2 , cf6 }

bc 2 ∈
/ L(G), abd = lt (bf5 ),

37 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

Symbolic preprocessing - now with simplify:

T (L2 ) = {abc , bc 2 , abd , acd , bcd , cd 2 , b2 d , c 2 d }

L2 = {f2 , cf6 , bf5 }

bc 2 ∈
/ L(G), abd = lt (bf5 ),

37 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

Symbolic preprocessing - now with simplify:

T (L2 ) = {abc , bc 2 , abd , acd , bcd , cd 2 , b2 d , c 2 d , . . . }

L2 = {f2 , cf6 , bf5 , cf5 , df7 }

bc 2 ∈
/ L(G), abd = lt (bf5 ), and so on.

37 / 57
Example: Cyclic-4

Symbolic preprocessing - now with simplify:

T (L2 ) = {abc , bc 2 , abd , acd , bcd , cd 2 , b2 d , c 2 d , . . . }

L2 = {f2 , cf6 , bf5 , cf5 , df7 }

bc 2 ∈
/ L(G), abd = lt (bf5 ), and so on.

Now try to exploit the special structure of the Macaulay matrices.

37 / 57
Improve Gaussian Elimination

Use Linear Algebra for reduction steps in GB computations.

38 / 57
Improve Gaussian Elimination

Use Linear Algebra for reduction steps in GB computations.

1 3 0 0 7 1 0
1 0 4 1 0 0 5
0 1 6 0 8 0 1
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 0 0 1 3 1

38 / 57
Improve Gaussian Elimination

Use Linear Algebra for reduction steps in GB computations.

1 3 0 0 7 1 0
1 0 4 1 0 0 5
0 1 6 0 8 0 1
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 0 0 1 3 1

Knowledge of underlying GB structure

38 / 57
Improve Gaussian Elimination

Use Linear Algebra for reduction steps in GB computations.

1 3 0 0 7 1 0
1 0 4 1 0 0 5
0 1 6 0 8 0 1
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
reducer 0 0 0 0 1 3 1

Knowledge of underlying GB structure

38 / 57
Improve Gaussian Elimination

Use Linear Algebra for reduction steps in GB computations.

1 3 0 0 7 1 0
1 0 4 1 0 0 5
0 1 6 0 8 0 1
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
reducer 0 0 0 0 1 3 1

Knowledge of underlying GB structure

38 / 57
Improve Gaussian Elimination

Use Linear Algebra for reduction steps in GB computations.

1 3 0 0 7 1 0
1 0 4 1 0 0 5
0 1 6 0 8 0 1
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
reducer 0 0 0 0 1 3 1

Knowledge of underlying GB structure

Do a static reordering before the Gaussian Elimination to achieve a
better initial shape. Reorder afterwards.

38 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

1st step: Sort pivot and non-pivot columns

1 3 0 0 7 1 0
1 0 4 1 0 0 5
0 1 6 0 8 0 1
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 0 0 1 3 1

39 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

1st step: Sort pivot and non-pivot columns

1 3 0 0 7 1 0
1 0 4 1 0 0 5
0 1 6 0 8 0 1
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 0 0 1 3 1

Pivot column

39 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

1st step: Sort pivot and non-pivot columns

1 3 0 0 7 1 0
1 0 4 1 0 0 5
0 1 6 0 8 0 1
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 0 0 1 3 1

Pivot column

39 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

1st step: Sort pivot and non-pivot columns

1 3 0 0 7 1 0
1 0 4 1 0 0 5
0 1 6 0 8 0 1
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 0 0 1 3 1

Pivot column Non-Pivot column

39 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

1st step: Sort pivot and non-pivot columns

1 3 0 0 7 1 0
1 0 4 1 0 0 5
0 1 6 0 8 0 1
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 0 0 1 3 1

Pivot column Non-Pivot column

39 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

1st step: Sort pivot and non-pivot columns

1 3 0 0 7 1 0 1 3 7 0 0 1 0
1 0 4 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 4 1 0 5
0 1 6 0 8 0 1 0 1 8 6 0 0 9
0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 1

Pivot column Non-Pivot column

39 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

2nd step: Sort pivot and non-pivot rows

1 3 7 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 4 1 0 5
0 1 8 6 0 0 9
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 1 0 0 3 1

40 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

2nd step: Sort pivot and non-pivot rows

1 3 7 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 4 1 0 5
0 1 8 6 0 0 9
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 1 0 0 3 1

Pivot row

40 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

2nd step: Sort pivot and non-pivot rows

1 3 7 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 4 1 0 5
0 1 8 6 0 0 9
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 1 0 0 3 1

Pivot row Non-Pivot row

40 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

2nd step: Sort pivot and non-pivot rows

1 3 7 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 4 1 0 5
0 1 8 6 0 0 9
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 1 0 0 3 1

Pivot row Non-Pivot row

40 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

2nd step: Sort pivot and non-pivot rows

1 3 7 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 1 0 5
1 0 0 4 1 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 1 8 6 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 3 1
0 5 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 7 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 8 6 0 0 9

Pivot row Non-Pivot row

40 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

3rd step: Reduce lower left part to zero

1 0 0 4 1 0 5
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 1 0 0 3 1
1 3 7 0 0 1 0
0 1 8 6 0 0 9

41 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

3rd step: Reduce lower left part to zero

1 0 0 4 1 0 5 1 0 0 4 1 0 5
0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 1
1 3 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 10 3 10
0 1 8 6 0 0 9 0 0 0 6 0 2 1

41 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

4th step: Reduce lower right part

1 0 0 4 1 0 5
0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 1 0 0 3 1
0 0 0 7 10 3 10
0 0 0 6 0 2 1

42 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

4th step: Reduce lower right part

1 0 0 4 1 0 5 1 0 0 4 1 0 5
0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 1
0 0 0 7 10 3 10 0 0 0 7 10 3 10
0 0 0 6 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 5

42 / 57
Faugère-Lachartre Idea

4th step: Reduce lower right part

1 0 0 4 1 0 5 1 0 0 4 1 0 5
0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 0
0 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 1
0 0 0 7 10 3 10 0 0 0 7 10 3 10
0 0 0 6 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 5

5th step: Remap columns of lower right part

42 / 57
How our matrices look like

Some data about the matrix:

I F4 computation of homogeneous K ATSURA -12, degree 6 matrix

43 / 57
How our matrices look like

Some data about the matrix:

I F4 computation of homogeneous K ATSURA -12, degree 6 matrix
I Size 137MB

43 / 57
How our matrices look like

Some data about the matrix:

I F4 computation of homogeneous K ATSURA -12, degree 6 matrix
I Size 137MB
I 24, 006, 869 nonzero elements (density: 5%)

43 / 57
How our matrices look like

Some data about the matrix:

I F4 computation of homogeneous K ATSURA -12, degree 6 matrix
I Size 137MB
I 24, 006, 869 nonzero elements (density: 5%)
I Dimensions:
full matrix: 21, 182 × 22, 207
upper-left: 17, 915 × 17, 915
lower-left: 3, 267 × 17, 915
upper-right: 17, 915 × 4, 292
lower-right: 3, 267 × 4, 292

43 / 57
How our matrices look like (2)

44 / 57
How our matrices look like (3)

44 / 57
Hybrid Matrix Multiplication A−1 B

45 / 57
Hybrid Matrix Multiplication A−1 B

46 / 57
Reduce C to zero

47 / 57
Gaussian Elimination on D

48 / 57
New information

49 / 57
First attempts
2010 – UPMC Paris 6, INRIA PolSys Team
Jean-Charles Faugère & Sylvain Lachartre – FL

2011 – University of Kaiserslautern

Bradford Hovinen – LELA

2012 – UPMC Paris 6, INRIA PolSys Team

Fayssal Martani – new implementation in LELA

2012-2013 – University of Kaiserslautern

Bjarke Hammersholt Roune – MathicGB

2012-2014 – University of Passau

Severin Neumann – parallelGBC
50 / 57
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